A lullaby about a fox

Lyrics of the song “Lullaby about a fox”

Lullaby about a fox:

Thursday has arrived. I haven't forgotten anything. And I came to you again to tell you a fairy tale. About a fluffy fox. How she lives in the forest. A fox was running through the forest. She wanted to eat. From the trees, bird voices flew up into the heavens. And they didn’t let me listen to how a mouse runs in the grass, how a hare scratches its head and pricks up its ears. The bunnies in the forest are afraid of the big red fox. The mouse and the mouse's children are afraid of the fox. After all, no one wants to have the fox for dinner. Well, the fox runs forward, looks around, but can’t find the mouse. The bunny will never find it. They are neither here nor there. And near the oak tree a gray wolf sat down on a crooked stump. And near his nose, his teeth click and click. -Who do you want to bite? — The fox asked him. Catching mosquitoes with your teeth is funny and ugly. The wolf answers the fox: “How can we think about beauty?” If mosquitoes fly and bite and bite. Not one, but all at once! Then the fox says: “You look hungry.” I admit honestly, I also have a brutal appetite. Maybe we can go together and find something? I'm so tired today and wet in the rain. The wolf stood up from the crooked stump, scratched his ear with his paw, blew a mosquito off his nose and said to the fox: “It’s time!” There is a river nearby. We will ask the fisherman to share his fish with us. He will give it to us for sure! They say the bear was there and caught a lot of fish. They approached the river, They looked right on the sand, There was fresh fish lying, And the fisherman on the boat was sleeping. The wolf and the fox licked their lips: “How can we profit from a fish?” I wish I could eat this fish and don’t have to go into the water. Then the fox crawled up, silently collected the fish, and quietly tiptoed away into the forest with the wolf. We sat down on a stump together, ate this fish together, yawned, sat... And then the day ended. And the fisherman shouted to them: “Thieves!” But they climbed into holes to sleep soundly through the night, so that they could get up early in the morning, wander through the forest again, and catch someone. Night is already knocking on the window. Both wolves and foxes are sleeping. And the guys should all sleep soundly and dream.

Lullaby about a fox:

There is a gray cat outside the window. He's wandering around somewhere near the house. Now he leaves, now he comes, singing a lullaby. Now he leaves, now he comes, And he sings about a bunny.

The bunny sleeps under a bush. He is not afraid of the fox, Birds sat on the trees, They have a house there on the branches. Birds sat on the trees, They have a house there on the branches.

The light went out in the yard, the dolls lay down to sleep on a chair, the wolves fell asleep in the den, and the fox was in his hole. The wolves fell asleep in their den, and the fox was in his hole.

I have to get up early tomorrow. Say goodbye to Banilaska. The children close their eyes, Roma will also sleep. The children close their eyes, and Ilyusha will sleep. The children close their eyes, and Svetlana will sleep. The children close their eyes, Ksyusha will also sleep. Children close their eyes...... will sleep.

A fairy tale about the little fox Ryzhik

Rashida Abdrakhmanova

A fairy tale about the little fox Ryzhik

In one forest there lived a little fox , his name was Ryzhik . He had a mom and dad. In the morning he didn’t say “good morning” to anyone. And in the evening I didn’t say “good night” to anyone. Ryzhik was a terribly impolite and ill-mannered little fox . He offended other animals, took away their toys, was rude to his parents, and never said polite words.

-Good morning! The fox's father said to Ryzhik .

- Well, I won’t, I muttered Ryzhik .

Ryzhik did not go to school ; his parents could not force him to study.

-Here’s something else I haven’t seen in this school! Will not go!

Mom and dad always told Ryzhik that when he meets other animals, he should say hello. But, alas, mom tried to vaccinate Ryzhik . good manners, but for some reason they were not instilled.

One day Aunt Alice decided to bake cookies. She went to the store and bought everything she needed. Aunt Alice put all the groceries in her bag and walked home along the forest path. the little fox Ryzhik ran out from behind the bushes towards her . He pushed Aunt Alice so that her bag even fell out of her hands. Without even apologizing, the fox ran on. Aunt Alice shook her head and began to collect her things. And one day Ryzhik was eating candy at home and throwing candy wrappers on the floor. Mom fox came home and saw it, she was very upset and asked him to remove the candy wrappers. Little Fox Ryzhik didn’t even listen to her, he ran out into the street.

-How are you doing, Ryzhik ? - Grandfather Fox asked smiling.

- What do you care? - Ryzhik . And so it was with all the inhabitants of the forest.

Ryzhik went . He walked through the forest and saw a hedgehog and said:

-Hey, hedgehog, how to get out of here? But the hedgehog did not answer and left.

Ryzhik walks further through the forest , and a hare meets him.

- Hey, oblique, how to find the way home? - he shouted to the hare

-And why is your tail so funny?

The bunny was offended, looked angrily at Ryzhik and ran away .

Ryzhik walks further through the forest and sees a wolf coming.

-And why is your mustache, Gray, so wonderful: short and pointing in different directions?

-Hey, show me the way home!

The wolf growled towards Ryzhik and said that it would be nice for him to learn some good manners.

All the animals in the forest were angry with him. They don't even want to talk to him.

Ryzhik the bear felt sad . It was getting dark. Ryzhik is upset , crying, scared, and wants to go home. A jackdaw flies by and asks what happened. Ryzhik runs up :

- Help me, jackdaw! How can I make peace with all the animals in the forest?

- What do you need to do to get home from the forest?

“We need to go to school,” she answers.

-They will teach you everything there. You need to be polite, well-mannered and know how to read.

told about such magic words as “hello” and “goodbye” and their importance. The fox listened to the jackdaw and walked further through the forest. I saw the bear and decided to say hello.

-Hello bear! Please tell me the way home. The bear laughed and the fox praised him. Mishka accompanied Ryzhik and showed him the way. Ryzhik was met by a worried mother, and he told her about his adventure. Mom then said to Ryzhik :

-In the morning you need to say “good morning” to everyone. And in the evening you need to say “good night” to everyone. And then everyone will be friends with you.

The next day Ryzhik went to school . At first, all the animals were very scared that he would start calling names and being rude again, but the little fox explained to them that he had come to learn to be polite and well-mannered. The little fox began to go to school every day. The teacher explained:

- everyone around you needs to say polite words. They are very simple, but the power in them is incredible! You can learn this magic. Ask for something and add "PLEASE"

And when they give you something, say THANK YOU
loudly in the morning and

Soon the little fox learned polite words and even learned to read.

woke up in the morning and said “good morning.” And dad, and mom, and grandmother, and grandfather, and Aunt Alice . The little fox ran through the forest and said “good morning” to all the animals, big and small

- What a good little fox , polite! Aunt Alice said . Aunt Alice wanted to treat all the animals with cookies again.

Again, like last time, she walked along the forest path from the store. Then the little fox Ryzhik .

- Hello, Aunt Alice! It must be hard for you? Let me help you carry your bag!

Auntie and mom baked a lot of cookies and began to treat Ryzhik’s . The little fox took the cookie and said to his aunt :

- Thank you.

- What a polite little fox ! - Aunt Alice said in response.

Always be a well-mannered, polite little fox , and they will answer you with politeness, said mom . Ryzhik came up to his mother, hugged her tightly by the neck and said :

- Mommy, please forgive me for being so ill-mannered, now I will always say magic words to everyone every day. Now I know how they are needed and


Little Fox Ryzhik remembered the golden words for the rest of his life: hello, good morning, thank you, please, excuse me, be kind, goodbye was always in his collection of polite words.

Are you guys polite?

Let the story with the little fox Ryzhik serve you as a good lesson in life. This is the story that happened in a fairy forest .

More than once the fox visited one man’s chicken coop, he wanted to eat some chicken, but he still couldn’t. The rooster will hear the rustling sound and begin to crow, and the dogs will run to the rooster’s crow and chase the fox out of the yard.

So the fox once figured out how to deceive the rooster. The chickens were rummaging through the potatoes in the garden, looking for all sorts of insects. The fox dressed up as a nun, took a rosary from burrs and went to the chickens. She came up and said:

- Hello, servants of God!

- Hello, mother! - the chickens responded. -Where is God coming from?

- Yes, I’m coming from the desert, from the Pyatnitsky Monastery, on my way to the holy mountains, going to venerate the holy relics. Come with me.

“No, mother, we won’t go anywhere from our house,” answered the rooster, “we don’t need to pray, we have no sins.”

- Oh, you, such a sinner, such an atheist, how dare you say that you have no sins? After all, you, cockerel, are a big sinner, the enemy has misled you. Just think, you have so many sins that you can’t even put them in a bag, and as soon as the Lord God tolerates you!.. After all, according to the law, you are supposed to live with only one wife, but you have more than a dozen of them. For such a great sin, you need to go around all the holy places, and then you will not pay off all your sins. Why aren't you ashamed? Go, I’ll confess to you, God will reduce half your sins.

The rooster did not want to approach the fox, so he stopped. And the fox says:

- Why are you shy, cockerel? I wish you well. Confess, servant of God, otherwise you won’t find a place for yourself in the next world. You will boil in the resin day and night, you will never get out of there forever!

The rooster was afraid of eternal torment and agreed to confess. He approached the fox, bowed his head, and she grabbed him by the wings and said:

- You are not worthy, cockerel, to live in this world. For your grave sins, I must put you to death, otherwise you will never atone for your sins and will only lead chickens into sin.

The rooster sees that he is in trouble and begins to think of ways to deceive the fox.

The chickens ran away into the yard one after another, but the rooster remained in captivity. The rooster began to persuade the fox:

- Let me go, mother, I won’t sin again.

“What are you worrying about, little cockerel? Does it matter whether you die today or tomorrow?”

“Yes, I know, you have to die once, but you see what it’s like: all the poultry have conspired to found a nunnery - chickens, ducks, geese will be tonsured as nuns, and they chose me as a deacon for my clear voice.” I would like to serve God, maybe he will forgive me my sins. Yes, besides, the birds instructed me to find the abbess: would you be so kind, perhaps you would agree to become the abbess?

- Why not! I visited monasteries, I know the monastery rules.

“Well, that’s good, you stay here, mother, and I’ll go and tell my friends that I’ve found the abbess, and the ktitor and the ktitor’s assistant will immediately come for you, they’ll come to an agreement with you.”

The fox let go of the rooster and thought to herself: “Now that I’ve finished eating, now the whole bird won’t leave me!”

The rooster came to his yard, saw the dogs and said:

- Run quickly to the garden, see what kind of trouble has appeared there? Some nun came and wanted to strangle me.

The dogs rushed to the garden and straight to the fox. The fox got scared, started running, threw off her cassock - and went to the river. She ran and swam across the water. The dogs are behind her. The fox, having crossed to the other bank, ran into the cucumber ridges, took off the scarecrow’s hat and scroll, quickly put it on himself, jumped out from behind the bush and incited:

- Bite! Bite! Hold her! Hold it! Dogs ask:

- Have you seen a fox, man?

“I saw that she just ran through and went into that wood over there.”

The dogs rushed as fast as they could in pursuit. Meanwhile, the fox hid in the reeds. The dogs ran into the forest, sniffed and sniffed, and returned home. The fox, seeing a boat on the shore, got into it and swam down the river. The dogs, having returned from the chase, had already swum across the river. The fox saw the dogs and said:

- Well, have you caught up with the fox?

- No, they didn’t catch up, she hid somewhere. How she sank into the water, damned, nowhere to be seen. And the disguised fox says:

“You dogs are not worthy of tearing apart a fox.” She is devout, she has visited all the monasteries, visited all the holy places, and she has a husband, not like you - you run around in packs... You sinners should be drowned!

The dogs listened and listened to what the fake man was saying, and then swam further. And the fox chased them on a boat and wanted to drown them. The dogs see that the shore is still far away, there is no strength to swim, they rushed to the boat to cling to it. And the fox began hitting the dogs on the heads with an oar and drove them away. The dogs floundered and floundered in the water until they drowned. The fox moored to the shore, got out of the boat and headed home.

Having waited until nightfall, the fox moved again to the chicken coop: now she walked bolder, she knew that there were no dogs, they had drowned. She went up to the chicken coop, looked, and saw that the chickens were sitting high up, not moving, and fast asleep. The fox hovered around the chicken coop until dawn, when the rooster woke up and cried:

- Ku-ka-riku!

The fox did not go to the chicken coop, but said from around the corner:

“Aren’t you sleeping, little cockerel?”

- No.

“Then fly to me, I’ll tell you how we punished your enemy yesterday.” You apparently thought it was a nun, but no. Go, I'll tell you everything.

It seemed to the sleepy rooster that the dog was talking to him, and he boldly flew off the roost, and then jumped out of the chicken coop. And behind the chicken coop, instead of a dog, there was a fox. The rooster hit the fox in the teeth. The fox firmly grabbed the rooster by the throat with her teeth and rushed from the yard to the vegetable gardens and beyond.

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