Synopsis Theater-dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok” for 2nd junior group

Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale “Kolobok” for 1st grade

Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale “Kolobok” for younger schoolchildren
Author: Yulia Vladimirovna Malysheva, teacher of the after-school group at MBOU Gymnasium No. 3, Sharya city, Kostroma region Description: This material is intended for elementary school students. The material can be used in extracurricular activities. Goal: to motivate students to read fairy tales
Progress of the event
Characters Gingerbread Man Grandfather Grandmother Hare Wolf Bear Fox Decoration of grandparent's house furniture and utensils forest trees toy gingerbread man bundle of brushwood

Act one In the foreground on the left is a village house. There are trees on the right. There is a forest in the background. Grandfather comes out from behind the trees on the right with a bundle of brushwood and walks towards the house. In the middle of the stage he stops and places the bundle on the edge of the screen. Grandfather Oh, I'm tired! Tired! Today I got up early, planted ten beds, went to the forest for brushwood. I did a lot of things, but didn’t have time to eat. Grandma, is it time for lunch? Grandma looks out of the window. Grandma (cheerfully) But his grandfathers are gone! They ate bread and drank kvass. That's all the stock was gone! There will be a new harvest, so come to dinner! The grandmother leaves the house, takes the brushwood and hides in the house again. Someone is scratching. Grandfather listens. Grandfather Wait a minute, Grandma, can you hear the mice scratching in the pantry? Go there quickly, mark the bottom of the barrel. Collect the flour in a scoop, we will bake a bun. In general, grandma, think about it. Grandma leaves the house with a bucket and gives it to Grandfather. Grandma In the meantime, go to the river and bring some water to knead the dough! Well, better than the key, not dead, but alive! Grandfather takes the bucket and hides behind the trees on the right. Grandma How will I walk, how will I walk Along the bottom of the litter! I'll collect the flour in a scoop and bake us a bun! The grandmother hides in the house, returns with a bowl, puts it on the edge of the screen. Grandfather comes out from behind the trees on the right with a bucket and approaches Grandma. Grandfather This is icy water! Grandma Pour it here! Grandfather pours water into a bowl. Grandma begins to knead the dough. Grandma stops kneading and takes out a lump of dough from the bowl. Grandma Wait, my heart! If the dough rises, it will go into your mouth easier! We wait, we wait, we wait... But now it’s just the right time to put it in the oven! The grandmother takes the lump of dough into the house. Grandfather This is a wise lesson! I could never understand, Why couldn’t I bake bread for us? Couldn’t I bake it myself? Grandma looks out the window. Grandma Why strive for miracles, If you can do it yourself? Grandma takes Kolobok out onto the porch. Grandma Look, it’s blazing hot. We’ll soon sit down to the samovar and, as usual, we’ll drink tea together with the kolobok. Grandfather wants to take it, but gets burned. Grandfather Ay! Grandma Don't hold out your hands, they will be useful to us. Wait a little longer, Let him chill on the porch. While he brings down the heat, we will heat up the samovar. Grandfather and Grandmother are hiding in the house. Kolobok (scared) They almost dried it in the oven, and now they decided to eat it. I can’t wait to die, I’ll run away from home! The bun jumps off the porch and disappears behind the right curtain. Grandma and grandfather leave the house. Grandma (in amazement) Grandfather, look, he rolled away, didn’t even say goodbye to us! Grandfather (contritely) And all of you! Like, sit down, wait and wait. Now, we're left without lunch! Grandma Maybe we should follow the trail? Grandfather Come on, grandma, don't joke, we won't be able to find Kolobok! Grandma (lamenting) Oh, my little grandpa, my little grandpa, The little bun has rolled away, How many years have we been living with you - All of us together, and all of us together... There is no daughter, no son. Grandfather Not really Kolobok Do you want to adopt? Grandmother (sighing) Maybe, grandfather, maybe! He was just born. Oh, why did he roll away and where will he go now? He will disappear, he will disappear! Grandfather Yes, he came out too lively! Grandma Oh, the boy will have his share of troubles. Kolobok would return home, my son! And all of you! Ooh, heartless! Grandfather Why are you always nagging me? It's not my fault. Grandma, bake pancakes! Act two There are several trees in the foreground on the left and right. There is a forest in the background. Kolobok rolls out from behind the trees on the left. Kolobok I scrape the box, I sweep the bottom, I have a ruddy side. I am a cheerful Kolobok! A Hare comes out from behind the trees on the right to meet Kolobok. Hare The little gray bunny loves to run skipping through the forest! Listen to everything with your ears, eat everything with your teeth! You're completely fresh, wait, I'll eat you! The bun jumps to the side. Kolobok I don’t want to be dinner, I left my grandparents! I won’t get into trouble, I’ll leave you, Oblique! The bun quickly rolls past the Hare and disappears behind the trees on the right. The hare runs after him. Hare Stop! Kolobok Race for at least half a day, you won’t catch up with me! After some time, Kolobok appears again from behind the trees on the left. Kolobok I scrape the box, I sweep the bottom, I have a ruddy side. I am a cheerful Kolobok! A Wolf comes out from behind the trees on the right. The Wolf Wants to grab the top with his teeth, put it in his mouth, and then in his tummy. You are absolutely fresh! Wait, I'll eat you! Kolobok I don't want to be lunch! I left my grandparents, You wouldn’t scare me, I ran away from the Hare! There's no point in catching up with me, I'll run away from the wolf too! The bun quickly rolls past the Wolf and disappears behind the trees on the right. The wolf runs after him. The bun appears again from behind the trees on the left. Kolobok I scrape the box, I sweep the bottom, I have a ruddy side. I am a cheerful Kolobok! A Bear comes out from behind the trees on the right. The bear loves donuts with honey. Eating a clumsy bear. You're absolutely fresh! Wait, I'll eat you! Kolobok I don't want to be lunch! I left my grandparents, You wouldn’t scare me, I ran away from the Hare! There is no point in catching up with me, I also ran away from the Wolf. I won't get into trouble, I'll leave you, Bear! The bun quickly rolls past the Bear and disappears behind the trees on the right. The bear runs away after him. The bun appears again from behind the trees on the left. Kolobok I scrape the box, I sweep the bottom, I have a ruddy side. I am a cheerful Kolobok! The Fox comes out from behind the trees on the right. Fox Have you heard about the fox? There is no one more cunning than me in the forest. For the edification of all children, I will now eat Kolobok! Kolobok I don't want to be lunch! I left my grandmother and grandfather, and ran away from the Hare. The wolf threatened me too. I wasn’t afraid of him, And I didn’t give in to the Bear! I won’t get into trouble, I’ll leave you, Fox! Fox (ingratiatingly) Nice, dear, you are singing, It’s a pity that you can’t understand the words. Sit on my tongue, sing about the ruddy side. Kolobok I scrape the box, I sweep the bottom, I have a ruddy side. I am cheerful..... The fox attacks Kolobok and eats him. Fox Kolobok! He left his grandparents. He didn't want to be dinner. It sat on my tongue... But it’s delicious, you fool!

Stage decoration



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