Work plan for a circle on non-traditional drawing techniques in the middle group; calendar and thematic planning for drawing (middle group)

Work plan for a drawing circle in the middle group

Work plan for the “Magic Colors” circle in the middle group
Author: Olga Vasilievna Yakovleva, teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 842”, Moscow Description of work: I offer you a work plan for the “Magic Colors” circle for children in the middle group (4-5 years old). This material will be useful for educators and additional education teachers working with children of secondary preschool age. This is a work plan for a circle to use non-traditional drawing techniques in visual arts, aimed at developing children’s creative abilities. Goal: Development of creativity in children using non-traditional drawing techniques through group activities. Objectives Learn to use a variety of materials and non-traditional techniques in drawing, different ways of creating an image.
Introduce the genres of fine art and their features. Develop a sense of form, color, rhythm, composition, proportion. To foster interest in fine arts (non-traditional drawing), an aesthetic attitude towards the world around us, and to enrich the child’s emotional sphere. Work plan for the “Magic Paints” circle
September “Amanita” Non-traditional technique:
Finger painting, background – monotype.
Practice finger painting.
Introduce the monotype technique for creating backgrounds. Cultivate neatness. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, plastic boards, napkins.
“Rowan Branch” Non-traditional technique:
Finger painting, background – pastel.
Practice finger painting.
Introduce a new material – pastel. Learn to create a background with pastels. Develop a sense of composition and color perception. Cultivate neatness. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, pastel, stencil of rowan leaves, felt-tip pens or pencils (for painting leaves), napkins.
“Apple compote” Non-traditional technique:
Stamping, drawing with a cotton swab.
Learn to decorate a jar cut out of white cardboard using apple printing.
Learn to use cotton swabs in drawing to depict currant berries. Learn to decorate a craft. Equipment:
Cut out silhouettes of cans from white cardboard, gouache, apples, cotton swabs, brushes.
For decoration: napkins, braid. “Trees in autumn” Non-traditional technique:
Imprint with leaves, imprint with crumpled paper.
Learn to draw trees using leaf prints;
the sky, fallen leaves - the imprint of crumpled paper. Develop a sense of composition and color. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, tree leaves, impression paper, napkins.
October “Autumn Forest” (team work) Non-traditional technique:
Drawing using napkins.
Teach children to roll napkin balls and carefully glue them onto the base.
Develop fine motor skills. Equipment:
A sheet of paper tinted yellow (A-3), napkins (red, yellow), cut out silhouettes of trees, glue, brushes, rags, felt-tip pens (for finishing drawings).
“Leaf Fall” (team work) Non-traditional technique:
Pointillism (drawing with dots).
To introduce the technique of pointillism, to learn how to draw in this technique.
Learn to carefully stick leaves for general work. Develop compositional skills. Equipment:
A sheet of paper, tinted blue (A-3), gouache, cotton swabs, cut out silhouettes of leaves, glue, brushes, rags.
“Fruit” (still life) Non-traditional technique:
Drawing using cotton pads.
To introduce the technique of drawing using cotton pads.
Learn to compose a still life. Develop a sense of color and composition. Cultivate neatness. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, cotton pads, brushes, napkins.
“Cobweb” Non-traditional technique:
Drawing with a colored ball.
Introduce drawing with a ball.
Develop imagination and creativity. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, box lid, gouache, balls.
November “Squirrel in a hollow” Non-traditional technique:
Drawing with palm, fingers.
Learn to draw with your palm, improve your finger drawing technique.
Develop compositional skills. Cultivate neatness. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, napkins.
“My favorite toy” Non-traditional technique:
Improve children's ability to draw with cotton swabs.
Develop a sense of color. Equipment:
Sheets of paper with images of toys, gouache, cotton swabs.
“Magic Umbrellas” Non-traditional technique:
To introduce the technique of plasticineography.
Develop a sense of color and fine motor skills. Cultivate neatness. Equipment:
Sheets of colored cardboard, plasticine.
“Kitten” Non-traditional technique:
Poking with a semi-dry hard brush.
Learn to work in this technique.
Learn to depict the appearance of an animal in a drawing. Develop a sense of rhythm and composition. Cultivate neatness. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, hard brush, gouache, napkins.
December “House” Non-traditional technique:
Styrofoam impression.
Improve skills in this technique.
Develop a sense of rhythm, composition, color. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, foam stamps.
“Winter Tree” Non-traditional technique:
Drawing with toothpaste.
To introduce new non-traditional drawing materials.
Cultivate neatness. Equipment:
Colored cardboard (black, blue), toothpaste, napkins.
“Herringbone” Non-traditional technique:
Drawing with palms.
Improve your drawing skills in this technique.
Develop compositional skills. Cultivate neatness. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, napkins.
“Decorate the Christmas tree with beads” Non-traditional technique:
Drawing with sticks, imprinting with cork.
Practice drawing Christmas tree beads using finger painting and cork printing.
Learn to alternate beads by color. Equipment:
Images of Christmas trees (previous lesson), gouache, corks, napkins.
January “Beautiful snowflakes” Non-traditional technique:
Candle, watercolor.
To introduce this technique.
Develop imagination and creative thinking. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, candle, watercolor, brushes.
“Snowman” Non-traditional technique:
Stamping, drawing with cotton swabs.
Improve skills in this technique.
Sheets of blue paper, carrot stamps, cotton swabs, gouache, brushes.
“Winter” Non-traditional technique:
Drawing on crumpled paper.
To introduce the technique of drawing on crumpled paper.
Develop compositional skills. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, watercolors, brushes.
“Blizzard” Non-traditional technique:
To introduce the technique of thread printing, to learn how to draw using this technique.
Develop imagination and associative thinking. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, thread.
February “Decorate the mittens” Non-traditional technique:
Poking with a hard brush, painting with cotton swabs.
Improve skills in the technique of poking with a hard brush.
Learn to decorate mittens using cotton swabs. Develop a sense of rhythm and color. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, hard brushes, cotton swabs.
“Northern Lights” Non-traditional technique:
Improve skills in this technique.
Help in creating an expressive image. Develop a sense of color. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, watercolors, brushes.
“Imagine and complete the drawing” Non-traditional technique:
Creating images.
Teach children to create new images.
Develop creative imagination. Equipment:
Sheets of paper with unfinished drawings, pencils, wax crayons.
“Boat” Non-traditional technique:
To improve work in this technique.
Cultivate neatness. Equipment:
Colored cardboard, plasticine.
March “Flower for Mom” Non-traditional technique:
Improve skills in this technique.
Develop a sense of color and composition. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, cotton swabs.
“Magic Flower” Non-traditional technique:
Drawing with pastels.
Learn to draw flowers with pastels.
Develop imagination and sense of color. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, pastel.
“Clouds” Non-traditional technique:
Drawing on the raw.
To introduce the technique of drawing on raw materials.
Help in creating an expressive image. Develop imagination and observation skills. Cultivate emotional responsiveness. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, watercolors, brushes.
“Spring Sun” Non-traditional technique:
Drawing with palms
Strengthen the ability to draw with palms.
Create a cheerful, joyful mood. Equipment:
Image of the sky, clouds (previous lesson), gouache, brushes.
April “Trees look into a puddle” Non-traditional technique:
Improve children's ability to draw using this technique.
Continue learning how to create an image of a tree. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, watercolor, brushes.
"Cosmos" Non-traditional technique:
To introduce the grattage technique.
Develop compositional skills. Equipment:
Prepared base (wax crayons, candle, black, blue gouache), wooden sticks.
“Spring Landscape” Non-traditional technique:
Imprint with crumpled paper.
Continue learning how to draw using the crumpled paper imprint technique.
Develop a sense of color and composition. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, paper for impressions.
“Blooming Branch” Non-traditional technique:
Pipe blowing, applique.
Teach children to draw using this technique, supplement the work with cut out flowers.
Develop imagination and associative thinking. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, tubes, cut out flowers, glue, glue brushes, rags.
May “Festive fireworks” Non-traditional technique:
Wax crayons, watercolor.
Learn to depict fireworks using wax crayons and watercolors for the background.
Sheets of paper, wax crayons, watercolors, brushes.
“Beautiful butterflies” Non-traditional technique:
Palm painting.
Improve your palm drawing technique.
Learn to decorate a butterfly using cotton swabs. Develop a sense of color. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes, cotton swabs.
“Butterfly” Non-traditional technique:
Continue to introduce children to this technique.
Introduce symmetry (based on the butterfly). Develop spatial thinking. Equipment:
Sheets of paper, gouache, brushes.
“Children's Day” (poster) Non-traditional technique:
Drawing with palms.
To consolidate the technique of drawing with palms.
Learn to complement the composition with details using different visual media. Equipment:
Whatman paper, gouache, brushes, napkins, wax crayons, pastels, pencils, felt-tip pens.

Creative works of children

"Rowan Branch"

"Apple compote"

"Trees in Autumn"

“Autumn Forest” (team work)

“Leaf Fall” (team work)

"Fruit" (still life)

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