Summary of morning exercises for children in the younger group

Summary of morning exercises for children in the younger group

Summary of morning exercises in the junior group “Walk in the winter forest”
Author: Nadezhda Nikolaevna Panova, teacher of the Irdanovsky kindergarten “Kolosok”, Nikolsky district, Vologda region. Description of the material: The gymnastics summary is intended for young children and will be useful for educators and physical education workers. Goal: create a cheerful, cheerful mood, cultivate the habit of daily physical exercise. 1. Introductory part Children enter the hall, turning to face the teacher. The teacher asks a riddle: Teacher: The scythe has no den, He doesn’t need a hole. Legs save you from enemies, And bark protects you from hunger. (Bunny.) A bunny came to visit us today. And this is not an ordinary bunny, but a magical one. He wants to invite you to the winter forest to play in the snow. Do you like to walk in the forest? How about playing snowballs? (Children's answers). Now you and I will get together with the bunny. The white bunny washes himself, (Children imitate washing) He is going to the winter forest. I washed my tail, (Children stroke themselves on the back.) I washed my ear, (Children massage their ear.) Wiped it dry. The teacher shows the movements and makes sure the kids perform them correctly. So we go to the forest. (Children follow the teacher in a flock) Crunch-crunch-crunch-crunch the snow. We walk past fir trees, birch trees, bushes. (Usual walking is 15 seconds) The branches of the trees became heavy with snow and sank down. The trees look like they are from a fairy tale, fluffy snowflakes cling to all the branches. (Walk with your arms to the sides for 15 seconds). Huge snowdrifts near the roads. (walking, raising your legs high for 15 seconds) Light frost, cheeks red from the frost, but we are warm. (walking) We go for a walk in the forest. We will find a lot of new things, we will meet a cunning fox, we will meet a beautiful Christmas tree. The squirrel will throw us a cone. “Kar-kar-kar,” the crow will ask. “Ding-ding-ding,” the titmouse will sing. A small mouse scurries around. (Alyabyeva E.) And now we will run along the path (running for 20 seconds) So we came to the forest. And in order not to freeze, you and I will do exercises and teach our bunny. We start exercising in the morning. Let diseases fear us, Let them not come to us. Kids, kids - Friendly kids. Kids, kids Go out for exercise. 2.ORU. 1 I.p. - standing, legs together, arms down. Rise on tiptoes, arms up. Lower your entire foot, lower your arms. 4 times. (We will grow big.) 2 IP - standing, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Turn your head to the right (left), return to the starting position. 2 times in each direction. (Let's see if a wolf is coming) 3 IP - sitting on your heels, hands behind your back. Get on your knees, stretch your arms forward, palms up, and return to the starting position. 4 times. (Let's show our hands) 4 I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Raise your right (left) leg, bent at the knee, clap your hands under it, return to the starting position. 3 times with each leg. (Let's show our legs) 5 IP - standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. 8-10 jumps, alternate with walking. 2 times. (cheerful kids) 3. final part. Stop, charging has ended. Inhale and exhale for order. Kids, kids - Friendly kids. Kids, kids, did some exercises. The blizzard blew a lot of snow. Covered the entire forest. And the bunny brought us this basket and offers us to throw snowballs into it. Game “Snowballs”. The bunny really enjoyed doing gymnastics and playing with you, but it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's say goodbye to the bunny. (Goodbye, bunny. Come visit us again) Goodbye, good forest, Full of fairy tales and miracles! One, two, three - we circled around and found ourselves in a kindergarten.

We recommend watching:

Health-improving and preventive classes in the senior group of the kindergarten. Notes on physical education classes in the second junior group. Complexes of morning exercises in poetic form for children in the junior group. Notes on physical education in the junior group.

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Author's complexes

plot themed morning exercises

in the 2nd junior group of preschool age

Prepared by physical education instructor Gorozhankina A.M.

A set of general developmental exercises with a braid “Autumn”

The instructor (teacher) tells the children a fairy tale and shows the movements.

Introductory part:

— Guys, what time of year is it now? That's right, autumn. Let's imagine that you and I went for a walk outside to look at this autumn - an ordinary walk in a column.

- The guys on the street began to walk in different directions, in a loose direction, this is how the guys walk on the street - walking in a loose direction.

- And suddenly a strong autumn wind blew, let's show how strong and fast it is - running in a column.

- And autumn leaves began to fly all over the yard - a scattering of leaves.

- The leaves began to spin around themselves and stopped - spin around in place and stop.

Main part:

  • “In the fall it became very cold outside.”
  • “The wind blew and the trees swayed from side to side.” The starting position is the same. Raise your arms straight above your head, the cord is taut. 1 - tilt to the right, 2 - return to the starting position, 3 - tilt to the right, 4 - return to the starting position. Repeat 3 times in each direction.
  • “The animals immediately hid in their holes from the cold.” Place your legs wide, the cord below, taut. On 1 – tilt your torso forward, and place the cord behind your back, on your shoulders; on 2 – return to the starting position.
  • “The wind blew strongly and began to blow autumn leaves across the ground.” Starting position: lying on the floor, arms straight above your head with a taut cord lying on the floor. Roll left twice, then right twice. Repeat 3 times in each direction.
  • “But the guys are not afraid of autumn, they still have fun and play.” Place the cord on the floor. Jump over it, then turn around and jump again. Repeat three sets 6 times.

Feet shoulder-width apart, arms with the cord extended in front of you, the cord taut. On 1 – cross your arms over your chest, pretending to be cold, on 2 – return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

Final part:

“The guys took a walk and began to return to the kindergarten” - change lanes, calmly walk in a column for 1 minute and form a line.

— Did you like this exercise? Great! Tomorrow we will play in autumn again.

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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Developed by: Natalia Borisovna Konnova Physical education instructor at MDOU No. 40, Serpukhov 2014 A set of morning exercises for children of the younger group based on the fairy tale “Turnip” - lining up in a column one after another - walking normally - walking on your heels - walking normally - running normally - running with a change of pace - walking normally, forming a circle.

ORU complex: 1. “Grandfather planted a turnip, the turnip grew big and very big...” I.p. with 1- hands up through the sides, stand on toes 2- i.p. (4-5 times)

2. “Grandfather began to pull the turnip, he pulled and pulled, but he couldn’t pull it out..” I.p. – o.s., hands on the belt 1- tilt down, reach the floor with your hands 2- i.p (4-5 times)

3. “Grandfather called grandmother, they began to pull the turnip together...” I.p. - heels together, toes apart, hands to shoulders 1- sit down, knees to the sides, arms forward 2- i.p. (4-5 times)

4. “The grandmother called her granddaughter...” I.p. - o.s. 1- turn to the right, right hand to the side 2- ip 3-4- in the other direction (3 times each)

5. “The granddaughter called Zhuchka...” IP - standing on all fours. 1-2- “wag your tail”

6. “The Bug called the cat and the mouse...” I.p.o.s. Jumping on two legs with a turn around (10-15 sec) Alternating with walking in place. “They pulled and pulled... and they pulled out a turnip!” -hold hands and form a large circle. “What a big turnip this is!”

A complex of morning exercises for children of the middle group based on the fairy tale “Tops and Roots”

- formation in a column one at a time - normal walking - walking with a high lift of the hip - walking on the outer arch of the foot - normal running - running in all directions - normal walking - changing into 3 links, opening the open switchgear complex: 1. “a man went to the forest to sow turnips, and a bear will meet him.." I.p.o.s., hands to shoulders 1- stand on toes, elbows up, stretch, 2-p. (5-6 times)

2. “Grandfather sowed turnips, reaped the harvest, tops for the bear, roots for himself...” I.p. - heels together, toes apart, hands on the belt. 1- sit down, tap your fingertips on the floor, 2- i.p. (5-6 times) 3. “The bear got angry, - now it’s the roots for me, and for you, grandfather, the tops!..” I.p.o.s., hands on the belt 1 - tilt to the right, 2 behind the hand. P. 3-4 - in the other direction (4 times) 4. “Grandfather planted wheat, - in the fall he harvested..” I.p. - o.s. 1- bend down - clap under the right knee 2nd p. 3-4 – tilt down, clap under the left knee (4 times) 5. “The bear was angry that his grandfather had deceived him again, and forbade him to plant in the forest..” I.p.o.s., right hand at the top 1- 2 – jerks with arms 3-4 – jerks with changing hands (4 times) 7. “Grandfather began to plant in the field, and the bear began to collect berries and honey in the forest..” Jumping legs together - apart (15-20 sec)

Complex of morning exercises for children of the senior group based on the fairy tale “The Fox and the Jug”

-forming in a line - changing into a column - normal walking - walking on toes - walking in a goose step - walking with a stop at a signal - normal running - running with the shin sweeping backwards - normal walking, changing into three columns, opening Open switchgear complex: 1 “The woman went to the field to reap, and put a jug of milk in the bushes...” I.p.o.s. 1-2- imitation of working with a scythe: “Zhukh-zhukh-zhukh” 2. “The fox drank all the milk from the jug...” I.p.o.s., hands on the belt 1- tilt down, arms back, bend over 2.i .P. (6-8 times)

3. “... the trouble is, my head is stuck in the jug, I can’t get it out..” I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt 1- sit down, clasp your head in your hands 2- stand up, straighten up (6-8 times) 4. “ The fox asked the jug to let her go...” IP - sitting, legs apart 1 - tilt to the right leg, 2 - IP 3 - tilt to the left leg, reach the toe with your hands 4 - IP. (4 times each)

5. “The fox got angry and decided to drown the jug in the river...” I.p., sitting on the floor, bend your legs, clasp your knees with your hands. 1-2-3-4 - rocking on the back.

6. “The jug fell into the river, and dragged the fox with it...” IP - sitting, legs crossed, 1-2-3-4 - rotation of the head to the right, left.

7. Jumping in place, alternating with walking.

Next >

Analysis of morning exercises in the first junior group of preschool educational institutions

Any type of activity in a preschool educational institution is subject to systematic monitoring (diagnosis), which allows not only to see progress in children’s development, but also to evaluate the effectiveness of the methods used by the teacher in their work. Analysis of morning exercises can be carried out in two formats:

  • methodologists and teachers (usually morning exercises are assessed as one of the elements of working with children to form a general impression of the teacher’s methodological competence);
  • by the teacher himself (to assess the level of preparation of children and identify organizational or substantive shortcomings in the work).

In both cases, the diagnostic plan will be the same.

Analysis of morning exercises is one of the elements of general monitoring of the level of physical development of children

Scheme of analysis of morning exercises

The gymnastics analysis scheme includes the following evaluation criteria:

  1. General information about the group (name, total number of children and number of people present that day).
  2. Assessing the level of preparation for exercises (wet cleaning, ventilation).
  3. Appearance of the teacher (sportswear, tied up hair) and children (sports uniform, suitable shoes, girls' hair tied up).
  4. How long did the gymnastics last?
  5. Number of stages worked out (introductory, main and final).
  6. Description and timing of each stage, indicating the goals that were achieved or not achieved.
  7. Assessing the degree of teacher participation (explaining tasks, demonstrating movements).
  8. What emotional background was created.
  9. Overall assessment of the work (high, good, satisfactory).

Morning exercises in the first junior group are not only an important part of maintaining the daily routine, helping to improve health and provide conditions for the full physical development of children, but also a way to organize children for joint activities and foster a sense of camaraderie. Therefore, the teacher must approach the organization of gymnastics with special care. We must not forget that carrying out a set of exercises at the beginning of the day creates a positive emotional background in a group where most children have a hard time parting with their mothers in the morning.

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