Summer sports festival for children of primary and secondary preschool age

Sports entertainment for the younger group “Journey to Sportlandia”

Goal: Preserve and strengthen the health of children, form the habit of a healthy lifestyle.


  • Educational: formation of motor skills and abilities, correct execution of the exercise.
  • Developmental: development of jumping ability, development of creative thinking, development of agility, flexibility, endurance and coordination, consolidation of ball handling skills.
  • Educational: developing attention, developing the ability to work in a team, developing interest and need for physical exercise.
  • Wellness: increasing the functionality of the body.

Form of organization: group

Equipment: hoops, balls, weights, bags, balls and landmarks.

Organizational point: The instructor suggests going on an interesting journey, where on the way you have to overcome many obstacles (basic movements), but the children are strong, brave and will certainly overcome them.

Arrangement of children in one line.

Alignment, turn right.

Instructor: Hello, guys! You are all so athletic and slim. Do you also want to be the strongest and most agile? Then I invite you to the magical land of sports, where you have to overcome many obstacles and go through trials to become real athletes. Well, let's hit the road?

Step on your toes, arms up.

Instructor: First of all, you and I need to warm up before our long journey. First we will walk through the puddle, and in order not to get our feet too wet, we stand on our toes and step forward. Our socks are tired, we stand on our heels.

Step on your heels, hands on your belt

Easy running

Instructor: You feel the breeze blowing and carrying us forward. Let's run!

Running with side steps

Instructor: What a narrow path ahead, let's stand sideways like stars and jump up and down.

Jumping on two legs

Instructor: Guys, we are on the lawn and we turn into bunnies, jumping on two legs.

Restoring breathing

Instructor: Attention children, now the obstacles begin that you must overcome.

1 obstacle (relay race) “climb faster”

On command, the first participants crawl (supporting on their knees and palms of their hands) under the arches, run around the landmark, and return. Pass the baton to the next participant.

2nd obstacle (relay race) “Hit the target”

Also two teams.

2 hoops lie opposite the teams, each child must hit the target (the hoop) with a bag. The team with the most bags in the hoop wins.

3rd obstacle (relay race) “jump over”

Each participant jumps from circle to circle to the end, runs around the landmark and returns back, passing the baton on.

Game "Traffic Light"

Instructor: Friends, real athletes must not only be strong, but also very attentive, and are you attentive? Now we will take hoops, this will be our steering wheel, we will drive along the road and when I say “Red”, what will we need to do? That's right, stop. What if “Green”? That's right, you can go.

Instructor: Well, guys, you are real great guys, brave and dexterous and very friendly. We have become stronger and faster. You have passed all the tests.

Line up, exit the hall.

A selection of outdoor games for little ones

To plan your activity, use a selection of outdoor games that are great for toddlers. Alternate them to keep children's attention.

Hen and chicks

Goal: to develop motor activity, listening and hearing skills.

The teacher plays the role of a chicken, and the children play the role of chickens. Before the game starts, the teacher fences off the area for the “chicken coop”. To do this, he pulls a rope between two supports at a height of 55 cm. Then he scatters several toys in secluded places on the site.

The game begins with the “chickens” entering the “chicken coop” and the “hen” going to the playground in search of food. She walks slowly within the area. After a couple of minutes she says “Ko-ko-ko.” At this signal, the children crawl under the rope, run up to the teacher and together look for food (toys). When the teacher says “It’s time to go home,” the children run back to the “chicken coop.”

The exercise is repeated until the children find all the toys. If children cannot cope, the teacher can help.

Long throw

Goal: to develop accuracy and coordination of movements.

The teacher divides the kids into 3-4 teams. Then he draws a circle with a diameter of 1 meter and a line three meters from the circle. Gives each team 4 bags filled with sand. All children cross the line.

At the “Start” command, children take turns throwing the bags into the circle: 2 times with their right hand and 2 times with their left. Then they pick them up and pass them to the next player on their team. The team that completes the task the fastest and has the most shots inside the circle wins. The teacher makes sure that the children do not interfere with each other and counts how many bags from each team fall into the circle.


Goal: to develop coordination of movements.

The teacher conventionally designates the two banks of the river by drawing them on the ground or with chalk on the asphalt. The distance between the banks is 5-7 meters. He places album sheets or pieces of plywood that look like bricks between them. Then he divides the children into teams and gives them the task: to cross from one bank to the other using “bricks”.

The teacher gives a signal, and the kids take turns starting to cross. He makes sure that there is no more than one person from the team at the crossing at the same time, and that the kids only step on the “bricks.” If someone steps on the “water”, he is removed from the race and begins to go through it again. The first team to cross to the other side wins.

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