Summary of an open event on traffic rules in the preparatory group “Travel to the city of traffic rules”

Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution. Road safety

Lesson summary for the preparatory group on road safety “Be careful!”
Goal: Formation of knowledge, skills and practical habits of safe behavior on the road and street. Summarize children's knowledge about traffic rules. Educational: - continue to introduce road signs; - improve dialogic speech, intonation expressiveness of speech; — Continue to reinforce the rules of behavior on the roadway; — Develop in children a sense of responsibility in observing traffic rules; Developmental: - develop the basics of road literacy in children, - develop cognitive processes, the ability to navigate the environment, communicative qualities of the individual Educational: - form friendly, friendly relationships between children;
- develop the ability to listen to your peer without interrupting; — to create a desire to comply with traffic rules. Progress of the lesson.
Educator: Hello, guys! I’ll read you a poem now, listen to it and tell me what it’s about. Walking carefully The city is full of movement: Cars are running in a row, Colored traffic lights are on both day and night. Walking carefully, watch the street and only cross it where possible! And where during the day trams rush from all sides, you can’t walk around yawning! You can't count crows! Walking carefully, watch the street and only cross it where possible! Educator: What is this poem about? What does it warn us about? Children: Children's answers (about road safety, about attentiveness) Educator: Everything is correct, but how can we protect ourselves from danger on the street? Children: Know the rules of the road. Educator: Smart girls, today we will repeat this knowledge and learn new ones. What do you know about the street? Tell me how to cross the road correctly? What dangers may await you? (children's answers). Educator: Now I’ll check if you know the rules of the road 1. Game “Questions and Answers” ​​Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules, road signs, behavior on the street; develop thinking, memory, intelligence, speech. Material: chips. Progress of the game: The teacher divides the children into two teams, asks questions, the children answer, and a chip is awarded for the correct answer. The team with the most chips wins. 1. What parts does the street consist of? (road, sidewalk) 2. Where can children walk? (in the yard) 3. How should you behave on the bus? (don’t shout, be quiet) 4. Where are people waiting for transport? (at the bus stop) 5. Where can you cross the road? (traffic light, pedestrian crossing) 6. What are the traffic light signals? (red, yellow, green) 7. Which signal can you cross the road at? (to green) 8. Who can you cross the road with? (with adults) 9. What do you call a person who drives a car? (driver) 10.What does the car consist of? (body, cabin, wheels) 11.Where do cars drive, where do pedestrians walk? (on the road, on the sidewalk) 12.What are the road signs? (prohibitory, warning, service signs, informational, directional, prescriptive signs) 13. How should you get around the bus? (wait until he leaves) 14.What are the types of transport? (passenger, air, sea, land, cargo, horse-drawn, special, etc. Educator: Let's now check whether you know the road signs or not. You need to guess the riddle and find the appropriate sign. 2. Riddles on traffic rules: 1. Everyone knows stripes, Children know, adults know, It leads to the other side... (“Pedestrian crossing.”) 2. In cars here, friends, No one is allowed to go, You can go, you know, children, Only on.... (“Bike path.”) 3.And here, guys, it’s no laughing matter, You can’t drive anything here, You can only drive on your own, Only pedestrians can. (“Pedestrian path.”) 4. You’ll notice this sign right away: Three huge colored eyes. The eyes have a certain color : Red, yellow and green. When red lights up, it’s dangerous to move. For those who have a green light, go ahead, there is no prohibition. (Traffic light) 5. In a white triangle With a red border For people - schoolchildren It’s very safe. Everyone in the world knows this road sign: Be careful , On the road... (children) 6. What kind of road sign: Red cross on white? Day and night you can handle it with confidence! The doctor will tie a white scarf around your head and provide first aid. (Medical aid station). 7. Driver brake. Stop! The sign is a ban in front of you. This is the strictest sign, So that you don’t get into trouble. You must follow the sign, “Don’t drive under a brick.” (No entry). 8. At this place, the pedestrian is patiently waiting for transport. He's tired of walking, he wants to become a passenger. (bus stop place) 9. We drove for a long time, we were tired, and our stomachs began to growl. They admitted to us that they had been hungry for a long time. Less than five minutes later the sign hangs - dine here. (Food station) 10. This sign is for those who are sick. Those who are not happy with their health. Roadside Aibolit will heal you and cheer you up. (first aid station) 11. I am an expert on road rules. I parked the car here. In the parking lot near the fence. She also needs to rest! (parking place) 12. Why did the arrows suddenly stand in a circle? And the cars, one after another, race merrily in circles. What it really is, It’s like we’re on a carousel! - We are on the square with you, - There is no straight road here. (circular movement) 3. Physical exercise “Pedestrians” The guard stands stubborn (Walking in place). He waves to people: Don't go! (Move your arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down) Here the cars are driving straight (Hands in front of you) Pedestrian, wait a minute! (Hands to the sides) Look: he smiled (Hands on his belt, smile) Invites us to walk (We walk in place) You cars, don't rush (Clapping hands) Let the pedestrian pass! (Jumping in place) 4. Didactic game “Collect a sign” Children are divided into 4 teams and collect signs: Group 1: “Residential zone” sign Group 2: “Children” sign Group 3: “Pedestrian crossing” sign Group 4: “sign” Bicycle path" After the children have collected the signs, they talk about their signs and what they mean. 5. Summary of the lesson Today in class we repeated the basic rules, traffic lights, road signs. You guys are so great! You know the rules of the road well! Try to be extremely careful so as not to cause trouble for yourself or the people close to you.

And now we will draw together the result of our lesson “Be careful!”

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September Topic “Know and follow traffic rules” Objectives:

— reinforce the rules of the street with children: know that people walk on sidewalks and cross the street at crossings when the traffic light signal permits;
children are not allowed to play near the pavement or on the sidewalk; transport drives on the right side of the pavement; know the purpose and signals of traffic lights; be able to determine by a traffic light signal in which direction the movement of vehicles and people is allowed. Joint activities of the teacher and children:
1. Targeted walk “The traffic light is our friend” 2. Conversation “Know and follow the traffic rules” 3. Drawing up a memo “Rules of conduct on the street that every pedestrian should know” 4. Work with the “Help” schemes the hero crosses the street.
Complete everything you need" 5. D/i "Smart traffic light" 6. P/i "Traffic light" 7. P/i "The fastest" 8. Story-role-playing game "On a city street" 9. Construction from waste material "Street" Independent activity of children:
1. Examination of illustrations.

2. Role-playing game “Transport”.

3. Drawing “I love riding a bike”

Topic “Why are road signs needed?” Objectives:
— to consolidate the rules of behavior on the street;
remember the famous road signs - pedestrian crossing; introduce new signs - attention, caution, children; — teach to understand and distinguish road signs intended for pedestrians and drivers; — develop the ability to react correctly to road signs; — develop the skill of conscious behavior on the road. Joint activities of the teacher and children:
1. Conversation “Why are road signs needed?” 2. Conversation “The history of the appearance of road signs in Russia” 3. Reading and learning the poem by Y. Pishumov “The city in which you and I live” 4. Making road signs movement 5. D/i “Road signs” 6. D/i “Guess which sign” 7. P/i – relay race “Public transport stop” 8. P/i “To your signs” 9. Entertainment “Travel around the country” road signs"
Independent activity of children:
1. Examination of illustrations.

2. Role-playing game “Transport”.

3. Drawing “Different cars driving down the street.”

Topic “Our village” Objectives:
- consolidate children’s knowledge of traffic rules;
introduce children to signs indicating pedestrian crossings; — expand knowledge about the rules of behavior for children on the street; — bring to the awareness of children what violation of traffic rules can lead to; — to cultivate in children attention, concentration, sensitivity, responsiveness, and the ability to help. Joint activities of the teacher and children:
1. Conversation “Streets of our village” 2. Conversation “History of the development of the village” 3. Making a time tape “Young village” 4. S/r game “Journalists” - “Interview - what do I know about my village » 5. Making a sketch map “My microdistrict” 6. D/i “Village Street” 7. Reading the story by V. Klimenko “Who is most important on the street” 8. P/i “Skillful pedestrian” 9. Training “First aid in case of injury."
Independent activity of children:
1. Examination of illustrations.

2. Role-playing game “Bus”.

3. Drawing “My favorite car that I would like to drive.”

Topic “Types of Transport” Objectives:
- consolidate the understanding of various types of transport (freight, passenger, air, water);
- generalize knowledge about the main types of ground transport (bus, trolleybus, tram, passenger car, truck): - consolidate knowledge about the main parts of the car (cabin, body, wheels, steering wheel); — introduce children to the rules of behavior at a passenger transport stop; — contribute to the formation of a culture of behavior in a public place. Joint activity of the teacher and children:
1. Conversation “Getting to know transport” 2. Walk to the stop “Observing urban transport” 3. Game “Find the mistake in the picture of transport with missing elements” 4. Drawing up a memo “Rules for using passenger transport” 5. Training “The Road to Kindergarten” 6.S/r game “Bus” 7.Competition of riddles about transport “Visiting Grandmother - Riddles”
Independent activity of children:
1. Story-role-playing game “Transport”

2. Drawing road signs.

Topic “The work of a traffic police officer” Objectives:
- to give a basic understanding of the work of a police officer, traffic police officer;
— explain the conditions under which their work is needed, talk about the meaning of the traffic controller’s baton and gestures. Joint activities of the teacher and children:
1. Meeting with a traffic police officer 2. Reading S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa is a policeman” 3. Conversation “From the history of traffic lights and the appearance of traffic controllers on the streets of cities” 4. P/i “Gestures of a traffic controller” 5. Learning poems by S. Mikhalkov “My Street” 6. D/i “Highway” 7. Game situations “To whom and what do the signals say” 8. Reading by N. Nosov “Policeman” 9. S/r game “Policeman on duty” 10. Walk “Remember the traffic police rules.
These are your rules.” Children’s independent activities:
1. Examination of illustrations.

2. Thematic role-playing game “Road Rules”.

3. Coloring coloring books about transport.

Topic: “Types of intersections” Objectives:
- form ideas about the intersection;
— establish the rules for crossing the street at a pedestrian crossing; — consolidate the concepts of “pedestrian”, “sidewalk”, “roadway”, “pedestrian crossing”; — practice skills of moving through the roadway in accordance with traffic lights; — teach how to cross an intersection correctly, form a model of safe behavior at an intersection. Joint activity of the teacher with children:
1. Conversation on the topic “Crossroads” 2. Reading the poem “If you see a crossroads...” 3. P/i “Pedestrian crossing” 4. Solving a crossword puzzle with the keyword “crossroads” 5. Excursion to various types of crossroads 6. Game - training “Cross the Crossroads” 7. Solving problem situations “Violators” 8. Work with the layout “Crossroads”
Independent activity of children:
1. Examination of illustrations.

2. The plot-role-playing game “Tram”.

3. Collective application “Street of our village”.

Topic “Games in the yard” Tasks:
- discuss with children various dangerous situations that may arise when playing in the yard of the house;
— teach children the necessary precautions. Joint activities of the teacher and children:
1. Conversation “Games in the yard.”
2. Children's stories according to the plan - a diagram of how the children will play in their yard. 3. Children’s stories according to the plan - the “Safe route from home to kindergarten” scheme. 4.Reading V. Semernin “Forbidden - Permitted.” 5.Collective collage “Children’s games in the yard.” Independent activity of children:
1. Examination of illustrations of road signs.

2. Plot-role-playing game.

3. Compiling a story from personal experience “How to get from home to kindergarten.”

Theme “My friend is a bicycle” Objectives:
- introduce children to the rules of riding a bicycle;
— teach children the rules of behavior in various dangerous situations that may arise in urban conditions when children ride a bicycle; — promotion of knowledge on the rules of behavior on the roads; — to develop the ability to independently conduct search and research activities and present its results. Joint activities of the teacher and children:
1. Reading the poem by V. Kozhevnikov “My Car” 2. Conversation “Little cyclists” 3. Solving problem situations that arise when riding a bicycle.
Independent activity of children:
1. Examination of illustrations.

2. Thematic role-playing game “Road Rules”.

3. Coloring pages on the theme: “Road rules.”

May Topic: “We know the rules of the road, like the multiplication table”
summarizing children’s knowledge of the rules of the road. 1.Viewing the training program “The ABCs of Safety” 2.Entertainment “Travel to the Land of Signography”

Independent activities of children:

1. Examination of illustrations.

2. Plot-role-playing game “We eat, eat, eat...”.

3. Drawing “Cars in the future.”

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