Outline of morning exercises in the preparatory group

Outline of morning exercises in the preparatory group

Outline of morning exercises in the preparatory group


Help strengthen children's health and awaken the body for normal functioning.
1. Improve body functions.

2. Form correct posture.

3. Give children an emotional charge of vigor and good mood.

4. To develop in children the need for daily physical exercise.

Contents and methodology:

1. Formation in a line

Stand in one line! Be equal! Attention! Right! March around the hall at a walking pace!

2. Normal walking (1 lap)

Let's look forward! We work with our hands above the knee, with a clearer step. We watch your posture, listen carefully to commands, keep your distance

3. Walking on toes (1 lap)

Get ready to walk on your toes. Arms to the sides on your toes - march! Release your shoulders, straight arms, straight back, head up

4 . Walking on your heels (1 circle)

Prepare to walk on your heels. Hands on the belt, march on the heels! Elbows to the sides, back straight, keep your toes down!

5 . Running march

Attention! Get ready to run! Let's march! We run calmly, take a lighter step, breathe through our noses, keep our distance.

6 Running with high hip lift (40 seconds)

Get ready to run with high hips! Let's march! Keep your knees high, pull your toes, don’t lower your head, keep your back straight. We work with our hands!

7 Regular walking with exercises to restore breathing (1 circle)

March along the hall at your usual pace! Inhale through your nose - exhale through your mouth. Take the flags in your right hand.

8 . Changing into a column of 2 turns while moving

Let's form a column of two! Distance in columns outstretched arms

Main part

Outdoor switchgear complex: with flags

1 «
Checkboxes at the top

I.p. - o.s. with heels together, toes apart, flags below.

1-hands forward

2-arms up 3-arms to the sides 4-starting position Repeat 8 times.

“Flags at the top.” Prepare to perform the exercise “Flags at the top.” Accept I. p. - O. p., heels together, toes apart, flags at the bottom. Start the exercise with one arms to the side, two arms up, three to the side 4 – starting position. Hands forward, don't lower your head. The back is straight. Two hands up, three hands to the side Sasha, listen to the commands to return to SP. One, two, three, four - returned to i. p.Forward, up, to the sides, etc. p. One hands to the side, two hands up Julia up, don’t get distracted, three to the side 4 – starting position. We listen to the commands carefully and do not lag behind. One, two, three, four - returned to IP. One - forward, two to the top, three, four - accept IP. We continue One, two, three, four - back to i. n. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. And again... Well done, we're done!

2. "Turns with flags"

I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, flags below, arms straight 1-turn to the right (left)

2- flags to the sides, arms straight

3-4-return to starting position Repeat 8-9 times

“Turn with flash cards” Prepare to perform the exercise “Turn with flash cards” Accept I.p. basic stance, feet shoulder-width apart, flags below, arms straight. 1 Turn the torso to the right. 2 Flags to the sides of the arms straight 3-4 -I. p. And everything is the same, only the turn will be to the left. 1-Turn the torso to the left, 2-Flags to the side of the arm straight. 3-4-We returned to the same position. Continue 1-Turn to the right, 2-flags to the side of the arm straight The back is straight, the legs are not lifted from the floor, the head is looking forward. 3-4 - returned to step 1 - Turn the body to the right. 2 Flags to the sides of the arms straight 3-4-I. p. 1-Turn the torso to the left, 2-Flags to the sides of the arms straight .4-Returned to the i.p., Kolya, don’t be distracted 1.-turn to the right 2.-flags to the side of the arms straight 3.-4 returned to the i. etc. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Well done, we're done.

3. "Tilts to the side"

I.p. feet shoulder width apart

1- checkboxes up

2-tilt right (left)

3- straightened up

4- I.p. Repeat 7-8 times

"Tilts to the sides

Prepared to perform the exercise

Accepted I.p. feet shoulder width apart. 1 flags up 2 - tilt to the right 3 - straighten up 4 - return to SP And everything is the same, only the tilt will be to the left. 1-Flags up 2-, tilt to the right, 3-straightened, 4-returned to I.p. Continue I.P. feet shoulder width apart. 1 flags up 2 - tilt to the right 3 - straighten up 4 - return to SP And everything is the same, only the tilt will be to the left. 1-Flags up 2-, tilt to the right, 3-straightened up, 4-returned to SP We continue Vika and Maxim, don’t get distracted, listen to SP’s commands. feet shoulder width apart. 1 flags up 2- tilt to the right 3- straightened 4- returned to i.. 1- Flags up 2-, tilt to the right, 3- straightened, 4- returned to i.p. Accepted i.p. feet shoulder width apart. 1 flags up 2- tilt to the right 3- straighten up 4- return to SP And to the left side. 1-Flags up 2-tilt to the right, 3-straighten up,4-return to position. 1 flags up 2- tilt to the right 3- straighten up 4- return to SP And to the left side. 1-Flags up 2-, tilt to the right, 3-straightened, 4-returned to IP Accepted IP. feet shoulder width apart. 1 flags up 2- tilt to the right 3- straighten up 4- return to SP And to the left side. 1-Flags up 2-tilt to the right, breathe through your nose, 3-straighten your back straight,4-return to IP Accept IP. feet shoulder width apart. 1 flags up 2- tilt to the right Olya to the right, listen to the command, don’t get distracted 3- straighten up 4- return to SP And to the left. 1-Flags up 2-, tilt to the right, 3-straightened, 4-returned to SP And now again to the right. 1 flags up 2- tilt to the right 3- straightened 4- returned to ip. To the left we continue to breathe through our nose and do not hold our breath. 1-Flags up 2-tilt to the right 3-straighten 4-return to i. Accepted I.p. feet shoulder width apart. 1 flags up 2- tilt to the right 3- straightened 4- returned to SP And again to the left side 1- Flags up 2-, tilt to the right, 3- straightened, 4- returned to SP Inhale, exhale, inhale , exhale.

Well done, we're done!

4. "Lying on your back with flags"

I.p. lying on your back, legs straight together, flags behind your head 1-bend your knees, 2 touch the knees with chopsticks 3-4-return to the starting position Repeat 6 times

"Lying on your back with flags"

Prepared to perform exercise I.p. - lay on your back, legs straight, flags behind your head at 1 - bent your knees, 2 - touched the flags of your knees with chopsticks three - four returned to the first position and continue. 1 - bend your knees, Olya listen to the commands bend your knees 2 - touch the flags of your knees with chopsticks three - four return to SP 1 - bend your legs, 2 - touch three - four return to SP. Kolya is doing the right thing Well done, the rest listen to the commands 1 - bend your knees, 2 - touch the flags of your knees with chopsticks. Breathe through your nose, three or four return to IP. 1 – bent the legs at the knees, 2- touched the flags of the knees with chopsticks, three – four returned to SP 1 – bent the legs at the knees, 2 – touched the flags of the knees with chopsticks, three – four returned to SP Continue Julia, don’t lag behind, listen carefully 1 – bent your legs at the knees, 2- touched the flags of your knees with sticks, three - four returned to SP And again 1 - bent your legs at the knees, 2- touched the flags of your knees with chopsticks, three - four returned to SP Well done, finished.

  1. "Stretch with flags"

    I.p. basic stance: heels together, toes apart, arms along the body. 1- with arcs outward, flags up 2- rise on your toes, stretch. 3-4-return to starting position Repeat 7-8 times

"Stretch with flags"

Prepared to perform the exercise “Stretch with flags” I.p. o.s. heels together, toes apart, arms along the body. On 1 - arms in outward arcs, flags up 2- rose on toes, stretched. 3-4 - return to starting position 1 - arms up in outward arcs, 2- rose on toes, stretch back straight, stretch higher, breathe through nose. Three - four - returned to the position. We returned to IP. We continue 1 - arms in arcs outward, flags up 2 - rise on your toes, stretch Olya, stretch higher .3-4 - return to the starting position 1 - arms in arcs outwards, flags up 2 - rise on your toes, stretch Look at Kolya, well done .3-4- return to the starting position 1 - arms in arcs outwards, flags up On 2 - rise on your toes, stretched All well done. 3-4 - return to the starting position 1 - arms in arcs outwards, flags up higher Olya flags On 2 - rise on your toes, stretched Ksenia listen to the command, don’t get distracted .3-4-return to the starting position 1 – arms in outward arcs, flags up 2- rise on your toes, stretch .3-4-return to the starting position. Once again, don’t get distracted 1 - arms in outward arcs, flags up 2 - rise on your toes, stretch .3-4 - return to the starting position Inhale - exhale - inhale - exhale Well done!

Squats with flags

» I.p. basic stance: heels together, toes apart, flags at the chest, arms bent 1 - squat, 2 - bring the flags forward 3-4 starting position Repeat 8 times

"Squats with flags"

Prepared for the exercise “Squats with flashes” I.p.-o.s. heels together, toes apart, flags at the chest, arms bent. On the count of times, sit down 2 - flags brought to the front three - four starting position One - sit down 2 - bring flags to the front Listen to my count 3-4 IP One - sit down with a straight back breathe through the nose 2 - bring flags to the front Listen to my count 3-4 sp. One - sit down 2- bring the flags in front of your arms straight 3-4 sp. Olya don’t get distracted One - sit down with your back straight look at me inhale exhale 2- bring the flags to the front Listen carefully 3-4 sp One - squat 2 - bring the flags to the front Well done, we try 3-4 sp. One - sit down 2- bring the flags to the front 3-4 sp. One - sit down 2- bring the flags to the front Listen to my count 3-4 sp. One - squat 2 - bring the flags in front of M again 3-4 sp. One - squat 2- bring the flags in front 3-4 sp. Finished! Well done!

“Jumping with flags”
I.p. basic stance: heels together, toes apart, flags at the bottom 1-4 jumping legs apart, flags to the sides 5-8 jumping legs together, flags to the side Repeat 7 times

"Jumping flags"

Prepared to perform the exercise “Jumping with flags” Accepted the I.P.O.S. heels together, toes apart, flags below – jump with legs apart, flags to the sides – jump with legs together above the jump and keep balance. jump with your feet apart, flags to the sides jump with your feet together, jump higher, breathe through your nose. Well done, all of you, let’s continue. jump legs apart, flags to the sides, arms straight jump legs together higher jump Olya, don’t lag behind We continue.– jump legs apart, flags to the sides– jump legs together higher jump Well done! Finished

Final part

  1. Rebuilding in one column

Right! March on the spot! Forward close ranks! in column 1 to the left, in a roundabout step march!

  1. Regular walking with breathing exercises

Walk calmly, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, well done

The role of exercise in children's health

Exercise is an easily accessible and quite effective tool that helps improve the health and overall physical development of a child. Systematic exercises have a strengthening and preventive effect on the child’s body. Daily morning physical education classes allow children to develop flexibility, mobility and proper breathing. Gymnastics strengthens the child’s muscular frame.

For your information! Mental activity is directly related to the level of physical fitness.

Exercise prevents flat feet and childhood scoliosis, increases vitality, improves blood circulation and strengthens the functioning of the immune system. Carrying out physical exercise in the fresh air or indoors after ventilation contributes to the general hardening of the body. A child who performs a set of morning exercises every day develops a healthy habit.

Relay race

Features of the load on children

UG classes are prepared and conducted in the same way as other educational events. For this purpose, a pre-compiled plan is used, which influences the selection of physical exercises and outdoor games that make up the structure of each lesson.

Thanks to this, the child’s skills and knowledge must meet the state educational standard by the time he graduates from preschool.

Note! In this case, it is necessary to take into account age characteristics, performance, and fatigue during physical activity, so as not to violate the general requirements for the physiology and hygiene of students.

Analysis and diagnostics of exercises in kindergarten

To establish the level of physical fitness of future first-graders, their skills and abilities should be analyzed. For this purpose, a diagnosis of physical exercise performance and the level of general physical development are carried out.

Important! The child is considered ready for school, having the ability to control and evaluate his own actions; ability to maintain balance and coordination of movements; independently reproduce learned physical exercises; desire to show interest in physical activity.

Physical education is an integral part of the educational process. Correct habits formed from early childhood will help the growing body become familiar with sports and, as they grow older, adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

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