Which disciplines to choose?

You can choose absolutely any discipline. For example, in addition to standard sports disciplines, the following can become Olympic disciplines: twister, arm wrestling, jump rope and hopscotch, as well as tic-tac-toe and sea battle. And if you add a little humor, you can throw brooms at a distance on Halloween or Maslenitsa, shoot from a water pistol at a bowl with a paper boat on Navy and Airborne Forces Day, catch grandma’s slippers with a fishing rod, or pick blackcurrants in the country. Fantasy is limitless!

In the children’s camp that I currently lead, at one of these Olympics, the most popular discipline was “tsu-e-fa” - the most basic children’s fist game of “rock-paper-scissors.” Moreover, to participate in it, young Olympians are not required to have any special skills or talents.

Here's another example: bowling. You may ask: where did we find such a pioneer camp with an equipped bowling alley? Of course, everything is much simpler: we add a little imagination - and ordinary colored plastic pins, paths lined with chalk, a rubber children's ball turned the park into a real bowling alley.

The most important thing is to do everything together with your children! Sometimes children can prepare and organize 99% of the event themselves. And only 1% is support from adults and direction of children’s energy and activity in the right direction, as well as obligatory praise for any action.

Physical education quiz for preschoolers

A healthy lifestyle is important not only today, so a quiz on physical education will be useful. We think that the first step in working on the test is to start with these questions. The image of a school lesson is something that will set children in the right mood. Children can write the answer in words, or they can speak out loud by raising their hand and saying, “I know.” The purpose of the quiz is to teach children that sport occupies an important place in life and the world.

  1. Children's transport that does not have pedals is... (scooter)
  2. What is the name of the line when children line up with each other on the same line - this is... (line)
  3. What is success in competition called? (Victory)
  4. You have to pedal it to move. On what? (Bike)
  5. Summer skates are... (Rollers)
  6. The tourist carries this on his shoulders. What? (Backpack)
  7. What is the skier's path called? (Ski track)
  8. What do you call a break during a lesson for rest? (Physical education minute)
  9. Why do they douse themselves with cold water? (Hardening)
  10. Children often abbreviate the name of a physical education lesson this way. How? (PE)
  11. What should you take with you to school for physical education? (Replacement uniform)
  12. What's the right way to start the day? (Charger)
  13. What needs to be done to keep muscles elastic? (Stretch)
  14. If you pump up your abdominal muscles, you will see... (abs)
  15. What is the name of the limit that must be passed for credit? (Standard)
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