Methodology for organizing classes to prepare for school in kindergarten

The meaning and goals of school preparation classes in kindergarten

The mission of the kindergarten in preparing the student for further education at school is to:

  • full age-appropriate physical, mental, moral and aesthetic development;
  • implementation of special preparation for subsequent mastery of school subjects.

Both of these goals are consistently implemented from early childhood, and in the senior and preparatory groups (children 6–7 years old), direct educational activities (DEA) become more focused and are implemented within the framework of special classes.

This is interesting. The main goal of all classes with children 6–7 years old is to prepare for subsequent schooling. That is why the age group is called: preparatory to school.

Preparing for school includes not only the child’s intellectual development, but also physical, emotional-volitional and social-communicative development.

Objectives within the overall goals

The objectives of preparing children for school are:

  • fostering curiosity, interest in knowledge and ways of obtaining it (for example, children learn to look for the necessary information in reference books);
  • development of attention (voluntary and involuntary);
  • developing ideas about the lesson as a form of organized activity that involves attention to the words and actions of the teacher, as well as the obligatory fulfillment of the tasks given to him;
  • the formation of skills of organized behavior in the process of direct educational activities, games (these skills teach the child to be responsible for his choice, for example, when the child chooses a role in the game, and also develops the ability to work in a team);
  • development of important personal qualities - responsibility, perseverance, diligence, which is manifested in the child’s desire to gain knowledge and apply it in practice;
  • nurturing one’s own experience in activities, as well as awareness of oneself as part of a team and mastering methods of actively influencing comrades (for example, kids learn to argue their point of view to other children).

Thus, the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills in preschoolers occurs through 2 important areas of activity:

  • through communication with peers and adults (when performing routine tasks, during walks, organizing leisure activities, etc.);
  • through an organized educational process (during special classes with older preschoolers 1–2 times a week, depending on the content of the program in which a particular kindergarten operates).

This is interesting. In modern literature on psychology, the idea is actively defended that about 80% of a child’s intelligence is formed before he reaches the age of eight.

Preparing for school gives preschoolers the opportunity to try on the new social status of a student

Video: Dr. Komarovsky’s recommendations for preparing a child for school

Types of school preparation activities

Since preparation for school is cross-cutting in nature, it is implemented within the framework of all classes defined by the preschool educational institution program. If we talk about the implementation of special training for children 6–7 years old, then it takes place in classes on:

  • speech development (children learn to construct logical monologue statements, master dialogue skills, etc.);
  • literacy training (children master primary writing skills);
  • reading (children listen, analyze works reinforced by the educational program, and also learn to read independently);
  • mathematics or the formation of elementary mathematical concepts (children master counting up to 100 and basic arithmetic operations within 10, learn the names and characteristics of simple geometric figures, learn to distinguish shapes and sizes, etc.);
  • familiarization with the environment (preschoolers gain an understanding of the essence of natural phenomena, learn to observe nature, recording their experiences in nature calendars, and also become familiar with the concept of work activity);
  • artistic and aesthetic development (pupils learn the algorithm for working on a creative task, that is, they think about the idea, select materials and only then begin to implement it, following a certain sequence of actions).

In most cases, the kindergarten opts for the option of conducting comprehensive classes to prepare for school, which combine elements of all of the above educational areas, that is, educational areas are integrated into one time period. In this case, the emphasis is necessarily placed on one of them, for example, speech development or mathematics.

This is interesting. According to the stage of mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities established by the program, which are included in the indicators for determining readiness for school, the following types of classes are distinguished: first, second, etc.

As a rule, integrated classes are held in kindergarten to prepare for school, in contrast to early development centers, where fragmentation into separate educational courses also has material benefits

Video: preparing for school (mathematics)

Video: preparing for school (literacy)

How to personalize tasks

All children are different - this is an axiom. At the same time, the teacher’s task is to ensure that each child receives this or that information as fully as possible. To do this, the teacher needs to select a “key” for each student, that is, techniques that activate the child’s leading channel of perception:

  • vision;
  • hearing;
  • tactile sensations;
  • movement.

Therefore, in every lesson the teacher uses:

  • visual aids (pictures, posters, etc.);
  • verbal techniques (riddles, poems, etc.);
  • games (didactic, that is, aimed at cognition, active, aimed at physical training, as well as theatrical, with the goal of liberating children);
  • practical techniques in which students creatively comprehend their experience and acquired knowledge.

Such a variety of ways to organize children’s activities helps each of the students “find themselves.” For example, if a child does not want to draw with everyone else, then he can be given the task of describing what a friend has drawn. If a child easily and quickly learns poems, then he can be assigned the role of a partner in conducting the lesson, leaving him to read the rhymed lines of the epigraph at the beginning of the lesson. By the way, the technique when a child plays the role of a teacher is the best motivation for children of senior preschool age who strive to become adults as quickly as possible.

If there are passive children in the group, then they need to be distributed into mini-groups, “connecting” them to the active ones. As a result of the mutual exchange of work experience, the children will be more receptive to educational material.

When distributing children into pairs, you should remember that you cannot combine two passive children together

Summary of the educational activity “Soon to school” for children of the preparatory group for school

Summary of a lesson on preparing for school in a preparatory group for school.

Author: Vera Valerievna Pavlova, teacher of the special group of the Municipal Educational Institution “Bendery Kindergarten No. 9”, Bendery Abstract: these tasks will help teachers when consolidating the lexical topic “School”; the tasks will also be useful to parents. Program content: Generalization of ideas about school and school supplies. Expansion, clarification, updating of the dictionary on the topic “School. School supplies." Improving the grammatical structure of speech, strengthening the skills of syllabic analysis of words, skills of composing and reading words. Automation of correct pronunciation and differentiation of all previously delivered sounds in free speech activity. Development of coherent speech, all types of perception. Developing skills of cooperation, activity, initiative, and independence. Formation of readiness for school. Materials: a set of cards for the game “fourth wheel” for each child; a set of numbers for each child; proverbs about school; a set of pictures with school supplies for each child; number houses for each child. Educator: “Guys, look how many guests came to our lesson. Let's greet them: “Invented by someone simply and wisely When meeting, say hello “Good morning!” " “Good morning” to the sun and birds “Good morning” to smiling faces And everyone becomes kind and trusting. May good morning last until evening. Soon you will all go to school. And today each of you can test yourself - what he has already learned. We will complete tasks, and start with a warm-up ! In order for a vehicle to move, it must be started, and in order to start it, it must be prepared. So is our mouth. In order to speak well, and then we will need to talk, we need to do exercises for the tongue. - "Door" . The driver opens the door (open mouth wide), closes it (close). Repeat 3 times. - “Spatula” . The driver sat down with his tongue in the car and looked forward (open his mouth and put his wide tongue on his lower lip, hold it). - “Watch” . The driver decided to wipe the glass and turned on the wipers (open his mouth and move the tip of his tongue from one corner of his mouth to the other). - "Woodpecker" . The driver turned the key, but the engine was still cold and not ddddddd (open your mouth slightly and clearly pronounce ddddd). - "Motor" . Finally the engine warmed up and started rrrrrrrrr (growl). Breathing exercises “The wind inflates the sails” Children are asked to blow on a napkin - the wind inflates the sails. Offer to try different strengths of wind - breathing. Answer “yes” or “no” - quickly: Are there nuts in the empty glass? Do the leaves turn yellow in spring? Is an ant an insect? Does a calf have 4 legs? Is a cucumber red? Is a tiger a predator? Is a sparrow a migratory bird? Are there 12 months in a year? Is March a winter month? Does the zucchini look like an oval? Is there dinner in the morning? Is chanterelle an edible mushroom? “Complete the proverb and explain its meaning.” Knowledge is not a burden to anyone. Learning to read and write is always useful. Business before pleasure. The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge. -What are these proverbs about? (About learning, about work) -Where do children study? (At school.) -What do children learn at school? (Read, write.) -You are preparing for school. That’s why our group is called a school preparatory group. You have learned a lot during this time. Remember how you learned to find related words. Strengthening word formation skills. Game “Family of Words” Choose related words to the word school . When you go to school what will you be? ( schoolchildren ) Christina, who will you be? ( as a schoolgirl ) -And Dima? ( as a schoolboy ) What do they call you now? ( by preschoolers ) What are the names of the items that a schoolchild needs? ( school ) What is the name of the site that is attached to the school? ( school )

Educator: What do you think schoolchildren should be like? Children: Curious, hardworking, neat, cultured, diligent, sociable, well-mannered, responsive. Educator: I think that you will demonstrate all these qualities and show them at school. What kind of teacher should a teacher be? Children: Strict, talented, loving children, demanding, intelligent, cultured, decent, responsible, responsive. - That's right, today in class we will talk about school and school supplies. – What other school supplies do you know? (Brush, paints, notebook, album, textbooks, ruler, eraser, plasticine, bell, chalk.) - A metal bell - a bell, what kind? (Metal). And what else? (Resonant, ringing, brilliant.) - Notebook made of paper - what kind? (Paper) And what else? (Green, thin, checkered, lined.) - And what kind of pencil? (Wooden, sharp, dull, thick, thin, colored, simple, multi-colored, double-sided, if the pencil is very small, then it’s a pencil.) - What kind of pencil case? (Plastic, wooden, roomy.) - Plastic handle - plastic, what else? (Red, green, blue, thick, thin.) - Rubber eraser - eraser, which one? (Rubber, hard, soft.) - Leather briefcase, - what kind of briefcase? (Leather.)

- Well done, guys, you make up sentences well, but there are children who don’t know how to make up sentences, so listen and correct the sentence “Nonsense . 1. The brush painted Lena. (Lena painted with a brush.) 2. A textbook to learn from Vasya. (Vasya study from the textbook.) 3. Vova put the pencil case in his briefcase. (Vova put the pencil case in his briefcase.) 4. The pen wrote a letter to Tanya. (Tanya wrote a letter with a pen.) 5. Olya reads the ABC. (Olya reads the alphabet.)

Game "Transformation" If you went to school, then you became.... (schoolchildren, students) If you walk along the street, then you (pedestrians). If you come to the theater, then you (the audience). If you come to the store, then you (buyers). If you come to the doctor, then you (the patient).

Finger gymnastics If your fingers are sad, they want kindness. We press our fingers tightly to our palms. If our fingers cry, someone has offended them. we shake our hands, we will take pity on our fingers - we will warm you with our kindness. We “wash” our hands, breathe on them. We will press our palms to ourselves, one at a time, 1 at the top, 1 at the bottom. Let's start stroking gently. we stroke the palm with the other palm. Let the palms hug, let them play a little. cross your fingers, palms press the fingers of both hands quickly lightly tap each finger you need to take and hug tightly. We hold each finger in a fist - Guys, you need to pack your school bag . Task: - There is a round sharpener in the lower right corner. — There is a triangle in the upper left corner. — There is a rectangular notebook in the lower left corner. — There is a square pencil case in the upper right corner.

Game "Be careful!" (With numbers) • Remove the number that indicates how many eyes the traffic light has. • Remove the thinnest number! • Remove the number that tells you how many legs the kid has. • Remove the number that looks like a poker! • Remove the number that consists of two bagels. • Remove the number that comes after 5. • Remove the number that can turn into the number 6. Didactic game “Settled in the Houses.” Q: In this task you need to populate number houses. Take number houses and everyone completes the task independently. Solve problems - jokes • Two girls went for milk and met one girl with milk. How many girls went for milk? • The rooster laid 5 eggs, then another. How many eggs did the rooster lay in total? • A small, small tree grows in a deep, remote forest. It has 6 branches. There is 1 bird on each branch. How many branches are there on a tree? • Mom has 3 flowers in her hands. She bought 2 more. How many fingers does mom have on 2 hands? “Look at the syllables - you will find three words in them!” GA TET SCHOOL FOR RADI LA KNI Dynamic pause “Physical education.” What is physical education? — Training and game (march on the spot). What is physical education? Hands down is “physical”, Twisting your neck like a steering wheel is “kul”, Jump deftly in height is “tu”, Run for half an hour in the morning is “ra”. Do this thing - (arms to the sides, up, forward) - You will be dexterous (crouched - arms forward), strong (stood - arms to the sides), Brave (hands on the belt), Plus - excellent figure (showed) - This is what it means physical training ! (showed with thumb up). Game “Answer - don’t yawn” In what month do children go to school? (September.) What is the break between lessons called? (Change.) What is the name of the school bag? (Portfolio.) How many seasons are there in total? (Four.) What is the name of the notebook for recording homework? (Diary.) How many days are there in a week? (Seven.) What is the name of the building where the children study? (School.) The white pebble melted and left marks on the board. What is this? (Chalk) A globe the size of a ball. ( Globe.)

“Dividing words into syllables” (clapping) Vase, bus, duck, car, watermelon, cabbage, pumpkin, dog, soap. Educator: The next task is “The Fourth Wheel” . Determine what is superfluous in this picture and prove why? (Cards for classifying objects are shown) - And now it’s our turn to play the game “On the contrary” • The soup is hot, but the compote is cold • Sugar is sweet, and pepper is bitter • A sheet of emery is rough, but a sheet of paper is smooth • Tea is hot, but ice cream is cold • It’s light during the day and dark at night • The hare runs fast, but the turtle crawls slowly • The grandson is young, and the grandfather is old • The plasticine is soft, and the stone is hard • The lion is brave, and the hare is cowardly • The house is high, and the garage is low • The weather is cold in winter, and in summer hot •The road is wide, but the path is narrow •The fluff is light, but the stone is heavy •The jelly is thick, but the fruit drink is thin Game “Yes or No” 1. Children go to school to play with toys. 2. A teacher is a person who learns. 3. A student is a child who is learning to read and write. 4. An excellent student is one who receives “twos”. 5. A pencil case is needed to store pencils and pens. 6.You need a backpack to carry sandwiches to school. The child recites the poem “What is school?” School is a bright house, We study, we will be in it. There we will learn to write, add and multiply. At school we learn a lot: About our beloved land, About mountains and oceans, About continents and countries; And where the rivers flow, And what the Greeks were like, And what the seas are, And how the earth turns. There are workshops at school... There are countless interesting things to do! And the call is fun. This is what “school” means!

We recommend watching:

Raising interest in school in children of the preparatory group Teaching literacy to children 5-6 years old Advice for parents of future first-graders Summary of a comprehensive lesson on preparing children 6-7 years old for school

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Receptions in classes to prepare for school in kindergarten

When preparing for school, it is very important to introduce children to all possible types of pedagogical interaction, in other words, to teach them to work in conditions where the teacher uses various methodological techniques. In the practice of preschool and school education, 4 groups of methods of interaction with students are used.

Verbal techniques

Since the word plays a key role in the development of a child, verbal methods of interaction with children in the process of educational activities are leading. By listening to the teacher’s speech, as well as entering into dialogue and composing monologues, the children learn to find a common language among their peers. In addition, we must not forget that children 5–7 years old, listening to adults, form their own speech image, which largely determines the successful socialization of preschoolers and future first-graders.


This verbal technique accompanies any type of activity of preschoolers. Moreover, even if we are talking about repeated instructions for performing a routine moment (for example, behavior at the table or getting ready for bed), an explanation is still necessary, at least in the form of instructions from simple sentences.

It is worth special mentioning the use of explanation as a motivational technique. Children of senior preschool age try to imitate adults in everything, therefore, for speech development and inclusion in one or another type of activity, verbal techniques traditionally used by the teacher can be left to the pupils. For example, give the task to explain to your comrades the procedure for completing an addition example or the progress of working on a craft.


In this format, it is possible to build not only the test of material mastery that is accepted in pedagogical practice. With the help of leading questions on the topic, children can create an algorithm for completing a particular task.

For example, before starting to draw, I talk with my students about the following questions:

  • What do you need to paint?
  • How should we prepare the workplace?
  • Why is it important to organize your work correctly?

This is interesting. It is very important to include “why” questions in the conversation, that is, problematic ones. They teach children to think, analyze, and draw conclusions.

Problematic questions should be included in any dialogue with children.

Riddles and poems

Typically, these techniques are used to motivate children to get them ready to complete a task. But in direct educational activities, riddles can also be used to practice the material studied. For example, having completed the repetition of vowels in class, I invite the children to repeat the material they have learned by solving riddles:

  • “Watermelon” and “Almanac” begin with this letter. We all see it in almost all words. (The letter a").
  • The goat bleats: “Me” and “me”, He only knows “Em” and ... (“e”).
  • The hedgehog dozed off under the tree, Someone robbed the animal: Instead of “Hedgehog” there is only “hedgehog” lying near the tree. Where the maples are near the fishing line, “Yolka” became simply “elka”. Come on? How many of you found out what letter the hedgehog slept through? (Letter “e”).
  • The first in the words “Needle”, “Oriole”, “Turkey”, “Caviar”. (Letter “i”).
  • “Cloud”, “Glasses”, “Wasp”, “KNIFE”, “pendant” and “sausage”... Children have known for a long time that the letter ... (“o”) is similar to a steering wheel.

Poems can also be used for several purposes:

  • remember what you have learned;
  • get acquainted with new material;
  • repeat acquired knowledge, skills and abilities at home (poems are often used as homework).

With my students when studying the topic “Time. Days of the week" we remember the order of the days of the week along with the rhyme:

  • On Monday I did the laundry, and on Tuesday I swept. On Wednesday I baked kalach with honey, and on Thursday I played ball. On Friday I washed the dishes, and on Saturday I bought a cake. On Sunday I rested and read good fairy tales.


In the preparatory group, most of the children can read, so they can be given the task of reading short passages on the topic. At the same time, it is important that the text as a whole and all the words in it are understandable to the children. Reading can be used as a means of implementing a heuristic approach to education - when children find the information they need on their own. For example, in work on preparing for school, this could be understanding the watering regime for indoor plants.

This is interesting. The older the children become, the less they should read aloud, and the more they should involve themselves in this type of activity. Some psychologists claim that this technique contributes to the rapid development of reading skills.

Reading small information blocks by children stimulates other children to quickly master this important skill.

Fairy tales

I use short story sketches to motivate children, to distract them from their current studies and attract them to a common activity. For example, in order to motivate children to engage in educational activities, I offer my kids a fairy tale about Masha, who was afraid to go to school. “Once upon a time there was a girl Masha. She really wanted to grow up quickly and go to school to learn a lot. Masha thought that school would be very fun, there would be a lot of games and entertainment with friends. However, when Masha went to school, she became very scared, because there were unfamiliar children around, and the teacher explained to everyone that they should behave quietly and calmly. And then there were lessons in which the girl did not succeed, and she was afraid that the teacher would scold her. Masha came home in tears; school turned out to be completely different from what she had dreamed of. The mother explained to her daughter that we are all afraid of the unknown, and everyone can make mistakes, there is nothing wrong with that. The next day Masha went to school again, where she made friends with the guys and learned a lot of new and interesting things.” After the children have listened to the fairy tale, you can check your understanding of the plot using questions: Why did Masha want to go to school? What was Masha afraid of? What did the girl's mother say?

A teacher using fairy tales as a method for motivation must take into account that:

  • the plots should not be too long, with a large number of characters (2-3 heroes are enough);
  • the development of the action should not be overloaded (that is, 1–2 plot twists are quite enough);
  • fairy tales must be accompanied by visual aids (pictures or toys from whose perspective the story is told).

Plot sketches should not be long, otherwise preschoolers may lose interest in further activities.

Visual techniques

Children perceive most information from the world around them through the visual channel. Therefore, visual techniques are actively used in preparation for school. Among the most effective are:

  • pictures (illustrations accompany not only plot narratives, for example, fairy tales, but also routine moments, for example, the order of folding clothes in the closet after a walk);
  • diagrams (this type of clarity is very important for mastering the skill of writing, since in the diagrams kids see the sequence of writing out the elements of letters);
  • display (the best way to make children feel involved in a particular activity is to show that an adult is also passionate about it, for example, by completing an application on the topic “Types of transport. Airplane”, the teacher and children can arrange a competition to see who can come up with the most realistic or similar per sample model);
  • demonstration (video materials can be used productively when developing topics in mathematics, speech development, and literacy).

Video: learning to add and subtract within nine

Practical techniques

To consolidate the studied material, practical techniques are traditionally used that demonstrate creative comprehension of information:

  • drawings;
  • applications;
  • crafts.

These types of work can be united by a common task - creating a project on the topic. For example, “I am a future first-grader.”

Photo gallery: examples of drawings on the topic “I am a future first-grader”

In the drawings, children depict not only the school building, but also their future image of a first-grader

In drawings, preschoolers express their expectations from school

In the projects, children demonstrate their vision of the image of the school

Parents participate in the creation of the project, providing mediocre assistance, for example, designing inscriptions


The use of this practical technique is important for the development of a heuristic way of acquiring knowledge by children. That is, the guys themselves obtain information, analyze it and, in connection with this, formulate certain conclusions. The function of the teacher in this case is limited to helping in generalizing and systematizing the material. Observation is organized during a walk or in the form of experiments in a group.

Table: file of observations in preparation for school (fragment)

Monitoring air temperature changes
  • Teach children to compare temperature readings using simple arithmetic subtraction operations;
  • develop observation skills;
  • develop the ability to work in a team.
Children record air temperature in August and September. They come to the conclusion that the first month of autumn is colder than the last month of summer by an average of 5 degrees.
Observing the snow melting process
  • Learn to draw conclusions based on existing knowledge, as well as observed phenomena;
  • develop logical thinking.
Children observe the speed of snow melting and determine that it melts faster near tree trunks, as the roots absorb water.
Tree watching
  • Track the movement of sap in the trees;
  • consolidate knowledge about the water cycle in nature.
Children watch the trees in the area, where sap is released from cracks in the bark - a delicacy for insects. Based on the existing knowledge about the movement of water along the trunk, the guys come to the conclusion that under the influence of spring heat, water with useful substances from the ground moves along the trunk to the branches and buds, from which leaves will soon appear.

Gaming techniques

Game techniques are actively used in preparing for school, since play is the leading activity of preschoolers.

Didactic games

This type of games is actively used when organizing GCD, since it allows:

  • get acquainted with new information;
  • practice and consolidate acquired knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • repeat the studied material.

There are 2 types of educational (didactic) games:

  • content-oriented game actions;
  • based on game material.

Didactic games based on game material cultivate perseverance in preschoolers

Table: types of didactic games in preparation for school

TypeType of gameNameGoalsDescription
Content driven gamesLogical"Flowers in the Flowerbeds"
  • Fix the names of geometric shapes and the colors of the spectrum;
  • develop logic.
The teacher distributes paper flower beds of round, rectangular and square shapes to the children. Gives out 3 different colored flowers. Children arrange flowers, focusing on the story: “The red flowers did not grow in a square, but not in a round flowerbed. And the orange ones are not on the round one, but not on the rectangular one either. Plant the flowers correctly."
Verbal“I - for you, you - for me”
  • Develop children's speech;
  • practice counting.
The teacher pronounces the sentence, the children count the number of words in it. Whoever answered quickly and correctly wins and says his sentence, the words of which are counted by the rest of the participants.
Sensory"Name it in parts"Practice the skill of composing an image from parts and, conversely, decomposing the whole into parts.Children put together pictures from individual parts (for example, wheels, body, cab - truck). Then they talk about the purpose of each element.
Musical"Guess what it sounds like"
  • Learn to relate sound to a musical instrument;
  • develop hearing and sense of rhythm.
The teacher plays a musical instrument behind a screen, and the children guess what it sounds like.
Material-oriented gamesDesktop-printed"Seasons"
  • Learn to correlate the seasons with the sequence of months;
  • consolidate knowledge of the main signs of different seasons;
  • develop spontaneous monologue speech.
Children quickly group pictures with the names of months, signs of seasonal changes, and then compose a coherent story about the seasons.
Playing with objectsThese are mainly games with natural materials. For example, count the number of acorns for a squirrel and a hedgehog, distribute equally, give one of the characters more, etc.
InteractiveThese games use computer technology. So, in math classes to prepare for school, children can be offered the game “Masha and the Bear”, in which children, together with the characters of their favorite cartoon, complete addition and subtraction tasks.

Outdoor games

Health-saving teaching methods are the main ones in working with preschool children. For their practical implementation, outdoor games are actively introduced into all elements of the educational process, which also fulfill the task of maintaining the general emotional tone in the group.

Outdoor games lift the spirits of both children and adults

Table: types of outdoor games used in school preparation classes

Skill to be practicedName of the gameGoalsProgress of the game
Running in different directions, jumping"Blind Man's Bluff"
  • Exercise children in running in all directions;
  • train endurance and observation.
Children stand in a circle, one participant is blindfolded. He turns around himself several times. Then the participants scatter, and the trap, with its eyes closed, tries to catch one of them, focusing on steps or other sounds.
Spatial orientation"Trap with Ribbons"
  • Train running in all directions;
  • teach not to collide with other participants;
  • develop the ability to navigate in space.
Children stand in a circle, each with a ribbon under their belt. At the signal, the participants scatter, and the trap tries to snatch the ribbon. According to a conventional sign, the children stop, and the trap counts the number of players caught.
Forming a sense of balance"Fishing rod"Learn to jump over a rotating rope.The driver throws a jump rope across the floor, the rest of the participants must jump over it, maintaining their balance.
Ability to imitate"Ocean is shaking"
  • Learn to repeat the movements of the driver;
  • train attention.
Children stand in designated circles and perform any movements. The driver walks between the players, periodically puts his hand on the participant’s shoulder and, at the signal “The sea is rough,” performs a movement that the player must repeat. At the same time, the driver takes the player away from the circle. At the signal “The sea is calm,” the participant must run to his circle. If he doesn’t have time, he becomes the driver.
Development of attention"Be careful"
  • Learn to run without colliding with opponents;
  • train attention, dexterity and reaction speed.
Children stand in a line, with several objects in front of them at a certain distance: cubes, skittles, flags, etc. At the driver’s signal, the participants run to the objects and halfway along they hear an indication of which one they need to take. The one who correctly followed the instructions wins.
Practicing climbing and crawling skills"With the ball under the arc"
  • Train in crawling on all fours;
  • learn to coordinate the movements of arms and legs;
  • develop dexterity in handling the ball.
Children take turns crawling under arches about 40 cm high, while pushing a medicine ball with their heads. The number of arcs is determined by the area of ​​the space.
Agility training"The Kite and the Mother Hen"
  • Learn to move in a column without disengaging;
  • train coordination of movements.
Children stand in a column, the first participant is the hen, the rest are chickens. According to a conventional sign, a “kite” flies out of the nest and tries to grab the chick standing last in the column. The hen runs away with the rest of the participants, turning so as to protect the “chicken”. The column cannot be disengaged.

Theatrical games group

When preparing for school, several types of theatrical games are included in the educational process:

  • role-playing games, in which children, based on personal experience, act out everyday situations (at a doctor’s appointment, in a lesson at school, etc.);
  • dramatization, where children perform play actions based on the instructions of the “director,” that is, a teacher or friend (for example, skits based on read fairy tales, participation in thematic matinees, etc.);
  • director's games, that is, performing game actions based on an invented plot (for example, acting out saving hares from a flood in the forest on a flannelgraph);
  • finger games are exercises for training fine motor skills aimed at activating speech centers.

By playing out various situations and fairy tales, preschoolers learn new behavior patterns, become more independent and self-confident.

By playing school, children in a safe environment become familiar with the roles of students and teachers.

Methodology for conducting classes to prepare for school in preschool educational institutions

To achieve the set goals and objectives, the teacher must not only wisely select the content of the lesson, but also logically build its structure.

Temporary GCD plan for school preparation

Like other classes with older preschoolers, the school preparation lesson lasts 25–30 minutes. This time frame includes 4 stages of work:

  1. Updating basic knowledge (introductory stage) - 2–3 minutes. The teacher motivates the children to work, the children repeat the material learned earlier, and check their homework if this type of work is expected.
  2. The main stage is up to 15 minutes. During this time, children become acquainted with new material, combining the information received with what they have already mastered. In addition, the main stage includes physical education (breathing exercises, finger games).
  3. Consolidation of what has been learned - up to 8 minutes. The studied material is systematized using practical techniques (making applications, drawings, etc.).
  4. The final stage is up to 4 minutes. The teacher comments on the work of the group as a whole and each child individually. Children evaluate themselves in class, that is, reflection is carried out.

An integrated lesson usually includes tasks in literacy, mathematics and environmental awareness.

Table: summary of the integrated educational activity “Back to school soon!” in the preparatory group (fragment)

AuthorKharlanova I., teacher, kindergarten No. 10 "Bell", Kolomna, Moscow region.
Introductory stageV.: Guys, let’s say hello to our guests and give them our smiles. Now everyone look at me and give me your smiles. Good morning, dear children and adults. This morning a package arrived to us, now we’ll see who it’s from (these children left our group for school a year ago). He opens the parcel and reads the letter: “Hello, dear friends! I'm doing well, I really like studying at school, I've made a lot of good friends. I try to study at “4” and “5”, and at school it is very important to be kind so that you have many friends. I know that you will also go to school soon, and therefore I have given you interesting tasks. When you complete them, a surprise awaits you. Good luck and success, see you soon." V.: I know that you want to go to school, but why? Children's answers...>
Main part<… V.: Let’s see what the task is... You need to answer the questions with complete answers, are you ready?
  • What time of day is it now?
  • What time of year is it outside?
  • Name the neighbors of spring. <…>

Q: Let us remember what parts the task consists of? (From the condition and question).

  • What is a condition? (This is what the problem says.)
  • What is a question? (This is what needs to be found in the problem) <…>

V.: Well done! Let's create a problem based on the picture. Tell us your task. (Children's answers). <…> Do a graphic dictation:

  1. Place a pencil on the red dot.
  2. Five squares down.
  3. Return the pencil to the starting point.
  4. Three cells to the right. <…>

V.: Let's see what's in the next envelope. You need to answer the questions:

  • What does a word consist of? (From syllables).
  • What are syllables made of? (From letters).
  • What is a letter? (What we see and write)…>
Consolidation of what has been learned<… V.: Look: syllables are written on the envelopes. Let's try to make a word out of them. Children form the word “KINDNESS” and read it. Q: Guys, what do you think “kindness” is? <…> Children read poems about kindness and politeness.
The final stage<… V.: Let us never forget kind, polite words. Let's say them to each other more often, speak kindly, gently, quietly, looking into the person's eyes. At the same time, smiling, because a smile makes a gloomy day brighter. A beautiful word that helps you live. All tasks have been completed. You handled everything well. What did you do today? (Children's answers). Look, we have another letter. “Well done! You did an excellent job with all the tasks and deserve a surprise. See you at school." The teacher gives the children medals - emoticons. V.: Thanks to our guests, teachers, thanks to our guys!
Quote from:

Video: open integrated lesson in a preparatory school group

Preparing for school is a long and systematic process that is carried out in kindergarten, starting from the first junior group. But if in primary and middle preschool age children master social and communication skills that are of key importance for the subsequent educational stage, then in older groups this work takes on the character of direct educational activity, that is, it is organized in special classes. As a rule, the teacher plans these lessons as integrated, that is, including work in all educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Course of lessons for future first-graders “Pathway to School”. Outline

Lesson 9.

Topic: Fire - friend or foe. (Fire safety at school.)

Goals:1. familiarize children with the benefits or harm that fire can bring to a person; 2. learn fire safety rules and rules of conduct in case of fire; 3. trace the connection between the topic of the lesson and literary works; 4. cultivate respect for the professions of firefighters, steelworkers, electric welders, etc.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Org. moment.

Warm up.

  • “Lazy Eights” (the exercise activates brain structures that ensure memorization and increases stability of attention):

Draw figure eights in the air in a horizontal plane three times with each hand, and then with both hands.

  • “Thinking Hat” (improves attention, clarity of perception and speech): “Put on your hat”, i.e. gently roll your ears from the top to the lobe three times.

2. Introduction to the topic. – Today we will talk about a very important topic for all of us. But which one, try to determine for yourself. I’ll tell you a riddle, and you tell me what we’ll talk about in class today.

Presentation “Fire - friend or foe?” slide 1

The red beast is sitting in the oven, the red beast is angry with everyone. He eats firewood out of anger for a whole hour, maybe two. Don’t touch it with your hand, It bites the whole palm. - The topic of our lesson is “Fire - friend or foe” or about fire safety rules at school. slide 2

- So what are we going to talk about? About safe handling of fire.

Slide 3

We say - fire is our friend! But suddenly he will become an enemy. If we forget about him, he will immediately take revenge on people. You will regret it in the battle with fire. Here he is scary and harsh - And from the house there is a lot of firewood!

— Fire has long been man's friend. Our ancient ancestors knew many secrets and tricks of making fire. They considered him a living creature, “tamed” him, settling him in their caves.

Slide 4 - He helped people fight for existence. He helped people prepare food. Fire saved us from the cold and helped in the fight against terrible predators, scaring them away from the caves and sites of ancient man.

Slide 5, 6 - Years passed. People got to know fire better and better. Fire in the eyes of people has lost the power of a deity. But he never stopped being a friend, an assistant. As in ancient times, it warms us and helps us prepare food.

Slide 7

— It is difficult to imagine such a branch of human activity where fire is not used. — Sometimes - at a campfire on a hiking trip or while fishing by the river. And most often on a comfortable and compact gas or electric stove.

Slide 8 - And there are also huge factory ovens. At the bakery, bread is baked in ovens. At a brick factory, bricks are fired from which houses are built. And in open-hearth furnaces, fire cooks steel. Pipes and machine tools, cars and airplanes are made from it.

Slide 9, 10- Fuel burns in the furnaces of power plants. This is where electric current is generated. It turns out that fire and electric current are closest relatives. The current illuminates our houses and streets; trams and trolleybuses move along its lines.

Slide 10.11

“Giant factories and the televisions, radios, vacuum cleaners, irons, refrigerators that work in our apartments are “powered” by electric current...

Slide 12

— A gentle ray of sun looks through your window in the morning. What is the sun? This is also fire.

Slide 13 - It faithfully serves people in everyday life and in production. - What professions do you know where a person uses fire?

Slide 14

“But it happens that fire turns from a faithful friend and helper into a merciless enemy, destroying in a matter of minutes what was created over many years of hard work.

Slide 15

— The strength of my friend – fire – is great – very great! But if this power is handled unwisely and carelessly, then fire can become a terrible, insidious enemy. The most terrible, most dangerous fire is the fire of war.

Slide 16

“It takes away human lives, wipes out big cities and small villages from the face of the earth. “But even in peacetime, fire, when out of control, can destroy a house, a village, and a forest.

Slide 17 - Every 5 seconds there is a new fire. Enterprises, hospitals, shops, ships, planes are burning. The fire does not spare museums and libraries, theaters and palaces, cultural monuments, schools, forests, and grain fields. — Every year there are 5 million fires in the world. Every hour one person dies in a fire, 2 are injured and burned. Every third person killed is a child.

- Why might a fire occur? — Give the reasons. (Children name the causes of the fire) - Fires often occur due to the fault of people, including schoolchildren. To prevent trouble from happening to you, remember these rules: slide 18, 19

CHILDREN NAME IN TURN ACCORDING TO ONE RULE. — Let’s repeat all the fire safety rules once again: 1. Don’t play around with matches and lighters. 2. When leaving home, do not forget to turn off electrical appliances. 3. Do not dry laundry over the stove. 4. Never light fireworks, candles or sparklers at home. 5. Do not approach the stove when it is burning and do not open the stove door. 6. Do not play with flammable or combustible liquids. 7. Don’t make a fire in the forest. 8. Do not set fire to poplar fluff or make a fire near buildings. 9. Don’t hang a paper lampshade on your lamp. 10. Be careful with gas.

— Guys, compliance with all fire safety rules will help the state save hundreds of thousands of rubles, and often the health and lives of people. - Remember, any prank with fire can lead to great misfortune! To the fire!

- But it happens that something bad happens and a fire starts, what should you do?

Let's get acquainted and learn the rules of behavior in case of fire: 1. If the fire is small, you can try to put it out immediately. How? (Blanket, water, sand, fire extinguisher).

Slide 20 2. If the fire does not go out immediately, immediately run away from the house to a safe place. (Is it possible to hide in secluded places during a fire? What needs to be saved first?)

Slide 21 3. If you cannot escape from a burning house, immediately call 01 and report the fire. After that, call neighbors and passers-by for help.

Slide 22 4. In a fire, smoke is much more dangerous than fire. If you feel like you are suffocating, kneel down and crawl towards the exit - there is less smoke below. Wet a cloth and apply it to your face. slide 23

5. If there is a fire in the entrance, never get into the elevator. He may shut down and you will suffocate. slide 24

6. While waiting for firefighters, don’t lose your head and don’t jump out of the window. You will definitely be saved. (But if the house is one-story, then on the contrary you need to break the glass and jump out).

Conversation about fire safety rules at school.

— How should we behave if a fire breaks out at a school? (Children's answers).

— If there is a fire in the school, the fire alarm goes off and in a stern voice asks you to leave the premises. Students must line up, count themselves and, together with the teacher, go up the stairs to the school stadium. Line up there. No one pushes or runs away from the class.

slide 25

7. When the firefighters arrive, obey them in everything and do not be afraid. They know better how to save you. (What can panic lead to?) slide 26

- Fire is not a toy. Every fire is a great misfortune, a great misfortune. Therefore, firefighters are always on guard day and night. slide 27, 28

Firefighters are people who risk their health and even their lives every day to save someone’s life and property. -Almost two centuries since firefighters appeared in our country. Look what life was like for the first firefighters. The tall tower is a tower. A fire can be seen from it: where there is fire, there is smoke. Firefighters and their families lived on the second floor. On the first - carts with water, hooks, ladders, horses. Horses are the best, the fastest!

Slide 29 - Firefighters were famous for their extraordinary daring and heroism. — Firefighters also have trains. In one car there is a pumping station, in the other there is a fire truck. This train has everything you need to fight fire. The duty locomotive will take him to the burning station or train. — There are also firefighting planes and helicopters. slide 30 -Firefighters train in speed, strength, agility.

Physical exercise: Game “This is me, these are all my friends” - I ask you questions, and you will answer in chorus: - “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” - Who, upon hearing the smell of burning, reports a fire? - “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!!!” - Which of you, noticing the smoke, says: “Fire! We're on fire!" - “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!!!” - Which of you plays pranks with fire in the morning, evening and afternoon? - Who, sensing gas in the apartment, will call “04”? - “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!!!” - Who doesn’t light fires and doesn’t allow others? - “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!!!” - Who, children, hides matches from their little sister at home? - “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!!!”

Option 2 questions

If you can answer my question: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” – then you remain standing, marching in place. If you mentally answer my question: “Not me!” - then, crouching, as if hiding.

Smoke suddenly rose in a column, Who didn’t turn off the iron?

Who, upon hearing the smell of burning, reports a fire?

A red glow ran, Who was playing with matches?

Who explains to the neighbor's kids in the yard that playing with fire doesn't end in fire for nothing?

A column of fire engulfed the attic, Who lit the matches there?

The fire ran into the yard, who was burning the fire there?

Whoever doesn’t set a branch on fire saves the forest from fire?

Who, children, hides matches from their little sister at home?

The flame jumped into the foliage, Who was burning the grass near the house?

Analysis of situations.1. - Now listen to the story that happened to Dunno.

Slide 31 - One day Dunno was invited to visit. He prepared very carefully: he took out a new suit and cleaned his shoes. The next morning, when Dunno woke up, he saw that he had overslept. What started here! Dunno ate a sandwich in a hurry and drank tea. I quickly pulled on my jacket, but it was wrinkled. Dunno turned on the iron and began ironing. He finished when the clock struck 11-00. Dunno quickly got dressed and ran out into the street. And the iron remained on the table... - What do you think happened next? slide 32

“It’s good that Znayka was at home and saw smoke coming out of the window of his neighbor’s house. He ran to the phone and dialed the number... The teacher attaches card 01 to the board. - What is this number? — Firefighters quickly arrived and put out the fire. Remember what can cause a fire? - That's right. Guys, Dunno has prepared a poem for you about the magic phone number 01.

This number is -01. Every citizen knows: If trouble comes to your house, call there as soon as possible. If you don't have a phone, call people from the balcony.

2. Situation: “Call the fireman.”

Children use a telephone to “call” firefighters. – What number should I call and how can I explain what happened? Call. (Children's answer options).

(Sample of the correct option: “Dial number 01. Is this the fire department? There is a fire in our house. Address: Yubileinaya street, building 1, apartment 17. Dima Ivanov speaking, phone 48251”)

- Why didn’t you say hello? (no time). What more could be said? (what exactly is burning)

GAME “Say the Word.”

One, two, three, four - Who has a fire in...? (Apartment). Smoke suddenly rose in a column. Who didn’t turn off....? (iron) A red glow ran. Who with the matches... (played) The table and the cabinet burned down at once. Who dried clothes over...? (with gas) A column of fire engulfed the attic. Who are the matches...? (lit) The flame jumped into the grass. Who was burning... near the house? (leaves.) Who threw Strangers into the fire...? (items). Every citizen remember this number... (zero one). I saw smoke - don’t yawn and the firefighters... (call). This should be clear to everyone. Why joke with fire...? (dangerous).

Work on sheets. (Color with colored pencils).

Summing up the lesson. Fire is a long-time friend of man. At all times, people have strived to use fire wisely. It warmed primitive people, with its help people learned to cook food and defend themselves from attacks by wild animals. Without fire, life on Earth is impossible. It is everywhere - in homes and schools, in factories and factories, in spaceship engines. But he can also be the worst enemy of people when he goes like a raging fire, destroying everything in his path. We must remember that a fire does not occur on its own. It always starts with a small tan. It is important to remember fire safety rules. And if you always follow them, then you will not need the rules for extinguishing fires, but you should not forget them either. And remember the words said by Vladimir Vysotsky: “We need to firmly remember that a fire does not occur on its own.”

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