speech development of preschoolers through games and play exercises article on speech development (preparatory group) on the topic

A distinctive feature of children is that they perceive any information better in games, since the gaming component increases interest in the process, enhances attention and concentration, and repeated repetitions allow even the most absent-minded kids to absorb knowledge. The competitive moment is very important for born leaders. During the game, a child’s character, peculiarities of imagination and thinking, activity, emotionality, level of social adaptation and a progressive need for contact and communication are revealed.

Didactic games for speech development are a special form of education for preschool children, which allows you to enrich, improve, activate and consolidate vocabulary in the process of play - one of the most important means of harmonious formation and education of a child’s personality.

Depending on the material used, didactic games for speech development are of the following types:

  • Games with objects - toys, improvised and natural materials;
  • Board games using printed materials;
  • Word games.

Speech development through didactic games

The development of speech through didactic games occurs by replenishing vocabulary, teaching in a playful way the skills of using words (activating vocabulary), and improving communication skills.

During the period of preschool preparation, the child needs to master a vocabulary that allows him to communicate without problems with peers and adults, successfully acquire school knowledge, and understand the material presented (the content of literary works, the formulation of mathematical problems, etc.). Therefore, the main task of preschool education is the maximum development of speech, which occurs more effectively and efficiently through didactic games.

Didactic games for speech development successfully solve the following problems in preschool education of children:

  • Provide quantitative accumulation of vocabulary necessary for full communication;
  • Helps in understanding the meanings of words and their correct use with other words;
  • Allows you to master the general meanings of words based on identifying common characteristic features of objects, actions or phenomena;
  • Improve figurative thinking and its expression by verbal description, thanks to the use of special speech constructions;
  • As cognitive abilities develop, didactic games for speech development help expand the objective conceptual content of words;
  • Some games with ethical tasks, along with improving vocabulary, teach the inclinations of social ethics and morality;
  • Stimulate the imagination, activating and enriching the preschooler’s vocabulary in an entertaining playful way;
  • Develop logical and imaginative thinking necessary to solve assigned game problems;
  • They not only help expand your vocabulary, but also actively introduce new words into everyday communication.

The vocabulary of a preschooler is significantly inferior in volume to the vocabulary of an adult. The main task of speech development through didactic games is to quantitatively enrich the child’s vocabulary by increasing the volume of accumulated knowledge about the world around him, to activate and teach him to use it competently.

Development of coherent speech through mnemonics

Author: Gafurova Aminat Shamilovna, teacher

Co-authors: Roza Dzhumaevna Zmanovskaya, speech therapist teacher

Dzhilbaeva Aina Galimovna, teacher - speech therapist

MBDOU "DS" Golden Key" Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Purovsky district, Tarko-Sale

“Teach a child some five words unknown to him - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but associate twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn them on the fly.” K.D.Ushinsky

Speech is a child’s calling card. Through speech, the development of distinct thinking takes place; the richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities for understanding surrounding activities, the more meaningful and fulfilling his relationships with peers and adults.


Analyzing the results of the real situation in terms of the speech development of modern preschoolers, teachers observe an alarming trend:

limited children's vocabulary; children do not speak speech genres

Many children lack a reflective attitude towards their own speech and the speech of others. This cannot but worry teachers and parents, since speech development is the holistic development of the child’s entire personality.

Observing our pupils, we note that nowadays preschoolers are increasingly experiencing problems such as: poor vocabulary, inability to coordinate words in a sentence, impaired sound pronunciation, attention/

Today we will consider the issue of continuity in the speech development of older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. The level of development of a child’s speech readiness is one of the important components of overall readiness for school.

The development of speech in preschoolers is a very important task, since increasingly, when children enter primary school, major problems are identified in their speech development and in mastering reading and writing skills. Children do not know how to structure their statements correctly, it is difficult for them to talk about something, describe any phenomenon, and they lack the ability to reason. The reasons for schoolchildren’s poor performance in the Russian language go back to preschool and even earlier ages. One of the target guidelines at the stage of completion of preschool education, which are the basis for the continuity of preschool and primary general education, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, is that: the child has a fairly good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, constructing a speech utterance in a communication situation, can highlight sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy.

From preschool age, a child must expand his vocabulary and form competent, coherent monologue and dialogic speech.

We work in a compensating group. The group is attended by children of OHP levels 1, 2 and 3.

All work with children in this group is carried out in accordance with the curriculum, program requirements, in the system, in close cooperation with the speech therapist teacher, on the basis of certain lexical topics in the GCD. in everyday life, individually with each child. Using the principle - from simple to complex, complicating tasks for children before school, you can achieve good success in the speech development of children, thanks to the use of innovative methods and techniques in close cooperation with parents.

One of such techniques, in our opinion, is very effective, we consider mnemonics.

Mnemonics was paid attention to by such teachers as

L.N. Efimenkova, Zheleznovs, V.K. Vorobyova.

In preschool pedagogy it is called differently:

V.K. Vorobyova calls this technique sensory-graphic schemes.

T. A. Tkachenko - subject-schematic models.

L.N. Efimenkova - a scheme for compiling a story.

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, and the development of coherent speech.

A little about the history of mnemonics... The words “mnemonics” and “mnemonics” mean the same thing - a memorization technique. They come from the Greek “mnemonikon” - the art of memorization.

The advantage of mnemonics is its use in joint and independent activities (retelling, dramatization, dramatization games)

Mnemonics are used to solve the following problems:

development of coherent and dialogic speech in children;

developing the ability to understand and tell familiar fairy tales and poems using graphic analogies;

Teaching children correct sound pronunciation;

Development of mental activity, intelligence, observation, ability to compare, highlight essential features; development of mental processes: thinking, attention, imagination, memory. The mnemonics method includes various techniques: models, cartography, collages, plan - diagrams, mnemonic tables.

Like any work, mnemonics is built from simple to complex. It is necessary to start working with the simplest mnemonic squares, sequentially move on to mnemonic tracks, and, later, to mnemonic tables. We will tell you in more detail about each stage of the work.

A mnemonic square is a single image that represents one word, a phrase, or a simple sentence that represents one word.

A mnemonic track is a table of four or more cells arranged linearly, from which you can compose a short story.

A mnemonic table is a whole diagram that contains certain information, text (story, verse, fairy tale, etc.)

The essence of mnemonic schemes is as follows: for each word or phrase, a picture (image) is created; thus, the entire text is sketched schematically.

Subject-graphic diagrams help children better and faster remember a story they hear and retell it. Children look at the pictures in the story with interest and name what is drawn on them.

Then they listen to the text and, based on the images in one row inside the frame, repeat individual sentences, connecting them into a coherent narrative (story).

As a result of work on the project, the level of children’s monologue speech increases, arouses interest in creative speech activities, and the level of children’s communicative competence increases.

Pictures are used not only in mnemonic tables, but also in chain storytelling using Vorobyova’s method

The use of Vorobyova’s table of chain storytelling makes it possible to really show children the principle of the same semantic structure of all sentences of the story: in the first place is the designation of the subject, in the second place the action, in the third place again the designation, but of a new subject of the message. In the next sentence, the subject designation from the previous sentence is used in the first place, which makes it possible to demonstrate the semantic connection of sentences.

Subject-graphic diagrams help children better and faster remember a story they hear and retell it. At the same time, the child learns to correctly pronounce the required sound, in the story “The Goat and the Rose” he reinforces it not only in words, but also in sentences, characterizes the sound in a coherent text and learns to retell it.

With the help of the story “Sonya and the Dog” you can reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound “C”,

With the help of simple drawings that children themselves can draw, they can learn such a complex poem by heart.

Based on Internet resources, I study the best practices of my colleagues. Our attention was drawn to the “live” mnemonic tables of such authors as the Zheleznovs, Anna Yaranova and Svetlana Poletavkina.

“Live” mnemonic tables include animation, bright visuals, music and video effects with an interesting plot. Involuntary attention is caused by novelty, unusualness, dynamism of objects, and image contrast.

The use of “live” mnemonic tables provides clarity, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children, and allows for more complete use of the capabilities of students’ visual and auditory analyzers. Agree that beautiful, bright pictures are easier to remember than monotonous continuous text!

We work with “live” mnemonic tables in stages:

Stage 1 : Examination of the table and analysis of what is shown on it.

Stage 2 : Implementation of information recoding, i.e. transformation from abstract symbols of words into images.

Stage 3 : Retelling a fairy tale, a story on a given topic, or reading a poem based on symbols - images, i.e., the memorization method is being developed. At the beginning of working with “live” mnemonic tables, children begin to experience some difficulties; it is difficult for them to follow the proposed table plan. Often the first stories based on models turn out to be very sketchy. To reduce complications, it is necessary to introduce tasks to activate and enrich the vocabulary into the program for maintaining mnemonic tables.

During the work, it became clear that during GCD and everyday joint activities on one topic, only 1-2 mnemonic tables can be used in one day. We use repeated examination of mnemonic tables based on the children’s interest, desire to talk, tell or retell the text, according to some scheme. If children find it difficult, I help them recode information or establish a sequence. During the work, the children developed a pronounced interest in living mnemonic tables.

The use of live mnemonic tables in the classroom showed positive dynamics:

Not only has the children’s vocabulary expanded, but also their knowledge about the world around them.

There is a desire to retell it - the child understands that it is not at all difficult.

Memorizing poetry has become a game that children really like.

the use of visual modeling had a positive impact on the development of non-speech processes: attention, memory, thinking.

The use of mnemonics is, first of all, the initial “starting” of the most significant and effective work, but you cannot limit yourself to it only when developing children’s speech. There is no need to abuse this method or use it unnecessarily. In parallel, it is necessary to carry out other work on speech development. For example, speech verbal, board-printed, didactic, plot-role-playing and other games

Thus, we concluded that an important part of the continuity of preschool and primary school education is the formation of the grammatical structure of the speech of preschoolers. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities to understand reality, the more complete his future relationships with children and adults, his behavior, and, consequently, his personality as a whole.

Continuity in the system of preschool and primary school education must necessarily be a process of two-way interaction. At the preschool stage of education, the child’s personal qualities are formed, which serve as the basis for the success of his education at school. At the same time, the school does not build its work from scratch, but picks up the achievements of the preschooler and develops his accumulated potential. We believe that only the joint work of parents and teaching staff of kindergartens and schools lays the foundations for children’s successful studies in primary school and helps them further realize themselves in the learning process and ensure self-realization in the future.

Didactic games for the development of speech for children from two to three years old

At the age of 2-3 years, the child must master the names of items of clothing, dishes, furniture, toys that surround him in everyday life and arouse his interest. During this period, the names of the actions performed with these objects are also mastered.

The task of educators during this period, with the help of didactic games, is to teach children to name and distinguish:

  • Parts of objects, parts of the body of animals and humans;
  • Different sizes;
  • Primary colors;
  • Main taste qualities;
  • Some physical qualities and properties.

It is necessary to develop the ability of children to denote in one word a group of similar objects united by a common feature and to distinguish between similar groups of objects.

It’s good at this age to start teaching your child to talk on the phone with an invisible interlocutor. This is a kind of didactic game that develops not only vocabulary, but also abstract thinking, the ability to express one’s thoughts without the help of gestures. You should structure such a conversation correctly, asking simple questions that do not require complex answers; you can make a telephone conversation, for example with your grandmother, a daily ritual.

Didactic games for speech development are also recommended, the essence of which is clear from the name - “Name it correctly...”, “What has changed...”, “What does it consist of...”, etc.

The main goal of such games at this age, while improving vocabulary, is to instill in the child an interest in vocabulary activities.

“Development of speech in children of primary preschool age in play activities”


Timofeeva Irina Sergeevna,


MADO kindergarten No. 79 in Tyumen

The relevance of the study is determined by the unique role played by the native language in the formation of the personality of a preschool child. Language and speech have traditionally been considered in psychology, philosophy and pedagogy as a “node” in which various lines of mental development converge - thinking, imagination, memory, emotions. Being the most important means of human communication and knowledge of reality, language serves as the main channel for introducing the values ​​of spiritual culture from generation to generation, as well as a necessary condition for education and training. Preschool age is a period of active acquisition by a child of spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech. The work touches upon the problem of children's speech development in play activities, since in preschool age this type of activity is the leading one. The reason for the urgent need to develop children's speech is the need for a person to communicate with the people around him, and in order for speech to be intelligible, understandable and interesting to others, it is necessary to develop it, it is necessary to conduct a variety of games, to develop methods for conducting games so that children are interested in gaming activities.

Currently, there is a critical situation in the development of speech activity in young children, which is due to a number of negative factors affecting speech function: deterioration in the health of children; a significant narrowing of the volume of “live” communication between parents and children; global decline in the level of speech culture in society. Emotional coldness in the family adversely affects the child’s mental development and communication. The most important prerequisite for improving children's speech activity is the creation of an emotionally favorable situation that promotes the desire to actively participate in verbal communication. And it is play activity that helps create situations in which children’s speech develops.

I work with children of primary preschool age and observe children and their development. Play is the leading activity of a child. The game accompanies the child from birth, remains with him in childhood, adolescence, right up to the transition to adolescence. The game reflects the train of thoughts and feelings of children, leading them along the path of understanding reality.

Thus, I defined for myself the purpose and objectives of the work.


— speech development of preschool children in play activities. To achieve this goal, I set the following tasks in my work:

— formation of a dictionary; — development of sound culture of speech, coherent speech; - formation of the grammatical structure of speech; - development of speech as a means of communication.

I began my work on this topic by studying methodological literature and the best practices of my colleagues, which helped me build my own concept of speech support for young children through play activities. In my daily work with the children in my group, I definitely use games. The most important prerequisite for improving children's speech activity is the creation of an emotionally favorable situation that promotes the desire to actively participate in verbal communication. And it is play activity that helps create situations in which children’s speech develops. Of great importance for the development of speech is the living environment in which a child is raised, and the attitude of an adult towards him. In the development of speech, the leading role belongs to adults: the teacher in kindergarten, parents and loved ones in the family. The speech culture of adults, how they speak to the child, and how much attention they pay to verbal communication with him, largely determine the success of a preschooler in mastering the language.

Therefore, I consider it relevant to use various types of games for the development of speech in preschool children.

With the help of didactic games I activate children's vocabulary. Each didactic game has its own program content. In this regard, the program content of the game also includes a certain group of words that the child must master. Didactic games are educational games. They are created by adults for the purpose of raising and educating children. For children at play, educational value is realized through a game task, game actions, and rules. In the process of educational activities with children, play acquires special significance: it serves as a means for instilling in children new positive speech skills. So, playing didactic games with toys and objects with kids, such as: “The doll Masha woke up”, “Toy Store”, I help children consolidate their knowledge of the names of clothes, tableware, and activate their speech.

I use board and printed games in my work: “Paired Pictures”, “Loto”, etc. In such games I formulate speech, consolidate children’s knowledge about plants, animals and their babies, vegetables and fruits. With the accumulation of nouns, generalizing concepts (clothing, dishes, furniture) appear in children's dictionaries.

Manipulating with toys during the game, they indicate actions: walking, sleeping, eating, etc., i.e. using verbs. In the games: “More - Less”, “Wonderful Bag”, I teach children to see the features of objects and highlight characteristic features and qualities, reinforce children’s knowledge about color and size, and enrich their vocabulary with adjectives.

I regularly encourage children to create cut-out pictures and cubes. In this type of game, I solve a problem - I form in children the ability to think logically, and develop their ability to compose a whole object from individual parts. But before giving the task of putting together a picture from its parts, I let the children look at the whole picture. When working with children, I think the combination of visuals and words is effective. Bright objects and pictures make the baby want to look at them. Exploring the world around him, the child learns verbal designations of objects and phenomena of reality, their properties, connections and relationships. To expand, enrich and activate the vocabulary, I use didactic exercises: “Wonderful bag”, “Guess what it sounds like”. These exercises are varied and involve the use of words belonging to different parts of speech. I also enrich children’s vocabulary in didactic games: “Guess and name”, “Guess who came to us”, “Who is doing what”, “Name the animals and tell me who screams what”.

Creating an emotionally favorable situation contributes to the desire to actively participate in verbal communication. And it is theatrical play that helps create situations in which even the most uncommunicative and constrained children enter into dialogue and open up. Theater for a child is always a holiday, a bright, unforgettable experience. After all, theatrical activities are the most common type of children's creativity. Why theatrical activities? Theatrical activities are one of the most effective ways to influence children, in which the principle of learning is most fully and clearly demonstrated: learn by playing. Theatrical play has a great influence on the child’s speech development: it stimulates active speech by expanding the vocabulary and improves the articulatory apparatus. The child learns the richness of his native language and its means of expression. Using expressive means and intonations that correspond to the character of the characters and their actions, he tries to speak clearly so that everyone can understand him. In theatrical play, didactic, emotionally rich speech is formed. Children better assimilate the content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causality. Theatrical games promote the assimilation of elements of verbal communication (facial expressions, gestures, posture, intonation, voice modulation).

In my work on the development of children’s speech in theatrical activities, I use the following methods and techniques: gaming: - use of elements of outdoor play - surprise moments - imitation movements with elements of onomatopoeia - playing out the text - verbal: - repetition of speech material - questions - use of texts with repeating elements - reading works with onomatopoeia - finishing words, phrases - praise - visual: - using illustrations for texts - using toys, puppet theater characters.

To ensure that children’s interest in theatrical games does not fade away, I adhere to certain requirements:

- content and variety of topics - constant inclusion of theatrical games in all forms of the pedagogical process - maximum activity of children at the stages of preparation and conduct of games - cooperation of children with each other and adults at all stages of theatrical activities.

Of a special nature is the game that children create themselves, reproducing in it what is close and interesting to them (the actions of people with household objects, labor processes, people’s attitude towards each other, their recreation, entertainment, etc.). In such games, the theme, content, and sequence of displayed events are not predetermined by adults; they are based on the life experience of children; the rules seem to be hidden in the content of the events displayed. Such games are called creative, plot-based role-playing games. The game develops the ability to replace objects and actions, which ensures the gradual development of elements of more abstract thinking and speech. Favorable prerequisites for the development of abstract thinking and speech are already created in the play of young children in connection with the generalization and complication of play action. The first joint games instill in children a sense of collectivism and friendship. Kids learn to communicate, make requests and proposals to their comrades. With the timely formation of a plot game, children begin to play together, sometimes three, and enter into role-playing interaction. In games such as “Hairdresser”, “At the Doctor’s Appointment”, I introduce children to the names of professions, teach them to take on a role, perform the appropriate actions (cutting, combing their hair, treating, giving injections, etc.).

Initially, the children imitate what I showed them; over time, they begin to independently organize the game, enter into dialogue, and transfer actions from one object to another. During games, I encourage children to name the objects they use and pronounce the actions they perform. There are a lot of games, they can be very different, but active games occupy a special place among them. The comprehensive influence of outdoor games on a child’s development can hardly be overestimated. With skillful guidance from adults, these games can work wonders. Games are often accompanied by poems and songs. The poetic text determines the course of the game, regulates the motor activity of children and their behavior. Kids listen to the words of the text and focus on the content. Poetic syllables set the rhythm of movement. Movements with speech accompaniment cultivate a sense of beauty, the ability to listen to every word of the teacher, and activate attention. When the game is repeated, the kids remember the words and begin to sing along. Movements with pronouncing individual words and onomatopoeia are one of the effective methods for developing motor skills and stimulating the development of auditory perception. When conducting outdoor games with text, I use appropriate attributes (pictures with game characters, I encourage them to repeat the text. I make sure to involve even shy children in the game, who reveal their capabilities in the game, they develop speech, kids learn to communicate with others. In outdoor games for After the child accepts the plot, I characterize the image being depicted and the toys must speak, thus creating a true play situation.

I made a card index of outdoor games with texts.

A developing subject-spatial environment ensures the creative and speech development of children based on play activities. It not only provides play activities, but is also designed to help establish effective communication between children and the teacher and with each other.

There is no doubt that the development of speech in children of any age is one of the priority tasks in training and education. The child’s speech develops constantly in everyday life, in play, in communication and accompanies him in any activity, but in order for learning to take place easily and freely, without strict rules and intrusiveness, the use of games in the pedagogical process will help. In my work, I analyzed the literature on this issue, revealed the role of the influence of play activities on the speech development of young children, studied the mechanism of managing the game and the methodology for conducting direct educational activities, and used various forms of work with parents.

Gaming activities serve to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the classroom and activate the vocabulary. It is a natural state, a need of the child’s body, a means of communication and joint activities of children. Gaming activity creates that positive emotional background against which all mental processes occur most actively. It reveals the individual abilities and personal qualities of the child, allows us to determine the level of his knowledge and ideas, which is necessary for the further effective work of the teacher with each child.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the work done on the development of speech in young children was successful thanks to correctly selected material and systematic, targeted work. The pupils' active vocabulary was replenished, the grammatical structure of their speech improved, and their thinking processes developed. Children began to express their emotions through speech, withdrawn children became more sociable with peers and teachers, and began to better understand other children in the group.

In the future I plan to continue working in this direction. I consider it advisable to replenish the methodological box with new games, manuals, and to specify the material in order to obtain improved results in my work. I plan to refine the material for working with parents (develop consultations, visualization for the group reception).

Literature used, Internet sources:

Photos from the teacher’s archive

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Speech development through didactic games at four years old

At four years of age, the child’s vocabulary is further expanded, with a more detailed delving into the details and characteristics of the world around him. This is necessary to enhance differentiated perception and deepen knowledge about the characteristics of objects, their purpose, structure and expand the understanding of qualities and properties. At this age, the baby must learn the basic techniques of orientation in space and time, master the corresponding words (morning, evening, forward, backward, first, then). Didactic games for speech development, recommended for 4-year-old children, should begin with the phrases “What first, what then...”, “When it happens...”, “What has changed...”, “What will happen if...”, “What can be done with... ", "What can you do with...", "More than...Less than...", "One...many..." and the like.

It’s good if the child talks every evening about how he spent the day, what he played and with whom, what he saw and did. By answering parents' leading questions during role-playing games using their favorite toys, the baby will develop faster, expanding his vocabulary and improving his ability to use it.

Speech development through didactic games at 5-6 years old

Senior preschool age is a period when children, with the help of didactic games, actively acquire spoken language, mastering vocabulary, phonetics, and grammar. The vocabulary expands, based on in-depth knowledge of the surrounding world. The main task of didactic games for the development of speech at this age, along with further replenishment of the vocabulary, is to teach the child dialogic and monologue speech.

In a playful way, special communicative situations should be created in which the child must maintain a conversation, starting and conducting a dialogue. There are game moments in which the adult and the child change places and the child asks questions.

During the period of preschool preparation, it is important to teach the child narrative speech, the ability to compose and pronounce monologues - for this, in the form of a game, you can offer to describe specific situations, such as a long journey, a visit to the zoo, a fairytale journey, with a detailed description of the details (objects, properties, qualities, actions and etc.).

Didactic games for speech development contribute to the realization of the characteristic age-related opportunities for the harmonious mental development of preschoolers, preparing them step by step for school life.

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