Project “Introducing children of senior preschool age to reading fiction”

Fiction in preschool educational institutions


Fiction contains enormous opportunities for shaping a child’s personality.

It not only broadens one’s horizons and gives rise to new interests, it explains to the child the life of nature and society, introduces the child to the world of human feelings and relationships, and forms a sustainable interest in verbal art.

She reveals to him all the inexhaustible wealth of the Russian language.

2. Problems

Not so long ago our country was considered the most reading country in the world. We read everything, everywhere and always. Times are changing, and the way we work with printed text is changing.

General technologization, the influence of audiovisual resources, digital and electronic media lead to the fact that in modern society there is a significant decline in the level of reading culture.

At the end of the last century, a wonderful teacher of Russian literature V. Ostrogorsky

argued that the lack of literary education among young people leads to illiteracy, ignorance, and lack of desire for science and art.

Therefore, the problem of introducing children into book culture requires increased attention.

We, teachers, must create an environment in which education and erudition become the rules of good manners.

Is this possible in kindergarten, since children are still so small and cannot read?

Of course, we can and even should do this.

At this age level, it is very important to introduce children to the golden fund of children's books. After all, if in preschool age a child does not understand and does not feel that reading a good book is interesting, then at school, when he sits down with textbooks and a computer, he will no longer fall in love with fiction.

According to psychologists, familiarity with books begins in the first year of life. A child becomes a reader long before he learns to read.

Preschool children have access to such types of reading activities as reading-listening, reading-looking, reading-communication, reading-thinking, reading-experiencing.

A book in kindergarten and at home should not only become part of the objective world surrounding the child, it should be included in all types of joint activities.

3. Fiction
as a semantic background for other forms of joint activity.
Types of joint activities.



Conversations on various topics on the content of works of art; verbal creativity, poetic experiments.



Enriching ideas about the world around us



Reflection of literary creativity in visual activities.



Using plots from works of art to enrich the gaming experience and develop sociocultural competencies.


The use of artistic words in outdoor games, dynamic pauses, finger gymnastics.


Organization of book repairs, production of printed teaching aids.


The artistic word is a subtle instrument in the hands of a teacher.

The following principles are important in its selection:

* Free choice by the teacher of literary texts for a specific group, based on a list of recommendations.

* Free, relaxed form of reading organization.

* Organic combination of reading with other forms of joint activities in a holistic educational process.

* Age appropriate

* Thematic and genre orientation of fiction.

Preschooler reading circle

Thematic focus
of the books' content .

  • Feeling of Motherland.

These are books that help expand children's knowledge about their native country, about unknown cities and villages, about their small homeland, cultivate civic qualities, and lay the foundations of patriotism.

S. Baruzdin “The country where we live.” G. Snegirev “I am traveling”

  • World of people.

These books give children a system of moral guidelines in the complex and diverse world of human relationships, show the spiritual beauty of a hard worker, a defender, a worthy citizen.

S. Baruzdin “A soldier was walking down the street” E. Permyak “Someone else’s gate” S. Mikhalkov “What do you have”, “Uncle Styopa” S. Marshak “A story about an unknown hero” B. Zhitkov “Help is coming.”

For children - about children.

These books are necessary advisers in the complex and varied process of raising children. They provide a direct and clear example to follow, revealing to the child his own world, in which little readers see themselves as if from the outside.

L. Tolstoy “Stories about Children” K. Ushinsky “Stories and Fairy Tales for Children”

A. Barto “Vovka is a kind soul” V. Oseev “Good” N. Nosov “On the hill”, “Karasik”, “Dunno and his friends” V. Kataev “Seven-flowered flower”. G. Oster “Bad advice.”

  • Understand and love nature.

In these books, writers pay great attention to environmental issues. They teach children to look closely at the manifestations of life in nature, to see not only its beauty, but also its fragility and insecurity; they teach them to take care of and protect all living things.

Writers: E. Charushin V. Bianki D. Mamin-Sibiryak, N. Sladkov, Sokolov-Mikitov, E. Shim, G. Skrebitsky.

  • About everything in the world.

These are books about science and technology, about space and the wonders of the world around us. Bright and smart - they are like small steps, by climbing which kids discover new and new horizons for themselves.

Stories from the series “Why” S. Marshak “How your book was printed”, “Where the table came from”. Encyclopedias from the series “I explore the world”, “I want to know everything”


Genres of fiction.



Russian folk tales, epics, tales of the peoples of the world


The fairy tale is close and in tune with the worldview of children. Every fairy tale draws a line between Good and Evil. And in this confrontation Good always wins. Thanks to the fairy tale, children begin to understand the most important truths of human life. A fairy tale helps to form the foundations of morality, morality, by the laws of which they will have to live.

Small folklore forms:

Nursery rhymes, lullabies, counting rhymes, teasers, riddles, tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings, phraseological units.

Works of folklore, with their content and form, gradually and imperceptibly introduce the child into the element of the folk word, revealing its richness and beauty.


Novels, short stories, author's fairy tales.

This is the richest genre of children's literature, which reflects a wide variety of themes: educational and humorous, fantastic and heroic, adventure and romantic.


Poems, poems.

A passion for poetry is a distinctive feature of a preschooler.

It lies in the fact that the child, penetrating the emotional world of the poem, experiences and understands its mood. Poetry helps introduce a child into the fascinating world of the Russian Word, multifaceted in its sound and semantic shades, in order to comprehend the linguistic wealth created by many generations.


It is recommended to introduce the fables of I.A. Krylov into the reading circle of children aged 6-7 years, many of which will be studied at school. The point of pre-reading is not to understand the moral (that will come later), but to touch upon the understanding of figurative speech.

The book will help you learn about everything

An integral part of primary literary education is the formation of ideas about the phenomenon of literary creativity, familiarity with the facts of the biography of writers and illustrators of children's books.

The artist and the writer, united in one book, express their thoughts and ideas to the reader. Only one is a word, and the other is a drawing.

And the brighter the talent of both artists, the deeper their mutual understanding, the more interesting the book becomes.

For kids, a book without a picture is simply impossible, because their way of perception requires imagery - bright, complete, to help them see the diversity and richness of the world around them.

Native poets

The literary creativity of local poets helps the teacher influence the spiritual and moral development of children, contributes to the cultivation of love for their small homeland, because it covers a wide range of different phenomena and events of nature and society.

* Journey into history

*How beautiful this world is

* Enter nature as a friend

* Life is given for good deeds

Organization of reading fiction in preschool educational institutions.


-Daily reading of literary texts as a ritual of group life.

-Determining a regular time for reading in the daily routine.

(Reading duration – in the senior group 15-20 minutes, in the preparatory group – 20-25 minutes.)

-Creating a relaxed atmosphere

-Drafting a preliminary reading plan for 2-3 months in advance, taking into account thematic cycles, ongoing events (season, holidays, memorable dates) and the characteristics of the group.

-Selection of literary texts and their alternation by genre.

-Duration of reading large works of fiction –

from 2 to 10 days.

- Mandatory discussion of what you read.

-Use illustrative commentary while reading.

-The presence in the group of a sufficient number of art collections

-Expressive speech of the teacher while reading.

-Reading is not a forced activity:

A book should develop a child and give him pleasure

Children, hurry to the library

Close cooperation with the children's library over the years has contributed to successful efforts to introduce children to fiction.

Sightseeing tours

Various events

Puppet shows



Working with parents

By involving parents in the educational process, we appeal to them with a convincing request to show respect and interest in their native language, to find time and energy to enrich it in the mouth of the child.

It is known from psychology: if a word is learned at an early age, it ends up in both hemispheres of the brain, if later - only in the left.

  • Parent meeting. "Literary education in the family"
  • Design of visual information
  • Participation in the “Dunno’s Backpack” campaign
  • Exhibition of family drawings “The Adventures of Dunno”
  • Photo exhibition “Our friends - books”

Introducing preschoolers to fiction

requires preschool teachers to master general theoretical and professional skills, but the most important thing is the love of the teacher

to reading.

School V.A. Sukhomlinsky based his education on four cults: Mother, Motherland, Word and Book.

We love the book. This means that we strive to create a cult of the Book.

It helps us get to know and understand each other better, helps adults

memory of childhood, enlightened,

and for children
she was a reliable assistant on the way to adulthood.

Technology of artistic reading and storytelling for children

Kovaleva Alena

Technology of artistic reading and storytelling for children

Methods for familiarizing yourself with fiction :

1. Reading by the teacher from a book or by heart. This is a literal translation

text. The author’s language is preserved, all shades of the writer’s thoughts are conveyed,

influences the mind and feelings of the listeners. Substantial part

works are read from the book.

2. Teacher's story . This is a relatively free text transmission

(possible rearrangement of words, their replacement, brief interpretation)

provides more opportunities to capture children's attention.

3. Staging. This method can be considered as a means of secondary

familiarization with a work of art .

4. Learning by heart. Selecting a method for transmitting the work ( reading or

storytelling ) depends on the genre of the work and the age of the listeners.

The issue of conducting classes in artistic expression .

Let us recall that in the Concept of Preschool Education (1989)

was given

recommendation to cancel special reading and storytelling

works of art for children and the transfer of this type of activity to

joint interaction between teacher and preschoolers. We believe that with such

we can agree with the recommendation, given that at home

Parents do not specifically conduct such activities, organizing reading or

storytelling , looking at book illustrations

any convenient time at the request of the child.

On the other hand, doubt arises regarding the correctness of the cancellation

classes in artistic expression , because to maintain interest in

book and cultivating a love of reading requires thoughtful, balanced

work of teachers. Educators realize that in modern conditions the book

it is very difficult to compete with a computer, with total

children's passion for computer games and programs. Maybe,

it is the kindergarten that will be able to resist the emerging computer

children's addictions and support a culture of reading and discussing books .

You can consider a compromise option: reading or storytelling

works to be provided in the block of joint activities of the teacher and

children, and learning to retell and memorize is carried out during

directly educational activities.

The principle of integration opens up various possibilities for

introducing children to artistic expression . Let's note some forms

joint activities of the teacher and children, in which you can use

artistic word:

1. Reading or telling one work in combination with others

types of activities.

2. Reading or telling several works combined

topics ( reading stories and poems about the time of year, about the life of animals and

plants, about the work of adults) or the unity of images (two tales with the participation

fox or wolf, bear). It is useful to combine works of the same genre

or several genres (riddle, story , fairy tale, poetry)

. In one

space combine new and already familiar material.

3. Integration of works belonging to different types of art: a)

reading a literary work and looking at reproductions

paintings by a famous artist or book illustrations; b) reading (better

poetic works) in combination with music; c) reading or

storytelling with elements of theatricalization or dramatization.

4. Reading and storytelling using visual material, first

total attributes for dramatization: a) reading and telling a fairy tale

accompanied by a display of toys and actions with them; b) use

tabletop theater (cardboard or plywood)

; puppet and shadow tetra,

flannelograph; c) the use of technical means : filmstrips, slides,

movies, TV shows, etc.

5.Integration with teaching native speech: a) reading can be logically

associated with the content of GCD (talk about school, reading poetry , wishing

riddles); b) reading can be an independent part of GCD (repeated

reading poetry or a story , asking riddles, remembering rhymes,

proverbs, sayings as reinforcement of material).

Methodological issues such as preparation

teacher and children to this type of activity, methods of conversation about what they read,

organization of repeated reading or storytelling , use of book


Preparing a teacher to work with artistic words :

- reasonable choice of work in accordance with the developed

criteria, taking into account the age of the children, current educational

activity, time of year, choice of methods for working with a book, definition


- preparing the teacher for the performance of the work, reading the text in such a way

in such a way that children understand the main content, idea and emotionally

experienced what they heard;

— for this purpose, conducting a literary analysis of a literary text :

understand the author's main intention, the character of the characters, their

relationships, motives of actions;

— work on the expressiveness of the transfer: mastery of the means

emotional and figurative expressiveness (basic tone, intonation)


placement of logical stresses , pauses; developing the right

pronunciation, good diction, etc.

Preparing children to perceive artistic words :

- preparation for the perception of a literary text, for comprehending it

content and form; you can activate children’s personal experience, enrich

their presentation by organizing observations, excursions,

looking at paintings , illustrations, etc.;

- preliminary vocabulary work, explanation of unfamiliar words, which

provides a complete perception of the work. Should be explained

the meanings of such words, without understanding which the basic meaning becomes unclear

meaning, characters and actions of characters. Explanation options

may be different: substitution of another synonym word during

readings , selection of synonyms with the help of children (bast - wooden, upper room -

clean room in the hut, stepmother - stepmother, use of words or

word combinations by the teacher before reading , while introducing children to

selected picture or book illustrations, questions to children about

meaning of the word.

However, not all words require interpretation (pillar noblewoman, sable

warmer, printed gingerbread, morocco boots, if they don’t get in the way

understanding the main content. When asked about the meaning of a word, it is necessary

give the answer in a form understandable to the child.

-Acquaintance with a book requires the creation of a calm environment, clear

organization of children, activation of children’s cognitive processes (attention,

perception, thinking, memory, imagination, creation psychologically

comfortable, positive atmosphere.

The attitude of teachers towards reading and telling fiction

works were formed in two ways: in some kindergartens,

direct training in the form of GCD, in others - reading and storytelling

works transferred to the joint activities of the teacher and children.

The second option seems to be the most adequate to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard,

which provides for diversity and enrichment of forms of joint

activities in kindergarten.

Various and very valuable methodological recommendations are given in

benefits: Gurovich L. M., Beregovaya L. B., Loginova V. I. The child and the book. –

Moscow: Education, 1992. They have not lost their relevance in our time


The algorithm for familiarizing yourself with of art is quite


First there is an acquaintance with the work. Primary goal -

provide children with a correct and accurate perception of the artistic word .

Next, a conversation is held on the book read in order to clarify

content and artistic form , artistic


Then the text is re- read in order to consolidate

emotional perception and its deepening to ensure reflection

read in different types of activities (drawing, modeling, appliqué,

designing, making dolls and decorations, learning, etc.).

Reading the work itself may be preceded by a short introduction.

conversation that prepares children for perception, connects their experience with the topic

work of art . The conversation may include a brief

a story about the writer , a reminder of his other books. Interest in the book can be

evoke in children using riddles, poems, pictures. Next should be called

work, its genre ( story , fairy tale, poem, author’s name.

The degree of influence of the artistic word increases the expressive

reading , the interest of the teacher himself, his emotional contact

with kids. While reading, children should not be distracted from perceiving the text.

questions, disciplinary remarks, it is enough to raise or

lower your voice, use a pause.

At the end of reading , when children are under emotional

impression, a short pause is necessary. Is it worth going straight to

conversation, the teacher decides. Methodists believe that it is most appropriate

support children's experiences, and strengthen the elements of analysis when

re- reading . A conversation started by a teacher and not supported

children, may be inappropriate, as it will ruin the impression of

read. To start a conversation, you can ask if you liked the fairy tale

( story , book, who liked it most and who didn’t like it and

Why. Based on the children's reactions, the teacher can judge whether the children are ready for

discussion or need time to experience the book.

In the widespread practice of educators, reading is often accompanied by

analytical conversation on what has been read, even when

The work has a strong impact on children's emotions. Often conversations are not

comply with methodological requirements. The following disadvantages are typical:

as the random nature of the questions (although the system of questions should be

thought out in advance, the teacher’s desire for detailed reproduction

text by children (although retelling allows changing the text without changing

meaning - introduce a synonym, transform simple and complex

sentences, replace direct speech with indirect speech and vice versa, etc.); absence

assessments of the relationships between the characters and their actions; content analysis in isolation

from artistic form ; insufficient attention to the features of the genre,

composition, language. Such analysis obviously does not deepen emotions and

children's aesthetic experiences and does not support interest in the book.

If understanding the work makes it difficult for children, immediately after it

reading, conversation is possible . Questions in a conversation about the book can be

classified as follows:

-questions to find out the emotional attitude to events and

heroes (Who did you like best? Why? Do you like the hero

fairy tales or not? Why);

-aimed at identifying the main meaning of the work, its problem.

For example, after reading a fairy tale by A. M. Gorky "Sparrow"

can be set

such a question: Who is to blame for the fact that mom was left without a tail? According to a fairy tale


: Who is to blame for the fact that the Fox ate the bun?
According to the fairy tale "Turnip"

Whose help helped pull out the turnip? ;

-aimed at clarifying the motives of an action, for example, according to the fairy tale “Masha

and the bear”: Why didn’t Masha allow the bear to rest? ;

-paying attention to the linguistic means of artistic

expressiveness (As it is said)


-aimed at reproducing content (Where does it all begin? How

continues? How it ends);

-leading children to conclusions (Why did the writer call his story ?

Why did the author tell us this story ? What did he want to tell us?


When reading popular science books, encyclopedias, for example, about labor,

nature, conversation accompanies reading and is even included in the process itself

reading . The content of educational books indicates the need

conversations for the successful solution of the main educational task -

introduce children to a new phenomenon (based on the books by S. Baruzdin “Who Built

this house?”, S. Marshak “Where did the table come from”

, V. Mayakovsky
, etc.).

At the end of the conversation, it is possible to re- read the work (if it

short) and viewing illustrations that deepen understanding

text, clarify it, reveal artistic images ,

educate children's aesthetic senses. Method of use

The number of illustrations depends on the content and form of the book, and on the age of the children.

The basic principle is this: displaying an illustration should not violate

holistic perception of the text.

E. A. Florina, who was involved in the development of methods for using

children's literature in preschool education, allowed for various

options for using pictures to deepen and clarify the image. If

the book combines a series of pictures with small captions unrelated

with each other, first the picture is shown, and then the text is read.

An example is the children's books by V. Mayakovsky “Every page is an elephant,

then a lioness”, A. Barto “Toys”

, S. Marshak
“Children in a Cage”
, B. Zakhoder and

etc. It would be incorrect to show illustrations while reading fiction

text written without dividing it into parts (for example, a work

K.I. Chukovsky). In this case, you can give a few days before reading

for children to look at a book with pictures that will arouse interest in

book or pictures are reviewed together with the teacher after reading .

If the book is divided into small chapters, then illustrations

review after reading each part . And only when reading books

educational nature, the picture is used at any time for

visual explanation of the text. This will not violate the integrity of the impression.

A more detailed method of familiarizing yourself with book illustrations

considered in the works of T. A. Repina, V. A. Ezikeeva, I. Kotova, L. M.

Gurovich et al.

One of the methods that deepens understanding of the content and

expressive means of a work is repeated reading .

Small works, as already mentioned, are repeated

immediately after the initial reading , large ones require some time for

comprehension. Further, it is possible to read only individual , most significant

parts. re- read all this material

after some period of time (2-3 weeks)

Reading poems , nursery rhymes, and
short stories is repeated more often . Children love to listen to familiar

stories , fairy tales, poems many times. When repeating, it is necessary to accurately

reproduce the original text. Familiar works may be

included in other types of children's activities, in various educational

region, in literary matinees and entertainment.

Thus, when introducing preschoolers to artistic

literature uses different methods and techniques for forming

full perception of the work by children: expressive reading

teacher, conversation about what was read, repeated reading , examination

illustrations, vocabulary enrichment and explanation of unfamiliar words.

A special place in children's reading is occupied by such a genre as a story for

reading books on moral is of great importance . In them, through artistic images, children are educated

high moral and ethical qualities. Reading these is a must

accompanied by a conversation so that children learn to evaluate actions

characters, their motives, comprehend the attitude towards the heroes, realize the main

idea. With the right questions and proper discussion,

children have a desire to imitate the moral actions of heroes, they

accept their actions as a standard for their own behavior.

As already noted, you can combine them according to thematic principle

two or more works. One of them may be familiar to children , and the other

– new. , you can combine the story of L. N. Tolstoy “Two

Comrade" and of V. A. Oseeva “Blue Leaves”

. About politeness and

respect for others, we can recommend the books of V. A. Oseeva

"Magic word"

“Just an Old Lady”
; S. V. Mikhalkova “Alone

rhyme"; Russian folk tale "Morozko"

processed by A. Tolstoy" by L.

Voronkova “Girlfriends go to school”

and etc.

A significant place in children's reading is given to funny books. She

promotes the development of a sense of humor, the experience of positive

emotions, develops the ability to notice funny things in life, understand a joke

others, joke with yourself and laugh at yourself. Children laugh while listening

fables, counting rhymes, teasers, nursery rhymes, reversals, comic dialogues.

The wit contained in them is accessible to children 5-7 years old . Using fun

book, it is necessary to constantly complicate the acquaintance with the comic

content. You need to start it by reading works where comic

situations are clearly expressed: they are based on the dynamics of action,

animation of objects ( “Fedorino’s grief”

K.I. Chukovsky, “Who Said


? V. Suteeva, shifters, fables). Then you can move on to

more complex works containing comedy based on

illogicality of actions, absurdity of statements, display of negative

character qualities ( “One, two, three”

S. Mikhalkova,
“Bobik visiting Barbos”
and “Living Hat”

N. Nosova). To reveal their comic content from

Children require more mental effort.

So, let’s summarize the issues of the methodology of familiarization with the artistic

books at different age levels.

In early preschool age, children are taught a love and interest in

books and illustrations, the ability to focus on the text, listen

it to the end, understand the content and respond emotionally to it. U

children develop joint listening skills, the ability to respond to

questions, careful attitude towards the book. Possessing such skills, child

better understands the contents of the book.

Starting from the younger group, children are introduced to the distinction between genres.

The teacher himself names the genre of fiction ( I’ll tell you

a fairy tale, read a poem, ask a riddle). Telling a fairy tale

The teacher encourages you to remember interesting parts of the text, repeat

characteristics of the characters ( “Peter the Cockerel, the Golden Comb”

, "Grew

turnip “big-very big”, name repeated requests

(“Little goats, guys, open up, open up!”

, "Terem-Teremok, who is in

lives in the mansion?”) and actions ( “They pull and pull, but they can’t pull”


Helps you remember this material and learn to repeat it with different

intonations. Children are able to understand and remember a fairy tale, repeat a song,

however, their speech is not expressive enough, the reasons: poor diction,

unformed sound pronunciation. Therefore, children should be taught

pronounce sounds clearly and distinctly, repeat words and phrases,

create conditions for translating new words into the active dictionary.

In middle preschool age, the work of educating children deepens.

children's ability to perceive a literary work, aspirations

respond emotionally to the events described. Upon review

children's attention is drawn both to the content and to the easily distinguishable audible

form of work (poetry or prose, to some features

literary language (comparisons, epithets)

. This promotes development

poetic ear, sensitivity to figurative speech. As in the younger groups,

The teacher names the genre of the work. It becomes possible to have a small

analysis of the text, i.e. conversation about what has been read. Children are taught to answer questions

did you like the fairy tale ( story , poems, what is it about , what

with what words it begins and with what it ends. Conversation develops skill

reflect, express your attitude towards the characters, correctly

evaluate their actions, characterize moral qualities, gives

the opportunity to maintain interest in artistic words , figurative

expressions, grammatical structures. Regular starts

training in retelling small texts (see section “Coherent


In older preschool age, a steady interest in

books, the desire to listen to them read . Accumulated life and

literary experience allows a child to understand the idea of ​​a work,

actions of heroes, motives of behavior. Children begin to be conscious of

the author's word, notice the features of language, figurative speech and

reproduce it. Systematic, targeted work is needed to familiarize children with the genres of poetry and prose, with the content of fairy tales, stories and poems , with different genres of folklore, with their compositional and

linguistic features.

In this case, verbal methods and techniques are widely used in

combined with visual ones:

-conversations after reading the work, helping to determine the genre,

main content, means of artistic expression ;

-reading fragments from the work at the request of children (selective


-conversations about children’s favorite books previously read;

-acquaintance with the writer: demonstration of a portrait, story about creativity ,

examination of books and illustrations for them;

-viewing filmstrips, films, transparencies, cartoons

literary works for children;

-listening to recordings of masters performing literary works

artistic word.

It is advisable to organize creative activities for children

material from children's literature. So, your attitude towards fairy tales, stories ,

children express fables and poems in drawing, modeling, therefore plots, images

literary works can be offered as themes for drawing,

sculpting. It is recommended to use such creative selection tasks

comparisons, epithets, synonyms, antonyms, choosing a rhyme for a word and

a phrase from a work of art , to be continued

author's story , to come up with the plot of a fairy tale, to compose

creative story based on a nursery rhyme , riddle, song. Performing creative

assignments helps children gain a deeper understanding of various artistic

tools used in the book.

Article “Introducing preschoolers to different genres of literature”

Children express their attitude towards a literary work and its characters: in drawing, appliqué, modeling, when retelling and reciting the text, in various types of theatrical activities.

In the older group

children get acquainted with various works of Russian and foreign children's folklore: small forms (jokes, chants, riddles, fables), proverbs, sayings, fairy tales (magic, everyday, boring), epics. Children get acquainted with classical and modern poetic works (lyrical, humorous poems, poetic tales, literary riddles, fables) and prose texts (fairy tales, tales, stories). Works of art become more complex in their semantic load. Stories and fairy tales with moral overtones predominate. The language of works becomes more complex, it is distinguished by greater imagery and expressiveness, texts with descriptions and elements of popular science style (fragments of children's encyclopedias) become available.

Children understand that the content of literary works is the author’s depiction of different life situations, in the center of which is a person and his attitude to the environment.

Children begin to develop an understanding of some of the features of such literary genres as riddles, fairy tales, short stories, poems and fables; they know the names of three or four writers and poets; some facts from their biographies, some features of their work.

Children understand that a book is the result of the activities of a writer, artist and printing house workers; explain the meaning of the illustrations in the book, know the names of two or three illustrators, and some features of their work.

They know and use different ways of expressing their attitude towards a literary work and its characters in various types of speech and artistic and creative activities.

In the preparatory group

children have a rich literary experience. The reading range includes various genres of works of Russian and foreign children's folklore, classical and modern poetic works, prose texts (stories, were, fairy tales, fairy tales, children's novels). Preschoolers are interested in works with complex subtext, ambiguous images of heroes, based on the clash of characters, the confrontation between the forces of good and evil. Texts with new cognitive information and elements of business style (children's encyclopedias) become available to them. Children love texts with continuations, including novels and stories telling about new adventures of familiar characters.

Preschoolers understand that a book is a special way of understanding the surrounding reality, human relationships and social values. At this age, children know the names of five or six writers, poets, certain facts of their biography, and some features of their work.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Non-traditional methods of introducing preschool children to book culture

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 100 of the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Author: Kostina Galina Alekseevna, teacher

“To prepare a person spiritually for independent life, one must introduce him to the world of books . V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

“Reading is the window through which children see and learn about the world and themselves . V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

“Read books, not notations, to children . G. Oster.


Preschool age is a time of active development of a child as a reader, requiring attention and hard work. Regular reading of fiction with a preschooler is a guarantee that the child will have a large vocabulary, construct sentences correctly, and speak expressively and beautifully. In addition, reading develops intelligence, gives new knowledge, develops the habit of knowledge, and forms perseverance. Turning to a book plays a very important role in the psychophysiological development of a preschooler: phonemic hearing, memory, attention, and imagination develop.

In our age of technological progress, the problem of introducing preschoolers to fiction is especially relevant, since it is impossible not to note a decrease in interest in reading among children. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce a child to books and reading already in the preschool period (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education), otherwise it will be difficult to raise a reader in the future. As S.Ya. said. Marshak: “There is a writer’s talent, and there is a reader’s talent . It is through the “talent of the reader” that we get to know our huge multi-layered and multifaceted world!

It is imperative to bring back children's love of books and reading! To do this, I use various methods and techniques in my work. For example:

Organization of book corners, “book hospitals” ;

Creation of mini-museums of children's books;

Organization of excursions to the library;

Holding literary festivals, quizzes, reading competitions, etc.

One of the most interesting ways to attract preschoolers to fiction is the “STORYSEK” or .

What is “storysec” ?

“Storysec” translated from English means “bag of stories.” The inventor of “storysec” is Neil Griffiths, Doctor of Philology, English writer, author of books on teaching preschool children.

Classic filling of the “Bag of Stories”

  • Fiction book
  • Toys (soft, from “kinder surprises” , rubber figurines, finger and glove puppets, masks, etc.), which are prototypes of the heroes of the selected work
  • A popular science book close to a work of fiction (for example, the book “Mowgli” - an encyclopedia of animals)
  • Audiobook (CD)
  • DVD disc
  • Didactic games

Working with this method, I realized that the contents of the bag depend on the work we want to introduce children to, on their age characteristics and, of course, on the imagination and creative abilities of children and teachers. While working with this method, the classic content of “stories” was supplemented:

  • portraits of authors with information about them
  • coloring pages with characters from works
  • stencils
  • illustrations by different artists for works


Development in preschool children of love for literature, reading, books in a playful, non-traditional, creative form.


  • Introduce children to various genres of literature (stories, poems, works of oral folk art (songs, nursery rhymes, riddles, fairy tales, poets, writers, illustrators);
  • Enrich vocabulary with figurative words, expressions, help form literate speech;
  • Expand your horizons;
  • Form cognitive activity;
  • Form diverse ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality;
  • Develop interest in fiction, coherent speech, intonation expressiveness;
  • To cultivate the need to communicate with books, a culture of reading, and respect for books.

Work on introducing the “storysec” is carried out in several stages.

Preparatory stage

  1. A work of children's fiction is determined that it is planned to introduce children to.
  2. Making a bag for a set of materials.

While working with this method, it became clear that a successful form is to make a “Magic Bag” together with the students. It can be decorated with buttons, the names of students can be embroidered with beads, paper elements can be glued to the bag, fabric painting can be used, etc. In this case, later

children will be more motivated to participate in activities related to the product of their activity.

3. Preparation of components for filling the bag.

Main stage.

This is direct work with a bag of stories.

  • Working with a fiction book involves loud reading in a group of children;
  • Conversation on the contents of the book, examination and discussion of illustrations;
  • Acting out an episode/episodes of a work of art using toys;
  • Carrying out games on the theme of the chosen work;
  • Working with a popular science book (searching for answers to questions that arose during the reading and discussion of a work of fiction);
  • Collective listening to an audiobook with coloring pages. (An audio cassette allows children to listen to a book several times. Repeated listening and speaking develops skills in comprehending spoken speech, as well as retelling and storytelling skills)

Final stage:

  • Participation of students in the workshop “In the World of Stories” , production of creative products based on a work of art.

While working with this method, we made bookmarks, drew covers, created new illustrations for books, imagining ourselves as graphic designers, made masks and characters for tabletop, shadow, finger theater, etc. based on the works we read. In addition, the children were asked to come up with a different ending to this or that story, and arrange it in the form of a homemade book.

A shared learning activity with a bag of stories can last for several days. It can be replenished further, depending on your goals. We give a bag of stories to any family or preschool group for reading and studying the work.

By introducing children to the work using the “storyek” , we touch on all educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Working with parents. Parents of students are invited to participate in making and filling a history bag, creating collages based on the work they read.

Together with their parents, pupils decorate their “homemade” story bags, bring them to kindergarten and are happy to introduce their favorite works and characters to their friends.

To help parents, crib booklets are made, for example, “Cultivating a culture of reading in a preschooler , “Memo for parents on introducing preschoolers to reading , “How to teach a child to love books , “Read fairy tales to children ,” which help parents understand the importance of the process on introducing children to book culture.

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Methodological development. Genres of literature used to educate preschool children.

Methodological development. Genres of literature used to educate preschool children.

Children aged 5-7 years already have sufficient literary knowledge, distinguish a fairy tale from a short story, and accurately identify poetic works. They understand the essence of a specific act of a literary hero, although they do not always grasp his hidden motives. Experts call this age “library” - for the ability of children to show interest in books of a certain topic and a certain genre, for the persistence of some children in finding a book they like.

The list of works of art for senior preschool age is quite voluminous and varied. In general, literature of a wide variety of volumes, forms and styles is used. Patriotic education, as a narrower part of personality education, nevertheless, uses the entire list of genres recommended for older preschool age.

Oral folk art is the richest material for patriotic education. By older preschool age, children are already familiar with many types of oral folk art. They learned the shortest proverbs and sayings at a young age, and became familiar with riddles in middle age. To get acquainted with the native culture, it is important not only that the child passively knows a certain set of sayings and jokes, but that they are used by him in appropriate cases - in games or rituals. A small form of folklore is still present in the program and in children’s everyday life - songs, nursery rhymes and chants, but children’s interest in them is not as strong as in previous age groups. But counting rhymes, riddles, tongue twisters, and fairy tales are becoming popular.

Russian folk fairy tales, full of wonderful fiction, dramatic situations, confrontation between good and evil, not only entertain and delight children, but also lay the foundations of morality. Perhaps the most striking and favorite genre for children (and for many adults) remains a folk tale.

Bylinas are a special ancient genre of oral folk art, which children are introduced to in preschool age. The content of the epics is closely suited to patriotic education. Adapted versions of texts are used for children. Heroic stories delight children and excite their imagination with vivid hyperbole, melodiousness, and legend: “Ilya ordered the Nightingale to whistle half-heartedly. And he whistled so hard that people were killed. Then Ilya took the villain out into the open field and cut off his head..."

Ritual songs, jokes, boring fairy tales and fables are included in the range of children's reading (folk and original). Children have a special attraction to the incredible and absurd. Preschoolers already have clear, realistic ideas about the world around them. In inverted fables, events develop that are completely incredible from the point of view of common sense. All actions are a complete logical error. And children like to operate with intangible entities, easily rearranging them in their minds and feeling significant and competent.

...In the middle of the sea the barn is burning

The ship is running across an open field...

Poems dedicated to nature in different seasons, describing the beauty of nature become more complex. Poems for this age are taken in a volume of 4-5 stanzas, with complex figurative language and colorful epithets, such as in the poems “Winter is angry for a reason” by F. Tyutchev -

...The evil witch went berserk and, grabbing the snow, let it run away into the beautiful child...

Or “White Birch” by S. Yesenin -

...On fluffy branches

Snow border

The brushes have blossomed

White fringe...

Introducing children to poetic language when getting to know nature teaches them to notice beauty and express thoughts not in flat, template phrases, but to look for an accurate definition that emphasizes their feelings and impressions of the beauty of nature. Children willingly learn poetry; use metaphors and epithets to convey especially vivid feelings. “Look! The birch tree itself is like a bride, and her hair is golden!”, “The sky today is gloomy and angry, like the sea!” - the children say.

Stories about nature are studied with the aim of familiarizing children with nature (which is also part of the formation of a patriotic attitude towards their native land) and perceiving it not only as a useful resource, but as part of a living, sensitive world. The formation of love for nature begins with surprise, joy from recognition, admiration. The stories of K. G. Paustovsky, V. V. Bianki, N. I. Sladkov, M. M. Prishvin are vivid sketches from the life of natural nature and its inhabitants, alive and so understandable. The characters are natural and their experiences described by the authors are close to children. The stories describe the beauty of our native nature in its constant change, the interaction of all living beings with their everyday worries and worries.

Poems about the Great Patriotic War are an important component of patriotic education. Poems by S. Mikhalkov, S. Vasilyev, A. Tvardovsky, A. Barto about the exploits and courage of soldiers and partisans who defended the Motherland and who did not spare themselves in the struggle are a highly artistic means of education. The power of the rhythmic poetic word has an inspiring effect on the consciousness of children.

Stories about the Great Patriotic War, about children and teenagers who participated in the fight against the invaders, introduce modern children to the exploits of their grandparents. Children empathize with the characters of A. Gaidar, L. Kassil, V. Razumnevich, A. Mityaev, and are worried; for the first time they realize the cruelty and mercilessness of war towards ordinary people, they are indignant against fascism, attacks on civilians, they receive the first knowledge about the equality of all races and nationalities.

Stories about the hometown and capital of Russia are a separate type of special children's literature for the patriotic education of preschoolers. Few parents of young Muscovites find time to take their children to the Kremlin, museums, monuments and historical places. But children, in order to develop pride in their city, to know its features and advantages, need knowledge. In this case, the teacher is helped by collections of stories like “A Walk Through the Kremlin”, “My Moscow”, etc. As a rule, such books are brightly illustrated and contain material suitable for children’s perception, presented in the form of fascinating stories: “...It’s like a wonderful a plant or a pile of rocks rises St. Basil's Cathedral, built during the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible...”, “Like the Kremlin is the heart of Moscow, so the Ivan the Great Bell Tower is the heart of the Kremlin. It was once the tallest building in Moscow.”

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