Family club work program work program (preparatory group)

Long-term plan for the work of the parents' club in the preschool educational institution

Long-term plan for working with parents “Commonwealth”

In our group, we decided to create a parent club “Commonwealth” (a community of parents, children and educators), where parents could not only receive oral advice to supplement their teaching experience, participate in master classes, share their experience, gain knowledge and skills about preparing for traditional holidays.
And be sure to communicate with others and of course with your children. So that they create something in a difficult way, namely communicate with children during creativity, that is, pass on their skills to children, and where children could teach their parents what they learned in group classes, so that the authority of their parents grows in their eyes children. So that the children can say that this craft, this flower was made by my mother, and I helped her, so that spiritual unity between the child and the parents could be achieved. It is no secret that most parents reduce their communication with children to edification and dictation, watching TV and everyday care of their children, and few people pay attention to the culture of communication, the joint participation of adults and children in some business or event. But it is the family that is the primary source of socialization, the upbringing of the cultural and moral qualities of the child, although it even happens that parents, although they have pedagogical knowledge, do not know how to use it. All this prompted us to create a parent club. After conducting a survey of parents, we found out that most parents would like to learn how to do something with their own hands, learn more about the holidays, and the traditions of preparing for the holidays. Goals and objectives of the parent club: 1. Combining the efforts of teachers and parents to unite the parent team, actualize personal responsibility, and unlock the resources of parents.
2. Ensuring personal communication with children, involving parents in the life of the group. 3. Expanding the teaching experience of parents. 4. Determination and improvement of the cultural level of parents. Long-term work plan for the parent club
September. The topic of the lesson is
“Let’s get to know each other.”
The purpose of the lesson
is to find out what hobbies parents have, what they want to know, what to learn.
Discuss the topic of the lesson. Contents
: survey and questioning of parents, preparation of lesson topics.
The theme of the event is
“Autumn Rainbow, Leave the Window Open.”
To bring to the understanding of parents that communication between the child and parents takes place every day, through them the child learns the world and gains communication experience.
Introduce parents to techniques for making appliques from herbs, flowers, and leaves. Contents
: Learning to communicate with children.
Social relations between child and parents. Together we make an applique of herbs, flowers, leaves. We properly dry the material for the application. November
“The eyes are afraid - the hands are doing.”
to introduce parents to various types of arts and crafts, to teach how to make crafts from vegetables and fruits.
Explain to parents how, with the help of vegetables and fruits, you can make interesting crafts and still lifes together with children and, while playing, reinforce the names of colors, teach them to compare objects by shape, size and color.
Develop tactile and taste skills. December. Topic:
“New Year is coming.”
invite parents to share their experience of preparing for the New Year.
Show how to make Christmas tree toys, garlands, and holiday gifts from waste materials. Contents:
the house in which the baby lives.
Traditions of your home, how to prepare for the New Year, making crafts for the holiday. January
“Christmas, folk holidays, traditions.”
to introduce parents to how Christmas was celebrated in Russia, how the tradition of giving Christmas cards began.
Learn how to make Christmas cards. Contents
: Christmas, how Christmas was celebrated in the old days, preparation for carols.
Making Christmas cards. February. Topic:
“Let’s set up an art gallery.”
to conduct a consultation for parents “In the world of beauty.”
Encourage parents to pay more attention to their children in matters of artistic and aesthetic development of children. Contents:
teach parents how to make a picture frame together with their children with their own hands.
Drawing develops a child’s hand, motor skills, and imagination; by drawing we communicate with the child. We make frames for our children's drawings. March. Topic:
“Flowers in our home.”
Conducting a master class “These delicate flowers”.
Flowers made of paper, fabric, satin ribbons. Contents
: the need and usefulness of flowers in the house.
We make flowers from paper, fabric, satin ribbons. April. Theme
: Easter, Easter decorations, traditions.
tell parents how they celebrated Easter in the old days, how they prepared, what Easter decorations they made.
Show and teach how to decorate Easter eggs and decorate eggs with decoupage. Contents
: Easter, Easter traditions, Easter decorations, drawing Easter eggs, making decoupage.
May. Topic:
"Mind at your fingertips."
To explain to parents how by training children’s fingers, we develop their minds.
Show how to use quilling to develop fine motor skills of the fingers and visual coordination in the “eye-hand” system in children. Introduce parents to the technique of making paper crafts using the quilling method. Contents:
train your fingers, develop your mind, and visual coordination. We make paper crafts.

We recommend watching:

Information and educational newspaper for parents in kindergarten Consultation for teachers on the topic “Working with parents in preschool educational institutions” Plan of work with parents of the preparatory group for the year Round table for parents in kindergarten. Preparatory group

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Modern approaches to working with parents. Project "Family Club"

Project passport Family Club "Sovenok"

“Walking forward along the roads of life, we are always sure of only one thing - there are never too many good friends, with whom you are close day after day...”

At the present stage of education, more and more attention is paid to strengthening cooperation between the parent community and preschool institutions in order to increase the competence of parents in matters of raising and educating children. In our kindergarten, new forms of cooperation are also emerging between the families of pupils and preschool teachers.

  • Type of project: educational, musical and creative,
  • Educational areas: artistic-aesthetic, social-communicative, speech, physical, cognitive development
  • Duration: long term
  • Project participants: children of middle preschool age, parents, middle school teachers, music director

The purpose of the family club: Involvement of the family in a single educational space through the interaction of parents and preschool educational institutions; intensifying cooperation between teachers and families of pupils in order to increase the competence of parents in matters of education and upbringing of children.


  • increase the level of competence of parents in matters of raising and educating children
  • build partnerships between the family and the preschool educational institution
  • increase the effectiveness of interaction between parents and teachers
  • involve parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten and group
  • establish trusting and partnership relationships in the family
  • to involve parents in joint activities with children through various types of artistic and aesthetic activities, to introduce them to the cultural wealth of the Russian people
  • to form moral and patriotic feelings in children
  • develop a friendly attitude towards each other
  • to cultivate in children interest and love for Russian and Komi culture through various types of folklore (fairy tales, proverbs, riddles, round dances, songs, theater)

Club directions:

  • Educational (educational and informational)
  • Leisure


  • One of the problems in modern society is the destruction of the traditional foundations of the family, the traditional understanding of the family is being lost, which is connected not only by blood ties, but also by common events of family life and spiritual interests
  • The tendency of many parents to withdraw themselves from addressing issues of child upbringing and personal development has intensified. This can happen due to employment, overload with everyday problems, loss of moral guidelines, and often the inability and unwillingness to work with children. As a result, children are deprived of active participation and support from loved ones. Emotional coldness in the family affects the psychological development of the child and, above all, the development of his creative abilities.
  • There is a lack of information among parents regarding the upbringing and education of children.

Project implementation plan Family Club "Sovenok"

Preparatory stage

Conversations with teachers and parents, discussion of project directions, selection of literature, drawing up a project implementation plan, development of long-term planning of project activities.

Main stage

A series of events on various topics, preparation of joint creative performances, design of artistic exhibitions, consultations for preschool teachers and parents on project topics.

The final stage

Presentation of the project Family Club "Owlet" . Conducting the final event, presenting certificates and prizes, drinking tea.

Forms of work on the project

  • placement of information and pedagogical materials on the “Music Corner” and on information stands in reception areas
  • survey
  • speeches at parent meetings
  • joint child-parent creativity
  • Parents attending music lessons at their request
  • individual consultations
  • participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of holidays and entertainment
  • participation of parents in competitions and exhibitions on various project topics

Intended project products

  • Conducting surveys, collecting parent feedback
  • A series of events on project topics
  • Family art exhibitions
  • Joint musical and theatrical creativity of children and parents
  • Photo exhibitions of events
  • Final events on project topics

Family club work plan



the date of the Working with parents Responsible
1 “We really love to play” november Information stand “Game activities in kindergarten”

Thematic booklets-memos.

Joint play activities of parents and children at the holiday “We really love to play”

Information report on the topic: “Game is the main activity of preschoolers.”

Presentation on this topic.

Involving parents in creating attributes for the event (horses)

Musical Director,


2 "We're playing theater" January Poster information.

Introducing children and parents to different types of theater.

Joint theatrical creativity of children and parents.

Participation of parents in the theatricalization of the fairy tale “Teremok”. Theatricalization of the musical fairy tale “Kolobok” (children).

Showing theatrical fairy tales to children (theatrical fairy tales, theatrical nursery rhymes, dialogues) using different types of theaters (finger theater, table theater, spoon theater).

Celebration “Playing a Fairy Tale” with the participation of children and parents. Involving parents in sewing costumes and making attributes, making different types of theater.

Musical Director,


3 “Artistic and aesthetic creativity” - folk crafts, Russian folk games March, April Information stand. Educational information for parents on the topic.

Crafts "applied arts"

Exhibition of crafts “Folk Crafts”

Joint child-parent creativity

Holiday “Visiting Matryoshka” with the participation of parents and children.

Musical Director,


4 “We are growing healthy” May Stand information

Familiarization of parents with a set of activities aimed at improving the health of pupils.


Master class for parents on the topic “Health-saving technologies in kindergarten” (articulation, breathing exercises, hardening, playful self-massage techniques, coordination and movement games, physical exercises, etc.)

Sports events:

“Merry Starts”, “Merry Tourists” (joint trip to the forest)

Musical Director,


Expected Result

-Involvement of families in a single educational space through interaction between parents and preschool educational institutions;

-intensifying cooperation between teachers and students’ families

-increasing the competence of parents in matters of education and upbringing of children

- bringing parents closer to their children, enriching the relationship between them through emotional communication, the emergence of their need for family joint creativity. - active participation of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution, in holding children's parties, competitions and other events

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