Leisure - KVN on traffic rules in the preparatory group Topic: “Green Light”

KVN on traffic rules (school preparatory group)

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 173"

KVN “Traffic rules are worthy of respect”

(school preparatory group)

Educator: Danilenko Svetlana Mikhailovna

Ivanovo 2011 Vocabulary work:

Traffic light, traffic controller, controlled intersection, sidewalk, pavement (roadway);
road signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Pedestrian path”, “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”, “Transport stopping place”, “Caution, pedestrian crossing!”, “Caution, children!”. Preliminary work
: learning dialogues and poems with the teacher;
ditties, songs and dances with the musical director. Equipment:
- decoration of the hall for the competition: on the central wall of the music hall there is the KVN inscription “Traffic rules are worthy of respect”, a figure of a traffic light and a car, road signs, balls; — emblems for team captains; — colored hats for children acting as traffic signals; — costumes for children (mice and Leopold the cat) whistle; - road signs; - a sheet of white paper, glue, machine elements; — crossword “Transport”; — 2 hoops, 2 bandages and splints; — evaluation sheets for jury members; - prizes.

Educational area - Goal Physical education - Formation of motor qualities: agility, speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination. Health - Creating favorable health-saving conditions for the development of children. Safety - Formation of caution and prudence. Communication - Developing the ability to communicate with each other in the process of activity. Cognition - Stimulating the cognitive activity of children in games on the rules of behavior on the streets and roads, in providing first aid. Socialization - Preparing children to be independent on the street. Music - Stimulating the development of a sense of rhythm and plastic expressiveness of movements. Labor - Consolidating knowledge about traffic rules through creativity.

The soundtrack of the song “We are starting KVN” plays, everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Attention! We are starting KVN - a competition for cheerful and resourceful people who are experts in traffic rules. Two teams of children from the preparatory group are participating in our competition - “Znayki” and “Pochemuchki”. Let's welcome them. To the music, the teams enter the hall and stand at their chairs. The city in which you and I live can rightfully be compared to an ABC book. With the alphabet of streets, avenues, roads, the City gives us a lesson all the time. Here is the alphabet above your head - Signs are hung along the pavement. Always remember the alphabet of the city, so that trouble does not happen to you. The word for greetings is given to the captain of the Znayki team. We send our warmest greetings to the “Pochemuchek” team. And we sincerely wish to know the correct answer. Knowing the rules of the road is a great achievement. The word for greetings is given to the captain of the “Pochemuchki” team. We came to our competition, Let's not be lazy, Answer questions, Sing and have fun. We loudly say to our rivals “Knowledgeable”: Everyone: We will fight with you, But we simply won’t give in. We will follow the traffic rules without objection! And the game will be judged by a fair jury consisting of the head of the MBDOU, a traffic police inspector and a teacher-psychologist. And now I’ll test you and start a game for you. I will ask questions now - answering them is not easy. If you act in accordance with the rules of the road, then answer in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” and if not, then remain silent. Which of you goes forward only where there is a transition? Who flies forward so quickly that they don’t see the traffic light? Does anyone know that a red light means there is no movement? Tell me, which of you is waiting, since the yellow eye is shining? Which of you, walking home, follows the pavement?

How many of you on a cramped tram give up your seat to adults? Who flies on roller skates Where the path is blocked for everyone? Does anyone know that a green light means the path is open?

Three children enter the hall to the music - three traffic lights. Green: Walking down the street is dangerous when you are not paying attention. But there are friends, green! Red: Red! Yellow: And a much needed yellow light! Red: To help you, The path is dangerous, It burns both day and night - Green: Green! Yellow: Yellow! Red: Red! Of course, you learned that green, yellow and red traffic lights appeared in front of us. They invite you to dance, and the jury will see how attentive you are. If there is green ahead, dance merrily; if yellow – stop! dance on the spot; Well, if it’s red, shake your finger at each other “You can’t go forward!” (Yu. Chichkov “Polka”) Here at our intersection a traffic light will help us. They are burning for you, traffic lights. Red – Children: Stop! Yellow – Children: Wait! What about green? Children: Come in! An intersection where traffic is regulated by a traffic light is called a controlled intersection. Do you know who else can regulate traffic at intersections? Look, what a strong man, on the move with one hand, he’s used to stopping a Zhiguli and a truck. (Traffic officer) And I give the floor to the traffic police inspector.

  1. Why is a traffic light called a traffic light? (light bearer)
  2. Where in our country was the first traffic light installed? (in Moscow)
  3. Follow my gestures and find out which traffic signal they correspond to.
  4. Who should pedestrians or drivers obey if the traffic controller's signals contradict the traffic light signals? (traffic controller signals are more important than traffic light signals)

The jury sums up the results. Hey guys and girls, sing some ditties!

The sidewalk is my road There are not many pedestrians, But everyone must stay on the right side.

Oh, you, Vanya! Oh, you, Vanya! Look at the traffic light. You, Vanya, mixed everything up and went to the red light.

My friend Mishka rolls dashingly out of the gate on a scooter. Mishka has a bump on his forehead. Mishka does not have a scooter.

We are girlfriends - girlfriends, We have eyes and ears: We walk along the road, We read and sing everything.

Dear friends, listen to my advice: After all, the road is not a reading room and not a place for conversations.

We are good athletes, we love to play football. The pavement was turned into our field - a stadium.

Undoubtedly, the conclusion is clear to me that the pass is dangerous for life. Not roads, but courtyards - A place for such a game. To the music of B. Savelyev “Tail by Tail,” mice appear, turn over all the road signs and call on the phone: “Leopold, come out!” - Come out, you vile coward! The whistle blows, and to the song “I’ve been having fun since the morning,” the cat Leopold comes out of the m/f. Cat Leopold: Guys, let's live together! What have you done? Where did they hide all the road signs? Mice: Why are they needed? Cat Leopold: - Guys, why are there road signs on the roads and streets? (...) - Mice, please bring the sign that is installed at the crossings. The mice don’t know and the presenter invites the “Know” team to find this sign. — Mice, please bring the sign that is installed next to the school and kindergarten. The mice don't know again. The presenter asks the “Why Chek” team to find the desired sign. Host: - Leopold the cat, look here. And these mouse signs were even broken! How can we fix them? Maybe we can ask the guys for help? Guys, can you help us? Each team is given “shards” of signs and will need to collect and identify them (name and explain their meaning). Important road signs - Compass for adults and children! Children! Be careful! Know what is not allowed and what is possible! Follow without fail Whatever the signs say. Guys, we are coping very well with all the traffic rules tasks, and it’s still autumn outside. Let's please her with a funny song. The guys perform the song “Drip, drip along the paths.” And now I invite team captains to the most important competition - the captains competition

. In 1 minute you have to glue all the elements of the car onto paper - make an applique. The jury sums up the results. Our next competition is called “Crossroads of Mysteries”. Each team has prepared three riddles for their opponents, which you will ask each other in turn. And we will enter the answers (correct answers) into the crossword puzzle, where the keyword is TRANSPORT.

A house rides on wheels, They don’t live in it for a long time. (Bus) Two pairs of legs on the pavement And two arms above your head. (Trolleybus) On a clear morning along the road, dew glistens on the grass. Legs move along the road and two wheels run. The riddle has an answer: This is my... (Bicycle) For this horse, riding is Gasoline, and oil, and water. He does not graze in the meadow, he rushes along the road. (Car) I had a cart, but I didn’t have a horse. And suddenly she neighed. She neighed and ran. Look, a cart runs without a horse. (Truck) Speeds and shoots, Grunts in a patter. The tram can't keep up with this chatter. (Motorcycle) Guys, please tell me where to stand while waiting for public transport? (At a stop, and where there is none - on the sidewalk near a special sign.)

“Bus stop” A “driver” is selected from each team, he puts on a hoop, and the second team member holds on to it. The “driver” takes turns transporting his team members to the opposite side. Who will transport it faster? The mice join in the game, “fall” and groan. The siren sounds. Help is needed. “Give help” 2 people from each team are selected. Some splint and bandage their arm, while others bandage their leg. Who will help faster? The jury sums up the results. Our next competition is “What would happen if…”

Listen carefully to the question, think and say, “what would happen if...”. Don't interfere with each other's listening and responding. If necessary, supplement your comrades' answers.

  1. What would happen if one of us started jumping on the bus and talking loudly?
  2. What would happen if someone got into a vehicle with ice cream, climbed onto the seat with their legs and started littering?
  3. What would happen if you stood leaning against the doors while a bus or trolleybus was moving?
  4. What would happen if I did not pay for public transport?
  5. What would happen if the guys started looking out of the windows of public transport?
  6. What would you do if you saw a girl walking, tripped over a stone, fell and dropped her bag?
  7. What would happen if the guys went out to play hockey not far from the roadway in winter?
  8. What would happen if one of us, while crossing the road, were distracted by noise, screaming, or heard our name?
  9. What would happen if someone rode a bicycle whose brakes did not work?

10) What would happen if people did not follow traffic rules? Today the parents of our players also came to our competition. Alena’s mother, Marina Aleksandrovna, came to support the “Knowledge” team, and Lera’s mother, Elena Mikhailovna, came to support the “Pochemuchki” team. We have prepared a small quiz “ Automulti” for you.

The first person to answer is the one who raises his hand first after the signal. - What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace? (on the stove) - What did Uncle Fyodor’s parents give to the postman Pechkin? (bicycle) - What did the Good Fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (into the carriage) - What did old Hottabych fly on? (on an airplane carpet) - What is the name of Baba Yaga’s personal transport? (mortar, broom) - What did Kai ride on? (on a sled) - What kind of transport did the Bremen Town Musicians use? (on a cart) - What did Baron Munchausen fly on? (on the core) - What did the absent-minded man go to Leningrad on? (by train) - Live transport in the North. (deer)

The jury sums up the results of the competition. The floor is given to the traffic police inspector, and prizes are awarded. They don’t just walk around the city, down the street: When you don’t know the rules, It’s easy to get into trouble. Be careful all the time and remember in advance: The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules! Guys, friendship won our competition. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, because you are real experts in traffic rules. So let's join together in a round dance. All participants perform the dance “Big Round Dance” (music by V. Savelyev, lyrics by A. Khait). Thank you all, see you again!

KVN “All children are supposed to know the rules of the road!”


1 Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the Beloyarsky district “Child development center kindergarten “Skazka”, Beloyarsky” KVN “All children are supposed to know the rules of the road!” Senior group 10 “Sun” Teachers: Zmanovskaya T.V. Kaygorodova E.F. Traffic police inspector 2014

2 KVN “All children are supposed to know the rules of the road!” Participants: children of the senior group and their parents, traffic police inspector. Goal: Clarify and reinforce traffic rules with children. Strengthen children's knowledge about road signs and their purpose; Develop the ability to work in a team. To cultivate a sense of friendship, cohesion, and the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life. Develop logical thinking and initiative. Promoting traffic rules among preschool children. Progress of the event: Presenter: Hello, friends! Dear children, teachers, and guests. In ancient times, when there were no cars, people drove and walked along the streets as they pleased. Modern city streets are filled with trucks and cars. Chaos in the streets would make our lives difficult and dangerous. To prevent chaos, the traffic police drew up traffic rules for streets and roads. Today is a big and interesting day in our hall! We are starting our fun, everyone’s favorite KVN! And we will compete according to the rules of the road. 1.Meet the team members (Greeting of the teams) team “Pedestrian” Team CAPTAIN Our motto: Pedestrian! A pedestrian! Remember about the transition! Underground, above ground, Zebra-like. Know that only the transition will save you from the cars. We will follow the traffic rules without objection!

3 TEAM “Traffic Light” Team CAPTAIN OUR motto: Our house is a traffic light. We are three siblings. We have been shining for a long time On the road to all the guys. Knowing the traffic rules is a great achievement! Presenter: Listen carefully to the conditions of the game: for each correct answer, participants will receive , the team that scores the most points wins. And the teams will be evaluated by the jury COMPETITION “Warm-up” Presenter: I will ask questions to the teams one by one, and you will answer clearly and quickly. For each correct answer you get 1 point. 1.What types of pedestrian crossings are there? 2.Where can I play in the yard? 3.Why is a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light more dangerous than a crossing with a traffic light? 4.What geometric shape do prohibitory road signs have? 5.What color are the prohibition signs? 6. What cars are allowed to go through a red traffic light? 7. Why should adults hold the child’s hand tightly when crossing the road? 8. The traffic light for pedestrians turned green. Is it possible to immediately start crossing the roadway? 3. COMPETITION “Do you know road signs” (homework) Children ask riddles to each other in turns. Points are awarded based on the number of correct answers. I want to ask about the sign, Maxim

4 The sign is drawn like this. In the triangle, the guys are running as fast as they can somewhere. (“Careful, children!”) We were walking home from the garden, Sofa We see a sign on the pavement: Circle, there’s a bicycle inside, There’s nothing else! (“Bike path”) Here is a circle with a red border, Patimat And there is no picture inside. Maybe there should be a portrait of a beautiful girl inside? The circle is empty in winter and summer, What is this sign called? (“Movement is prohibited”) There are two brothers of Rinat in the triangle. Everyone is rushing somewhere, rushing. The most important sign in the world It’s just nearby... (“Children”)

5 In the blue circle, the pedestrian Makar is not in a hurry, walking. The path is safe, He is not afraid here. (“Pedestrian path”) What kind of sign is that hanging? Tanya He tells the cars to stop... Pedestrian! Walk boldly along the black and white paths. (“Pedestrian crossing”) 4. Game “Choose the right sign” 5. Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends” - Which of you goes forward only where the crossing is? - Who knows that green light means: the path is open? - Which of you, in a cramped carriage, will give up a seat to an old lady? - Which of you, walking home, follows the pavement? “Who runs ahead so fast that they don’t see the traffic light?” - Who knows that a red light means there is no movement? — Along the black and white stripes, which of you walks boldly? 6. “Captains” COMPETITION Presenter: “Think and Answer” Competition (analysis of problem situations) Children, each team needs to think and answer what you would do. Situation 1: A boy needs to cross the road, but the pedestrian crossing is far away. He decided to cross the road at an undesignated crossing point.

6 Situation 2: The girl got off the bus and began to cross the road in front of the bus. Did she do the right thing? 6. Competition for parents: “Assemble a car. 7. RESULT Please, dear jury, sum up the results. Jury: Friendship wins!! You all know the rules of the road very well and... Hope. you use them outdoors. TRAFFIC LIGHT: WELL DONE GUYS! YOU SHOWED EXCELLENT KNOWLEDGE! These rules are not ignored, they are the most important! The way home will not be scary for you, if you strictly and without a doubt follow the rules of the road. AWARDING THE TEAMS Presenter: This concludes our fun KVN. I wish you to be obedient pedestrians and obey traffic rules.

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