Mathematical quest "Detective agency "Ladushki"

Reconciliation with Federal State Educational Standards

In fact, violating the regulations of federal state educational standards is much more difficult than it seems at first glance. If a teacher has experience working in a preschool educational institution, then most likely he intuitively understands what can be done and what cannot be done. If the quest is being developed for an expert commission or an open lesson, then it is better, of course, to print the regulations from the official website of the Federal State Educational Standard.

But in any case, we should not forget that children in kindergarten are still too young to seriously study any sciences. In accordance with this, it is necessary to structure all pedagogical activities (like any mathematical quest in the preparatory group) in the kindergarten in such a way that the kids do not get tired and begin to dislike the exact sciences, which they will begin to study very soon at school.

Quest – game “Journey to the Land of Mathematics” for the older group.



One of the oldest symbols of the sun, as well as the sign of the holy number “three”.

Swastika, svarga.

Sign of holy fire, sun and perpetual motion. One of the oldest signs in general. Its first images are found on the products of primitive hunters, and this is many thousands of years ago! According to popular beliefs, svarga foreshadowed good and protected from dark forces. Varieties of the swastika are widely used not only in pysankar-making, but also in embroidery, ceramics, and wood carving.

Ruzha, mug, Rosetta, star.

Symbolizes the sun and the morning dawn. Contains an oblique cross, a straight cross, as well as left-handed and right-handed swastikas. In folk symbolism it is an unchanging symbol of love. Giving a gun pysanka meant a declaration of love.

Infinity, or crooked.

A sign of one of the main elements - water. Being necessary for all living things, water could simultaneously be angry and unforgiving during the spring flood. Surprised by the power and versatility of the properties of water, our ancestors used its sign to denote eternity.

Rakes, combs, triangles with combs.

Belong to symbols that are associated with water. Depicts clouds and rain. Easter eggs with rakes were made during droughts, thinking that by writing this sign, the long-awaited heavenly waters could be summoned.


Symbol of prosperity, wealth. It has existed since the times of primitive hunters, when the meat of this animal was the main food, the skin was needed for sewing clothes and building housing, and weapons and jewelry were made from bones and horns. In folk mythology, the heavenly deer carries the sun on its antlers.



The horse symbol is also associated with sun worship. According to ancient legends, the sun rides across the sky in a chariot drawn by fiery horses. In Christianity, the horse is the image of a fearless prophet of faith, unrestrained, ready for self-sacrifice.


Symbol of the origin of life, fertility, offspring, prosperity, half-earthly, half-heavenly creature. The rooster was considered a conductor of God's sun and a guard against evil, while the dove was a symbol of love, fidelity and harmony. In Christianity, the bird is a symbol of ascension to God.

Duck's feet, God's hand, glove.

The bird's footprint was also a talisman, like the handprint of the pagan Sun God, who, as we have already said, was associated with a bird in ancient times. Such signs symbolized power, patronage, integrity - everything that was associated with respect for the hand.

Tree of life, or flowerpot.

According to popular beliefs, in the middle of heaven there is a large tree - the Tree of Life. It covers the entire paradise and has the leaves and fruits of all the trees. It is on it that three brothers are located - the Sun, the Moon and the Rain. With the advent of Christianity, this symbol acquired its deep meaning associated with the moment of the fall of the first people. Designates the axis of the universe, which connects three worlds - underground, earthly and heavenly, the so-called fabulous “three kingdoms”. A symbol of ever-renewing nature.

Quest game on FEMP. Counting to 20. Preparatory group

Quest game on FEMP on the topic “Journey to sea inhabitants”
Completed by: Olesya Valerievna Sushkova, teacher of MDOBU kindergarten No. 105, Sochi. Relevance : this material will be of interest to kindergarten teachers and parents for the development of mathematical abilities. Goal: development of mathematical abilities through a selection of mathematical games. Objectives : 1. Consolidate counting to 20. 2. Development of logical thinking. 3. Consolidation of the ability to analyze and make mathematical conclusions. Attributes: presentation on the topic of the week, cards with tasks. PROGRESS OF THE LESSON: Educator : Hello, guys! Today we will go on an exciting journey! And where exactly you will find out by guessing my riddle: In the sea, only under water, You can meet the land. There are starfish, pebbles and sand here. Somewhere nearby there is a menacing, important octopus walking. And the lost ships are landing here. What is this, guys? (sea bottom). - That's right, guys, this is the seabed! But you and I, guys, will not just solve problems, but for the correct answer, collect parts of a very beautiful picture and find out who lives at the bottom of the sea. Are you guys ready to go on a journey? (yes) - Well, then be careful! Task 1. Find identical shrimps . Goal: it is necessary to find an absolutely identical pair from the offered shrimps with pictures. - Well done, here's part of our picture. Task 2. Find the fish here and count them? Goal: consolidation of counting and the ability to coordinate nouns. - Great, we did it. Here's the second part of the picture. - Now, let's play with our fingers. Finger game “Fish” The fish swims in the water, (It’s fun to play with the fish’s palms folded together. They depict how the fish swims.) Fish, fish, mischievous, (They shake their finger.) We want to catch you. (They slowly bring their palms together.) The fish arched its back, (Again they depict how the fish swims.) She took a bread crumb. (They make a grasping movement with both hands.) The fish waved its tail, (They “swim” again.) The fish quickly swam away. - Well done! Next Task 3. Find the right shadow. Goal: you need to find shade for the inhabitants of the seabed. — We earned the third part of the picture. — Task 4. Find what is missing. Goal: solving logical chains. - Well done boys. Once again, you've earned part of the picture. — Task 5. Solve the example and find a pair for the whale. Goal: strengthen the ability to solve examples on addition and subtraction. (It is necessary to connect whales with examples with whales with answers, solving the examples) - Well done! Another part of the picture. - Let's rest a little. Physical education “Fish” A fish lived in a lake, The fish swam to the shore, (feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, bending to the sides),
wagged its tail, looked for food for itself.
(we jump our legs to the sides, together)
There is a worm near the shore, Wriggling like this,
(hands on the belt; we make circular movements with our hips to the left and right)
The fish swims up, the worm is grabbed.
(separate the wrists and connect them)
The fishermen pulled the line, but the worm fell off,
(clap our hands in front of the chest and behind the back)
The fish was not caught, but the worm was left.
(we make wave-like movements with our palms folded together: imitation of the movement of a fish)
- Well done, guys, take your seats.
Task 6. Find a half for the fish. You get part of the picture. — Task 7. Find the right pebble for the crab. Goal: strengthen the ability to compare objects by size. - Guys, look, we have collected all the parts of our picture. Let's fold it and see how beautiful the underwater world is. — Did you like our unusual journey? (children's answers).

“You did a good job, and now I’ll give you coloring books and we’ll color them.” (At the end of the lesson, everyone is given a coloring sheet with a picture of the seabed.)

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Such an event is a much more difficult task than it seems at first glance. The whole problem is that the humor of children and the humor of adults are two completely unrelated categories.

Note! The best solution to this problem would be to replace humor with some other amateur activity, say, theatrical skits or songs.

This will make it much easier to create joke math problems for preschoolers. Children will be able to prepare such work together with their parents, gathering at each other’s houses (of course, if the math quest was originally planned to be carried out in the older group).

Children dance ballroom dancing samba, cha-cha-cha, latino

Note! It is imperative to ensure that there is no inequality between children, and that sufficient time is given to everyone.

It is better to leave the humorous part of the event entirely in their care. It should be remembered that it should be funny for the main participants of the holiday, and not for the parents and teachers who have gathered to watch them. A moment that is humorous for adults may not be funny for children.

At such an event, a child will be able to solve even the most difficult problem for him.

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