Entertainment according to traffic rules in kindergarten in the preparatory group “Traffic Light’s Birthday”

Entertainment according to traffic rules in kindergarten in the preparatory group “Traffic Light’s Birthday”

Entertainment scenario for children of the preparatory group “Traffic Light’s Birthday”

Cheerful music sounds.
Educator: Today is a wonderful holiday - we are celebrating the birthday of Traffic Light.
The traffic light also has a birthday. Do you know what a traffic light is? August 5 is International Traffic Light Day , on this day 147 years ago engineer John Knight invented and installed the first traffic light in the city of London. The traffic light was controlled manually. In our country, the first traffic light appeared in the city of Leningrad 100 years ago. What types of traffic lights are there? On your birthday, real miracles happen, all your wishes come true. And, of course, what kind of birthday is there if there is no fun, games and entertainment. Today all this will happen. Name days are wonderful! This is wonderful and funny! Accept congratulations. And receive gifts. Where is our birthday boy? Let them sing and dance for us. To invite him here, you need to start clapping! The children clap their hands, the teacher brings up the “Traffic Light”.

Every driver should know that the traffic light is the most important thing of all: If it looks with a red eye, stop right away.
If the yellow eye flashes, Wait, it will change now. And the green eye will light up - Feel free to go forward! ATTENTION GAME “THIS IS ME, THIS IS ME, THIS IS ALL MY FRIENDS” The presenter asks questions, and the children answer.
How many of you on a cramped tram give up your seat to older people?
Which of you, going home, stays on the pavement? Which of you goes forward only where there is a transition? Who flies forward so quickly that he doesn’t see the traffic light? ACTIVE GAME “TRAFFIC LIGHT SIGNALS” Attributes: 3 balls of yellow, red, green colors. To the music, children follow the leader's commands. If the teacher raises a red ball, then the children stand still, if the ball is yellow, they march in place, if the green ball is raised, they walk in all directions.

Educator : What a great fellow you are, you know the traffic lights. To help you remember my colors better, I suggest you play the game “Build a traffic light.” RELAY RACE “BUILD A TRAFFIC LIGHT” Attributes: circles of different colors, including: red, yellow and green. Progress of the game: form children into 2 teams. At the signal, the relay participants begin to find the right colors and line up all the colors of the traffic light in order on a piece of whatman paper. The team that makes the traffic light the fastest wins.

Educator: Guys, do you know what a zebra is? (if the children do not answer, then the teacher clarifies: This is a different zebra. That’s the name of the striped path. There is a sign next to it. And now the children will tell us what the sign is). Children: Pedestrian crossing! (find it among the signs) GAME - ZEBRA RELAY RACE Attributes: sheets of white paper Progress of the game: Each participant puts his white sheet closer and closer to the “Pedestrian crossing” sign each time, building a “zebra”.

Educator: Well done guys. Do you know the rules of the road? We will check this now: STAGED “PEDESTRIANS AND MOTORIST”. Attributes: Car, scooter Game progress: A motorist moves in a car, pedestrians cross the road or let a car pass at different colored traffic lights.

Educator: guys, let's play a game with you. WORD GAME “ALLOWED – PROHIBITED.” The presenter names the actions, and the children answer whether it is possible to do this.
1. Walk in a crowd along the sidewalk... All together: All right!
2. Play near the roadway... All together: Forbidden! 3. Be an exemplary pedestrian:. All together: All right! 4. Riding like a hare, as you know: All together: Forbidden! 5. Give way to the old lady: All together: All right! 6. Crossing when the light is red: All together: Forbidden! 7. When it’s green, even for children: All together: All right! 8. Respect the rules of the road... All together: All right! Educator: Well done children! You are real experts in the “Rules of the Road.” I wish you, guys, that you never know trouble on the road. And so that the green light always burns towards you on the way. Educator: We thank our participants for an interesting and useful meeting. In memory of her, we present all of you with “I Know Road Signs” badges.

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Volumetric traffic lights from scrap materials

If you show imagination and ingenuity, you can make not only a flat traffic light, but also a three-dimensional one. To create it we use:

  • packaging boxes;
  • yogurt jars;
  • plasticine;
  • plastic containers;
  • plywood;
  • yarn;
  • colored paper.

From cardboard boxes

  1. For this craft you need to take a rectangular box.
  2. Trim off the top.
  3. Cover with black paper.
  4. Glue colorful circles onto paper.
  5. Attach a handle from a rope, threading it into the side holes that need to be pierced in the box.

Now you can play with a traffic light by moving it from place to place.

From a toilet paper roll

Don't throw away cardboard toilet paper rolls. They make great crafts:

  • To work you will need three pieces. They need to be glued together to form a cylinder.
  • Cover it with black paper. We glue three multi-colored circles onto it.
  • Now you need to make a cylinder from two sheets of black paper, in which circles will be made the size of those glued to the traffic lights.
  • When we turn the upper cylinder of black paper, the circle on the traffic light will be visible in the circle on the upper cylinder.
  • This way we will get a moving traffic light.

Made from plasticine

Little children can make a traffic light out of plasticine. They will like this kind of work because it is not difficult at all. You need to make circles from different colors and attach them to cardboard.

Older children can make a more complex design. To do this, you need to mold a traffic light structure from plasticine and attach multi-colored balls to it. You can decorate the traffic light with visors made of plasticine or colored paper.

No matter what kind of traffic light you get, it is important to tell children the rules of the road so that they remember what color they can cross the road with. And for this, not only crafts are important, but also poems and stories that talk about traffic lights.

From a plastic bottle

For this craft, it is advisable to take a rectangular bottle, then the traffic light will turn out not only three-dimensional, but also with circles on four sides. The bottle should be painted a dark color. The traffic light colors are glued onto it on all four sides.

If you need support for the craft, then insert a stick into the neck and attach the bottle to it. On each side of the bottle you can highlight the light that signals with brighter colors. If you show your imagination, you can make a real traffic controller with a cap on his head and a baton in his hand.

From plywood

Children and their parents will be able to master this craft. After all, you need to cut parts out of plywood and connect them with nails:

  • A rectangular frame is made.
  • Circles are drawn on each side and painted with paint of the appropriate color.
  • You can use LED bulbs, then you need to cut out circles in the plywood and stick colored mica onto the holes.
  • When the light turns on, the traffic light will look like a real one.

Instead of plywood, you can use fiberboard.


Girls can be asked to knit or crochet a traffic light. If you have the skills to work with beads, you can make a teaching design out of it. A traffic light made of yarn can be voluminous in the form of a rectangular pillow or flat, like a napkin.

The main thing in the work is to show maximum imagination, and then the craft will turn out original and original. In knitting, you do not need to use complex patterns, but simply knit the design with multi-colored circles using knit or purl stitches.


If you are familiar with the origami technique, then there will be no difficulties in making a traffic light. The main thing is to find a material for the base on which the parts will be glued. They use both paper base and plastic and wood.

The origami technique itself is not complicated, but you need to learn how to fold the parts correctly. And multi-colored circles are made from them and glued to a selected base.

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