Psychological training with teachers “Together a friendly family”

Psychological training with teachers “Together a friendly family”

Author: Khegetyan Alina Danielovna

Psychological training with teachers

"Together a friendly family."

Purpose of the training:

  • team building and building effective team interaction.

Training objectives:

  • formation and strengthening of a common team spirit by uniting a group of people;
  • development of responsibility and contribution of each participant to solving common problems;
  • awareness of oneself as a team.

Progress of the training:

Stage 1.


— Hello, dear colleagues, today we will take part in a training called “I + YOU = WE.” The purpose of the training is to unite the team and build effective team interaction.

1.2. Every training has rules. Let us also develop our own rules...

  • Here and now (during the training we only talk about what worries everyone right now, and discuss what is happening to us right here).
  • I speak for myself.
  • Listen carefully to each other.
  • Don't interrupt the speaker.
  • Respect each other's opinions.
  • Non-judgmental judgments.
  • Activity.
  • “Stop” rule, stopping the discussion at the coach’s “stop” signal.
  • Confidentiality (everything that happens here is not shared outside the group under any pretext).

1.3.MY NAME IS... I DO THIS....

Purpose: acquaintance, relief of anxiety, promotes memorization of names.

The exercise can be done sitting or standing. Each participant in a circle says his name and shows some kind of movement with the words: “I do this...”. Each subsequent participant first repeats all the names and movements of the previous ones, and then calls his name and shows his movement. Thus, the last participant must repeat the names and movements of all other group members.

Stage 2. Information

2.1.Dear colleagues, what do you think the word “unity” means? Unity is an opportunity to become one to achieve specific goals and objectives. After all, how good it is when your colleague understands and supports you, how good it is to hear and help when this help is needed, how well to understand each other even without words. A close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories.

Cohesion is:

  • coincidence of interests, views, values ​​and orientations of team members;
  • an atmosphere of psychological safety, goodwill, acceptance;
  • active, emotionally rich joint activity aimed at achieving a goal that is significant for all participants.

Stage 3 Warm-up


Goal: removing aggression.

When throwing the ball to any person, we call him by name and say: “You and I are similar in that...”. (For example: that we live on planet Earth, we work in the same team, etc.)


  • What emotions did you experience during the exercise?
  • What new things have you learned about others?
  • What interesting things did you find out?


Goals: removal of aggression, readiness to communicate.

- Break into pairs and stand opposite each other. Decide who in your couple wants to say “Yes” and who wants to say “No”. One of you starts the game by saying the word “Yes.” The second one immediately answers him: “No!” Then the first one says again: “Yes!”, perhaps a little louder than the first time, and the second one again answers him: “No!”, and also a little louder. Each of you must say only the word he chose from the very beginning: either “Yes” or “No.” But you can pronounce it in different ways: quietly or loudly, gently or rudely. You can have a nice little argument with these two words if you want, but it's important that no one is offended in any way. After some time, I will give you a signal that it is time to end the “dispute.”


  • How are you feeling now?
  • How do you prefer to argue - by saying the word “Yes” or by saying the word “No”?
  • Did you speak loud enough?

Stage 4: Practical

4.1. Association test "Magic dream"

To take the test you will need a piece of paper and a pen.


We invite you on an enchanting journey through your soul.

All people see dreams, and it’s no secret that dreams are our subconscious, which never lies and often knows more about ourselves than we do ourselves. But not all people remember their dreams, and not everyone knows how to interpret what they see in their dreams.

We invite you to play associations, immerse yourself in a dream and describe in detail what you see.


Imagine yourself in the situations that will be offered to you, and then describe “what you saw” when answering the test questions. To make it easier to decipher the results, write down your answers on a piece of paper.


You are sleeping or dreaming. In your dream you find yourself in your own home. What is he like? Describe in detail. (Large/small, light/dark, old/new, how many rooms)

Now you are walking along a narrow path. Suddenly you see a vessel on the ground in front of you. What it is? What is inside? If there is something inside, then taste it. What is it like?

And now the path ends and you enter the forest. You walk for quite a long time and finally come out into a clearing. There is a building in the middle of the clearing. What kind of building is this? How do you feel in this place?

There is a garden around the building. Describe the garden. What is he like? Blooming or withered?

You leave the garden and walk through the forest again. At the edge of the forest you see a wall. The wall is so high that you can’t climb it, and so long that you can’t go around it. Suddenly you see a small door in the wall that opens slightly, as if inviting you to enter. Will you come in or not?

And behind the wall there is water. What kind of water is this? (Which body of water? Is it calm or rough water?) Do you want to swim in it?

Well, now read the Interpretation and good luck to you!

Interpretation of test results:


Home is a representation of yourself.

If the house is old, then most likely you do not like to change, you prefer traditional things.

If the house is large, then this means that he is a fairly confident person with high self-esteem.

If the house is bright, then you are an optimist. If he is dark, then he is a pessimist.

The number of rooms is the number of people you would like to see in your life.


The vessel is your idea of ​​love. The more beautiful and valuable the vessel, the more significant the love in your life. You are a romantic person. The contents of the vessel are your love experience.


The building is your idea of ​​religion and God.

A strong building means a strong faith.

Destroyed building - Your faith is weak.


This is your idea of ​​the world around you, your country, the world in general. If the plants and flowers in the garden are dying, this may mean that you are concerned about the state of the environment and the future of the world.


This is your idea of ​​death. Is this the end or is there life after the death of the physical body? Will you go through this little door? Or will you look and check what's there first before entering? Or do you not want to enter at all?


Water is your idea of ​​your future. If this is a sea with big waves, then you are confident and not afraid of your future.

If you want to swim, it means that you are not afraid to face possible difficulties.

If the water is a body of standing water, then perhaps you are afraid of your future and fear for the future of the whole world

4.2. Breathing exercise SEVEN CANDLES

Goal: relaxation.

- Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax. You are calm, comfortable and comfortable... You breathe deeply and evenly... Imagine that there are seven burning candles at a distance of about a meter from you... Take a slow, as deep breath as possible. Now imagine that you need to blow out one of these candles. Blow as hard as possible in its direction, exhaling completely. The flame begins to tremble, the candle goes out... You again take a slow, deep breath, and then blow out the next candle. And so all seven..."

The exercise is best performed with calm, quiet music in a semi-darkened room.


  • How did the participants' condition change as they completed this exercise?
  • Where in real life situations might such a technique be useful?

Stage 5. Final

5..1 Relaxation. Power of Life and Health

Please sit down more comfortably. Feel the support under you, every point of contact with the support. Feel the back of the chair (chair) on which you can lean. Place your feet more comfortably. Feel the floor with your feet. Position your arms more comfortably (feel the armrests). Position your neck and head so that it is comfortable and pleasant for you to imagine the images. Please close your eyes and try to relax. Relax, relieve the accumulated tension, as if you would like to take a little nap. Start relaxing with your shoulder muscles. Try to feel your shoulders becoming heavy, warm and relaxed. The shoulders are heavy and warm. Heavy and warm. Imagine how pleasant warmth spreads from your shoulders throughout your entire body. Feel how the warmth descends from your shoulders to your arms. The upper part of your arms relaxes. Your elbows relax Your wrists relax Your hands relax – your palms become heavy and warm. Your palms become heavy and warm. Heavy and warm. Every finger on your hands relaxes. Your hands are relaxed, sagging, right down to the very tips of your fingers. Now pay attention to how you breathe - your breathing becomes free and even, free and even. You breathe well and pleasantly. Try to feel a pleasant warmth in your chest, warmth in the solar plexus area , warmth in the belly. Imagine how the warmth from the belly goes down to the legs. Feel how the upper legs relax, the knees relax, the shins relax. The feet become heavy and warm. Feet are heavy and warm, heavy and warm. Feel your heels. Toes. All legs are relaxed. Now pay attention to your back. Feel how your lower back relaxes, feel your spine. Feel the shoulder blades. Feel how the middle of the back relaxes between the shoulder blades. The neck and back of the head relax. The whole head is relaxed. The crown and temples are relaxed. The forehead and face relax. Feel your cheeks, feel your cheekbones, chin. The lower jaw becomes heavy. The lips are relaxed, the tongue is warm, the nose and eyes relax. The eyelids become heavy, the eyelashes stick together. The eyes are relaxed.

Imagine a clear summer day. You are on the seashore. Your feet feel the warm soft sand. Gentle turquoise waves rustle at your feet, inviting you to follow them.

You enter the clear, warm sea water and feel how it caresses your body. The pleasant energies of pure sea water penetrate the body with their soft, gentle purity. The energy of water permeates the body with the power of Life and health, saturating organs and tissues.

Every day the body becomes more harmonious, healthier and stronger.

The processes of self-healing and transformation are accelerated.

Beauty increases... Strength... Health...

5.2.Exercise “Heart of the Team”

Educational psychologist: Do you know that each team has its own heart. I want you to do something nice for each other now. Write your name on a piece of paper and fold it. This is necessary so that each of you can then draw lots with someone’s name. I brought a big heart, which will become the heart of our team. Come up with a friendly, pleasant phrase addressed to the person whose name you drew by lot. Take a small heart and write down what you came up with on it. Then we will glue all the little hearts onto our big heart.

5.3 Now, in a circle, answer the following questions:

  • What was important to you today?
  • What feelings did you experience?
  • Do you need such training in the future?

- Well, all the gifts have been given, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken.
You were all active and worked well as a team. Don’t forget that you are a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are strong! Thanks everyone for participating! comments powered by HyperComments

Training to unite teachers in kindergarten I+YOU=WE

Training to unite teachers in kindergarten I+YOU=WE

Recently, various teambuilding tasks have become fashionable - team building. Such trainings are especially relevant in kindergarten, where all teachers must act harmoniously. The price of the issue is the adaptation of children to a preschool institution.

The training was developed by Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Unalova, teacher-psychologist of the preschool educational institution “Academy”, Astana Kazakhstan

Purpose of the training:

  • team building and building effective team interaction.

Training objectives:

  • formation and strengthening of a common team spirit by uniting a group of people;
  • development of responsibility and contribution of each participant to solving common problems;
  • awareness of oneself as a team.

Progress of the training:

Stage 1. Getting to know each other

— Hello, dear colleagues, today you and I will take part in a training called “I + YOU = WE.” The purpose of the training is to unite the team and build effective team interaction. In a circle, have everyone continue the sentence “Now I feel...”.

— Every training has rules. Let us also develop our own rules...

  • Here and now (during the training we only talk about what worries everyone right now, and discuss what is happening to us right here).
  • I speak for myself.
  • Listen carefully to each other.
  • Don't interrupt the speaker.
  • Respect each other's opinions.
  • Non-judgmental judgments.
  • Activity.
  • Stop rule.
  • Confidentiality (everything that happens here is not shared outside the group under any pretext).

Each point of the rules is explained by the presenter.


Purpose: acquaintance, relief of anxiety, promotes memorization of names.

The exercise can be done sitting or standing. Each participant in a circle says his name and shows some kind of movement with the words: “I do this...”. Each subsequent participant first repeats all the names and movements of the previous ones, and then calls his name and shows his movement. Thus, the last participant must repeat the names and movements of all other group members.


Goal: relieving tension through movements, organizing playful interaction.

At the command: “those who (like to meet people, consider themselves sociable, shy..." change places), the participants must change places, the leader must also take the vacated chair. As a result of the exchange, there remains one person who did not have time to sit in an empty seat, and it is he who becomes the leader.

Stage 2. Information


Goal: increasing the level of performance of participants.

The presenter says: “Atoms.” All players begin to move chaotically. After the phrase “molecules of three,” the players must form groups of three. Anyone who cannot get into threes is eliminated from the game. And the leader continues to change the number of atoms in the molecules. The game can be made more difficult: the atoms must move with their eyes closed.


Goal: emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants.

Participants form two circles: inner and outer, facing each other. The leader gives commands, which the participants carry out silently in the resulting pair. After this, at the command of the leader, the outer circle moves to the right one step.

Options for instructions to the resulting pairs:

  1. Say hello using your hands.
  2. Fight with your hands.
  3. Make peace with your hands.
  4. Show support using your hands.
  5. Feel sorry with your hands.
  6. Express joy.
  7. Wish you good luck.
  8. Say goodbye with your hands.


  • What was easy, what was difficult?
  • Who found it difficult to convey information silently?
  • For whom is it easy?

— Dear colleagues, what do you think the word “unity” means? Unity is an opportunity to become one to achieve specific goals and objectives. After all, how good it is when your colleague understands and supports you, how good it is to hear and help when this help is needed, how well to understand each other even without words. A close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories.

— Cohesion is:

  • coincidence of interests, views, values ​​and orientations of team members;
  • an atmosphere of psychological safety, goodwill, acceptance;
  • active, emotionally rich joint activity aimed at achieving a goal that is significant for all participants.


Purpose: the game teaches trust.

“Now you and I will be one big caterpillar and we will all move around this room together.” Line up in a chain, place your hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Place a balloon or ball between the stomach of one player and the back of the other. Touching the balloon (ball) with your hands is strictly prohibited! The first participant in the chain holds his ball at outstretched arms. Thus, in a single chain, but without the help of hands, you must follow a certain route.


  • What did you experience while completing the task?


Goal: coordination of joint actions, distribution of roles in the group.

- Count on the count of one or two. We ended up with two teams. Your task now, as quickly as possible, is to build the geometric figure that I will name, and you build in silence, without explaining anything.

Possible shapes:

  • triangle;
  • rhombus;
  • corner;
  • letter;
  • bird school;
  • circle;
  • square.


  • Was it difficult to complete the task?
  • What helped in doing it?

Stage 3 Warm-up


Goal: removing aggression.

When throwing the ball to any person, we call him by name and say: “You and I are similar in that...”. (For example: that we live on planet Earth, we work in the same team, etc.)


  • What emotions did you experience during the exercise?
  • What new things have you learned about others?
  • What interesting things did you find out?

Breathing exercise RECEIVER

The lower the hand, the higher the sound; the higher the hand, the quieter the sound.


Goal: to overcome barriers in communication between participants, to liberate them.

Participants become a tight circle and close their eyes. Their task is to line up in a row by height with their eyes closed. When all participants find their place in the ranks, you must give the command to open your eyes and see what happened.

You can also line up

  • hair color;
  • foot size;
  • by eye color from lightest to darkest.


Goals: removal of aggression, readiness to communicate.

- Break into pairs and stand opposite each other. Decide who in your couple wants to say “Yes” and who wants to say “No”. One of you starts the game by saying the word “Yes.” The second one immediately answers him: “No!” Then the first one says again: “Yes!”, perhaps a little louder than the first time, and the second one again answers him: “No!”, and also a little louder. Each of you must say only the word he chose from the very beginning: either “Yes” or “No.” But you can pronounce it in different ways: quietly or loudly, gently or rudely. You can have a nice little argument with these two words if you want, but it's important that no one is offended in any way. After some time, I will give you a signal that it is time to end the “dispute.”


  • How are you feeling now?
  • How do you prefer to argue - by saying the word “Yes” or by saying the word “No”?
  • Did you speak loud enough?

Stage 4: Practical


Objectives: During this game, participants get the opportunity to feel the same as their partner. To do this, they need to tune in to each other.

- Please break into pairs and stand back to back. Can you slowly, slowly, without lifting your back from your partner’s back, sit on the floor? Now can you stand up in the same way? Try to determine with what force you need to lean on your partner’s back so that it is comfortable for both of you to move... Now switch partners...


  • Who was the easiest to get up and down with?
  • What was the most difficult part of this exercise?


Goal: development of communication skills.

- Take a thin scarf or handkerchief and tie it with the hands of the participants standing next to each other facing you. Leave your hands free. Give pencils or markers of different colors, one at a time in the non-free hand. You have to draw a general drawing on one sheet of paper. You can only draw with the hand that is attached to your partner. Set the theme of the drawing yourself or offer to choose.


  • Was it difficult to create the painting together?
  • What exactly was the difficulty?
  • Did you discuss the plot of the drawing, the order of drawing? (Were there any disputes and conflicts between the players, did they take equal part in the work (which can be easily assessed by the number of colors in the picture that the participant drew)).

Breathing exercise SEVEN CANDLES

Goal: relaxation.

- Sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax. You are calm, comfortable and comfortable... You breathe deeply and evenly... Imagine that there are seven burning candles at a distance of about a meter from you... Take a slow, as deep breath as possible. Now imagine that you need to blow out one of these candles. Blow as hard as possible in its direction, exhaling completely. The flame begins to tremble, the candle goes out... You again take a slow, deep breath, and then blow out the next candle. And so all seven..."

The exercise is best performed with calm, quiet music in a semi-darkened room.


  • How did the participants' condition change as they completed this exercise?
  • Where in real life situations might such a technique be useful?


— We form two circles, external and internal, and begin to talk with each other on a given topic.


  • family;
  • hobbies;
  • policy;
  • Love;
  • vacation;
  • dream;
  • May holidays;
  • Parent meeting;
  • children;
  • Friends.


Goal: development of communication skills.

- Choose a pair for yourself and take turns, together with your pair, stand at the line where the pencil lies. Your task is to take this pencil from both sides so that each of you touches its tip with only your index finger, carry it to the end of the room and come back.


  • What happened to you?
  • If it didn't work out, then why?

Stage 5. Final


Goal: positive completion of the training, reflection.

— Let's think about what you could give to your group to make interaction in it even more effective and relationships in it more cohesive? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust. Next, each participant expresses what he would like to give to the group. Let's reward ourselves for a successful swim with applause!

Now answer the following questions in a circle:

  • What was important to you today?
  • What feelings did you experience?
  • Do you need such training in the future?

- Well, all the gifts have been given, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. You were all active and worked well as a team. Don’t forget that you are a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are strong! Thanks everyone for participating!

Training for educators “Emotionally positive attitude towards children. Development of empathy"

Psychological training for educators. The purpose of the training: development of professionally important qualities, such as pedagogical reflection, empathy, positive attitudes towards children.

Training objectives: 1. Develop a positive attitude towards the child. 2. Development of communicative means of communication with the child. 3. Develop emotional acceptance of preschoolers. 4. Formation of methods of effective self-regulation. 5. Development of the ability to communicate with colleagues at work and with the head of the institution, students and their parents, as well as with members of their family.

Nature of the group: closed.

Selection principle. 8 educators aged from 25 to 60 years took part in the training. Mostly, people participated in the training out of interest; they wanted to communicate with colleagues, understand professional problems, and get emotional release. No diagnostics needed. T R E N I N G “Emotionally positive attitude towards children. Development of empathy." Before starting the training, participants must agree on the rules of their conduct during the lesson. The following are rules that help you learn empathic understanding:  Focus on everything that the other person communicates, both verbally and on all expressions of his emotions.  In the first stages of achieving empathy, find words and expressions that both you and the other can use, based on both their content and their emotional load. This is called a paraphrase.  Use language that others can understand in your answers.  Use an emotional tone similar to that of the other.  Move to deeper levels of empathy by clarifying and expanding the meaning of the perceived message. In this way, you will help your interlocutor express feelings that he could not express before.  Try to recognize those feelings and thoughts that are not directly expressed, but are implied. Try to fill in what is missing in the message, rather than basing feedback only on what is directly stated. 1. Introducing the psychologist to the group. To do this, we use the exercise “Who am I?”, the purpose of which is to introduce participants to the psychologist and establish contacts between group members. Exercise “WHO AM I?” Each participant is asked to write as many concepts as possible about himself on a separate sheet of paper, revealing who he is. For example, daughter, wife, sister, teacher, sanguine person, tourist, neighbor, friend, artist, romantic, cook, etc.. This piece of paper is then offered to be attached to his back. Next, all participants begin to walk around the room and read information about other group members. In this way they get to know each other. To establish contact between group members, you can use the “Shipwreck” exercise. Exercise “Shipwreck”. The group leader invites participants to imagine that they are shipwrecked. The group has items on board the ship, the list of which is given below:  life jacket;  signal flares;  half a pound of tobacco;  two gallons of fresh water;  boxes of matches;  three loaves of bread;  lifeboat;  cutlery;  two kilograms of rice cereal;  four kilograms of ham;  set of carpentry tools;  whistle;  four fur jackets;  navigation devices. Group members are asked to collectively rank these items in order of importance to those in distress. The success of this exercise is due to the fact that the decision made by the group will be developed as a result of disputes and discussions and will be unanimous. In this case, voting or the authoritative opinion of any of the participants is completely unacceptable. If there are attempts to solve the problem in this way, the psychologist should intervene and direct the discussion towards close contact between the participants. 2. Next, you can move on to the second part of the warm-up - relieving tension and fatigue among teachers. For the purpose of relaxation and organizing psycho-technical rest, exercises can be used, for example, “Shelter”. Exercise "Shelter". Participants of the training are asked to sit more comfortably in armchairs or chairs, take a relaxed position and close their eyes. In a soft, calm voice, the psychologist says something like this: “Imagine that you have a safe refuge in which you can take refuge at any time you want. It is not at all necessary that this place actually exists. For example, it could be a hut in the mountains or a forest valley that no one but you knows about. Mentally describe this safe place to yourself. You can relax there, listen to music or talk with a friend. You can fantasize this way before bed or during the day when you want to relieve stress and relax.” 3. The final part of the warm-up is associated with the formation in the participants of the internal state necessary to complete the main part of the lesson. Since the main part of the lesson is aimed at developing an emotionally positive attitude towards children, an exercise is proposed to activate group members’ childhood memories, develop emotional perception, and form a “childhood complex” (the ability of an adult to imagine himself as a child and feel the brightness of a child’s perception of the world). "Meeting". Exercise "Meeting". The teachers sit comfortably in their places. They sit in a semicircle, and the group leader stands in front of them. After soothing words: “Relax, sit more freely, breathe calmly for a few minutes,” the psychologist asks the group to visualize images and pictures that he will verbally describe. He goes on to say, “Imagine that you are currently at home, in your house or apartment. You sit where you usually relax, where you feel especially comfortable and comfortable. You are internally preparing for a meeting that is important to you. You are focused and attentive to yourself. And now you mentally get up and walk towards the exit. You open the door and slowly go down the steps of the stairs. Go out of the darkened entrance onto the street into the bright space of a summer, sunny day. A child is walking towards you on the street. He's getting closer and closer. Take a closer look, this child is you, as you were when you were in elementary school. Look how this girl is dressed, what her facial expression is, her mood. Try to look at it in as much detail as possible. Ask her a question that is important to you and try to hear her answer. After that, turn around and slowly, without haste, return to your apartment. After this exercise, the psychologist asks the questions: “Describe your image, what you were like as a child, and what you have now in your imagination”; “What question did you ask, what answer did you receive?”; “Describe your experiences and impressions.” When the group members became freer and more relaxed in their actions and words, a friendly atmosphere arose in the group, the warm-up ends. The psychologist proceeds to the main stage - the actual pedagogical training. The main part begins with constructing a model of a professional situation. To play it out, the psychologist offers the group a problem. A girl from another kindergarten was transferred to kindergarten. The girl is very smart, but very restless, she could not sit in class: after 5-10 minutes she became bored, she began to disturb the children and the teacher, she could get up from the table and walk around the group without permission, and called the teacher first name. In development, Olya lagged behind her peers, but the teacher did not want to put up with this. Olya's mother was deprived of parental rights because she was suffering from chronic alcoholism, so Olya lived with her grandmother. The work day started as usual. And suddenly everyone heard the teacher scream: “The girl is going to die!” Other teachers ran out of the groups and saw the following picture: Olya was hanging by her hands between the stairs and shouting: “I’m going to fall, and you and the manager will be sent to prison!” (and the girl also shouted something incomprehensible). The teacher, without looking away, looked at Olya and shouted at the girl, demanding that she immediately get back to the landing. The group sits down in an amphitheater, and on an improvised stage, one of the teachers plays the girl, and the other plays her teacher. After playing, a general discussion begins. Group members recall similar cases from their practice. For this purpose, you can offer the exercise “My most difficult child.” Exercise “My most difficult child.” The purpose of the exercise: to develop teachers’ emotional and positive attitude towards children, to exchange experiences between them on the subject of communicating with a difficult child. The group members take turns talking about their difficult child: what he looks like, how he behaves in the group, what difficult situations arose with him, etc. etc. Teachers describe how they interact with such children. The group helps find more effective ways to influence by bringing their practical experience into the discussion. When analyzing situations taken from the real experience of educators, the psychologist directs their attention to finding ways of communicating with students that can help achieve a positive pedagogical result. When discussing “What needs to be done” in a lost situation, the group comes to the conclusion that under no circumstances did the teacher have the right to start shouting; she had to talk to the girl in as calm a voice as possible. In this case, the words themselves addressed to the girl are not so important as the intonation with which they are spoken. Also, when resolving a conflict, the personality of the teacher and the girl’s opinion about her play a significant role. To develop teachers’ ability for pedagogical reflection, empathy, analysis and assessment of the consequences of their own educational influences, we can suggest the exercise “My First Teacher”. Exercise “My first teacher.” The psychologist invites group members to remember their first teacher, how she treated the children, how she explained the lessons, how she assessed the children’s work, what the atmosphere was like in the class. The effectiveness of the exercise increases if, during a general conversation, the psychologist draws the attention of the group members to the issue of repeating in their work the style and manner of their first teacher or their desire to become better than her in some way, kinder and fairer towards children. It is also important to develop in educators the ability to feel for children based on reproducing their own childhood memories. To expand the range of communicative capabilities of educators, you can offer exercises “Intonation” and “Mirror”. Exercise "Intonation". Each group member must say some encouraging phrase addressed to the child. For example: “Well done!” You’re doing well.” In this case, the expressed phrase is repeated by the participant at least five times with different intonation of voice and facial expression. The group decides which phrases were successful and which were not. The psychologist helps each teacher find the most expressive intonations for communicating with the children. Exercise "Mirror". Class participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, the leader is chosen, the second is his “mirror”. The leader’s task is to carry out spontaneous movements with his hands. The second participant should try to synchronously repeat these movements as if in a mirror image. The moments of psychological contact between players or the difficulties that arise during such non-verbal communication are discussed. The psychologist says that each member of the group, through his own experience “here and now,” feels what individual-dynamic differences exist between people (including teachers and schoolchildren) and how important it is to tune in to your communication partner in order to understand him correctly and feel it. After completing the exercises, the group returns to the problem situation proposed by the psychologist at the beginning of the main stage of the training. During a group discussion, educators find new ways and techniques that could be used to solve the problem posed by the psychologist. The psychologist offers the most successful of them to play out the situation “How to do it” “For example, while the child is hanging in his arms and threatening to fall, the teacher makes a decision: “Let go of your hands and fall,” she says as calmly and indifferently as possible. The girl, not expecting such a reaction, clutching the railing with her hands more tightly, says more calmly: “And you will be sent to prison.” The teacher replies: “It’s none of your business!” The girl pulls herself up and gets to her feet. She later admits that she wanted to scare the teacher and the head, since at her previous school the head was afraid of her when she behaved like that. After this, the group members discuss how successfully the new professional tools the group found were implemented, since at the previous school the headmaster was afraid of her when she behaved like this. After this, group members discuss how successfully the new professional tools the group found were implemented. Next comes the final stage - a positive end to the lesson. During this stage, what happened in the lesson is discussed (group reflection). The psychologist directs the main attention to what the group members have acquired: the teacher should not lay down a negative project for the development of a negatively perceived child, he is obliged to form an emotionally positive attitude towards children, develop pedagogical reflection - the ability to identify methods of one’s own actions, correct and change them to find optimal ones , ... “If I were in a good mood, fresh and rested, I would happily rush to my group. I'm walking down the street, thinking about my guys and wanting to see them quickly. I enter the kindergarten, meet my work colleagues, say hello to everyone, and exchange smiles. I'm going to my group. I come in and say: “Hello, guys!” This exercise provides pedagogical training on the topic: “Emotionally positive attitude towards children. The development of empathy" ends. The psychologist wishes teachers success in their work and pleasant communication with children. Analysis of the training conducted. The training evoked positive emotions. The teachers gladly performed the proposed exercises and thanked them for the emotional relaxation. Having completed the work. The group was once again convinced that in relationships with children it is necessary to act using only positive attitudes, to strive for pedagogical reflection and empathy. The strength of a teacher is in love for children, wishing them well, recognition and respect for the student’s personality, in promoting the free development and improvement of his spiritual world. The educator himself must be a constantly developing and improving personality, for the personality is brought up by the personality. The teachers came to these conclusions after discussing the problem posed during the training. I would also like to note the interest of educators in the problem of an emotionally positive attitude towards children. They actively discussed the problem posed in this training, gave numerous examples from their own experience, and drew conclusions on the problem posed. The teachers willingly took part in the performances. There was a friendly atmosphere during the training.

Training for teachers on the prevention of emotional burnout in preschool educational institutions

Psychological training for teachers of preschool educational institutions “I can do anything”
The work of a teacher is very hard and requires a lot of moral and physical strength, so it is very important for a psychologist to pay attention to the state of the teachers.
This training is suitable for kindergarten teachers, as well as teachers of schools and other educational institutions. Training on preventing emotional burnout of teachers “I can do anything.”
The goal is to prevent emotional burnout and relieve psycho-emotional stress. Objectives: - informing educators about the concept of emotional burnout. — search for resources to prevent emotional burnout — promote the development of self-knowledge among educators — teach ways to relieve stress — create a favorable atmosphere in the team. Good afternoon, dear colleagues. I am very glad to see you at our training. Today it is dedicated to such a topic as “Prevention of emotional burnout.” Any training session has rules: + Participation is voluntary + Address each other by name.
+ Accept yourself and others as they are. + Be sincere. + Avoid judging each other. + Active participation in what is happening. + Respect for the speaker. + Confidentiality of everything that happens. Exercise “Take napkins.”
Goal: relaxation, creating a fun, positive atmosphere Instructions : training participants sit in a general circle. I pass around a pack of paper napkins with the words: “In case you need them, please take some napkins for yourself.” Host: “Does everyone have napkins in their hands?” Okay, now let's get started. Before we begin any further work, I think we should get acquainted again. For a while, forget that you have a middle name. Count how many napkins you have in your hands? Now I ask you to introduce yourself (referring to yourself only by name) and name your positive qualities, as many sides of your character as there are napkins in your hands. - "Amazing!" That's how we met. Let's first understand what “emotional burnout” is. Relevance - It is well known that the teaching profession is one of the most energy-intensive. Its implementation requires enormous intellectual, emotional and mental costs. In recent years, the problem of preserving the mental health of teachers has become especially relevant. The modern world dictates its own rules: the demands from parents on the personality of the teacher and his role in the educational process have increased. Transformations in the education system also raise the bar: a creative approach to work, innovation, project activities, and pedagogical technologies are encouraged. Not only does the workload increase, but along with it the neuropsychic stress of the individual and overwork also increases. Various types of overload are aggravated by numerous fears: fear of being abandoned, not finding support; fear of being unprofessional; fear of control, of parents. This situation quickly leads to emotional exhaustion, known as “burnout syndrome.” Thus, emotional burnout is a syndrome that develops against the background of chronic stress and leads to the depletion of the emotional, energetic and personal resources of a working person. In general, the following symptoms are characteristic of burnout syndrome: • fatigue, exhaustion;
• dissatisfaction with oneself, unwillingness to work; • increased somatic diseases; • sleep disturbance; • bad mood and various negative feelings and emotions: apathy, depression, feelings of hopelessness, cynicism, pessimism; • aggressive feelings (irritability, tension, anger, anxiety); • negative self-esteem; • neglect of one's duties; • decreased enthusiasm; • lack of job satisfaction; • negative attitude towards people, frequent conflicts; • desire for privacy; • guilt; • need for stimulants (coffee, alcohol, tobacco, etc.); • loss of appetite or overeating. If you have 5 or more of these signs, then you need to be rescued urgently. To prevent them from developing and ultimately leading to emotional exhaustion, you need to know and adhere to the conditions for maintaining your emotional health. When a person is faced with an unpleasant situation, he tenses up internally: his blood pressure goes off scale, his pulse quickens, his muscles tense, preparing for action, but... Action does not happen. And “unprocessed” emotions are imprinted in the body - so a person walks around, complaining “about the heart”, about “hypertension”, and in the muscles, as a trace of unreacted emotions, areas of “frozen” tension, or increased muscle tone, form. Muscle tension occurs. And this can lead to: fatigue, low mood, irritability or apathy, sleep disturbances and sexual potency, psychosomatic diseases (hypertension, angina pectoris, stomach ulcers, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, some skin diseases: eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis), colitis and etc.” The ability to remove muscle tension allows you to relieve neuropsychic tension. They say they knock out fire with fire and we will do the same. To achieve maximum relaxation, you need to tense as much as possible. Exercise “Lemon”
Purpose : control the state of muscle tension and relaxation.
Sit comfortably: place your hands loosely on your knees (palms up), shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine that you have a lemon in your right hand. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that you have squeezed out all the juice. Relax. Remember how you feel. Now imagine that the lemon is in your left hand. Repeat the exercise. Relax again and remember your feelings. Then perform the exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy a state of peace. Before we move on to ways to prevent burnout, we will see if you have burnout. Methodology “Express assessment of burnout” (V. Capponi, T. Novak).
Instructions: Read the statements and decide whether they apply to you or not. 1. When on Sunday afternoon I remember that I have to go to work again tomorrow, the rest of the weekend is already ruined. yes no 2. If I had the opportunity to retire (due to length of service, disability), I would do it without delay. yes no 3. My colleagues at work annoy me. It is impossible to tolerate their same conversations. yes no 4. The extent to which my colleagues irritate me is still minor compared to how my clients (patients, students, visitors, customers) unbalance me. yes no 5. Over the past three months, I have refused (refused) advanced training courses and participation in conferences. yes no 6. I have come up with offensive nicknames for my colleagues (patients, students, visitors, customers) (for example, “idiots”), which I use mentally. yes no 7. I cope with work related matters “with just my left hand.” There is nothing that could surprise me with its novelty. yes no 8. Hardly anyone will tell me anything new about my work. yes no 9. As soon as I remember my work, I want to take it and send it to hell. yes no 10. Over the past three months, I have not come across a single special book from which I would have learned something new. yes no For each “yes” answer, award 1 point. Results: 0-1 point.
You don't have burnout syndrome at the moment.
2-6 points
There are some signs of burnout. You need to take a vacation, disconnect from work. 7-9 points
High degree of emotional burnout. It's time to decide: either change your job, or, better yet, change your lifestyle. 10 points.
The situation is very serious, but perhaps there is still a glimmer of fire in you, you need to make sure that it does not go out. We all know that a person in society performs many different social roles. Mothers, wives, daughters at home, teachers at work. And each role has its own requirements and responsibilities; it is very important to be able to switch from one role to another and not mix them up, i.e. balance is needed. And now I suggest you rank this list according to importance for you. And then we will discuss the results.

Exercise “Distribute in order”
Purpose : to convey to training participants the importance of the ability to switch social roles to maintain mental health and creative activity; awareness of one's "I". Materials: sheets of paper, pens. Teachers are asked to distribute in order (according to the degree of importance, in their opinion) the following list: • children • work • husband • Me • friends, relatives After some time, propose an option for the optimal distribution of the list: 1. Me 2. Husband (wife) 3. Children 4. Work 5. Friends, relatives Then participants are asked to reflect on the results obtained. The most important value in a person’s life is himself. How should a family be created initially? A man and a woman love each other and marry to raise children together. And not as it happens, a child appears and the woman is completely immersed in the child, forgetting that she is not only a mother, but also a wife. First you are spouses, then you are parents. Happy children grow up only with happy parents. Discussion .
Indian proverb: A child is a guest in your home. Feed, educate and let go. One effective way to get rid of negative feelings is to write or draw it. Exercise “Garbage Bucket”
Purpose: liberation from negative feelings and emotions. Materials: sheets of paper, pens, trash bin.
The psychologist places a symbolic trash can in the middle of the room. Participants have the opportunity to think about why a person needs a trash can and why it needs to be constantly emptied. Psychologist: “Imagine life without such a bucket: when garbage gradually fills the room, it becomes impossible to breathe, move, people begin to get sick. The same thing happens with feelings - each of us accumulates not always necessary, destructive feelings, for example, resentment, fear. I invite everyone to throw old unnecessary grievances, anger, and fear into the trash. To do this, write down your negative feelings on pieces of paper: “I’m offended by...”, “I’m angry by...”, and the like.” After this, the teachers tear their papers into small pieces and throw them into a bucket, where they are all mixed and put away. Next is a survey about feelings. One of the common stereotypes of everyday mental hygiene is the idea that the best way to relax and recover is through our hobbies, favorite activities, and hobbies. Their number is usually limited, since most people have no more than 1-2 hobbies. Many of these activities require special conditions, time or the state of the person himself. However, there are many other opportunities to relax and recuperate. Exercise “Pleasure”
Goal: awareness of the resources available within to restore strength. Materials: sheets of paper, pens Training participants are given sheets of paper and asked to write down 10 types of daily activities that bring them pleasure.
Next, all the options are written down in a chest on the board and explained to teachers that this is a resource that can be used as an “ambulance” to restore strength. Exercise “Positive qualities”
The goal is to become aware of your positive qualities and the qualities of other people. Materials : flowers, felt-tip pens.
Participants are asked to write their name in the center and pass the flower around in a circle, the rest write positive qualities until the flower returns to its owner. Next, discuss the feelings that arise. Exercise “This is good, this is bad...”
Objectives: developing the ability to express one’s feelings; receiving feedback from the group. Time : 5–7 min. Procedure. Participants stand in a circle. The presenter suggests finding the bad and the good in the fact that you have to work a lot. The first participant needs to construct a sentence, completing the phrase as desired: “It’s good that...” and “It’s bad that...”. 1) Being a teacher is good, because everyone really needs you. 2) Being needed by everyone is good because…. 3) …..and this is bad because…. 4) ….which is good because…. 5) ….it’s bad because…. The second participant is invited to repeat the 2nd part of the first player’s phrase and add his own, starting with the words: “And it’s good that...”. The same algorithm for completing the task is given to the other players. As in many other cases, rescuing drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves. To combat emotional burnout, it is necessary for the person himself to change the position of “victim of circumstances” to the position of “master of his life”, who himself is responsible for everything that happens to him, which means he himself brought (or allowed himself to be brought) to such a state . All in your hands. Thank you very much for your work. I wish you all success and more optimism. Goodbye. References: 1. Kozhukhovskaya L. S. Pedagogical play techniques: a collection of methods and exercises [text] /; L. S. Kozhukhovskaya. - Minsk: Publishing house. center of BSU, 2010. - 233 pp. 2. Timofeeva M.V. Diagnosis of the level of professional burnout of teachers / Timofeeva M.V.// Handbook of educational psychologist. Kindergarten/- 2014.-№2- S9-20

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