musical lesson in the form of a quest game “Autumn adventure in search of a magic chest”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Music quest game Journey to the country of Musicland


  • Golovkova Irina Nikolaevna, music director, first qualification category
  • Yulia Vitautovna Ugryumova, educational psychologist, first qualification category
  • Spirina Natalya Gennadievna, teacher, first qualification category

GCD form: educational game.

GCD type: repetition, systematization and generalization of knowledge, consolidation of skills.

The purpose of ECD: enrichment of the emotional and intellectual experience of children

through music practice.


  • Strengthen children's skills in movement in a playful way.
  • Continue to develop emotional responsiveness to music of a different nature.
  • Improve singing skills: develop the ability to sing with a light sound and natural voice.
  • to cultivate a common culture and aesthetic perception of the environment.
  • develop spatial thinking, identify connections, formulate conclusions.
  • develop communication skills when working in a team.
  • develop cognitive interest.

Methods: gaming, verbal, conversation, sound and visual clarity, modeling of the artistic and creative process, musical and dance communication.

Form of work: group

Methodological equipment: piano, computer, projector, screen, dishes, music puzzles. tools, wood, notes, glue.

Digital media used: Visuals – computer presentation, video clips.

Game structure:

  1. Organizing time
  2. Introduction (plot)
  3. Tasks (stages, questions, role-playing tasks)
  4. Evaluation (results, awards, emotions)

Progress of the lesson

Stage 1. Organizational.

Welcome ritual.

Psychologist: Guys, I’m very pleased to see you. Let's stand together and greet each other.

  • Look, guys, we have guests in our hall today with whom we can not only say hello, but also make friends. I suggest you play.

Communication game “You walk, you walk!” (we call guests)

You walk, you walk, and make sure you don’t miss.

You walk, you walk - choose a mate for yourself.

Say hello with your palm, and say hello with your foot.

With your shoulder and elbow, and, of course, with your tongue: “Hello!”

Music ruk: My young friends, today I received a letter from the country of Musicland, where music, instruments, and notes live. They were in trouble, their mood was stolen by an evil witch... and they were bewitched and now they cannot sing, play, have fun and laugh, but only feel sad, shed tears and ask everyone for help.

Guys, what should we do?! I propose to urgently convene our “Musical Children’s Council”

A game is held - training "Musical Children's Council" - children express their opinion on how to solve the problem that has arisen.

Children's answers: “We need to catch the Witch and take everything from her!” .

“I propose to sing a lullaby, put the Witch to sleep, and then take away all her instruments.”.

“And I think that you need to go to the Witch in the Musical Land and talk to her”.

Psychologist: Thank you guys, all your advice is correct, one thing is clear: we urgently need to save the inhabitants of Musicland. Let's quickly hit the road.

Psycho-gymnastics “Road”

(march, sneaking step, stomping step, side step)

(You and I have reached the musical country.) On the screen is a screen saver of a musical country, a city.

1st stop – the city of “Musical Instruments” .

F-ma: noise of sounds

Music manager: Do you hear? I wonder what happened and who is swearing like that? Let's take a closer look, what's the matter? (The Music Fairy comes out)

M.R.: What happened to you? Could we help you?

Fairy: I will not refuse help.

Psychologist: The guys will be happy to help you, just tell me how to help.

Fairy: Here's the thing. You found yourself in the city of musical instruments, where they lived in harmony, but an evil witch bewitched them and turned them into ordinary dishes; and the wooden spoons indignantly said: “We have the best sound, because you are household items, and only we are also a musical instrument.” And the wooden spoons began to play a cheerful song. The large crystal vase did not agree and said: “No, it’s my magic voice” and rang like a triangle. “Better listen to me,” said the jar of cereal, I have a quiet but interesting voice, and it rattled like maracas. “Is this music?” , the kitchen bucket screamed. “I can hardly hear you! This is how you should play!” ,” and it beat loudly like a drum. “The voice is loud, but not very pleasant ,” said the large frying pan. "Listen to me now . And she rang like cymbals. (fairy shows everything)

And now, they cannot turn back into tools without your help.

Psychologist: Guys, you listened to how the dishes sound, and now let's determine which instruments are enchanted. (dishes and a musical instrument appear on the screen).

(There are trays with cut-out pictures on the tables)

Look, the Witch cut up pictures with enchanted tools!

I suggest you play the game and put together the musical puzzles quickly!

A didactic game “Assemble musical puzzles”

(before the game they say which household items are similar to tools)

Psychologist: Let's leave them to play together, and we ourselves will move on.

(The fairy says goodbye, we move on)

Musical locomotive.

Music hands: Guys, look, repair work. (the passage is closed, the melodies have mixed up their character)

Can you guess? If we try to hear the genre of music, we will repair the road and be able to continue our journey. Ready?

The task “Three pillars” , children will learn by genre - Song. Dance. March.

— (determine from the picture what genre of music (song, march, dance) is depicted.

- a task is proposed: to dance a cheerful dance made in the form of a physical video clip “We were walking” )

Gymnastics for the eyes.

(The appearance of the evil witch)

task from the evil queen - You are asked to guess riddles about the composer, performer and listener, about the opera, orchestra, soloist, choir. (riddles appear on the screen)

Music hands offers to sing a song.

Song about mom.

Evil Witch: My dear children, how great you are, you completed all my tasks, you didn’t get confused, how smart and talented you are! Even I, the Evil Witch, have become kinder and cheerful, so be it, I will disenchant the inhabitants of Musicland and restore their spirits!

Psychologist: Guys, a miracle happened, we turned the Evil Witch into a good one.

I propose to summarize our lesson and decorate the Magic Tree with musical notes, look, they will be multi-colored:

Yellow notes mean: “I liked our trip, it was interesting and easy .

Blue notes mean: “I found it interesting, but difficult .

Brown notes mean: “I was bored and uninteresting .

(I invite all children and guests to choose and hang the notes they like).

Relaxation - . (To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers” , from the ballet “The Nutcracker” , children and guests choose a note of their color, in accordance with their mood. And then hang it on the branches of the Musical Magic Tree).

Evil Witch: What a beauty! And I’m also glad that we all showed how friendly, skillful and cheerful we are! I have a surprise for you too! I give these sweet notes to you for your musical talents, kindness and friendship.

Surprise moment: (brings out a basket of Chupa candies - Chups, pre-designed in the form of notes, and distributes them to all the children).

Next >

Agents of K.U.S. ("College of Universal Spies")

11-15 years Duration - 80 to 100 minutes 2 presenters, a set of props, costumes for each participant, musical accompaniment from 4 to 12 players - 15,900 rubles (hereinafter - 700 rubles per additional player)

Each player takes on the role of a specific character. Young agents of the “College of Universal Spies” (“C.U.S.”) find themselves in the laboratory of a global villain who has invented a powerful virus that can deprive a person of the ability to move and think. Players will have to find the antidote that the villain has prepared for himself. And also find out where the criminal is hiding and establish his identity.

The spies need to team up to cope with a difficult task and win an exciting quest.

Props: Cases, hats, glasses, chests with double bottoms, flashlights, magnifying glasses, bombs, cue cards, fingerprints, adjustable wrenches, maps, stencils.

Teacher portal

Maltseva Svetlana Ivanovna
music director
Educational institution:
MBU DS No. 80 “Song”
Togliatti, Samara region
Name of material:
methodological development
Quest - game “In search of the missing song”
Date of publication:
17.06 .2017
preschool education

Quest – game “In search of the missing song”


promote the formation of good, respectful relationships between

participants (adults and children) Tasks:

— activate the interested behavior of participants through active forms

performing competition tasks;

- develop an attentive, kind attitude towards each other;

- develop interest in musical, educational, search activities

Visual material and equipment:

7 fragments of musical notation

Puzzles - VIOLIN, PIPE, DRUM + extra parts (PIAN)

Jars with white substance (flour, sugar, salt, semolina, starch, citric acid,

Pictures “Drawn Song”

Rebus “The case is being heard”

Badges for detectives and presenters

10. Music center

11. Discs with audio recordings of V. Shainsky’s songs

Detective show plan:

— 3 family teams of detectives who are looking for fragments of musical notation;

— Each team prepares a business card (no more than 2 minutes) (10 minutes)

— Each team must complete 2 tasks to find the fragment; (30 min)

— Searches are carried out in different rooms of the kindergarten;

— After all the fragments have been collected, the presenter offers to listen to the written

melody and determine what kind of song it is; (5 minutes)

— We perform everything together (karaoke); (3 min)

— Award ceremony and tea gatherings (20 min)


Good evening! You probably can't wait to find out what will happen here?

Meeting? Entertainment? Holiday.

Dear friends, we are pleased to inform you that today in kindergarten “Pesenka”

The opening of the Detective and Music Club “Quest in Pesenka” will take place.


“Quest” means search.

What does it mean? Surely everyone is familiar with the song (a fragment of the song “Terribly

everything that is unknown is interesting...")

Indeed, how interesting it is to know, to find something

what is unknown! And then share it with your friends! As is known, by searching

are detectives or sleuths.

And today, teams of detectives have gathered in our hall to help us

deal with one loss. Our kindergarten received a report of a missing person.

the final fragment of the musical notation of our favorite children's song

pupils. But this song is a kind of anthem of our kindergarten

“Song”... The fragment not only disappeared, it crumbled into 7 pieces. Dear

detectives, are you ready to help us find the loss?

Then please introduce yourself!

"Introducing Family Detective Agencies"

Business card (homework - music, theater, poetry,

prosaic, humorous, etc. )

(no more than 2 minutes)

A good detective must have such qualities as: attention, good

memory, intelligence, intuition, logical thinking, sense of time,

ability to transform, etc. and now you have the opportunity to prove your

professionalism. For each completed task, you will receive a reward. Good luck everyone

Each team is given the first envelope (or search card) with the task and that’s it.

They disperse to perform them in different rooms of the garden.

1. “Sounds”

(there is text in the envelope)

"Any detective must have an idea of ​​the objects and sounds that he

surround. Now you will hear the soundtrack

7 different sounds. Task: determine who or what they belong to and are

Are some of these sounds musical?

You have 2 minutes for this.

If you answer correctly, you get the next task and get closer

In case of an error, you will have to listen to an additional fragment. Good luck!"

— rustling of a candy wrapper — extra. exercise

- train - extra exercise

— drill — extra. exercise

(after completing the task, you are given a fragment of musical notation with a number)

2. Puzzles

(musical instruments) – with extra parts

The previous test will help you with this task.

You just heard how different instruments of the symphony were tuned

orchestra and probably recognized the instruments by their sound.

But! A hurricane prevented the orchestra from setting up. All the instruments fell to pieces. To

to hear the lost song, you need to put down the orchestra instruments.


(extra details are possible)

(after completing the task, you are given a fragment of musical notation with a number)

1. "White matter"

(text in an envelope, transparent jars with bulk substances

white - cans cannot be opened)

"A detective must have sharp eyesight and this task will show in what

the degree to which you have developed this quality. Attention! Here are 5 white substances.

At first glance, all the substances are the same, but only a detective, carefully

by looking at these substances, he can accurately determine their contents. Especially

the name of one of these substances will help you in finding the loss, AS IT HAS


-citric acid – additional exercise

- washing powder – extra. exercise

(after completing the task, you are given a fragment of musical notation with a number)

2. Find the key (treble) –

in the lobby

What you are so striving for is located in the central hall of the kindergarten.

Where one of the main symbols of musical notation is depicted. Previous task

Enchanted Academy

7-10 years Duration - 80 to 100 minutes 2 presenters, a set of props, costumes for each participant, musical accompaniment from 4 to 12 players - 15,900 rubles (hereinafter - 700 rubles per additional player)

The guys are reincarnated as Young Wizards and transported to a parallel universe in the country of Magistrum to study at the Enchanted Academy. At the Enchanted Academy, founded by the great Magician, magical sciences and the practice of magic are taught in 4 faculties: Faculty of Energy, Faculty of Strength, Faculty of Illusions, Faculty of Power.

The evil wizard got into an argument with the director of the Academy, after which the director disappeared! An evil wizard wants to destroy the academy. Young students of the academy will have to save the magical Academy from destruction, find the message from the missing director and earn influence points to become the best in the academy and receive a certificate. During the game, young wizards will undergo various tests, brew potions, look for parts of the faculties' coat of arms and missing talismans, use their magical abilities, cooperate with each other and have fun.

Props: Costumes for participants and presenters, chest, tests (nerf, tic-tac-toe, beaters, as a souvenir), cards with ingredients for a potion, portrait of the director, objects of power (magic wand, flower, wand, sword), gold coins, totems for each faculty.

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