Walks in November in the senior group. Card file with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Walks in November in the senior group. Card file with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Autumn walks in November. Senior group of preschool educational institutions

Walk #1.
Observing a sparrow in autumn Goals: - continue to consolidate knowledge about the sparrow; - teach to see changes in the behavior of birds with the arrival of autumn; - activate attention and memory. Progress of observation The teacher conducts a conversation with the children. -What does a sparrow look like? (This is a small, lively bird.)
- They often say about him: “gray sparrow.”
But in fact, the sparrow is not gray at all. Which one then? (It has a brown back with wide longitudinal black stripes.)
- What about the tail and wings?
(The tail is dark brown, the wings are also dark brown, decorated with a reddish border.)
- What color is the head?
- Where do sparrows live?
(In the city and countryside.)
- Yes, they adapt well to human habits everywhere.
Why do sparrows love being around people so much? (Near people, birds are protected from predators, they have food and secluded places.)
- Sparrows especially like to set up their apartments behind the shutters or carved window frames of wooden houses.
Where can city sparrows settle? (Under the canopy of the entrance or balcony.)
- Let's see where the sparrows have taken up residence in our kindergarten territory?
How should a person care for birds? (Make feeders, sprinkle food daily.)
- What do sparrows eat in the fall?
(They peck grains and plant seeds.) Labor activity Organization of a labor landing for the purpose of treating trees. Objectives: - learn how to properly assist trees and shrubs; - cultivate a positive attitude towards work. Outdoor game “Migration of birds”. Purpose: to learn to perform actions on a signal. "Burners" Goal: to consolidate the ability to move according to the teacher’s signal, to follow the rules of the game. Individual work “Don’t knock down the flag.” Goal: learn to walk like a snake between objects without knocking them over.
Walk No. 2.
Observation of pigeons Goals: - continue to consolidate knowledge about the bird world; — clarify what birds eat and where they live, how people care for them, why wild pigeons are listed in the Red Book. Progress of observation The teacher asks the children riddles and asks them to answer questions. A mischievous boy in a gray army jacket scurries around the yard, collecting crumbs. (Sparrow.)
Who flies, who chirps - Does he want to tell us something?
What birds most often fly to the site?
Where do they live? What do they like to peck? Who feeds them? Where do pigeons live? Even among ancient people, the dove was considered a symbol of peace and friendship. A bird of rare beauty, it is very easy to habituate and quickly becomes attached to a person. ' But the pigeon has another quality - it is an excellent postman. Man has long noticed the natural ability of the pigeon to find its nest, its home, even at long distances. Do you know that wild pigeons are listed in the Red Book? There are almost no wild pigeons left in nature, and wild pigeons are not found in our area. What feathers in the wings keep a dove warm? Why are pigeons called sisars? Why does the dove soar? Observing the sky and precipitation. Late autumn – pre-winter. The sky is gray and dark. It rains and snows more often. It rains and snows more often. Watch the starry sky. Snow winds are blowing (give the concept of “snow winds”)
Poem by G. Ladonshchikov “Late Autumn” : Thin ice lies timidly along the shore. A sad gray cloud floats along the bottom of the pond. Autumn breathes harshly Clear water. The trees have shed their leaves, meeting the cold. Research activity Compare pigeon and woodpecker. Labor activity: hanging feeders on the territory of the kindergarten. Goals: to teach how to perform labor actions. Outdoor games “Fly, jump, swim.” Goals: - to train children in running; - fix the names of fish, birds, animals. "Do not fall". Goal: to strengthen the ability to pass the ball back and forth with straight arms. Individual work “Knock down the pin.” Objectives: - learn to throw the ball at a target;
- develop accuracy and attention. Walk #3.
Observation of the poplar Purpose: to form an idea of ​​​​the autumn poplar. Progress of observation Under the window a century-old poplar tree has grown, In summer its green leaves rustle. Walking around the city, you will see its fluff - Hundreds of white flies rushing over the street. S. Vasilyeva The teacher asks the children questions. — Where do poplars most often grow? (In the city.)
- What kind of tree is this?
- What other trees grow in the city?
— Why are they even needed in the city? (Tree leaves absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.)
- When do the last leaves fall from the poplars?
(Late autumn.)
- What color are the poplar leaves?
- Why do the leaves fall from the trees in the fall?
(So ​​that the tree does not lose a lot of moisture in winter.) Observation of frost and hoarfrost. During frosts, frost appears (this is the appearance of ice crusts on trees, on the ground and on all objects)
Sometimes it is needle-like. Compare frost with frost (frost on the ground and on the grass)
Frost forms in the same way as dew. It can also happen in summer, because these are water crystals (dew when the air temperature is above 0 degrees)
Compare the appearance of frost with a decrease in air temperature (monitoring the thermometer)
Riddle: There is a village in white velvet - And fences and trees, And when the wind attacks, This velvet falls. (Rime) Research activity Examine through a magnifying glass the branch from which a leaf has just fallen. - What did we see? (Barely noticeable buds.)
What does this mean?
(The trees did not die, they only shed dead, unnecessary leaves.) Labor activity Raking leaves into piles and cleaning them up. Goal: to cultivate a desire to work in a team. Outdoor games “Gardeners”, “Burners”. Goal: practice running at the teacher’s signal. Individual work Jumping on one leg. Goal: practice pushing off energetically and landing correctly.
Walk No. 4.
Observation of seasonal changes Objectives: - to form concepts about natural phenomena (frost, frost, waning day, staying night)
— consolidate knowledge about the sun (it shines, but does not warm)
Progress of observation Not hot, not summer, Autumn, last, Warm days rise from across the river. A. Isakovskaya
Late autumn is called “silver”.
The first thin ice covers the puddles, silver stars-snowflakes fly onto the frozen ground, icy tree branches ring in the wind, fallen leaves covered with frost glisten in the sun. At the end of autumn, the sun rarely appears and the days become cloudy. The teacher asks the children questions. — What is the name of the pre-winter period? (Silver Autumn.)
- Why?
Try to guess the riddle. And not snow, and not ice, but with silver he will remove the trees. (Rime.)
The teacher invites the children to come up with riddles about late autumn.
Precipitation monitoring. Watch the frost and the first snow. Remember the differences between hoarfrost, hoarfrost, and snow. Note the transition of rain to sleet and relate this to changes in air temperature. Poem by E. Trutneva “First Snow” What is outside the window? Immediately the house brightened - This snow lies like a carpet, the very first, the whitest. This is what the wind was whistling outside my window all night. He wanted to talk about the snow and about welcoming winter. Labor activity : Cleaning up garbage on site. Goal: to cultivate a feeling of pleasure from the work done. Outdoor games : “Trap”, “Homeless Hare”. Goals: - practice running without bumping into each other; - develop agility and endurance. Individual work Exercise to develop balance. Goal: to teach how to run up a hill and run down it.
Walk No. 5.
Observing the first snow Purpose: to teach to notice changes in nature, to see beauty. Progress of observation Yesterday morning the rain was knocking on the glass of the windows, Above the ground the fog rose into clouds. . . . At noon the rain stopped, and like a white fluff, snow began to fall on the autumn mud. The night has passed. It's dawn. There are no clouds anywhere, the air is light and clean, and the river is frozen. I. Nikitin
On the ground covered with snow, everything stopped growing.
But this is not winter yet - pre-winter. Not yet, and it’s a sunny day. And, wow, how happy all living things will be in the sun! Look, mosquitoes are crawling out from under the roots, flies are flying into the air. The snow has melted. . . And at night the frost will strike again. While he is still small, he doesn’t want to yawn. The teacher asks the children questions. — How long does the first snow last? (Two or three days.)
- What does it feel like?
- When does the first solid snow fall?
(At night.) Research activity Catch a snowflake in your palm and examine it. Compare two snowflakes. Determine the place where the snow melts faster. Find a place where the snow has not yet melted. Watching the sun Continue watching the sun: it shines less and less, it rises low. November has short days and long nights. November is the twilight of the year (discuss with the children why they say this)
Riddle: Among the blue field - The bright shine of a large fire. The fire walks slowly here, goes around Mother Earth, and shines merrily in the window. Well, of course, this is... (sun)
Didactic game “Who can name the most actions?”
(practice in selecting adjectives)
What can you say about the sun, what is it like? (affectionate, kind, radiant, yellow, red, bright, warm, hot, fiery)
Labor activity Insulation of tree roots with snow. Goal: to reinforce the idea of ​​the protective properties of snow. Outdoor game “One, two, three - run!” Goal: to develop running speed, agility, coherence of collective actions, and ingenuity. "Pine cone." Goal: to teach how to make turns clearly and quickly without stopping. Individual work “Hit the hoop.” Goals: - exercise the ability to act on a signal; consolidate the ability to throw objects at a target.
November Walk No. 6.
Observing water Purpose: to form ideas about the aggregate state of water in the autumn. Progress of observation The teacher asks the children questions. — What properties of water are you familiar with? — Does water have a form? — Is the water in a river, lake, sea, or puddle clear? — What happens to water if it is taken out into the cold? The water is clear. Objects can be seen through it. Water is liquid - it does not have its own shape, it takes the shape of the object into which it is poured. On a flat surface, water spreads like a puddle. The water is colorless, tasteless, odorless. Clean water is clear, cloudy and dirty water is not clear. Only dirty water smells bad. Water freezes when the air temperature drops below 0°C. Observation of plants. The plants have prepared for winter. The trees stand without leaves, but there are buds. Examine the buds by shape, size, color. Explain that the trees are no longer growing and are at rest. Reading the poem by A. S. Pushkin “Autumn” : The sky was already breathing in autumn, The sun was shining less often, The day was getting shorter, The mysterious forest canopy was exposed with a sad noise, Fog was laying on the fields, A caravan of noisy geese was stretching to the south: a rather boring time was approaching; It was already November outside the yard. Research activity The teacher invites the children to conduct an experiment. Pour water into a glass jar, close the lid tightly and leave in the cold. Soon the can will split, and instead of it there will be a piece of ice. Frozen water - ice - takes up more space than liquid water, so the ice in the jar became crowded, and it broke it. Ice appears on puddles, rivers, and ponds as soon as the first frost hits. With each frosty day, the ice crust becomes thicker. What happens to ice if it is brought into a warm room? (It will melt.)
The cautious fox went up to the stream to drink, bent down, and the water was motionless and hard.
G. Ladonshchikov Labor activity Cleaning the kindergarten area. Goals: to consolidate skills in working with shovels and stretchers; — learn to rationally organize your work, work together in a team. Outdoor games “Pass”, “Cold - Hot”. Goals: - practice hitting the ball with the inside of the leg lift; - achieve the correct technique in previously mastered types of walking. Individual work Performing exercises to maintain balance. Goal: to develop endurance.
Walk No. 7.
Observing a pedestrian Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the pedestrian part of the road, traffic rules. Progress of observation The pedestrian must remember: There are traffic signals - Obey them without argument! Yellow light - warning: Wait for the signal to move. The green light has opened the road: the guys can cross! The red light tells us: - Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed! Be careful on the street, children, remember these rules firmly! The teacher brings the children to the pedestrian part of the road and conducts a conversation. — Where are pedestrians supposed to walk? (On the sidewalks.)
You must stick to the right side so as not to stumble, collide, or go around oncoming people, turning to the side.
You need to walk along the street at a calm pace. Cross the road only when the traffic light is green and at a pedestrian crossing. The teacher leads the children to the transition. — How did you know that this is where there is a pedestrian crossing across the road? That's right, there is a sign “Pedestrian crossing” and wide white stripes are drawn on the road. Bird watching. Find out which birds remain for the winter, observe which of them flies to the feeder. Draw the attention of children that it is becoming increasingly difficult for birds to obtain food; discuss how you can help. Poem by O. G. Zykova “Tits” : Oh, and cunning birds, Yellow-breasted tits. Only in very cold weather these birds are friends with the woodpecker. Well, in the summer all the tits can feed themselves. Labor activity Collecting beautiful leaves for the herbarium; raking fallen leaves to the roots of trees. Goal: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. Outdoor games “Flock”, “Traffic Light”. Goals: develop dexterity; - consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic lights. Individual work Development of movements. Goal: to strengthen the skills of throwing objects at a distance.
Walk No. 8.
Observation of snowfall Objectives: - clarify ideas about the properties of snow; - consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall. Progress of observation Light fluffy white Snowflake, How pure, How brave! On a stormy road it easily flies by, not up to the azure heights - it asks to land... K. Balmont
In the cold season, instead of rain, it snows.
Snowflakes form in the same way as raindrops. At high altitudes it begins to freeze and turn into tiny crystals. These crystals combine to form tiny hexagonal stars—snowflakes—that slowly fall to the ground as snow. The teacher asks the children questions. —Where do snowflakes form? -What do they look like? Observing the work of the driver. Objectives: - clarify ideas about the work of drivers driving different types of cars; - develop cognitive activity; - cultivate interest and respect for the work of adults. Progress of observation We get up very early. After all, our job is to take everyone to work in the morning. The teacher asks the children questions. - Why do you need such a profession? — Should a driver know the rules of the road? — What should a driver know to drive a car well? — What cars can drivers drive? Research activities What kind of snow can you sculpt from? Try to make a ball of snow. Labor activity Collecting snow into a pile to build a slide. Goal: Continue to work together. Outdoor game "Crow - Sparrow". Goals: - teach to listen carefully to the teacher’s command; - develop attention; - continue to learn how to navigate in space. “Dashing and catching up.” Goal: to learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades. Individual work : “Don’t knock down the flag.” Goals: - continue to walk like a “snake” between objects without knocking them over;
Walk No. 9.
Observation of a dog Objectives: - to teach to establish a connection between the appearance features, behavior of animals and the conditions of the winter season; — to cultivate interest in the life of animals, love, and the desire to help in difficult conditions. Progress of observation In our house, adults and children know that I am now the happiest person in the world: I, to the envy of all dog breeders, have a dog of an amazing breed. The teacher asks the children questions.
— What is the name of the dog’s home?
— What is a dog’s favorite treat? -What does the dog look like? What breeds of dogs do you know? — Why are some dogs called “strays”? A dog's happy life largely depends on its owner. Dogs eat a variety of foods. They can enjoy fruits, cereals, milk, cottage cheese, but most of all they love boiled meat. There are a lot of dog breeds - St. Bernard, Dachshund, German Shepherd, Chow Chow, Poodle, Rottweiler, they are all different from each other. The dog is smart, attentive, has an excellent memory, subtle sense of smell, and acute hearing. She will never leave her master in trouble, will never betray him! There are people who throw animals into the street. Animal life becomes painful. They don't have good food, warmth, affection, they have to live in the basement and on the street, they get sick and die. This is the result of human callousness. And that's why I want to appeal to everyone. Don't throw away your pets! Labor activity: Shoveling snow into a certain place to build ice figures. Goal: learn to work together, achieve goals through common efforts.
b] Outdoor games “We are funny guys”, “Entertainers”.
Goal: learn to clearly speak the text in the game, follow the rules of the game. Individual work Development of movements. Goals: - improve techniques for throwing objects at a horizontal target;
- develop eye, coordination, dexterity; - develop a positive attitude towards physical exercise. Walk No. 10.
Observation of coniferous and deciduous trees Purpose: to develop knowledge about trees (what they have in common and what are their differences)
Progress of observation The teacher asks the children questions. — What trees grow on our site? (Birch, aspen, pine, spruce, larch, etc.)
- What kind of trees are these?
(Coniferous and deciduous.)
- How do deciduous trees differ from coniferous trees?
- What do they have in common? (Trunk, branches, root.)
- What conditions are necessary for trees to grow?
— What benefits do coniferous and deciduous trees bring in the national economy and medicine? Continue to establish a connection between the height of the sun and air temperature. For this purpose, carry out long-term observations (at the beginning, middle and end of the month)
Select a specific place, time and landmark (the sun is above a specific house: we record the date and time in the observation album and measure the air temperature)
Bring children to the conclusion that the lower the sun is, the lower the air temperature (recorded in the observation diary)
Cat observation. Objectives: - to consolidate knowledge that a cat is a domestic animal, a mammal, and has certain characteristics; — to cultivate humane feelings towards animals that have been tamed by humans. Progress of observation The teacher asks the children a riddle and asks them to answer questions. Even though I have velvet paws, they call me “scratchy”, I deftly catch mice, I drink milk from a saucer. (Cat.)
Why is a cat a pet? What does a domestic cat look like?
What do cats eat? What are baby cats called? What breeds of cats do you know? What benefits do cats bring to people? What wild animals are close relatives of the domestic cat? Prove that the cat is a predatory animal. Compare the abilities and personalities of dogs and cats. What songs, poems, riddles, fairy tales about cats do you know? Labor activity Cleaning at the physical training area. Goal: learn to work together, distribute responsibilities among themselves. Outdoor games “Rush”, “Catch up with a couple”. Goal: practice running over obstacles. Individual work Standing long jump. Goals: - practice jumping, pushing off with both legs;
- improve coordination of movements. Walk 11. Helicopter observation
Objectives: - consolidate knowledge about air transport; — to develop interest in the pilot profession. Progress of observation The teacher asks the children a riddle and asks them to answer questions. It will fly up without acceleration - it reminds me of a dragonfly. (helicopter)
is taking off .
— What does the helicopter look like? (Large, with a large propeller at the top.)
- How is a helicopter similar to a dragonfly?
- What types of helicopters are there?
(Sanitary rescue, military, cargo.)
- What is the profession of the person flying the helicopter?
- What other types of transport do you know?
(Ground, water, underwater.)
- What are the differences between a helicopter and an airplane?
(An airplane has more speed than a helicopter; a helicopter can hover in the air, but an airplane cannot; an airplane needs a runway to take off, but a helicopter can take off.) Observation of trees. Which tree was the last to shed its leaves? Conclude that after the air temperature dropped below zero degrees, all the trees lost their leaves. Draw the attention of children that young branches do not grow on trees, the buds on the branches are tightly closed. Didactic game “Smart Vocabulary” - practice selecting nouns; enrich children's vocabulary. Leaves of a plant, tree, bush - (foliage)
Falling leaves in autumn - (leaf fall)
Precipitation in the form of water droplets - (rain)
The movement of air over the ground is (wind)
A large dark cloud from which rain, snow, or hail may fall. - (cloud)
A bright light in the sky during a thunderstorm, accompanied by thunder - (lightning)
Labor activity: Site cleaning. Goal: to strengthen the ability to work together. Outdoor games "Airplanes". Goal: practice running with words. "Blind Man's Bluff." Goal: to teach how to navigate in space with your eyes closed. Individual work “Cross the river”. Goal: practice walking on a log straight and sideways.
Walk 12. Observation of snow and ice
Objectives: - consolidate knowledge about the various states of water; — to form a realistic understanding of inanimate nature. Progress of observation The teacher asks the children questions. -What does ice consist of? — What properties of ice (snow)
are you familiar with?
— How are snowflakes formed? We are snowflakes! This is us - the parachutes of winter. It is we who are circling above you, It is we who are friends with the winds. Ice is frozen solid water; as soon as you warm a piece of ice in your palm, it will immediately flow from your fingers in a thin stream. Signs of ice: shine, smoothness, hardness, fragility. Pat the surface to determine smoothness. Impact to detect strength and fragility. Water evaporates from the seas and oceans. Water vapor rises high above the ground, where it is always very cold. There, at altitude, the steam freezes into tiny ice crystals. The crystals join together to form stars-snowflakes. —What is snow like in warm weather? (Sticky, heavy, wet, damp.)
- What is snow like in frosty weather?
(Dry, fluffy, light, crumbles.)
Dense, trampled snow melts more slowly than loose snow;
dark dirty snow melts before clean and light snow. Observing the work of a janitor Goals: - expand knowledge about the work of adults in the fall; - cultivate respect for work. Progress of observation The wind plays with the leaves, tears leaves from the branches, yellow leaves fly straight into the children’s hands. The teacher asks the children questions. — What tools does a janitor need to work? — What work does a janitor do in the fall? — What is the work of a janitor needed for? — How can we help the janitor? Research activity Compare the freezing time of clean and colored water in large and small molds. Compare the rate of melting of snow packed tightly or loosely in a glass. Labor activity Caring for plants growing on the site. Goal: to develop interest in working in nature, environmental awareness. Outdoor games “Wolf in the Moat”, “Mousetrap”. Objectives: - teach how to jump over a ditch and back when given a signal; - develop speed, agility, endurance. Individual work Lasagne. Goals: - develop coordination of movements;
Walk No. 13.
Observation of the forest in late autumn. Goals: expand the idea of ​​the autumn forest; teach to see the beauty of the autumn landscape. Progress of observation: Bring the children to a place where the forest is clearly visible. Pay attention to the beauty of the forest in late autumn. The trees “put on” their winter attire, snow covered their tops, everything was white and white all around, and only the fir trees and pine trees were still green. Labor activity Making snow buildings - learn how to properly carry snow for construction, help comrades in performing labor actions; Outdoor games “The Third Wheel” - teach to follow the rules of the game “Find Us” - fix the name of objects on the site, orientation in space. “The deer has a big house” - consolidate the ability to correlate movements with the text. Individual work for “Goats” is to train children in jumping over 2-3 objects in a row. Drawing in the snow - invite children to make drawings in the snow with sticks, to maintain interest in drawing. Games at the request of children - teach children how to find

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Summary of an autumn walk in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution

  • April 6, 2016

Competition “Methodological piggy bank of a teacher - 2016”
Nomination “Methodological piggy bank of a preschool teacher”

Main stages of the walk:

1. Observations in nature.

2. Outdoor game.

3. Individual work (in subgroups).

4. Role-playing game.

5. Labor activity on the site.

Take-out materials: balls, crayons, equipment for playing with sand, brooms, rakes, garbage bags.

The progress of the autumn walk in the preparatory group of the preschool educational institution

1. Observations in nature.

Goal: to summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about autumn as a season; combine familiarization with seasonal changes in nature with the formation of aesthetic ideas; develop cognitive interest, thinking, memory, speech, attention.

– Guys, today we will take a walk around the territory of our kindergarten. Let us begin our journey with wonderful verses:

The rain is pouring, cold as ice, the leaves are spinning in the clearings, and the geese are flying in a long caravan over the forest.

– What time is spoken about in Ivan Bunin’s poem? (About autumn).

– What autumn months do you know? Name them. (Children's answers).

– What do people call September, October and November and why? (Children's answers).

– Let’s all remember the proverbs about autumn:

  • Thunder in September - for a warm autumn.
  • Late leaf fall means a harsh winter.
  • There is no turn from autumn to summer.
  • In September, even a leaf does not stick to the tree.
  • There is no September without fruits.
  • September is cold and full.
  • October alternately cries and laughs.
  • September smells like apples, October smells like cabbage.
  • In November, winter and autumn are fought.

– Now let’s see if you can solve autumn riddles:

1) She came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves..... (autumn. Draw the children’s attention to the foliage of the trees, note the color palette of autumn).

2) Leaves are falling from the aspen trees. A sharp wedge is rushing in the sky...... (a flock of cranes)

3) In the spring they grow, fall into the canopy………(leaves)

- Well done guys, you solved the riddles easily. And now I’ll tell you a little about folk signs. All of them were noticed by the people on the basis of constant observations of the life of nature:

  • There are a lot of rowan trees - autumn will be rainy.
  • The clouds are low - expect cold.
  • If the leaves, falling off, lie with the wrong side up, it means a warm winter, with the front side up, it means a cold winter.

- Let's check what kind of winter we can expect. (Children consider the position of the leaves and draw conclusions. If opinions are divided, bring the children to the fact that the position of the leaves can change due to the wind).

- Guys, do you think we can check this sign? How? (Children's answers).

2. Outdoor game.

Goal: to develop dexterity, speed, coordination of movements, attention; develop the ability to play in a team, give in to each other; foster a sense of camaraderie; follow the rules of the game; develop speech and memory.

– In autumn it gets cool outside, so to keep us warm, we’ll play a game together. (We offer a choice of games “Mousetrap”, “Third Wheel”, “Trap”, “Find Yourself a Mate”).

3. Individual work (in subgroups).

Goal: overcoming shyness, developing observation, speech, mental abilities; practicing basic movements, developing moral qualities. One subgroup does math tasks (you can use crayons), the second subgroup plays “Dodgeball” with a ball or does exercises with balls individually or in pairs.

4. The role-playing game is chosen at the request of the children.

Goal: to create and maintain a calm, friendly environment during the game, to provide children with the opportunity to engage in activities that interest them; pay attention to withdrawn, shy children, help them find their place in the game; Involve overly excited children in activities that would help calm them down. (“Ice Cream Parlor”, “Fortress Builders”).

5. Labor activity on the site.

Goal: teach children to work with tools (rakes, brooms), teach them to work in a team, help each other; appreciate your work and the work of your comrades, learn to negotiate on controversial issues; be able to see and appreciate the results of your work; respect the work of the janitor.

- Guys, look how many leaves we have on our site. Let's put things in order here. (Give the children a tool, give a specific task. Summarize the work, praise the children for their diligence and hard work).

- And now for everyone who worked and was tired, lunch hour has come!

(Organized group care).

Author: Lyudmila Vladimirovna Kurchanova, teacher, MKDOU No. 13, Nizhneudinsk.

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