16 poems for children about the solar system, planets and satellites. Card file on fiction (preparatory group)

Jupiter in mythology and culture

Such a bright and clearly visible planet has been included in legends since ancient times and played an important role in various beliefs. It continues to attract the attention of astrologers. In astrology, Jupiter is a symbol of power, prosperity and prosperity, as well as good luck. Astrologers even call this celestial body the “king of the planets.” Jupiter appears in many works, for example, in fantasy stories, heroes go to this planet.

Mentions and influence of Jupiter can also be found in the following mythologies and cultures:

  1. In Western Semitic mythology, there was the god Gad , the patron of good luck. Sometimes he simply embodied good luck. His name is also considered a common noun for other gods, who could give good luck and good fortune. Also, some researchers believe that such a name could be used in relation to the planet Jupiter, because the planet was believed to bring good luck.
  2. In India, Jupiter is associated with the Kumbh Mela , when Hindus travel to shrines every few years. The name translates as “festival of the jug”, and the tradition is still alive.
  3. In China , the god of Jupiter and his incarnation was the god Tai-Sui . He is the patron of time, and later began to manage time periods such as days and months. Feng Shui practice, the Tai Sui area carries unfavorable energies that are best left untouched.
  4. In Chinese philosophy , which determines the parameters of the universe, there is a doctrine of the five elements. It differs from the classical one and names metal, earth, fire, wood and water as the five elements. Jupiter in this teaching is called a “wooden star” .
  5. Among the ancient Turks and Mongols, the planet was considered capable of influencing people and everything that happens among them and in nature.

In Hinduism, Jupiter also played an important role. There existed the god Brihaspati (another name is Brahmanaspati ). Brihaspati patronized prayers and sacrifices. This god also embodied the planet Jupiter itself, was its personification and ruler.

In this culture there were several celestial bodies that were considered filled with special energy. Therefore, they influenced people, determining their lives at the moment of birth. such planets ( navagrahas ), and Brihaspati was one of them. He plays an important role in legends, for example, Brihaspati is often mentioned in the hymn collection Rigveda .

Brihaspati is golden, pure, filled with light. He speaks with a sweet voice and has several wings. This god loves those who sacrifice, as well as singers. He is able to disperse darkness, defeat evil, demons (asuras). In India, it was believed that Brihaspati bestows wealth and sons. He also instructed the gods and acted as their advisor. Brihaspati was also called Guru for this reason. Guru is a mentor, spiritual teacher in Hinduism and Buddhism, respectable and worthy. Brihaspati also participated in the war between the asuras and gods when Soma stole his wife, Tara.

An extraordinary Universe around the Earth!

Poems about space for children 4-5 years old


Night in a dark blue sky Did you bake a rosy pancake? An orange rolled out of a cosmic basket?

Or did the golden saucer shine in the heights?.. Sometimes fantasizing is so amusing under the moonlight! L. Gromova


My friends and I were building a rocket in the yard. Unfortunately, we don't have any fuel.

We couldn't fly to Mars and Venus. But we have everything ahead. I firmly believe in this! N. Migunova

A ship is flying

A steel ship flies in space around the Earth. And even though its windows are small, everything is visible in them as if on the palm of your hand: the expanse of the steppe, the surf, and maybe even you and me! V. Orlov


Here is the Big Dipper stirring the starry porridge with a large ladle in a large cauldron.

And nearby the Little Dipper glows dimly. Collects crumbs with a small ladle. Grigory Kruzhkov


There is one star in the sky, I won’t say which one, but every evening from the window I look at it.

It twinkles so brightly! And somewhere in the sea Now, probably, a sailor is checking his way along it.


That's how the rainbow is in the sky - silk pattern! Well, there is a rainbow in the sky, like a colored carpet! And over the rainbow - a rocket soared to the skies. I will build the same rocket myself. And on the starry path I’ll fly on it, I’ll pick up a basket of stars for my Mom. Grigore Vieru

Yuri Gagarin

In a space rocket called “Vostok”, he was the first on the planet to rise to the stars. Spring Drops sings songs about this: Gagarin and April will be together forever. V. Stepanov


The stars shine in the dark sky. An astronaut flies in a rocket. The day flies and the night flies and looks at the ground. From above he sees fields, Mountains, rivers and seas. He sees the whole globe, The globe is our native home. V. Stepanov


An astrologer lived on the Moon. He kept track of the planets: MERCURY - one, VENUS - two, three - EARTH, Four - MARS, Five - JUPITER, Six - SATURN, Seven - URANUS, Eight - NEPTUNE, Nine - the farthest PLUTO, Who If he doesn’t see it, get out!

Eight planets, including our Earth, revolve around the Sun in orbits. Another seven are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, Mars and Mercury. The revolution of each planet lasts differently, from 88 days to 165 years.

History of discovery and name

Jupiter was noticed by even the most ancient astronomers. It played an important role in myths, legends, and had different names. Which god Jupiter was named after was determined by the specific culture. But you can still see almost everywhere that this star played an important role and was considered significant and fateful.

This is the god Jupiter is named after in different mythologies:

  1. In Mesopotamia, Jupiter was called Mulu-babbar (another spelling is Mulubabbar ). This word was translated as “white star.”
  2. In Babylon, astronomers conducted the first studies of Jupiter. They are the ones who have the most ancient theory about how and why the planet moves along its visible trajectory. The Babylonians also associated Jupiter with their supreme deity, namely Marduk . In terms of functions, Marduk was very similar to Zeus and Jupiter - “the son of the clear sky,” the father of the gods, their ruler and judge, the god of agriculture and rain, who gave people writing. Marduk was famous for his wisdom. This is the god the Babylonians named the planet Jupiter after. Marduk later came to be called Bel , and this name was also used in reference to the planet. Bel is a god from the religions of Ancient Mesopotamia, ruler and lord. Other gods were also called by this name, and then Bel transformed into Baal.
  3. The movement of Jupiter was also observed in China . There he was called Sui-sin , which translates as "star of the year". It was astronomers from China who were the first to describe how the planet moves across the sky throughout the year.
  4. Among the Incas , Jupiter had the unusual name Pirwa , i.e. "barn" or "warehouse". Probably, this name came not so much from the planet itself, but from the largest satellites of Jupiter, the so-called. Galilean satellites.

The Romans were no exception, and as a result, it was their name that went down in history. This was a tradition that can be seen in the names of many other celestial bodies. This time the name of Jupiter, the supreme thunder god, was used. In honor of God, the planet Jupiter was named, for example, by Pseudo-Hyginus in his work “Astronomy” .

“Pseudo-Hyginus” is a general name for a number of authors who remain unknown. But they all sign their work Julius Hyginus or attribute it to this Roman author (although his connection with these texts was eventually disproved).

In Greece, the planet Jupiter was also associated with Zeus, although the Greeks did not influence which god the planet Jupiter was named after . They called Jupiter . " But there was also another name - Phaeton , which was translated as “shining” or “radiant”. Phaeton was the son of the god Helios, the sun. He wanted so much to take his father’s place at least once that Gels gave in. But Phaeton could not cope with the chariot on which the sun god glides across the sky, and approached the earth, setting it on fire. To stop the trouble, Zeus struck Phaeton with lightning.

The name of the god of the planet Jupiter was established in ancient times and is still used today.

The celestial body itself continued to be actively studied by scientists of later eras. In particular, the study of Jupiter actively occurred in the 17th century. The beginning of the century was marked by the discovery of the planet's largest satellites. This discovery was made by Galileo Galilei. He also explored Jupiter itself, and did this with the help of a telescope invented by Galileo himself.

Galileo Galilei. Y. Sustermans. 1636

In the 1660s. the planet of the god Zeus also became an object of interest for Giovanni Cassini , an Italian and French astronomer. He observed spots and streaks on Jupiter. 1671 was the year when the Danish astronomer Ole Roemer, thanks to Jupiter and its moons, discovered the speed of light. In this, Roemer was helped by observations of satellite eclipses. The astronomer discovered that the moons were not actually located where earlier calculations indicated. The deviation was also affected by the distance from the Earth.

God Jupiter in mythology

In ancient mythology, Jupiter, also known as Zeus, was the supreme god. He was called Jupiter in Rome, but the Greeks used the name Zeus. The two gods were very close to each other and actually merged into one. The legends about them also confirm this. Jupiter is the god of the sky, light, thunderstorms, the supreme judge. He was also considered the father of all other deities. The Romans believed that Jupiter-Zeus protects the state, gives power to emperors and also participates in government. His wife, the goddess Juno (in Greece - Hera) is the mother and queen of the gods, the patroness of the family, motherhood, and childbirth.

The names both Jupiter and Zeus have a similar origin - from the name of the father god of Proto-Indo-European mythology. Jupiter's father is Saturn , the god of agriculture, who in ancient Greek mythology was named Kronos . Saturn (Cronus) devoured his children until Jupiter-Zeus overthrew him. The wife of Saturn and the mother of Jupiter is Opa , the goddess of fertility, crops, Consivia (“the sower”), Rhea among the Greeks. Jupiter himself had many children, among them, for example, the gods Diana (Artemis), Mars (Ares), Minerva (Athena), Mercury (Hermes), heroes (Hercules) and other important characters of Roman mythology.

It's a holiday for the astronauts!

Poems about space, astronauts and the Universe

It's a holiday for the astronauts!

A special day has come to us - It’s a holiday for the astronauts! The quiet and prankster knows this well!

And everyone keeps repeating, who is not too lazy, Always the same thing: Since I was born on this day, I must become an astronaut!

No, I don’t want to be an astronaut. More like an astronomer. I will study all the planets without leaving home.

But maybe still a doctor? There will be no problems in the family, I will always lend my shoulder to my family and friends.

And all boys dream of becoming a traveler - To discover countries, lands, To write books about it.

It’s the astronauts’ anniversary And I’m ten today... And what’s dear to my soul, There’s still time to weigh! N. Rodvilina

Star House

Ships launch into space - Following a daring dream! How great it is that we were able to escape into the vastness of the Universe!

It’s still nice to recognize ourselves as residents in the Star House, to step into the Worlds as into rooms - through the threshold at the cosmodrome. V. Asterov

How tempting...

How tempting it is to become an astronomer, intimately familiar with the Universe! It would not be bad at all: Observe the orbit of Saturn, Admire the constellation Lyra, Discover black holes And certainly compose a treatise - “Explore the depths of the Universe!” Yu. Sinitsyn


Let's draw the School and the garden with the guys. And an astronaut is flying right above us.

We stand and look after Him for a long time, We really want to go into space!

Then we'll get another pencil, let's send our crew into space!

Above the school and the garden Let's hit the road, To look at our native land from the sky.

On the threshold of the Universe

I stand on the threshold of the Universe, The whirlwinds of space blow into my face, Everything that is eternal and everything that is instantaneous is powdered with star dust. I touch the stars and, captivated by the mirroriness of the world, I can relentlessly wait for years for greetings from the abyss of time. And my heart is filled with warmth: Among the snowdrifts of the mighty taiga I see a green train of aliens, I hear the steps of strangers. I believe: in the future, merged with the cosmos, we will be able to travel through the entire Galaxy. Someone will meet their Aelita, someone will see rains of star substances. And while the ships in orbit are making a revolution, I weave fantasy threads into a multi-colored wreath of stories. Konstantin Simonov


There is so much room in the world! The world is illuminated by millions of stars! There are seas with a million shells, There are forests with a million cuckoos, There are meadows with a million blades of grass, Ladybugs, horses and pigs. There is only one mother... But the Universe is not the Universe with her, but the Merry one! Uncle G

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