How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety for school or kindergarten? How to draw a memo poster with fire safety rules, drawing for the Burning Bush competition?

How to draw a picture on the topic of fire safety with a preschooler and schoolchild? What to show in the picture?

According to statistics, 80 percent of fires occur due to careless handling of fire and electrical appliances. You need to learn fire safety rules from early childhood. In order for the child to remember them better, he is often asked to illustrate them with pictures. Also, schools and kindergartens often hold competitions for children's drawings and crafts on the topic of fire safety. So what can you draw?

Subject Features

Every educational institution pays great attention to fire topics, and the task of parents is to promote such upbringing of the child at home. When making crafts, children gain certain labor skills and develop fine motor skills; they become familiar with fire safety rules and the difficulties of working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Crafts can be taken to kindergarten or school, submitted to a competition, or simply used as a toy.

In the works on the topic under consideration, the following main plots stand out:

  1. What causes a fire and how dangerous it is. You can reflect the following directions: “Matches are not a toy”, “Be careful with fire”, “Do not light a fire in nature”, “From a spark begins a flame”, etc.
  2. Actions in case of fire. Of particular interest are fire extinguishing means and equipment. A bright fire truck is a popular craft. By making a fire shield, the child gets acquainted with the basic methods of fighting a fire.

Children's crafts can be created from different materials depending on the age and skills of the child. It is important to start with simple things, gradually moving on to more complex products.

A funny presentation of a serious topic

When creating crafts about fire safety, set a cheerful tone. Drawings and crafts should not be alarming. Concern with a touch of humor and jokes - this is the main direction of such children's crafts. Along the way, the rules of behavior of people in case of fire are studied. What to do and what not to do.

There should be an explanation for children why they are not allowed to use matches. Along the way, crafts are made from plasticine depicting a matchbox and a fire.

And nearby there is a fire extinguisher and a man with a hose and mask. Here several useful things are done for the child at once. He gains knowledge, trains his fingers, his mind, and learns things useful for life. It turns out to be fun in the form of a game.

Paper crafts

The simplest paper fire truck can be made using matchboxes:

  1. Its base is made up of 4 boxes, stacked in 2 rows in height.
  2. The fifth box is installed on top in the middle and imitates the cabin.
  3. All elements are glued together to form a rigid frame.
  4. Next, the workpiece is carefully covered with red paper on all sides.
  5. The windows are made of white paper, and yellow paper circles are glued as headlights.
  6. The fire escape is assembled from 2 parallel wooden branches (skewers) and transversely assembled matches. The ladder can be secured with plasticine.
  7. Wheels are taken from broken toy cars or cut out of cardboard.

With the help of adults, it is easy to make paper crafts using the papercraft technique. To do this you will need a thick sheet of paper. The turn of the car is drawn and painted on it. The photo shows a diagram of the headquarters fire truck. The workpiece is carefully cut out with scissors, and the parts are bent in the right places, glued together along the flaps, and the craft is ready.

You can also glue simple compositions from paper. A green background is created on a solid base (cardboard, plywood). A village house is made of paper. Windows and doors made of colored paper are drawn or glued on it, as well as flames escaping from the window. The craft is fixed to the base. A small fire truck is made in the same way.

Cool names of squads, teams and their mottos

Squad name: 220 V Squad motto: We cannot live without movement, we are always energized.
Name of the detachment: Orbita FM Motto of the detachment: This is not a radio, this is the name of the detachment, I got here and am happy with life. Life will be doubly more interesting, we are on the right wave!

Name of the detachment: Smeshariki Motto of the detachment: We didn’t sit at home and flew to the “Camp”. Glorious deeds await us, we will unanimously shout “Hurray!”

Squad name: ORT Squad motto: Original, romantic, talented. The first one will show!

Name of the squad: Forest cones Squad motto: We are friends - forest cones, We are all quiet like mice, We don’t walk in corners, We divide everything in half.

Squad name: Freckles Squad motto: A ray of sunshine loves us. We are freckles - super cool.

Name of the squad: Veselaki Squad motto: Veselaki, kicks - byaki, we live like tweedledums, We dance, we run, we laugh. Where it is not necessary, we do not spit.

Squad name: Luck Squad motto: We always need luck, only this way and not otherwise!

Team name: Extreme Team Motto: We are extreme guys, one victory is not enough for us, both on land and in water, we will be first everywhere.

Squad name: Aurora Squad motto: Aurora knows, Aurora fights, Aurora will always achieve victory.

Squad name: The Fifth Element Squad motto: We are the fifth element, the eighth wonder of the world, we are the best of the best, find out everything about it!

Name of the squad: Fortuna Motto of the squad: We have sailed to Fortuna, we have not forgotten anyone, we will live happily, run, swim and be friends!

Squad name: Maximum Squad motto: Maximum strength, maximum laughter, this way we will achieve success faster!

Squad name: BeGiS Squad motto: We live and work under the motto: Fast, Energetic, Graceful and Cute!

Name of the squad: Squirrels Motto of the squad: And our motto is this - Don’t let enemies into the hollow!

Squad name: Night Watch Squad motto: Keep your eyes open during the day, and sleep at night. The night watch will always save, we will defeat any enemy!

Name of the squad: 220 Volt Motto of the squad: We cannot live without movement, we are always energized, we will kindle your spark, we will recharge everyone around.

Squad name: Champions Squad motto: Maximum sport, maximum laughter! This way we will achieve success faster. If the other Team is ahead, we will tell him: “Well, just wait!”

Squad name: Oddballs Squad motto: We are in reality and in our dreams. We are on land and in water. We are always moving forward. Good luck awaits the weirdos!

Squad name: Penguins Squad motto: We penguins are just awesome, beat us, try us.

Plasticine models

One of the first craft materials that a child gets acquainted with in early childhood is plasticine. You can make a beautiful fire truck out of it.

Master Class:

  1. Two large parts are formed from red plasticine - the base and the cabin, which are connected to each other.
  2. Windows made of thinly rolled white plates, yellow circles of headlights, a small blue signal light and a black bumper (a strip of black plasticine at the front bottom of the cab) are fixed to the cab.
  3. Thin strips and a number (01) made of white plasticine, as well as a fire hose coil in the form of a spiral made of gray plasticine flagellum, are installed on the base.
  4. The wheels are made of 2 parts: first, a disk is formed from black plasticine, a notch (tread) is applied to it along the perimeter, and a yellow circle is attached in the center.
  5. The ladder is made of gray material: cylinders with a diameter of 5-7 mm are formed and installed in parallel. Steps of the same color are attached to them.

Plasticine is a very malleable material. In addition to the car, you can make figures of firefighters out of it. A firefighting helicopter or airplane looks modern.


One of the most common trends in fire themes is applications. A simple craft in the shape of a fire truck is made from colored paper. The photo shows a cutting diagram. The outline of the parts is drawn on paper and cut out. On a thick sheet of paper on which the desired color background is created, the largest parts are first glued, and then the small ones are attached to them.

It is more difficult to make a composition. The photo shows a firefighter fighting a fire. His figurine can be cut out from a magazine or printed on a color printer, assembled from a certain number of parts cut out of colored paper. Lines and very small details are drawn with a felt-tip pen.

How to draw a poster with fire safety rules?

To make a poster with fire safety rules for children or with children, you will need:

  • sheet of whatman paper (reverse side of wallpaper)
  • ruler 30 cm
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • scissors
  • glue
  • paints, markers, colored pencils

Fire safety poster.

Here are a few ways: The poster will be completely drawn. You can place several of the above thematic pictures on it at once. A sheet of whatman paper is marked so that each picture has its own place. In the center or in one of the corners the following inscriptions are placed: “Fire safety”, “In case of fire call 01”, “Fire requires careful handling”.

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Picture to copy: fire safety poster for children.

You can make an applique poster, as in the example below.

Application - collage “Beware of fire!”.

Instead of a poster, they also use a collage of several drawings by children from a school class or kindergarten group.


Crafts in the form of drawings require certain skills, but in kindergarten one should not strive for artistic performance, the main thing is that children feel the importance of their work.

The photo shows an example of how a child sees the process of extinguishing a fire in a house using fire equipment. Of course, parents should help as much as possible in choosing a plot, then the best drawings can be submitted to the competition.

Children's creativity uses colored pencils, felt-tip pens, and wax crayons. Gradually mastering watercolor and gouache.

Another direction is drawings by adults for children. They must reflect basic fire safety rules. The photo shows how you can attract children's attention to the phone number to call in case of a fire.


A real fire extinguisher is obtained from ordinary plastic containers. The outside is covered with paper or a red cloth bag is put on. Attach mischievous eyes and mouth. The cap will fit any sprayer. If desired, it can be painted black. A cone is rolled out of colored paper and glued to the top. Thus comes the cheerful first assistant to fight the fire.

Every year thousands of fires occur, from which not only people, but also defenseless animals suffer and die. Very often the cause of fire is improper handling of fire. That is why children already in kindergarten begin to be taught that they need to take care of themselves, those around them and nature, and not play with flammable objects.

Joint creativity with parents helps children better understand and remember all the information presented in a playful form.

Crafts from cereals

Quite simple crafts can be created from semolina. To do this, colored semolina is prepared: the cereal is mixed in a container with gouache of the desired color until a rich shade is obtained and dried. For a fire truck you will need red, black and gray semolina, as well as undyed (white) semolina.

The outline of the machine is drawn on a sheet of thick paper or cardboard. Glue is applied inside the lines and red material is poured in a thin, even layer, and excess grain is shaken off. Then other colors are carefully formed into small details. When the picture is ready, glue is applied to the paper outside the outline, creating a general background of unpainted semolina.


This is a method that is very simple to implement, but gives enormous scope for creativity. His original blanks allow you to convey flames in a variety of ways. Using paper of different colors, you can achieve unique combinations.

Torn applique technique.

Fire can also be made using this interesting method.

Conducting a master class on this technique couldn’t be easier.

  1. Take blue thick paper of size A 4. The base-substrate (background color paper) should be thick. Otherwise, strong impregnation with glue will occur, and the sheet may not withstand.
  2. A drawing is applied with a pencil to the background template sheet.
  3. Pieces of paper are being prepared to represent the flame. Carefully tear the paper, creating pieces of different colors and sizes.
  4. We take the largest pieces and begin to fill the space with them (flame, fire, bonfire). Then the average ones. We finish small. Each piece is glued separately. Otherwise, the work will look sloppy.

You need to carefully ensure that the pieces do not protrude beyond the edges of the picture. Otherwise you will end up with sloppy work.

At the same time, we are talking about how fires are put out. What materials do we extinguish with what? Thus, by unobtrusively influencing the child, we try to convey to him the necessary information.

All that remains is to arrange the exhibition and photograph it. So that the children, in the future, can see what beauty they can make with their own hands!

More complex crafts

As you gain certain skills, you can move on to more complex crafts. Already at school age, interest in other technologies appears. Attention is paid to quality of execution, volume and layout.

Volume projects

Volumetric crafts are created in different ways:

  1. Volumetric figure. An example would be a campfire, a common cause of fire. Logs (cylinders of thick paper) are laid out on a sheet of cardboard; a bunch of “flames” cut out from colored paper in red, yellow and orange are collected in the center.
  2. Three-dimensional pictures are made in the form of a double-leaf postcard made of thick paper. On the inside of one of the halves, various figures are glued to the bent edge: an image of a fire, trees, which are pressed by the second flap, but when it is turned away, they take a vertical position. On the second half, a drawing or appliqué is made. When positioned vertically, it creates the main background of the picture.

Complex crafts are available for older children. The photo shows the three-dimensional composition “Fire Extinguishing”. In it, each element is made in different ways. For example, in the photo the fire truck is made of Lego, the firefighters are made of plasticine, and the burning house is made of wood rods laid in the form of a log house.

Creating three-dimensional figures

When performing thematic work, children often create combined crafts, which involve modeling with plasticine and cutting out fire truck boxes from thin cardboard.

When the car shape is cut out, its edges are then glued together to form a box. Then a fire escape cut out of hard cardboard is added to this box.

It is glued so that it becomes clear that this is a fire truck. Both the car and the stairs are painted red.

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Firefighters in such a theatrical scene are most often made of plasticine. Although it happens, sometimes they do it differently. First, cut out human figures from green or orange paper.

Dough crafts

Salt dough successfully replaces plasticine. It is also malleable, but when hardened it becomes hard and can retain its shape for a long time. This blank can be painted and varnished. Dough recipe:

  1. For 200 mg of flour add 150 mg of table salt and 5 tbsp. vegetable oil.
  2. The components are diluted with water to the desired consistency.

From the prepared plastic mass you can easily fashion a fire truck and a helicopter, houses engulfed in flames, emergency workers, etc. The workpiece is placed in the oven and dried at a temperature of +70...+80 0C for 1 hour. Accelerated drying is provided at a temperature of +110...+120 0C for 25-30 minutes. After cooling, the hardened workpiece can be painted in any color using acrylic paints.


Unusual crafts are obtained using the trimming technique. Essentially, this is a mosaic laid out from paper elements that will have a cone shape. To do this, small squares are cut from corrugated (crepe) paper and rolled into a cone. Using trimming you can make spectacular volumetric applications and entire panels. Glue is applied to a dense base and the conical elements are carefully installed one by one. They are pressed using wooden sticks, toothpicks or knitting needles.

Fabric crafts

Applications using colored patches look very impressive. Such paintings have an important advantage: they can be made soft using thick fabric as a base. The photo shows a warning picture that will remind you of the dangers of matches. The necessary details are sewn onto the woven base. To add volume, cotton wool is placed under some flaps. Human figures or his face can be embroidered or drawn.

Another direction is voluminous woven crafts. In the photo there is a “Fun Fire Extinguisher”. You can use foam rubber or polystyrene as a base. The base is covered with red fabric. Characteristic small details are sewn on. They can be made from ribbons, braid, felt. This craft is absolutely safe for kids.

How to draw a fire in a house with a pencil and a person who puts out the fire?

IMPORTANT: Be sure to explain to your child that you can extinguish a fire yourself only at the very beginning. You cannot tame a raging flame yourself, and it is quite possible to get damaged or even die. It’s better not to rely on your own strength, call the fire department.

Before drawing such a drawing, you need to think about its concept. It is necessary to decide in which room the fire occurred. This could be a living room, in which case the TV would be a source of danger. Let the child draw something from the room's furnishings. For example, a sofa, a wardrobe and a table. The step-by-step instructions in the pictures below will help him with this.

Draw a chair step by step.

Draw a TV step by step.

If a child decides to draw a kitchen, he will most likely depict a stove, refrigerator, or dining table.

Draw a stove and refrigerator step by step.

Draw a dining table step by step.

Next you should draw the fire. It's simple at first glance. It will be necessary to depict chaotically flying flames and make them three-dimensional. It is better to color the fire in several colors: red, yellow, orange, then the image will turn out dynamic.

Draw fire step by step.

If the picture shows a person putting out a fire, he needs to be depicted in motion. For example, running towards a flame with a bucket or fire extinguisher. And finally, you should choose what exactly will be used to extinguish the fire:

  • bucket with water
  • fire extinguisher
  • a thick blanket (the child should know that it is strictly forbidden to extinguish a fire in an electrical appliance with water)

Draw a bucket step by step.

Drawing to copy: fire extinguisher.

Drawing for copying: a man extinguishes a fire in a house.

Crafts from napkins

Paper napkins make magnificent crafts. One popular option is to roll napkins into small balls and soak them in gouache of different colors. From such elements you can put together a three-dimensional picture. The technology is the same as when working with beads.

Even a small master can make voluminous figures from such lumps. The photo shows a small composition on a fire theme. The frame of a machine or structure is assembled from matchboxes or cardboard boxes. On top it is tightly covered with balls of napkins, painted in the desired color.

Crafts reflecting fire-fighting themes, made by a child together with an adult, help to learn the basic rules of fighting fire. They can be made from different materials and in different ways. It is important to inspire the little master to be creative, and he will receive the necessary information during the process of work.

Theatrical scenes

By doing children's crafts on the topic of fire safety, children learn eye control and precision of movements. Since when creating such crafts, a whole ensemble of objects is often created. A theatrical miniature painting is created.

Where everything should correspond to its size and proportions. When working with such crafts, children learn three-dimensional and holistic thinking and presentation. The brain learns to analyze and compare.

Such DIY crafts reinforce the skills acquired while working with different materials. First, individual fragments are made. Firefighter. Car, view of fire. And then a theatrical picture is created in volume.

The basis for such a scene is any box, from which one side part is cut out. It turns out the finished scene. So it is filled with the necessary acting characters. From paper, cardboard, plasticine.

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