“Development of children’s coherent speech through theatrical and play activities.”

“Development of children’s coherent speech through theatrical and play activities.”

2.1. Development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age.

Speech, a wonderful gift of nature, is not given to a person from birth. It takes time for the child to start talking. And adults must make a lot of effort so that the child’s speech develops correctly and in a timely manner.

A preschool educational institution develops all children's inclinations and abilities, and among them there is nothing more significant and important in importance than the ability to speak. Therefore, systematic teaching of speech, methodical development of speech and language form the basis of the entire system of education in kindergarten. During the period of preschool childhood, significant changes occur in the thinking of children: their horizons expand, mental operations improve, new knowledge and skills appear, and therefore speech improves. [33 In the development of coherent speech, the close connection between the speech and mental development of children, the development of their thinking, perception, and observation is clearly evident. In order to talk about something well and coherently, you need to clearly imagine the object of the story (object, event), be able to analyze, select the main (for a given communication situation) properties and qualities, establish cause-and-effect, temporal and other relationships between objects and phenomena. Observing various phenomena of the surrounding life (nature, everyday life, the work of adults, etc.), great importance is given to the development of coherent speech in children. The sky, water and earth, fields and forests, thunderstorms, the sound of the wind, the colors of golden autumn, the awakening of nature in spring - all this has an emotional impact on the child and encourages him to speak out. The possibility of repeated observations creates conditions for the correct consolidation of what is perceived in speech and provides material for comparison, generalization, and description of objects and phenomena. By observing nature, a child learns to find and correctly explain the relationship between objects and their changes in accordance with time, circumstances, i.e. explain the essence of the phenomenon. He begins to use sentences involving composition and submission. The methods and techniques we select for the development of coherent speech ensure conscious, deep and lasting mastery of the native language. Therefore, we strive to ensure that children accurately convey the results of observations. [2]

The development of coherent speech in children is carried out in the process of everyday life, as well as in educational activities. The ability to coherently, consistently accurately and figuratively express one’s thoughts also influences aesthetic development. When composing his stories, the child tries to use figurative words and expressions. Some children do not pronounce correctly all the sounds of their native language, do not know how to use intonation means of expression, or regulate the speed and volume of speech depending on the situation. There are also errors in the formation of different grammatical forms (genitive plural of nouns, agreement of nouns with adjectives, different ways of word formation). And, of course, a number of children find it difficult to construct complex syntactic structures, which leads to incorrect combination of words into a sentence and disruption of the connection between sentences in a coherent statement. And therefore, the development of coherent speech is inseparable from solving other problems of speech development: enriching and activating the vocabulary, forming the grammatical structure of speech, nurturing the sound culture of speech. Thus, in the process of vocabulary work, the child accumulates the necessary vocabulary, gradually masters the ways of expressing certain content in words, and ultimately acquires the ability to express his thoughts most accurately and completely. [7; 8; 15] It is important to remember that children first move to a coherent sentence in stories of a calm, narrative nature. When conveying events that caused vivid emotional experiences, the child lingers longer on the situational-expressive presentation. Thus, when children reach senior preschool age, coherent speech reaches a fairly high level. The child answers questions with fairly accurate, brief or detailed (if necessary) answers. The ability to evaluate the statements and answers of comrades, supplement or correct them is developed. In retelling literary works (fairy tales or short stories), children learn to coherently, consistently and expressively present the finished text without the help of an adult, intonationally conveying the dialogue of the characters and the characteristics of the characters. In storytelling based on a picture, the ability to come up with a title for a story in accordance with the content is developed. When talking about toys (or a set of toys), children are taught to compose stories and fairy tales, observing the composition and expressive image of the text. When choosing appropriate characters to tell, children give their descriptions and characteristics. In the senior group, learning to tell stories from personal experience continues, and these can be statements of different types - descriptive, narrative, contaminated

Speech, being one of the main specific abilities of a person that distinguishes him from animals, is of great importance in the development of personality. Speech activity is in close relationship with the most important mental processes - thinking, perception - it mediates knowledge of the surrounding reality, contributes to the formation of a person’s ideas about himself.

Early preschool age is a sensitive period in the development of speech, when the most favorable conditions are created for the formation of its various aspects. At the same time, the leading activity of a child of primary preschool age is play in various forms, including in the form of theatrical performance. This circumstance opens up wide opportunities for the use of theatrical activities in the process of speech development in children of primary preschool age.

Thus, the relevance of the research is due to the social significance of speech development during early preschool childhood, the importance of forming all aspects of the speech of younger preschoolers for the development of a full-fledged personality of the child, the need to increase the level of general speech culture of preschool children, as well as the possibility of using it as an effective means of speech development of preschoolers theatrical activities in the context of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

The purpose of the research is to theoretically study the significance of theatrical activities in the process of speech development in children of primary preschool age.

The object of the study is the process of speech development of children of primary preschool age, the subject of the study is the importance of theatrical activities in the development of speech of children of primary preschool age.

Junior preschool age is a stage of child development, covering the time period from three to four years. This stage is characterized by the intensive development of all the child’s mental processes and his mastery of the surrounding reality. In children of primary preschool age, visual-figurative forms of thinking, perception, involuntary attention, and memory predominate. The need for physical activity is extremely high; Children of this age group actively develop flexibility, speed, strength, endurance, and coordination. Regarding the social-emotional sphere of a child’s personality development at this age, we can talk about an increased desire to communicate with peers and adults, which allows younger preschoolers to develop the skill of playing together. Children at this age are willing to make contact, help adults, and share toys. They begin to learn gender roles. The speech capabilities of a preschooler increase significantly; complex sentences appear in the child’s speech [4, p. 15].

Younger preschool age is of increased importance in the development of a child’s speech. At the same time, the development of speech of a child of primary preschool age in ontogenesis occurs simultaneously in various directions, determining the formation of phonetic-phonemic, lexical-grammatical aspects, as well as the development of coherent speech.

In terms of phonetic-phonemic development of speech, in early preschool age phonemic perception is already well developed: children almost do not mix words that sound similar and try to maintain the syllabic structure of the word in independent speech. In the fourth year of life, the articulatory apparatus continues to strengthen, and the movements of the muscles involved in the production of speech sounds become more coordinated. In the speech of a preschooler, hard consonants and hissing sounds appear, words with a combination of several consonants are pronounced correctly [2, p. 137].

The lexical and grammatical side of speech development of a child of primary preschool age is characterized by the fact that by the age of three, the child’s dictionary already contains more than 1000 words. At this stage, generalization words denoting generic concepts are actively formed in the preschooler’s speech, and the meanings of words are clarified. The sentence of a younger preschooler consists of 5-6 words; lexicogrammatical relations in it are expressed using prepositions and inflections. The volume of the vocabulary increases due to the enrichment of the child’s life experience and communication with surrounding adults. As a result, by the age of four, the child’s vocabulary increases to 1600 – 1900 words, and the sentence becomes more common, complex and complex sentences with conjunctions appear [2, p. 137 – 138].

The development of coherent speech in early preschool age is characterized mainly by the fact that at this stage there is a separation of speech from the child’s direct practical experience. The main feature in this regard is the gradual emergence of the planning function of speech, which takes the form of a monologue, contextual one. Children master different types of coherent statements, while still relying on visual material, the syntactic structure of the child’s stories gradually becomes more complex [2, p. 138].

An effective means of developing the speech of children of primary preschool age is theatrical activity as a form of play, the implementation of which at this stage determines the formation of the main psychological new formations of a person, high-quality changes in his nervous system [3, p. 37].

Theatrical activity is, at the same time, a type of artistic activity of a preschool child, during which the integration of literature, music, visual arts, and plot play occurs, which manifests itself in the child’s creative experience. Through theatrical activities, children develop the ability to use various forms of speech activity: they learn to competently ask questions and answer them in accordance with the topic and situation (in detail or briefly); they learn to communicate their opinion to their interlocutor, give reasons for it, learn to reflect their impressions and emotions through linguistic means, learn to be tolerant of opinions that differ from their own [5, p. 110 – 112].

In the process of theatrical activity, elementary rules of behavior in the process of interpersonal interaction are formed in children of primary preschool age (listen carefully to the interlocutor, speak out in turns). The memorization of literary dialogues, role-playing of poems and nursery rhymes that take place in the process of theatrical activities enrich the speech of younger preschoolers with new words and lexical and grammatical categories, contribute to the assimilation of the principles of correct pronunciation, and supplement children’s speech with forms of dialogical remarks. In the process of theatricalization, children remember the rules for carrying out communicative activities, they form an idea of ​​​​the participants in the dialogue [1, p. 119].

Thus, theatrical activities have a positive impact on the development of all aspects of the speech of a child of primary preschool age. In theatricalization, the formation of phonetic-phonemic and lexical-grammatical aspects of speech, the replenishment of vocabulary, and the development of coherence in statements occur.


  1. Vdovenko L.V. Theatrical activity as a means of developing the speech of a preschooler // Science and education: new times. – 2017. – No. 6. – P. 118 – 120.
  2. Dementieva T.V. Development of coherent speech of children of primary preschool age // Priority directions for the development of science and education. – 2015. – No. 2. – P. 137 – 138.
  3. Zayats O.V. Directions for the development of role-playing play in preschoolers // Problems of theory and practice of developmental psychology. – 2018. – P. 37 – 38.
  4. Kovyneva O.G., Vvedensky V.N. Psychological characteristics of preschool children // Universe: psychology and education. – 2021. – No. 11. – P. 13 – 16.
  5. Nikanorova I.V. Theatrical activity as a means of developing dialogical speech of preschoolers // Innovative pedagogical technologies. – Kazan: Buk, 2014. – P. 110 – 112.

Speech development through theatrical activities

Preschoolers are increasingly using gadgets in their daily lives, which are confidently part of modern life. Talking and singing toys, moving pictures on monitors not only inhibit speech development, but also reduce the physical activity necessary at an early age, keeping the baby’s attention in a stationary position.


Note! Physical contact with the world is especially important in the preschool period for a child who needs to see the result of his actions in reality.

To develop a child’s emotions and self-awareness, the ability to communicate with people around him and cultivate interest in the processes and various phenomena taking place around him, it is important to create a situational project, a live game.

Role-playing game

Manufacturers offer a huge selection of educational toys and story games. On sale are toy food products, doll furniture and household appliances, sets of professional accessories and much more. All this makes the game situation closer to reality, helps to understand new concepts, develops the life experience necessary at this age, and develops a coherent, conscious manner of speaking.

Game "Shop"

To start the game, the child must imagine an imaginary situation, endow the toy with character and feelings, and come up with a scenario according to which events will develop. But children do not always know the rules of the game, its main essence, so an adult must help them.

Important! Adults should at the initial stage create a game atmosphere, show techniques and actions important for the game, provide their assistance, and suggest the course of development of the plot.

It makes sense for the teacher to formalize his work in lesson notes, which help children get acquainted with a variety of topics and concepts:

  • climatic and natural features of the native land;
  • traditional professions;
  • the characters of various fairy-tale heroes;
  • safety rules;
  • standards of polite behavior.

Master class on speech development through theatrical activities

The development of speech through theatrical activities is often used according to the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard in the format of a rhythmic part or a physical education session between other classes.

For example, kids love poems about animals:

The gray bunny is sitting (children squat),

He moves his ears, like this, like this (they raise their arms above their head and move them).

It’s cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm our little paws, clap, clap (they get up, hug themselves with their arms, clap),

It’s cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump, jump and jump (they jump on one leg, on the other, on both legs together).

Oh, you little owl, you’re a big head (they show with their hands how big your head is),

You were sitting on a tree, you were turning your head (turning your head).

She fell into the grass and rolled into a hole (they squat down, then fall on their backs and wave their arms and legs in the air).

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

"Development of children's speech through theatrical activities"

Khizbullina R.M., teacher at MBDOU "DSOV No. 20" in Usinsk

I work in kindergarten No. 20 in Usinsk, whose priority is the development of children's speech. Observing the 4-year-old children attending my group, I noticed that various forms of speech development disorders occur in most children. After analyzing the situation and conducting examinations of the children’s speech, I realized that they have a poor vocabulary, they cannot fully express their thoughts, their creative imagination is constrained, coherent speech is poorly developed, there are no communication skills, and there is no expressiveness of speech. And I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to use in my work such methods and techniques that would contribute to the development of children’s speech. Children spend most of their time in kindergarten with their peers and the teacher, and therefore it is necessary to create such a situation in order to direct the development of speech in the right direction. Analyzing modern studies of children's speech, I came to the conclusion that the optimal solution to the problem in preschool age would be the development of children's speech through theatrical activities.

Theatrical activities are the most common type of children's creativity. This is a rich field for the aesthetic development of children. It is close and understandable to the child because it is connected with the game. And play, as you know, is one of the main types of children’s activities. The game is used by adults to educate preschoolers, teaching them various types of actions with objects, methods and means of communication. Theater activities in kindergarten have their own characteristics. This is a magical world in which a child rejoices while playing, in which he learns about the world. At first, we, the educators, take on the main role in theatrical activities, telling and showing various fairy tales and nursery rhymes. In addition, theatrical activities help to build a pedagogical process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, which requires the creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world.

The importance of theatrical activities cannot be overestimated. Theatrical games contribute to the comprehensive development of children: they develop speech, memory, determination, perseverance, and practice physical skills (imitation of the movements of various animals).

I set a goal for myself: to create conditions for the development of children’s speech through creative activity in theatrical activities. Based on the goal, I developed the following tasks:

  • study literature on theatrical activities;
  • stimulate children's interest in theatrical activities and create all the conditions for this;
  • prepare consultations for parents on this topic;
  • create a set of games to develop hearing and onomatopoeia;
  • enrich the center of theatrical activity with new types of theater.

First of all, I expanded my knowledge about the role of theatrical and play activities in the education and development of children’s speech. Based on the program by N.F. Sorokina compiled a program for a theater group and began leading the Teremok . N.F. program Sorokina’s “Theatre – Creativity – Children” provides for the development of children’s natural abilities through the means of theatrical art. While studying this program, I became convinced that it was developed in accordance with objectives aimed at the comprehensive development of the child’s personality. She has developed a plan for working with children on theatrical activities for a year for preschool children, which includes a variety of forms and methods. When solving the tasks set for herself, she planned to work with children with gradual complication. When creating conditions for theatrical and play activities, she equipped a theater center in which she placed different types of theaters and attributes for them; files of various games.

Starting to work with children of the second junior group on this topic, I devoted a lot of time to games with finger theaters. Children took an active part in “revitalizing” their fingers, talked to them, and enjoyed new characters from the finger theater. Then I brought a new toy to the group and played out nursery rhymes in front of the children. Later, in this way, we learned many different nursery rhymes, songs, and jokes. With my help, the children acted out short fairy tales and poems. They played outdoor games with the help of hats, masks, costumes, and theatrical toys. I supported the desire of each child to engage in communication by all means, both verbal and non-verbal (facial expressions, postures, etc.). Children began to dress up in theatrical costumes on their own, portraying fairy-tale characters. They became more mobile and their facial expressions became expressive, their movements gained confidence. I first show each fairy tale to the children myself, using various types of theater, and read the text. After showing the fairy tale, I work with the children together. We discuss the fairy tale so that children understand its content and characters. I involve children in pronouncing individual phrases and excerpts from a fairy tale. Then I read the fairy tale again and involve the children in the entire dramatization. I conduct game exercises on the ability to convey the image of a character, actions (how scared the grandmother was, how the bear walks, etc.). As children grow older and move into older groups, children take a tabletop theater based on a fairy tale and reenact it in its entirety while others watch. I pay a lot of attention to individual work with children. We play with finger theater puppets, learn poetry, consolidate our knowledge of fairy tales, and learn to conduct role-playing dialogue. Here the child’s interest is taken into account; he himself chooses a fairy tale, a game, a type of theater.

Classes on theatrical activities were built according to a single scheme:

  • introduction to the topic, creating an emotional mood;
  • theatrical activities in various forms, where educationally and every child has the opportunity to realize their creative potential;
  • emotional conclusion, ensuring the success of theatrical activities.

In my classes I use various methods and techniques that allow children to gain knowledge and solve the problems I set in an interesting, accessible way. During classes, I listen carefully to the children’s answers and suggestions - if they don’t answer, I don’t demand explanations, but move on to actions with the characters.

Theatrical activities permeate all routine and educational moments. In the middle, senior and preparatory groups, our theater club "Teremok" showed the kindergarten children many fairy tales - both folk and author's: "Teremok" , "Under the Mushroom" , "Zayushkina's Hut" , "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats" , "Telephone" " , "Turnip" , "Tskotukha fly" and others. Theatrical activities are reflected in holidays, entertainment, both group, musical, and sports. At matinees dedicated to the holidays, we prepare with children either theatrical fairy tales ( Cinderella , Dragonfly and Ant ), or some scenes from fairy tales, showing our parents our successes and achievements. The form of summing up the implementation of the additional educational program “Teremok” every year is participation in the reporting concert “Star Factory” .

It is impossible to work on this topic without the participation of parents. Parents were actively involved in the design of the theater center. They purchased and made various types of theaters with their own hands. I designed for them a moving folder “Development of speech through theatrical play activities” , consultations “Building an environment for theatrical activities” , “Development of speech in preschool children through theatrical games at home”, etc. I constantly publish articles on this topic on my page on the website.

Used Books:

  1. Antipina A.K. Theatrical activities in kindergarten. M.; Sphere shopping center, 2006
  2. R.I. Zhukovskaya. Creative role-playing games in kindergarten. M., 2005
  3. Karamanenko T.N. Puppet theater for preschoolers. M., Education, 2005
  4. Lebedev Yu.A. Fairy tale as a source of children's creativity. M., VLADOS, 2001
  5. Rakhno M.O. Home puppet theater. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2008
  6. Tkach R.M. Fairytale therapy for children's problems - St. Petersburg, Rech, M., Sfera shopping center, 2008
  7. Shchetkin A.V. Theater activities in kindergarten. M. Mosaic-Sintez, 2008
  8. Internet resources.
Next >

The influence of didactic and theatrical games on the speech development of a preschooler

While acting out the plot, children recreate an imaginary situation. By performing improvised roles, they form the qualities necessary for the development of a full-fledged inner world:

  • intelligence;
  • imagination;
  • the ability to express ideas in words;
  • ability to act in the given circumstances;
  • desire to communicate with peers.

Speech development through theatrical activities

One possible form of role-playing is participation in the theater. By acting out familiar stories and participating in productions, young artists not only enrich their vocabulary and improve their imagination; thanks to the role, the performer has the opportunity to experience character traits that are unusual for him.


Note! A coward can play a brave man, and a kid with a poor appetite can play Robin Bobbin Barabek. One actor needs to stop whispering and develop the ability to speak openly and confidently. Some suffer from excessive loudness and with the help of a role they learn not to shout, mastering the power of their voice.

Concentration exercises for children

Performing a play broken into lines forces all the actors to watch what is happening so as not to miss their words. This teaches you to be attentive to the conversation of your interlocutor, not to interrupt, and to follow the general flow of the conversation.

Why does theatrical activity contribute to the development of speech? Theater classes greatly influence the development of a child’s articulatory apparatus. Through rehearsals, the unclearness of pronounced sounds, the slurredness of words used, and the inability to speak loudly enough are corrected.

Important! Learning roles helps to express thoughts coherently and makes children's speech more vivid and emotionally charged.

The development of speech in the older group through theatrical activities can be carried out using different types of dolls:

  • standing;
  • fingered;
  • puppets;
  • gloves

The movements of the fingers and hands themselves contribute to the improvement of fine motor skills and, as a result, the development of the speech apparatus; the child increases his ability to concentrate. The words must match the actions of the dolls.

The stage of a puppet theater is always much smaller than the space intended for the theater of living people. Therefore, young artists are very close to each other. Any thoughtless movement can destroy the scenery or interfere with the performance. In such conditions, the ability to coordinate one’s actions, be patient and attentive is developed.

puppet show

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