Competitive game on traffic rules “We know the traffic rules like the multiplication table”

A press conference was held in an online format at the press center of the Multimedia Information Center, the participants of which launched the final of the anniversary All-Russian competition of the UID “Safe Wheel - 2021”, and also spoke about three competitions for adults and children on road safety, which also start in November of this year.

The deputy head of the Main Directorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Major General of Police, spoke about the new format of the event, the goals and objectives of the competition, the geography of participants, as well as the prevention of child road traffic injuries and the need to instill in children the skills of safe behavior on the road during the event. Oleg Ponaryin .

Also participating in the event were Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education of Russia Yulia Kostyryachenko , General Director Ekaterina Akinina and the chief judge of the competition, head of the Center for Additional Education “Young Motorist” Vera Vyunova .

“The importance of the competition, despite the change in format, remains high,” said Major General of Police Oleg Ponaryin during his speech, emphasizing that during the competition, children are actively involved in activities to ensure road safety, receive additional knowledge, applying them in practice and sharing experiences with their peers and the younger generation. It also allows participants to demonstrate their skills in a variety of fields, from road safety advocacy and journalism to medicine. Competitions at the all-Russian level, according to the deputy head of the Russian State Traffic Inspectorate, will help draw the attention of parents and teachers to the fact that compared to 2021, based on the results of 10 months of this year, there has been a decrease in the number of accidents involving minors under the age of 16 by 5% (total 13,621 ), as well as those injured in them also by 5% (14865), at the same time, there is an increase in the number of children killed in them by 3%; in total, 458 children died: while 60% of children killed in road accidents were passengers of vehicles, 37% of such accidents occurred with minor pedestrians, including at pedestrian crossings. In these realities, Oleg Ponaryin expressed confidence, the competition is designed to “tune” children and adults to more strictly adhere to traffic rules.

Game competition on traffic rules for elementary school, grades 3-4

Scenario of a game program on traffic rules for primary schoolchildren in grades 3-4 “Experts of traffic rules”
Objectives: to bring to students’ awareness the idea that every person should know and follow the rules of the road; summarize students’ knowledge of traffic rules; through competition, introduce students to the rules of working in a group and the basics of cooperation. Materials: road signs;
red, yellow and green tokens; forms with the “Road crossword” (by the number of teams) Course of the class hour
I. Organizational moment. Student. The city in which you and I live can rightfully be compared to an ABC book. With the alphabet of streets, avenues, roads, the City gives us a lesson all the time. Here it is, the alphabet, above your head: Signs are hung along the pavement. Always remember the alphabet of the city, so that trouble does not happen to you! Leading. In order to prevent children's road traffic injuries, we are holding a competition “Experts of traffic rules”. II. Team presentation. Leading. Report to the teams that they are ready for the competition! (Each team comes up with a name and motto.) III. Competition-competition. 1st competition "Quiz". Leading. Everyone who likes to take a walk, Everyone without exception, needs to remember, needs to know the traffic rules. (The presenter asks the teams questions, for the correct answer the team receives a token (point).) Questions: 1. In what order are the traffic lights located from top to bottom? (Red, yellow, green.) 2. What is the name of the walking path? (“Zebra.”) 3. What is an intersection? (Intersection of streets and roads.) 4. At what age can children ride a bicycle on the highway? (From 14 years old.) 5. Where can cyclists ride? (On a specially designated bicycle path.) 6. Is it possible to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk? (No.) 7. How should you get around the tram? (Front.) 8. How should you get around the trolleybus? (Behind.) 9. How should you get around the bus? (Behind.) 2nd competition “Road Signs”. Leading. For your hands to be intact, for your legs to be intact, you need to know these signs, you need to respect these signs! (Each team receives two road signs.) Task : Explain what each sign means. For the correct answer, the team receives a token (point). 3rd competition "Road Crossword". Each team receives a crossword puzzle, and students must solve it correctly within a certain time. "Road Crossword"

1. “Owner” of the intersection. (Traffic controller.) 2. The place where public passenger transport stops for boarding and disembarking passengers. (Stop.) 3. Pedestrians walk along it and cars drive. (Road.) 4. Rural settlement. (Village.) 5. Road for pedestrians. (Sidewalk.) 6. Large settlement. (City) 7. The houses stand in two rows - 10, 20, 100 in a row. There are two avalanches between them - pedestrians and cars. (Street.) 8. Striped horse, They call it a zebra. But not the one in the zoo, people all walk along it. (Transition.) Game “Red, yellow, green” The leader raises circles of red, yellow and green, and the children, depending on the color, perform the following movements: - Red - squat down and shake a finger at each other; - Yellow - stand still, as if on the command “freeze”; - Green - perform voluntary movements. 4th competition “What will you do?” (analysis of possible situations on the road). Each team gets a situation. Task : find the correct solution and explain your choice. Situations: 1. A pedestrian approached a pedestrian crossing and began to cross the road. At this time, he notices that a car has approached the crossing... (describe the actions of the pedestrian). 2. The passengers got off the bus. We need to cross to the other side of the road... (describe the actions of the passengers). 3. Pedestrians began to cross the road when the light was green. Suddenly the signal changed... (describe the actions of pedestrians). The game “Forbidden - Allowed!” The game is played by one of the students in the class. He recites V. Semerin’s poem “Forbidden - Permitted!” The rest of the students should listen carefully and, during pauses, complete the words in chorus: “forbidden - allowed.” PROHIBITED - ALLOWED! Both avenues and boulevards - The streets are noisy everywhere, Walk along the sidewalk Only on the right side! Here to play pranks - to disturb the people... - It’s prohibited! Be an exemplary pedestrian... - Allowed! If you are traveling on a tram and there are people around you, without jostling or yawning, move forward as quickly as possible. Riding like a hare, as you know,... - It’s prohibited! Give way to the old lady... - Allowed! If you are just walking, Still look ahead, Walk through a noisy intersection with caution. Crossing when the light is red... - Prohibited! When it's green, even for children... - Allowed! 5th competition “I’m walking down the street!” Leading. When going out, Prepare in advance, Politeness and restraint, And most importantly - attention! Each team receives a road map (road safety: educational notebook for grade 3 / edited by V. N. Kiryanov, p. 12, task 3). Assignment: help the boy safely reach the indicated points and depict his path on the diagram with arrows. Results of the game. The presenter or jury sums up the results of the competition, rewards the winning team and presents certificates to the other teams for participation. QUESTIONNAIRE “YOUR IMPRESSIONS. YOUR SUGGESTIONS" Complete the sentences:
- The most wonderful impressions this school year left me with... - Of the activities carried out in the class, I liked it most... - I will be glad if... - Most of all I was disappointed in... - To make the class more interesting, it is necessary... - If I were the class teacher, then...
The questionnaires are analyzed by the students together with the class teacher.

We recommend watching:

Traffic rules game “Field of Miracles” with a presentation for primary schoolchildren in grades 2-4. Traffic rules quest game in elementary school. Traffic rules travel game for grades 1-2. Traffic rules crosswords for grades 3-4 with answers.

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We do not limit the subject of work and the additional materials used, the main thing is your desire and inspiration!​

We will be glad if our competition helps its participants to open up and show their talents and creativity.

Rules of participation

1.A child can complete an unlimited number of works and participate in several nominations. In this case, the organizer, when filling out an application, must take into account not the number of participants, but the number of participating works from students.

2. Each work should not be added separately, but attached in one general archive.

3. Works in the appropriate categories can be performed by children, adults, or jointly - children and adults (individually or collectively).

4. Style is always at the discretion of the participant.

Detailed instructions for filling out an application are in the How to Participate section of the website.

Competition nominations:

  • free creativity
  • drawing
  • arts and crafts
  • acting skills (audio recordings, video materials of monologues, stage groups, classes, groups and readers are accepted for the competition).
  • presentation
  • musical creativity (audio recordings, video materials of musical groups, dance groups, young composers and performers corresponding to the topic are accepted for the competition).
  • postcard
  • reading a poem
  • photo
  • dance
  • presentation
  • cartoon
  • poster
  • floristics
  • composition
  • choreography
  • research
  • lego construction
  • vocals
  • plasticineography
  • video
  • wall newspaper
  • costume
  • room decoration
  • corner design
  • window decoration
  • territory design

The following are allowed to participate in the competition:

  • Students of institutions of any type and type.
  • Pupils of any preschool institutions.
  • Students of grades 1-11 of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges and any other educational institutions (without pre-selection) who have paid the registration fee.

The cost of the registration fee is formed:

  • 1 participant = 1 competition = 1 nomination = 1 work
  • 80 rubles - electronic version (personalized diploma)
  • 80 rubles - a printed version of the diploma (sending by Russian Post is possible only with an application of 10 or more works).

How to pay for participation, see the PAYMENT page

Job requirements:

  • compliance of the content of creative work with the stated topic
  • relevance of the competition work
  • creative individuality
  • originality of idea, innovation, creativity
  • completeness and imagery of the topic
  • quality of design and clarity of material
  • correspondence of the creative level to the age of the author
  • degree of independence of execution

File requirement:

  • Video format with the ability to play on high quality modern digital devices: AVI, MPEG, MKV, WMV, FLV, FullHD, etc.
  • Duration no more than 5 minutes
  • Quality no lower than 360px
  • The file name must contain the title of the work.
  • Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, RAW, PNG.
  • The size of the work file should not exceed 10 MB.
  • If the file size exceeds the permissible size, the participant has the right to place in the appropriate column a link to Yandex.Disk, social networks (or others) to download the necessary files with the work.


  • Participants, without exception, will be awarded Certificates, and those who distinguished themselves at the end of the competition will be awarded Diplomas of I, II, III degrees.
  • The organizers of the competition are awarded Certificates of Appreciation for the preparation of the participants.

Participation in our competitions is an opportunity to show your talents, pedagogical successes and expand your portfolio with Diplomas of the International and All-Russian level!

Let's create together!

We can take into account the requirements for certification and evaluation activities of teachers on an individual basis so that the diploma meets the criteria at YOUR institution. If there are such requirements, write to us by email, stating them in a letter.

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