Article “Creating a library in kindergarten” (work experience). Author: Mavlyutva Ilseyar Nazylovna

Nina Maklagina

Preparatory group for school

Project passport

Problem: declining interest in reading in Russia

Relevance of the project


Children's problem

reading is very relevant.
Many modern children have absolutely no interest in reading or books. An interest in reading must be cultivated in children from preschool age. A child’s sensitivity to the literary word is amazing, and with good guidance, he gradually, even before the ability to read well, begins to develop erudition, respect for books, and the ability to creatively perceive literature.
The library
a big role in guiding children's
reading .
It is the library,
together with parents and educators, that is capable of revealing to preschool children the miraculous power of reading and activating the spiritual
energy of children
, which ignites, inspires and creates; make the reading process exciting, desirable and joyful for the little reader.

Project type

: cognitive - creative, long-term

Project participants

: children of the preparatory group, teachers,
, parents.

Duration – long-term

Period: September 2015 – April 2021

Objective of the project

: to promote the formation of a sustainable interest of older preschoolers in books and fiction through the creation of a unified system of work between the preschool educational institution, the
library and the family
, the family club

To increase the effectiveness of efforts to introduce older preschoolers to books through the interaction of all participants in the educational process: teachers, library

, children, parents;

To develop children's interest in the library


Contribute to the emergence of a tradition of family reading

To improve the pedagogical culture of parents on the problem of introducing preschoolers to books;

To foster a caring attitude in preschoolers towards books as the result of the work of many people

Promote the development of memory, speech, attention.

Expected results:

awaken children's interest in communicating with books;

expand children's understanding of the importance of libraries in human life


create a bank of teaching materials on the project


replenish the development environment in the group;

increase the competence of family members in raising a literate reader;

establishing close cooperation between social partners: library

, teacher and parents in matters of nurturing interest in books and reading among older preschoolers.

Necessary equipment: books, reproductions of illustrations by famous illustrators, bookshelves, tables, TSO

Project product

: Role-playing game
Library "
; presentation; leisure “The most reading family”
project plan

The first stage is organizational (preparatory)

– September 2015

Activities of the teacher, children, parents.

1. Conclusion of an agreement with the library

for joint activities;

2. Selection of questionnaires for parents and conversation - survey with children “My favorite book”

Participation in conversations

3. Parent survey “Family Reading”

4. Daily reading of works of fiction

Organization of the book corner “World of Books”

Selection of books with works by children's
writers according to the program

Work on introducing children to books is divided into blocks: work with the library

, interaction with parents, joint activities with children:

1. Participation in the international drawing competition for the 110th anniversary of A. Barto “Our Tanya is crying loudly...”


2. Excursion to the library


3. Consultations for parents;

4. Visits of a library

to a group for the purpose of conducting conversations and introducing children to books,
children's writers
, and the latest in
children's magazines

5. Quiz based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky;

6. Design of a stand at the preschool educational institution “The book is our friend and teacher”


7. Exhibition of children’s works together with parents based on fairy tales A

. S. Pushkin;

8. Holding a holiday in the children's library
“Hello, old New Year!”

9. Preparation and performance of a puppet theater based on the fairy tale “Turnip”


10. Participation in literary quizzes on the works of N. Nosov, V. Bianchi;

11. Thematic exhibition in the book corner “My favorite fairy-tale hero”


12. Joint design of folders “Artists – illustrators of children’s books”

: E. Rachev, V. Lebedev, V. M. Konashevich and others;

13. Carrying out a thematic day in the library
“History of the Don Region”

14. Holiday “Maslenitsa on the Don”


15. Work with parents to create a reading subscription for their child.

The third stage of work - final - April 2021.

1. Competition “Dad, Mom, Grandma and Me – a Reading Family”


2. Reading subscription competition “The Most Reading Child”


3. Conducting repeated surveys with children and parents;

4. Presentation of project

, presentation
of the project to children
, parents, teachers.

Publications on the topic:

Forum of educators of the Leningrad region within the framework of the project “Kindergartens for children” organized by the United Russia party. This year I hosted.

Group No. 4 of the Municipal Educational Institution No. 117 of Syktyvkar entered into an agreement with the branch of the city library No. 18 on joint work on raising children and inoculating them.

As part of the implementation of a joint work plan with library No. 18, group No. 4 of the city MADO No. 117 of Syktyvkar attended the presentation “Joseph Rudyard.

On April 2, at the Gorbunkovsky House of Culture, the winners of the “Kindergartens for Children” competition of “United Russia” in Leningradskaya were awarded.

Project “Children's Toys” 1. PROJECT PASSPORT Name of the project Children's toys Composition and age of the project group 24 children from a general developmental group.

Alla Yurievna Kotova

Dear colleagues, thank you for taking a moment and stopping by to visit me! I want to tell you and show you the children's library in our kindergarten

The idea of ​​its creation has long been “nurtured” by preschool teachers. And so, to welcome the garden for the summer health season, our library
“opened” its doors.


Our garden is large - 10 groups, so we found a very suitable place, this is the foyer between the groups.
Parents, bringing and picking up their child, pass through the library
, and this is a reason to stop and pick up an interesting book for their baby. And in the evening, “plunge” into exciting, shared reading.

So, I invite you to our library

! Characters from fairy tales were painted on the walls.

Books on topics that are understandable and accessible to children were placed on the shelves.

To record visitors and use books, they created a “Registration Book”, where parents register themselves.

Parents enjoy visiting our library

, some of the books were purchased by the preschool educational institution, and the parents of the pupils also helped in replenishing them, for which we are very grateful to them. So, thanks to what we once planned, our dream came true!

“The golden shelf is one that is created exclusively for your favorite books. In my dreams, it’s the shelves that I picture—not a closet at all, but just one shelf, one, so to speak, floor of the closet!” Yuri Olesha.


Publications on the topic:

Museum pedagogy in kindergarten: new approaches to organizing a mini-museum in kindergarten The term “museum pedagogy” came to us from Germany, where it appeared at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. From that time on, the museum began to be perceived as...

Frontal lesson in the preparatory group “Library” Objectives: 1. Activate subject and verbal dictionary on the topic. 2. Practice selecting adjectives for the noun “book”. 3. Exercise.

Mini library: The role of books in our lives: Goal: - Fostering love and respect for books. — Development of a free creative personality.

Abstract of the educational activity “Moscow City Library” Purpose: to introduce children to the local library and the history of its origin. Objectives: to form children’s ideas about the library; communion.

How to instill in children a love of reading? Only by loving a book will a child show a desire to learn to read. Our task is to draw children's attention to...

Library - media library in kindergarten Nowadays, library media libraries are being created in kindergartens. Our kindergarten from the city of Sterlitamak created its own small library-media library, developed regulations, and the content of work for the year. One of the important components of the methodological classroom of a preschool institution is a properly organized library. In a modern preschool educational institution, it serves as a center for developing children's and family reading skills: it introduces preschoolers to reading as the main type of cognitive activity and form of leisure time, develops the information culture of the individual, and participates in the adaptation of children to living conditions in society. The basis of the book fund in the methodological room of our preschool educational institution is usually specialized literature on the development, education and training of preschool children. Every year it is replenished with new copies in accordance with changing pedagogical trends and the diversity of the modern book market. But since the book has ceased to be the only source of information, video and audio materials, encyclopedias, etc. appear in the arsenal of a modern preschool educational institution. The opening of a new structural unit of the library - the media library in MBDOU No. 29 of Sterlitamak was facilitated by the appearance of methodological, developmental literature and manuals on electronic media, connection to the Internet, the organization of local networks between individual preschool educational institutions, as well as the changing interests and needs of users (teachers and parents ), those wishing to receive information using information technology. The library-media library is an information center that accumulates, catalogs and systematizes materials on all types of media, and also provides educators, parents and children with the maximum possible access to pedagogical information. The main objectives of the structural unit are to provide access to educational information resources to teaching staff, preschool students, their parents, as well as to assist participants in the pedagogical process in mastering information competencies, socializing students, and developing their creative potential. The library and media library form the skills of an independent library user: search ,selection, critical assessment of information, introduction of new information technologies. The first stage in organizing activities was the development of regulations on the library - media library (Appendix 1) and the definition of its mission.

The mission of the library - media library is: To increase the competence of teachers and parents in matters of educating preschool children; Providing access for teachers and parent users to objective and comprehensive information about the upbringing, training and development of preschool children; Formation of information culture of the teacher’s personality; Advisory assistance in searching and selecting sources of information (using it in self-education, individual and group work with children); Intensifying the attention of parents to the problem of introducing children to reading and books; Promoting the value of childhood.

Of particular importance in organizing the activities of the library - media library is planning taking into account significant dates, holidays and traditional public events of the kindergarten. At the beginning of the year, an annual work plan is drawn up indicating the directions and content of activities, deadlines and responsible executors (Appendix 2), and at the end of the academic year - a report on the work done. Today, in our library - the media library of the preschool educational institution, information booklets and poster materials for educational work with parents, presentation material for city district open events, exhibitions are prepared monthly, and electronic albums of groups “group life in kindergarten in the 20/20 academic year” are created.

Using library resources - media libraries.

In addition to providing information resources to participants in the educational process, the library-media library performs a pedagogical function - its resources are used in organizing public events aimed at developing the general and reading culture of students. An urgent problem is introducing preschoolers to books, because the status of reading and attitudes towards it have changed a lot. Many parents themselves practically do not read and often do not realize that reading is the key to the modern information space. Therefore, one of the most important tasks is to increase the competence of parents in the field of children's culture, communication with the child based on the book and systematic work with the text. A special section for parents contains psychological and pedagogical literature, recommended bibliography and other useful information. Group work with children to introduce them to books is organized through “loud reading”. The combination of a live voice, a book and conversation creates an aura of warmth and community that promotes positive emotions. The preschool educational institution hosts thematic events, for example, book exhibitions, literary quizzes, leisure activities, and KVNs. Of particular interest is the media lecture for children “I want to know everything!” In addition to traditional forms, there are virtual trips, interactive games and quizzes developed based on presentations. For example, a virtual tour of the hometown of Sterlitamak, dedicated to City Day; interactive game “Gift for the Weakest”, fun adventures in the country “Cartoon” for Animation Day, etc. To summarize, it can be noted that the structural unit “Library-Medioteka” is an information and educational center of a preschool educational institution, because has sufficient resources on the issues of education, training and development of preschool children, good technical equipment and provides a variety of forms of leisure activities for pupils.

Project “Kindergarten and Library” “A book for children is really

Kuznetsova Natalia Vladimirovna

— Senior teacher of GBOU d.s. No. 104, Moscow

Samodina Alla Igorevna

Teacher-psychologist GBOU d.s. No. 104, Moscow

good food - tasty, nutritious, light, conducive to their spiritual growth" K.I. Chukovsky Prerequisites of the project: - Many years of fruitful cooperation with the Family Reading library; — Popularization of project activities; — Search for new forms of work with parents; — Expansion of technical information capabilities. Project goal: - Socialization of children with speech impairments in society;

Development of pupils’ speech through project activities; — Awareness of the value of reading as an effective means of education and upbringing of preschool children. Project objectives: - Develop children's speech through activities within the framework of project activities; — Introduce children to the works of domestic and foreign poets and writers; — Contribute to maintaining family reading traditions; — Improve the speech culture of teachers, parents, children; — To introduce children and parents to book culture, to educate literate readers. — To develop aesthetic taste through familiarity with the work of illustrators. — Foster love and respect for books; Connection of project activities with educational areas: “Health” Research by Oxford University professor John Stein tells us that reading good books helps improve the level of mental and physical development. The scientist is sure that when we read, we exercise the whole brain. We imagine what is happening on the pages so vividly that it is as if we are living their lives with the book characters. Using MRI scanning, it has been proven that the human brain copies and reproduces the same sensations experienced by the characters in books, as if it were reality. Scientists at the University of Sussex have determined that just 6 minutes of reading can reduce stress levels by two-thirds, which is significantly faster than listening to music or walking. Books are not only a source of knowledge, but also a source of health! — Excursion – a walk to the library; — Positive emotional attitude; - A selection of literature on the topic “Health”, for example, K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”. “Physical culture”: - Using dynamic pauses and physical training minutes to relieve static tension and increase performance during events; - Movement to the library occurs in an organized manner - in a column of two, - Change of body position, staticity during the event. “Socialization”: - Playing role-playing games: “Library”, “Bookstore”, “Bindery”; - Quizzes, crosswords, “Dunno in the Sunny City” - Games - dramatization; — Theatrical games based on fairy tales: “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Three Bears”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”. “Labor”: - Workshop “Knizhkin Aibolit”; — Labor activity – cleaning the book corner; wiping and dusting books; — Participation in creative competitions: Crafts from natural materials based on stories and fairy tales. Paper crafts: “Dear egg for Christ’s day.” Exhibition of icons embroidered with beads for Epiphany, etc. “Cognition”: - Acquaintance with the works of children's writers and poets: S.Ya. Marshak, K.I. Chukovsky, S.V. Mikhalkov, A.L. Barto, N.N. Nosov, A.S. Pushkin and others in the form of presentations, tournaments, competitions; — Acquaintance with the work of adults: with the profession of “Librarian”, “Bookseller” and others. — Formation of ideas about holiday dates: Cosmonautics Day, etc.; — Acquaintance with Orthodox holidays: Maslenitsa, Easter; — Orientation in space – movement through the halls of the library; — Initiating a discussion of the “Kindergarten and Library” project among children. “Safety”: - Consolidating knowledge about traffic rules on the way to the library; — Consolidating the rules of staying in a public place – the library. “Communication”: - Development of free communication with adult library workers; — Mastering forms of speech etiquette; — Enrichment of social science vocabulary; — Use of complex and complex sentences in answering questions; — Formation of dialogical speech. “Reading fiction” - Introduction to verbal art; — Formation of interest and need for reading; — Possibility of choosing from a large number of fiction (including from electronic media) “Artistic creativity”: — Production of illustrations based on the stories of A.L. Barto, S.V. Mikhalkov, N.N. Nosova; — Design of works for national holidays: Maslenitsa, Easter. — Author’s exhibitions of employees of the preschool educational institution “Music”: — Support of musical projects; — Listening to classical music during the event: “Tales of A.S. Pushkin” The following will help the successful implementation of the project in the family: — Daily reading of works of art to children; — Use for reading handwritten books and magazines created by children; - Introduction to reading children's periodicals - Selection of children's literature, conversations about what they read, about literature, about the benefits of reading; - Continued reading. Encourage you to retain the content of what you read in your memory; — Teaching a child how to properly handle a book, drawing attention to the name, who created the book, who illustrated it; — Creation of a children's home library. The following will help to successfully implement the project in kindergarten: - Daily reading of works of fiction; — Conversations on the content of the work; — Recommendations for parents on organizing family reading; — Development of individual literary preferences in children; — Involving children in creating their own books; — Activation of the work of the kindergarten library; — Creation of mini libraries in each group of the institution; — Exhibitions of illustrations for literary works: “Dunno’s Friends,” “Heroes of Pushkin’s Fairy Tales” — Parents’ living rooms: “Our best friend is a book” — Consultations for parents

“A book is the best friend” Project of work of the children’s club “Read-ka”
teacher: Belobaeva Elena Valerievna MBDOU “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 47” Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory
Description of work:

The children's club "Read - ka" is organized on the basis of the library of a preschool educational institution for children of senior preschool age 6-7 years old, with the goal of instilling in preschoolers the need to communicate with books.
A great creation of man - a book - stimulates the imagination, intellect, develops speech, and introduces the child to the world around him. In addition, while reading a book, you can have fun and laugh heartily. Relevance:
Who hasn’t heard the saying “Books are your best friends!”? This is true, and it must be recognized! Books are a great way to introduce a child to the world around them. While the child reads about characters, whether fictional or real, a worldview gradually begins to form, and all problems become solvable. Someone smart said that reading books is a great opportunity to travel the world. The great creation of man - a book - stimulates both the imagination and, very importantly, the intellect. In addition, while reading a book, you can have fun and laugh heartily. But if the book gathers dust on the shelf, of course, you shouldn’t expect any positive effect!

Implementation deadlines

during the school year
Project participants:
teachers and children of senior preschool age, parents (legal representatives) of pupils.


nurturing in preschoolers the need to communicate with books.
- introduce children to a variety of artistic genres, introduce them to reading books on various subjects; — develop a reading culture; - cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

Expected result:

- developing children's interest in fiction of different genres; - the ability to choose a book, understand its content and artistic features, and evaluate the work; - Ability to take care of books.

Forms and methods of work:

- literary living room; - literary evenings; — thematic weeks; — quizzes; - conversations; — book exhibitions and thematic exhibitions of drawings and crafts; — reading competitions; — literary games and holidays; - excursions; — viewing filmstrips, cartoons, presentations; - stock.

Working with parents (legal representatives):

“If the child does not want and does not like to read”;
“Why children need to read books”; “The role of reading in the development of a preschool child”; "Educating the future reader." — Questionnaire:
“Mom, Dad, I am a reading family.”

Implementation plan
1. “House of Instructions and Advice” - a tour of the library, familiarization with the structure of libraries.
2. “The Bright World of Your Favorite Books” - an exhibition of children’s literature, an introduction to a variety of literary genres. 3. “Dolls are also children, but only from a fairy-tale land” - an exhibition of dolls - characters from children's works. 4. “My favorite fairy-tale hero” - artistic creativity. October
1. “Bread is the head of everything” - conversation on the topic, literature review.
2. “Different books are needed, different books are important” - a story about the structure of books (cover, pages, binding, illustrations). 3. “The book came to kindergarten - it will delight the children” - a conversation about the variety of artistic genres (consolidation). 4. “Poems - a wonderful theater” - a poetic evening of poems about autumn. November
1. “How the first books appeared” - conversation with viewing of the presentation.
2. “How the book changed” - quiz. 3. “I am a man, I have rights” - an educational and game program with heroes of familiar fairy tales. 4. “Mother’s Heart” - a reading competition dedicated to Mother’s Day. December
1. “Spruce meets you and me” - slide show 2. “Reading together, reading aloud” - game - a journey through winter fairy tales.
3. “Good Grandfather Frost” - cartoon show. 4. “The New Year is marching across the planet” - viewing the educational program “Lessons from Aunt Owl.” January
1. “Following the magic ball” - a folklore evening using riddles, jokes, nursery rhymes, and sayings.
2. “On the roads of fairy tales” - reading hour. 3. “What a delight these fairy tales are!” - KVN. February
1. “Day of the Epic Hero” - reading epics, watching cartoons.
2. “Take care of your health from a young age” - sports hour. 3. “The Russian soldier is rich in intelligence and strength” - competitive program. 4. “Let’s say to the winter girl: “Farewell!” - literary hour. March
1. “Spring Drops” - a competition of readers about spring.
2. “In the Thirtieth Kingdom, the State of Books” - thematic week - “Dedication to Readers” - opening of the children’s book week; - “If you read books, you will know a lot” - quiz; - “The book complains” - action; — “Books - anniversaries” - an exhibition of books - anniversaries of the year; — “Leader of Family Reading”—closing of children’s book week. April
1. “Vestious Advice” - an hour of funny poems.
2. “The Secret of the Third Planet” - a game program. 3. “Green Tale” - a quiz game based on works about nature. 4. “Malachite Box” - literary readings. May 1. “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten” - the hour of courage. 2. “Your friend is a magazine” - an informational review of children's periodicals. 3. “Our native land is rich and glorious” - a reading competition. 4. “Books that are fun with” - a literary lounge on the works of modern writers. June
1. “A Country Called Childhood” - an event dedicated to Children's Day. 2. “Summer in the poetry of Russian classics” - a poetic voyage. 3. “Meetings with a learned cat” - a quiz based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin. 4. “Russia is my Motherland” - a patriotic hour for Russia Day.

Consultation for educators Topic: “Mini-library in a group” consultation on the topic

Consultation for educators

Topic: “Mini-library in a group”

In order to develop children's interest in fiction and cultivate a caring attitude towards books, a developmental one is created in each group. This is a calm, comfortable, aesthetically designed place where children have the opportunity to communicate with a book, look at illustrations, magazines, and albums.

There are a number of requirements for the design of the “Mini-Library”:

  • convenient location - a quiet place, away from the doors to avoid walking and noise; good illumination during the day and evening, proximity to the light source (not far from the window, presence of a lamp in the evening), so that children do not damage their eyesight;
  • aesthetic design - the book corner should be cozy, attractive, with slightly different furniture. Decoration can be a bust or portrait of a writer, or objects of folk and applied art.

In the corner there should be shelves or display cases on which books and reproductions of paintings by famous artists are displayed. It’s good to have a closet nearby to store books, albums, and materials for repairs. You can store characters and scenery for a shadow theater in it. There are different options for designing a corner.

A periodic change of material (literature, paintings, portraits) and connection with educational work in the group is necessary. For example, in a book corner you can prepare children for a conversation about Moscow: look at illustrations, photographs, make an album.

In younger groups, children are just developing the skill of using a book. Often, they use it as a toy. The “Mini Library” should contain 3–4 books suitable for children, but there must be several copies of the same title, individual pictures, and a thematic album. Books should have a small amount of text, with large colorful illustrations - picture books: fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Turnip”; “Toys” by A. Barto, “Fire Horse” by V. Mayakovsky, “Mustachioed and Striped” by S. Marshak, etc. A lot of material is not given, this leads to disorganization of children’s behavior. The teacher accustoms children to independently communicate with the book, looks at the illustrations with them, reads the text, talks about the rules of use (do not draw in the book, do not tear it, take it with clean hands, etc.).

In the middle group, a “Mini Library” is organized from the very beginning of the year with the participation of children. There are 4-5 books on the display shelf, the rest are stored in the closet. In addition to books and albums, shadow theater props and repair materials (paper, fabric, scissors, glue, etc.) are gradually introduced. The requirements for books remain the same. Picture books are used less frequently. They keep the children's favorite books from the younger group, add new fairy tales, poetic works, books about nature, and funny books. In the corner of the book you can display children's drawings on the themes of works of art.

The teacher continues to teach children to look at books and illustrations, drawing their attention to the plot and sequence of events. Conversations are held about books, it is found out whether children know their contents, whether they understand the meaning of the illustrations; There is talk about literary works that are read to children at home. Children develop stable skills in handling books carefully. For this purpose, children are involved in selecting books that need repair and putting things in order. They continue to introduce children to the basic rules (look at books only at the table, do not fold the pages, do not bend the cover, etc.). You should give instructions more often: check the order in the book corner before leaving the group, find a book that the teacher wants to read, etc. Book repairs in the junior and middle groups are carried out by the teacher himself, but in the presence of children and with their help. Five-year-old children can be involved in simple gluing of bindings, in making an album with pictures, and in making character crafts for a shadow theater.

In senior and preparatory school groups, the content of the “Mini-Library” becomes more versatile due to genre and thematic diversity. The number of books on display is increased to 8–10, but children should have more books at their disposal. Children can use the library independently. Taking into account the changes that have occurred in the literary development of children, the list of fiction is being expanded to include different authors, different topics and different genres, as well as children’s magazines. The list includes Russian folk tales and tales of the peoples of the world, literary tales of Russian and foreign authors, works of Russian classics and modern writers. Thematically, there should be works about nature, scientific-educational, humorous, etc., of different formats, with and without illustrations.

Books for display are selected taking into account the interests of children, their knowledge about the work of a particular writer, anniversaries, seasons, and educational goals. There are no specific deadlines for changing the material; it depends primarily on the interest of the children and is determined by the teacher.

In addition to reading and storytelling by the teacher, in relation to older children, such forms of work as conversations about books, organizing book exhibitions, conversations about writers and artists, and literary matinees are used.

The content of a conversation about a book can be a conversation about its appearance (cover with the title, name of the author and artist; sheets and pages, their numbering; beginning and end); books are written by writers and poets; they are printed in a printing house; fairy tales, riddles, stories, and poems are printed in them.

A problematic question is appropriate: “Why do they say that a book is a man’s friend?” You need to tell the children that books are designed by different artists, consider several books. At the end of the conversation, you can ask what rules for using the book the children know. The conversation ends emotionally: by reading a funny story or poetry. A continuation of this conversation could be a story about how books are made.

A conversation about writers can be interesting. In the process, it becomes clear what people who write stories and poems are called; what writers and poets children know and what books they wrote, what they tell about. You can review their favorite books with your children. At the end of the conversation, you can agree on organizing an exhibition of books by one writer or several favorite writers. Children's book exhibitions are associated with the writer's anniversary, with Book Week, and with a literary matinee.

Before children enter school, it is useful to organize an exhibition “Our Favorite Books and Paintings.” Children and individual parents take part in its preparation. The selection of books must be strict (art design, different editions of the same book, appearance, etc.). The exhibition can last no more than three days, as children’s interest in it quickly wanes.

Work is carried out with older preschoolers to get acquainted with artists - illustrators of children's books. As a result, children develop artistic taste, broaden their horizons, deepen their perception of a literary work, and develop creative abilities. The teacher, telling a fairy tale or reading a story, connects the text with the illustration and names the artist. During conversations, he introduces children to some interesting and accessible facts of his biography, creativity, and style of performance. Illustrations by different artists for one work are compared. Quizzes and exhibitions are held.

In their work on getting acquainted with the works of children's book artists (Yu. S. Vasnetsov, Yu. D. Korovin, V. V. Lebedev, A. F. Pakhomov and others), teachers will be helped by the work experience of educators, which is described in the book by G. N. Doronova “For preschoolers about children’s book artists” (M., 1991).

The literary development of children is facilitated by matinees, leisure evenings dedicated to the work of a writer or poet, evenings of fairy tales, riddles, literary quizzes (on folk tales, on the works of one author, on well-known books by different writers). The combination of different types of arts - music, fiction, visual arts - creates a festive atmosphere. All forms of work to introduce children to fiction outside of class foster interest and love for books and shape future readers.

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