Abstract “Spring has come to visit us” in an early age group

Abstract “Spring has come to visit us” in an early age group

Summary of an integrated lesson in an early age group “Spring has come to visit us!”

Goal: To promote the development of children’s cognitive activity, enrich their ideas about spring (changes in nature), and activate vocabulary on the topic.

Educational areas: “Socio-communicative development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”.


1. Educational:

to form children’s ability for dialogical speech; learn to answer questions in words and sentences consisting of 3-4 words; enrich and activate vocabulary on the topic

2. Developmental:

teach to listen carefully and observe, when observing, to highlight the most striking, characteristic features of changes in nature

3. Educational:

cultivate a caring attitude towards the surrounding nature, trees, flowers.

(Children sit on chairs) Presenter: Guys, look how many guests have come to us, let's say hello to them. Hello! (Music sounds, spring enters) Spring: Hello, guys! Spring has come to visit you, I bring you my warmth, So that everything around you blooms, So that the leaves bloom, The birds sing. Guys, I want to invite you to visit me in the spring forest. Do you agree? Children: Yes Spring: But in order to go on a journey, we need to say the magic words. All the children gathered in a circle, you are my friend, and I am your friend, let’s hold hands tightly and smile at each other. Let's smile at each other, twirl, spin, and we find ourselves in the forest. Here we are in the forest. Why can't you see the sun today? Where did the sun hide? Let's look for him. Children: Behind the cloud. Spring: What color is the cloud? Children: Blue. Spring: How do we drive away the cloud? Children: Let's blow on it. (Breathing exercise) Spring: Let's blow on one shoulder, let's blow on the other, let's blow on the tummy like a tube in our mouth, let's blow on a cloud, let the cloud fly away. So our cloud flew away. What kind of sun has become now? Children: Cheerful, warm, radiant Spring: What color is the sun? Children: Yellow. Spring: Guys, do you know a poem about the sun? Tell the sun a poem. (Poem about the sun) Spring: Guys, the sun warmed the snow and it melted. A puddle has appeared, look what it is? (Pointing to the blue rag on the floor) Children: Puddle. Spring: What kind of puddle? Big or small? Children: Can I jump over it? Children: No. Spring: That's right, we'll walk through it on the pebbles, here they are. How many pebbles? Children: A lot Spring: We pass one after another, carefully. We don’t stand in a puddle, otherwise you might get your feet wet and get sick. Well done, crossed the puddle. And who else is hiding from us? Children: Bunny. Spring: Guys, the bunny is shaking all over, he was scared of us. Pet the bunny so that he calms down and stops being afraid of us. Tell me about the bunny, what kind of bunny? (Children pet the bunny and talk about him) Children: Gray, fluffy. Spring: What kind of bunny ears does it have? Long or short? Children: Long. Spring: What about the ponytail? Children: Short. Spring: Guys, look, the bunny has stopped shaking and wants to play with us.

P/i “The gray bunny is sitting”

Spring: Well done, how fun you played, let's let the bunny go. Guys, not all the snow in the forest has melted yet, there is still a large snowdrift. Oh, who's moving there? Let's see who it is? Children: Bear. Spring: Oh, I slept for a long time. The bear is bored, let's play with him?

P/i "Bear"

Spring: Well done! We cheered up the bear, let him sit and look at us. Look what we have growing here? Children: Trees. Spring: What is this on the trees? Children: Leaves. Spring: What color are the leaves? Children: Green. Spring: In spring, the sun shines brighter and warmer, and this causes green leaves to appear on the trees. Spring: Guys, it’s late, it’s time for you and me to return to kindergarten. Over the hummocks, over the stumps, be careful not to fall, jump - jump, jump - jump! We turned around, turned around, and returned home to our own kindergarten. Well, guys, did you like our trip to the spring forest? Children: Yes. Spring: Who did you meet in the forest? (Children's answers) Spring: Guys, you walked with me and played with me. I have prepared gifts for you. Bright, multi-colored balls. What color are the balls? (Children's answers) But it's time to say goodbye, and for me to return to the forest.

DIY spring crafts

Various caterpillars

Already in May the first caterpillars appear, why not make these bright insects with your children? But they can still be very diverse in color and shape. For example, caterpillars made from circles, from paper rings, from a sleeve, from accordion paper. Choose an interesting option and create with your children, welcoming the beginning of spring!


A ladybug is also an excellent spring craft. Look how bright, beautiful and different they can be. Ladybug can be made from strips of paper, rolls, paper circles and rolls.


Bees are a fertile topic for all sorts of activities with children. Bees can be made from different materials, including waste materials. The main thing is the yellow striped body of the insect, and the remaining parts, such as wings, eyes and antennae, are a matter of a few minutes. The following bee crafts will be great for children:


April is the month of the awakening of butterflies. This is one of the popular and favorite characters for children's crafts. Choose a colorful butterfly and make:


In spring you can also make a rainbow with your children. The work is not only interesting, but also educational for children. By cutting out 7 stripes, children will consolidate their knowledge of the main colors of the rainbow; you can also briefly introduce them to this wonderful atmospheric phenomenon.

Spring crafts - tulips

It is in the spring that the first sprouts of tulips appear so that they can be in all their glory for Women's Day. Children can make tulips for their mother or grandmother in a variety of ways, the most interesting:


Spring crafts can also include sunflowers. A bright flower lifts your spirits and reminds you that after spring, summer will soon come - children’s favorite time of year. One of the best ideas is:

Frog Crafts

A frog is a great craft for spring. They appear with the first streams and glimpses of warmth. This character, popular in children's creativity, can be made using a variety of techniques: origami, from strips of paper, in a three-dimensional version, from rolls, cones, bushings and even a tin can.

Paper umbrella

Rains in spring are frequent and prolonged. But from the window, sitting in a warm room, looking at the rain is interesting and not at all sad. In addition, children can make a beautiful and bright umbrella, even if it can hide from the rain completely for fun. Great spring craft ideas include:

Bird's nest made of cardboard

A simple option for children's creativity in kindergarten would be a bird's nest made of cardboard. To create it you will need colored cardboard of various textures:

  • smooth,
  • corrugated,
  • packaging (thick).

You will also need colored paper, wrapping fabric, a small wooden frame, scissors and PVA glue.

For the nest, take thick brown packaging cardboard. Using the proposed stencils, the largest part is cut out first. There is no need to cut a hole in it. The following parts are cut out in order, a hole needs to be cut in each of them.

After all the parts of the nest for the garden craft are cut out, they need to be glued together, placing the largest one at the bottom, then placing the larger part, and so on. Between each piece you need to lay pieces of thick cardboard (3x4 cm). The holes in the parts must match.

The upper part of the nest is also made of thick cardboard, but with the addition of wrapping fabric. A piece measuring 15x20 cm is cut out of the material and assembled at a distance of 5 cm from the top (along the long side). To assemble cardboard like a hut, you need to cut it on both sides. To do this, you need to cut out a 15x15 cm square and make cuts of different depths, and the width of the strip should be 0.5 cm. The uncut part of the cardboard is assembled in a similar way to fabric.

Having put together the fabric and the cardboard assembly, they need to be tied in such a way as to form a roof. The resulting roof for the garden craft needs to be glued to the top of the nest, and the nest itself to the lower corner of the wooden frame. After securing the nest, you can begin creating birds. For this, corrugated and smooth cardboard is used.

The bodies and large feathers for the tails of the birds are cut out using a stencil. It is better to take cardboard of a different color for each feather. You also need to cut out the beaks, eyes and wings of birds for crafts in the garden. The bodies of the birds are first glued onto pieces of thick cardboard, which is then also attached to the frame with glue.

One of the birds should be placed on the nest, and the other two should be distributed around the perimeter of the frame. All feathers, wings, eyes and beaks are glued to the body. Leaves of various shapes are cut out of green cardboard, which are also glued to the frame. These spring crafts can act as unusual photo frames or be used separately.

Original volumetric compositions

Flowers can be created either in a simple flat form (for example, using drawn plant templates or making them from felt), or in a 3D version. Three-dimensional floral arrangements can be created using the quilling technique, using twisted colored paper specially designed for such creativity. Cocktail straws can be used as flower stems. A sakura branch will look especially beautiful using this technique.

Beautiful voluminous dandelions can be created from yellow woolen threads. The same tubes can be used as stems. But in order for the composition to look harmonious, they should also be wrapped (previously covered with glue) with green woolen threads.

Another, no less interesting version of the 3D composition is flower buds made of corrugated paper. If you decide to create voluminous tulips or daffodils for a flower arrangement, then you can arrange a flower-candy bouquet. Chocolates will become the core of flowers created from corrugated paper.

An original flower arrangement on the theme of spring primroses can be created not only from paper, but from an unusual base - disposable plastic spoons. They make beautiful bouquets of snowdrops and tulips. In addition to spoons (you need up to 5 of them for one bud), to create such a spring craft you will need corrugated paper, glue and tape. If a bouquet of tulips is being created, then the upper parts of the spoons are neatly packed in red corrugated paper, and the lower parts (which will play the role of stems) - in green.

The resulting blanks are collected into a bouquet. Leaves are cut out of corrugated green paper, which are then attached to the bouquet using tape and a beautiful ribbon on top of it. Similarly, you can create bouquets of snowdrops or daffodils. The result of this creativity is a luxurious flower arrangement. Disposable plastic spoons can also be used to decorate the vase in which the bouquet will be placed.

The birds have arrived

Flower arrangements are not the only option for interesting spring crafts for kindergarten. The return of migratory birds from a warm region is another vivid association with spring, which can be depicted in creativity with children. You can create a beautiful spring panel on this theme. To do this, you first need to think through all the elements of the picture (the sun in the sky, trees and bushes, flowers in a clearing, birds and a nest in a tree), and then cut them out of paper. The picture will be more expressive if all the figures are cut out of paper, and the bird’s nest is made of woolen threads.

Funny birds, ideal for placing on compositions of flowering branches, are made from ordinary wooden clothespins. It is best to pre-paint each clothespin with some bright paint, which will add positivity. To create cute birds from such blanks, just paint the eyes and beak with paints or a marker. You can also simply glue ready-made funny eyes, which can be easily purchased at any craft store. The finishing touch to creating this spring craft is gluing a tail of feathers to the blank. For these purposes, you can use ordinary poultry feathers. To make the composition bright and positive, it is also advisable to paint the feathers with bright colors.

Colorful bird houses can be an interesting spring craft. With older children, you can try to make a real wooden birdhouse. For creativity with kids, creating colorful houses from colored cardboard would be more relevant. A birdhouse template is first cut out, which is then connected along the protrusions into a single house. A simpler option is to use a ready-made box of dairy products, which can be pasted over with a beautiful background. The finished craft can be decorated with bright buttons glued to its surface, and inside the house you can even put a nest made from threads or small dry branches.

The starling is usually considered the first harbinger of spring. But the harbingers of real spring warmth are the storks returning from warmer climes. You can make beautiful crafts of these birds from simple and affordable materials - plastic plates and spoons. First you need to carefully cut the plate into pieces. How exactly to do this is clearly visible in the photo. The edges of the plastic parts that will play the role of wings should be painted with black paint or painted with a marker.

Red spoons are intended to serve as stork legs. To make these legs look beautiful, it is advisable to pre-cut the edges of the spoons, reducing their area. Further work consists of gluing together all the parts that will make up the stork figurine. Wings, legs and a head (from a white plastic spoon) are glued to the main part - the body - onto which the eyes and red beak are glued (you can take this piece from scraps of a red spoon).

Blooming garden, bugs and ladybugs

Another association with spring is flowering trees. A hand-made sprig of cherry or peach blossoms will be a wonderful spring-themed craft. With the support of parents, such a composition will be easy to complete even for little ones. The simplest option is to draw a tree branch on paper, supplementing it with glued leaves and flowers made of paper or felt.

A little more creative work will be required to create a realistic flowering tree branch. As a basis for such a craft, you can take a real dry tree branch, which can be wrapped with woolen threads for overall attractiveness. Flowers can be created from paper or fabric. Plastic spoons are also suitable for these purposes. The created tree branches can be decorated with birds cut out of paper or felt. Flowering branches with bird figurines hanging on strings will look beautiful.

You can create an interesting spring-themed panel using crafts made from natural materials. For example, you can use pebbles to create insects for a spring meadow. Pebbles of the right size, bright colors and a little imagination are all you need to create bugs, spiders and ladybugs that crawled onto the ground warmed by the spring sun.

By painting pebbles with black and brown paint and gluing wings to them, you can get funny spring bugs. Likewise, using red and white colors you can create cute ladybugs. To create spiders, chestnuts and acorns are suitable, to which thread-legs are glued. You can cut out large leaves from green fabric on which you can place this whole group of insects.

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