Fire safety quest game “Young firefighters”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of the quiz "Young firefighters" for children of senior preschool age (5 - 6 years old) (final GCD on the basics of life safety)

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about fire safety rules and rules of conduct in case of fire.



  1. Strengthen children's knowledge about the causes of fire.
  2. To consolidate children's knowledge about the profession "Firefighter" .
  3. Strengthen the ability to answer questions correctly and completely.


  1. To strengthen children's knowledge of safe handling of fire and flammable objects.
  2. Strengthen the ability to anticipate possible dangers in the event of a fire.
  3. Strengthen children's ability to work in a team.


  1. Develop skills for safe behavior in the event of a fire.
  2. Foster respect for the profession of firefighter .

Planned result: students reason, understand the content of the question and give a complete, meaningful answer, know how to behave in emergency situations, know how to work as a team, and can foresee possible danger in the event of a fire.

Preliminary work with children: didactic game “Who needs what” , conversation about fire-hazardous objects; reading the works of S.Ya. Marshak "Fire" , "Cat's House" ; K. Chukovsky “Confusion” ; examination of subject pictures: fire safety, fire truck, professions fire inspector, fireman; solving riddles on the topic “Fire Safety” ; c/game “Evacuation” .

Preliminary work with parents: watching cartoons with children, visiting a fire station, consultation for parents “Help children remember fire safety rules” , “Be careful with household appliances” .

Preliminary work with teachers: selection of musical repertoire; production of emblems according to the number of children “Sparkles” , “Ogonki” , medals “Young Firefighter” .

Forms of organizing joint activities: frontal.

Methods and techniques: gaming, visual, verbal.

Equipment: fire safety inspector costume, interactive whiteboard, “Question and Answer” “Guess and Name” presentation “Name the fire safety rules” presentation “Young Firefighter” medal - according to the number of children, red chips - according to the number of children , emblem for the teams “Sparkles” and “Ogonki” according to the number of children, two buckets for chips.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development” , “Artistic and aesthetic development” , “Speech development” , “Social and communicative development” , “Physical development” .

Quiz progress

I. Introductory part.

Educator: Hello, dear guys! Let's greet each other (children stand in a semicircle, holding hands).

Good morning! Happy new day! Happy new sun outside the window! Good morning! Start your day well!

Educator: (motivation, the melody from the song “Firemen’s Song” ; the teacher puts on a fire safety inspector’s costume - jacket and cap). Guys, I'm Inspector Pozharkin, I'm recruiting a team of young firefighters. Would you like to enter my service? (children's answers). But to become a young firefighter, you need to remember everything you know about the fire service. You are ready? (Children's answers). I suggest not wasting time and undergoing special training for young firefighters. We need to divide into two teams (children stand in a line, count one or two and form two teams). And now each team must confer and choose a team captain (children choose a team captain and sit on chairs). I encrypted the name of each team in riddles:

1. He is beautiful and bright red, but he is burning, hot, dangerous! (light)

2. They are like splashes from fire, They all try to burn me! (spark)

(children's answers)

Pozharkin: The first team is “Ogonki” , the second team is “Sparkles” . (distributing emblems to teams.).

II. Main part.

Pozharkin: Guys, I have prepared tasks for you with questions, for the correct answer the team gets a chip. The team with the most chips wins. (for correct answers in competitions, Pozharkin distributes chips, which the team captains put in their chip buckets. A “?” , and if the answer is correct, an image with the answer to the question is shown).

1. Competition. "Question answer" .

Questions for the Ogonyki team:

1 question. Think and answer - when is fire a friend to man? (fire can be a friend when it: heats houses, warms hunters and travelers, helps cook food, launches ships into space).

Pozharkin: Team “Sparkles” , do you think “Sparkles” the question correctly? (Children's answers). Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain for the correct answer

2 Question. What is the fire department number? (fire department number 01). Why is the fire department phone number so short and simple? (To make it easy to remember).

Iskorki team agree or disagree with the answer ? (Children's answers). Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain for the correct answer

3 Question. Why is the body of a fire truck painted red? (the fire truck is painted red because red is bright and resembles fire; so that it is visible on the road).

Pozharkin: What do the guys from the Iskorki ? Do you agree or disagree with the answer? (Children's answers). Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain for the correct answer

4 Question. Why can't you open windows and doors in case of fire? (because when air enters the room, the fire flares up even more.).

Pozharkin: Team “Sparkles” , do you think the team “Sparkles” the questions correctly? Which answers do you agree with and which ones do you not? (children's answers). Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain for the correct answer

Questions for the Iskorki team:

1 question. What is the name of the profession of people who put out fires? (the profession of people who put out fires is called firefighter).

Pozharkin: What does the Ogonyki , do they agree or not with the answer to this question? (children's answers). Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain for the correct answer

2 Question. What means do firefighters use to extinguish a fire? (firefighters extinguish the fire with water taken from a hydrant and foam).

Pozharkin: Let's listen to what the Ogonyki , listen to them, what they agree with, and maybe they have their own answer? (children's answers). Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain for the correct answer

3 Question. What is the difference between a fire truck and a car? (a fire truck differs from a passenger car in color, size, a fire truck is equipped with a siren and a flashing beacon; a fire truck has a ladder, but a passenger car does not have a ladder).

Pozharkin: I wonder what the “Ogonki” , did “Sparkles” this question correctly? (children's answers). Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain for the correct answer.

4 Question. Think and tell me when is fire the enemy of man? (fire can be a person’s enemy when it causes a fire).

Pozharkin: Team “Ogonki” , do you think the team “Sparkles” the questions correctly? Which answers do you agree with and which ones do you not? (children's answers). Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain for the correct answer

Pozharkin: Well done, the team members answered all the questions in the task correctly and earned chips.

2. Competition. “Guess and Name” (presentation “Guess and Name” , if you answer the riddle correctly, an illustration from a work of art appears).

Pozharkin: Guys, in this competition for attention, the team that solves the riddle the fastest will get a chip. From which works are the following lines taken?

1. The sea is burning with flames, a whale ran out to the sea, Hey, firefighters, run! Help, help! (K. Chukovsky “Confusion” ).

(a picture of the 1st slide appears on the screen. Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain for the correct answer).

2. And suddenly they started shouting: “Fire! We're on fire! We're on fire!" With crackling, clicking and thunder. Looks around

Waving his red sleeve. (S. Marshak “Cat House” ).

(a picture of the 2nd slide appears on the screen. Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain for the correct answer).

3. What is that smoke overhead? What's that thunder over the pavement? The house is on fire around the corner. What kind of darkness is all around?

The team puts up the ladders and saves the house from fire. (S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa” ).

(a picture of the 3rd slide appears on the screen. Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain for the correct answer).

4. The firefighters are looking, the police are looking,

We are looking for photographers in our capital,

They have been looking for a long time, but cannot find,

A guy of about twenty years old. (S. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero” ).

(a picture of the 4th slide appears on the screen. Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain for the correct answer).

5. Mother went to the market and said to her daughter Lena: “Don’t touch the stove, Helen, it burns, Helen, it’s fire!” (S. Marshak “Fire” ).

(a picture of the 5th slide appears on the screen. Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain for the correct answer).

6. Long, long time crocodile

The blue sea was extinguished

Pies and pancakes,

And dried pancakes. (K. Chukovsky “Confusion” )

(a picture of the 6th slide appears on the screen. Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain for the correct answer).

Pozharkin: We guessed all the riddles, well done, each team received chips for the correct answer (team captains receive chips and put them in their chip bucket).

Pozharkin: You guys are great, you guys are daredevils. I suggest you warm up a little, physical exercise “Fire Truck” . (Children stand in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the text).

Physical exercise "Fire Truck"

Here is a fire truck (children run in a circle, arms to the sides).

It flies towards the fire like an arrow.

We are there, stop (stop).

What's happened? Where is it burning? (They look to the right - to the left, placing either the right or the left palm with the visor to the forehead).

The flames fly high! (Raise their hands above their heads.)

Puffs of black smoke! ( “Draw” circles in the air in front of you with both hands).

Sparks sparkle in the air! (Cover your face with your palms.)

Let's get down to business! Pull the hose! (Waving their hand towards themselves, “pulling the hose” ).

We unwound the hose together (with our arms bent at the elbows and our fingers clenched into a fist, we represent an unwinding hose).

Well, fire, now hold on! (They threaten the fire with their finger).

A steady stream of water flows. ( "Holding a hose in their hands, pouring on the fire" ).

The flame goes out, goes out (raise their arms above their heads and gradually lower them, sit down).

We managed without help! (They get to their feet, “wiping the sweat from their forehead with their hand” ).

It became clear even to the children (they shake a finger).

It's dangerous to joke with fire!

If suddenly there is trouble again, “01” !

Pozharkin: You did a great job of putting out the “fire” ! Great! I suggest moving on to the next task! Captains of the “Sparkles” and “Ogonki” , do your teams know the fire safety rules? (Children sit on chairs in a semicircle behind the captains).

Captains: They know!

Pozharkin: I’ll check now!

(presentation “Name the fire safety rules” ).

3. Competition “Name the fire safety rules” (Pozharkin shows a plot picture on the screen to the children, the children say the corresponding rule, for the correct answer Pozharkin gives a chip to the team captain).

Children's answers:

  1. You cannot play with matches and lighters!
  2. In case of fire, you must leave the premises!
  3. It is prohibited to use fireworks, candles, sparklers indoors!
  4. You cannot use electrical appliances yourself without an adult!
  5. In case of fire, never get into the elevator!
  6. When the firefighters arrive, listen to them in everything and don’t be afraid!

III. Final part. Summarizing.

Pozharkin: Well done, guys! You made me happy! They showed their knowledge on all tasks and answered all questions correctly! Let's count how many chips each team collected! Captains of the “Ogonki” and “Sparkles” , please count and tell me how many chips are in your buckets (team captains count the chips and give them to Pozharkin).

Pozharkin: Guys, what task did you like best? What do you think was the most difficult task for you? (Children's answers).

Pozharkin: I think that there are no losers in our quiz and I see that you are ready to join the ranks of young firefighters. I enroll everyone in our squad of young firefighters! (Pozharkin distributes “Young Firefighter” and a “Firemen to the Rescue” ).

I wish you success! Goodbye!


  1. Avdeeva, N. N. Security. Textbook / N.N. Avdeeva, R.B. Sterkina, O.L. Knyazeva. - M.: Detstvo-Press, 2021. - 144 p.
  2. Belaya, K. Yu. Formation of safety principles for preschool children / K. Yu. White. — Moscow: Science, 2021. — 561 p.
  3. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Innovative preschool education program. / Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, E. M. Dorofeeva. — Fifth edition (innovative), revised. and additional - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2021. - p.336
  4. Garnysheva, T.P. Life safety for preschoolers. Work planning, lesson notes, games / T.P. Garnysheva. - M.: Detstvo-Press, 2019. - 773 p.
  5. Timofeeva, L. L. Formation of a safety culture. Planning educational activities in the senior group / L.L. Timofeeva. - M.: Detstvo-Press, 2021. - 192 p.
  6. Shipunova, V. A. OBZh. Dangerous objects and phenomena / V.A. Shipunova. - M.: Sfera, Karapuz, 2021. - 674 p.

Completed by: Chernieva Elena Nikolaevna,

Teacher of MBDOU No. 37 “Bell” ,

Surgut, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

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Fire safety project “Young Firefighters” for older children


Fire safety project “Young Firefighters” for older children

Pedagogical project

«Young firefighters«

Author of the project : Borodina Svetlana Andreevna, work experience - 25 years, category - first

Alekseeva Elena Anatolyevna, work experience – 26 years, category – highest

Thematic field: Fire safety

Project name : Young firefighters

Project type : By dominant activity – educational;

By number of participants: children of the senior group ;

By duration: short-term (3 weeks)


By nature of contacts: within a group

Problem: The problem of safety in modern conditions is one of the most pressing. Events taking place in the world indicate an increase in man-made, natural and sociogenic dangers to human life.

It is possible to prepare a child for emergency situations, for the ability to find a way out of situations that are dangerous to life and health, based on the formation of a system of knowledge about the basic safety of human life and society, training in practical skills for protecting life and health, based on the formation of his experience of safe vital activity

Relevance of the problem: In modern conditions, the problem of fire safety is of particular relevance, which is dictated by the following circumstances:

— the number of fires that occurred due to the human factor has increased;

— the presence of children’s play activities with fire-hazardous objects ;

- lack of competence and negligent attitude towards this problem.

In modern conditions of preschool educational institutions, it is necessary to form the correct attitude towards fire safety , since childhood is the most favorable age


To form in children a conscious and responsible attitude towards compliance with fire safety . Equip yourself with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to act in extreme situations


— to develop the ability to assess possible danger, help children remember fire safety , and instill practical skills in children’s behavior in the event of a fire ;

- cultivate a sense of caution and self-preservation, self-confidence, a sense of gratitude to people who help in difficult situations

Project hypothesis project work plan in various types of activities, then perhaps children will develop a conscious and responsible attitude towards compliance with fire safety

The expected result is the formation of knowledge about fire safety , a holistic understanding of fire and its consequences ;

— Respect for the work of firefighters ;

— Development , creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills children

Project implementation

Stage I: Organizational

1. Selection of information and illustration material

2. Development of a project

3. Consultation in the parent corner “How to teach a child the correct behavior in case of fire

Stage II: Practical

1. Conversations: “When is fire useful, when is fire dangerous?”

“Don’t touch dangerous objects!”
“Matches are not a toy for children”
, “Behavior in nature
(what you can do and what you can’t do)
2. View the presentation “Beware of fire!”

, viewing posters and illustrations on the topic

3. "Visiting the firefighters "

– Meeting with
fire and rescue service personnel, review of special equipment.
transport 4. Reading fiction: S. Marshak Fire

“Cat's House”
“The Story of an Unknown Hero”
T. Fetisov “Where the red cars are rushing”
5. Interactive game “Be careful with fire”

, D/games
“Who needs what for work”
“Dangerous - not dangerous”
6. S/r game Fireman

7. Drawing “On fire

Stage III: Final

Video about the work done on social media. Internet

Additional general development program “Young Firefighter”

Art. 4.2 of the Charter of the All-Russian Voluntary Firefighting Society

Order of the Government of the Saratov Region dated October 29, 2018 No. 288 - Order “On the implementation of a target model for the development of a regional system of additional education for children in the Saratov Region”;

PFDO Rules (Order “On approval of the Rules for personalized financing of additional education in the Saratov region” dated May 21, 2019 No. 1077, paragraph 51.).

Program focus

– social and pedagogical.

Relevance and pedagogical feasibility of the program:

Anthropogenic activities annually lead to more than 220 thousand fires, in which more than 18 thousand people die, including more than 700 children. Over the past five years, educational institutions have registered

Over 8 thousand fires - 158 people died, 85 of them children.

It has been established that more than 20% of fires occur due to violation of the rules for installing and operating electrical equipment, and 65% of fires are due to careless handling of fire. This indicates that the majority of managers at various levels of educational institutions and the students themselves are careless about their safety and have little knowledge of basic fire safety measures.


This additional general development program is based on an understanding of the priority of educational work aimed at developing and improving the system of teaching schoolchildren fire safety measures, their career guidance, promoting fire-technical knowledge and implementing other tasks aimed at preventing fires and the ability to act in case of fire.

Distinctive features

of this program are that the priority areas are the practical skills of students in fire fighting and the prevention of child injuries in fires. The program is implemented in a network form with secondary schools in the city of Krasnoarmeysk and the Krasnoarmeysky municipal district with a creativity center and fire and rescue unit -43 of Krasnoarmeysk. Training under the program will take place both at schools, at the fire and rescue unit - 43 in Krasnoarmeysk, and at the creativity center. The division of classes is reflected in the academic calendar schedule. (Appendix No. 1).

Program addressee

This program is intended for classes with students aged 7-10 years.

Scope and duration of the program

. The program is designed for 1 year of study. The total number of training hours is 72 hours.

Form of study

. Full-time.

Lesson mode.

Classes are held once a week, 2 class hours. The duration of the lesson in accordance with the Charter of the institution and SanPiN is 45 minutes. The group is formed from students consisting of 8 – 15 people.

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