Long-term work plan for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the senior groupmaterial (senior group)

Health project topics

Take care of your health from a young age. The influence of physical inactivity on the health of schoolchildren. The influence of study load on the health of middle school students. The effect of physical exercise on human health. The influence of physical exercise on the formation of the musculoskeletal system (posture). The influence of physical culture and sports on children's health. Does physical activity affect a person's heart? Magic health points Physical inactivity is a disease of civilization. The main path to health is sport. Determination of injuries in young athletes. If you want to be healthy Hardening is an effective means of strengthening human health. A healthy child today means a healthy generation tomorrow. It's fashionable to be healthy Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing. Health is in your hands Health saving Play for your health. Indices of physical perfection of students' bodies. How to stay healthy and remain a good student? How to preserve vision? Who is the healthiest in the class? The negative impact of different types of shoes on a teenager's foot. Posture and sets of exercises to prevent its violations. Features of the use of physical exercises for scoliosis. Flat feet in younger schoolchildren and further ways to eliminate it in physical education lessons. Correct posture and its importance for health and good study. Scoliosis is fixable! Scoliosis. How to deal with it? Sport is health and success Does sport save health or waste it? Sports to protect health Family Code of Health - does it exist? Physiological and hygienic factors as a condition for maintaining and strengthening the health of schoolchildren. Physical education and sports: commonalities and differences. Their influence on human health. Health formula.

Healthy lifestyle project topics

Research topics on healthy lifestyles:

Leading a healthy lifestyle is the key to good health. The influence of active sports on the development of students in grades 9-11. The influence of biorhythms on the physical performance of students. The influence of physical activity on physical fitness. The influence of a healthy lifestyle on human physical development. The influence of adherence to a daily routine on the health and educational success of primary school students. The main components of a healthy lifestyle. For a healthy lifestyle Hardening is a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle - what is it? Choose a healthy lifestyle yourself The importance of a daily routine for a schoolchild. How to lead a healthy lifestyle without bad habits. How I lead a healthy lifestyle How I see a healthy lifestyle. Mathematics and sports for a healthy future. A rational mode of study and rest for schoolchildren. The role of a healthy lifestyle in the lives of my classmates. The role of physical exercises in the formation of posture in schoolchildren. The heart loves movement. Physical activity is the path to health. Physical culture as a means of motivating a healthy lifestyle. Is sport a component of a healthy lifestyle?

Leisure time for health saving in the senior group “5 rules of a healthy lifestyle”

The march of I. Dunaevsky from the film “Jolly Fellows” sounds. Children enter the hall and sit on chairs. Educator. I want to talk to you today about health. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. A microbe enters. Microbe. (Speaks insinuatingly, ingratiatingly, playfully, like a fox.) Oh, how beautiful yours is. How cozy you are. I like it so. Do I want to live here? Educator. Who are you? Microbe. I am very good. Very kind. And my name is Microbe. I want to make friends with you. Will you take me as your friend? Educator. We lead a healthy lifestyle. And you and I are not on the same path. After all, germs are dangerous to health!!! Microbe. Can I play with you? Educator. You can play. Children. Yes. Microbe. I hid five rules for a healthy lifestyle from you. Look at the screen. Below the colorful circles are hints for these rules. And if you solve them, then I will leave and not return. If you don’t figure it out, then I’ll stay with you (rubs his hands). You will learn the first rule if you solve the riddles. Call the most savvy and quick-witted. (The teacher calls 5 children and sets up 2 tables and lays out pictures on the back with answers.) Microbe. Turn the pictures over and look at them. After listening to the riddle, you need to go out and show the picture with the answer. The sun will make riddles, pay attention to the screen. Don't give any hints to the rest of the guys, you will check the correct answers on the screen. "Puzzles"

1. I walk and wander not through forests, but through mustaches and hair. And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears. /Comb/ Microbe. Let's check the answer, children, pay attention to the screen! (The answer appears on the screen.)

2. The track says “two embroidered ends.” Wash yourself a little, wash the ink off your face. Otherwise, you will dirty me in half a day! (towel) Microbe. Let's check the answer, kids, pay attention to the screen! (the answer appears on the screen)

3. It slips away like a living thing, but I won’t let it go. Foams with white foam. Don't be lazy about washing your hands. /Soap/ Microbe. Let's check the answer, kids, pay attention to the screen! (The answer appears on the screen.)

4. Bone back Stiff bristles Friendly with mint paste Serves us diligently (toothbrush). Microbe. Let's check the answer, kids, pay attention to the screen! (The answer appears on the screen.)

5. He lay down in his pocket and watches for the “roarer”, the “crybaby”, and the “dirty one”. They will wipe away streams of tears, and let’s not forget about their nose. (handkerchief). Microbe. Let's check the answer, kids, pay attention to the screen! (The answer appears on the screen.)

Microbe. Well, we've solved the riddles. Now it will be easy to guess the first rule of a healthy lifestyle. (He asks defiantly.) How does it sound, pay attention to the screen!!!! (1 encrypted rule picture opens.) Rule 1: CHILDREN (in unison): Cleanliness is the key to health. (The teacher helps the children formulate the rule.)

And now Sonya. X and Marat will read poems about purity.

Clean teeth

He who brushes his teeth in the morning acts wisely! Whoever cleans them in the evenings acts wisely! And I wanted to chew a marshmallow or a sandwich, He who is wise will rinse his mouth after eating! Drive Aunt Lenya away, And remember about your teeth all day! (R. Kulikova)

The mirror loves clean faces

The mirror loves clean faces. The mirror will say: “You need to wash yourself.” The mirror gasps: “Where is the comb?” Why doesn't she brush the child's hair? The mirror even darkens with fear if a slob looks at it!

Microbe. You have completed this task. But I have a more difficult task. Hidden under the second circle is the second rule of a healthy lifestyle. To guess it, we will hold a relay race. Participants will participate in it…name the children………………….. (2 teams of three children each.)

“Relay race” (4 cones, 2 baskets, 3 plates, 3 tables, dummies - carrots, eggs, tomatoes; corn, black bread, apple; lemon, orange, onion).

Microbe. What do you think I encrypted A, B, C here? (At this time one teacher sets up tables and plates), well, since you are so smart, you know that you need to wash your face, then the task is more difficult, what do you think I want to talk about A, B, C. (At this time, the Microbe puts the letters A, B, C on the plates.) What are they, vitamins correctly. (The microbe speaks intriguingly.) You know the name, but in what foods these vitamins are found, can you guess, now we’ll find out! The relay participants take one item, walk it like a snake and place it in the correct plate, which relates to this vitamin. Now let's check whether the foods are divided into vitamins correctly. Attention to the screen. Educator. Vitamin A is found in carrots, and you have carrots, in eggs, and in tomatoes, and you have. Let's move on to vitamin "B" - it's found in corn, you have it, you have it in black bread, you have it in apples too! It remains to check vitamin “C” - such products are found in lemon, do you have it?, in orange, there is it, and in onions, too!!! Microbe . Well done. You did it! Look at the screen, the second rule is encrypted here. Now tell me the second rule of a healthy lifestyle.

Children : Rule 2: Children (in chorus): Everyone is healthy - you and I, cheers for vitamins to all! (The teacher helps the children formulate the rule.)

Educator : And our children even know poems and a song about vitamins. 1 child: Vitamins in vegetables, Berries and fruits, Break microbes into dust Fresh food.

Child 2: Where are the microbes - they retreated. We defeated their brothers! Everyone is healthy - you and me, Vitamins for everyone Everyone: Hurray! Music to the tune of R.N. “Loaf” Song about vitamins (everyone sings, stands scattered on the carpet). Educator . I invite all children to sit on the chairs.

Microbe. We have reached the third circle. If you succeed, you will learn the third rule. Listen to riddles about what sports attributes these are. 1. Steering wheel, wheels and pedals. Do you know the transport for the ride? There is a brake, but there is no cab. It rushes me. (Bike.)

2. I’m as round as the globe. Everyone is chasing me. They beat me with their feet and hands, and I run away - jumping. (Ball.)

3. We only have skates, they are only for summer. We rode on the asphalt and were satisfied. (Rollers.) Microbe . For the task “Assemble the puzzles”, I call …………………………………….. You have to collect sports attributes for a winter sport. And while the children are putting together puzzles, we will play the game “I won’t tell you what I saw, but I’ll show you what I did,” and you must guess (shows the movements of different sports, goes skiing, plays snowballs, etc.). And you know everything about sports!!! Microbe . Let's check how the guys did? Attention to the screen!!! Eh. You did it again. Attention to the screen, the third rule of a healthy lifestyle is encrypted!!!!!! Now tell me the third rule of a healthy lifestyle. Children (in chorus): Rule 3: To grow and harden, you need to play sports ! (The teacher helps the children formulate the rule.)

Educator. Now let's play with you the game "Guess the melody". Get up in the loose. 1. Songs sound: “physical education-hurray!” words by Z. Petrova, music by Y. Chichkov. 2. Song “Why do you need exercise”, lyrics by P. Sinyavsky, music by I. Arseev. And the game “Please the melody (“Lezheboki”, “Charging”, “One, two, three!”, children guess and sing it.) Microbe. Now you need to guess under the fourth circle the profession of the person I am very afraid of. I prepared clues on the tables - pictures. Tell us why all this is needed. The teacher addresses the children, guys, be careful, there is one extra picture!!!! Pay attention to the screen, we’ll check what you’ve chosen now!! and you take turns showing and telling. Microbe. And who needs all this? Children. in chorus (to the doctor). I have another surprise for you, pay attention to the screen!!!!!! (Children watch an excerpt from a cartoon.) Who can tell me the fourth rule of a healthy lifestyle? Right. Rule 4: children (in unison): If you are sick, you need to see a doctor!!!!!!!!!!! . (The teacher helps the children formulate the rule.)

Microbe. But I know one more rule for a healthy lifestyle. To open the last fifth clue (3 easels with typesetting canvas). You need to arrange the pictures about the daily routine in order “what comes first, what comes next,” and tell what is shown here. Educator. Ready? Let's check the answer with the screen. Andrey, what is shown in your first picture (lifting) is correct, Sasha and in the second picture what is shown (charging), look at the screen correctly, in the third picture what is shown in your Nastya, check with the screen. That's right, and in the fourth picture what is shown in your picture, in the fifth what is shown, in the sixth. Attention to the screen, the fifth rule of a healthy lifestyle is encrypted. So what is the mode for, what rule did I encrypt, did you guess? Rule 5: children (in chorus): Rule , to be healthy you need to follow a daily routine (The teacher helps the children formulate the rule.) Well done, you are such smart children!!!!! You know everything, I’ll have to part with you, but I want to give you vitamins “apples”. You can eat them, they are sweet and juicy, but why don’t you eat them? (The children answer because they are dirty.) Oh, you can’t, because they are dirty!! Well, if I didn’t manage to stay with you, it means everyone will be healthy. Apparently slobs, you'll have to look in another kindergarten!!!! Educator. Microbe, and the children have prepared a goodbye song for you. “If you want to be healthy,” listen!!!! Microbe. Thank you, I really liked it, and this is a gift from me to the group, a game about a healthy lifestyle!!!!!! Goodbye!!!!!!

Topics of healthy eating projects

Research topics on healthy eating: The influence of physical activity and good nutrition on increasing height. Healthy eating to protect your health. Healthy eating is the key to good health. Healthy balanced nutrition as a means of increasing the performance of an athlete.

Go to sections: Projects - physical education Research topics in physical education

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Master class for teachers on the topic: “Our health is in our hands!”

The author is a social teacher of the first qualification category, Olga Borisovna Moiseenko. Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 290 of the Dzerzhinsky district of Volgograd (MOU kindergarten No. 290)

Be kind if you want; Be wise if you can; But you should always be healthy. (Confucius)

Goal: to develop in teachers the ability and desire to take care of their health, the need for a healthy lifestyle and emotional well-being as the key to success in teaching.

Tasks: 1. Create conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of teachers. 2. Maintain a favorable psychological climate in kindergarten. 3. To develop teachers’ self-regulation skills, a sense of empathy, a positive attitude, sincerity and openness.

Host: Hello! We hear this word from birth. Every day begins with him. Hello, at first glance, this is the most ordinary word. But it has everything: the light of a smile, the joy of meeting, and wishes for health. Saying: “Hello,” we wish a person to be strong, strong, and healthy. So let's greet each other.

The exercise is carried out in a circle (teachers greet each other by name and say their wishes).

Host: I would like to start with the words of the great Russian teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “Caring for health is the most important work of a teacher. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.”

The preschool period is the most favorable for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. A child’s awareness of his “I”, the correct attitude towards the world, the people around him - all this depends on how conscientiously, lovingly, competently the teacher organizes his work.

A healthy lifestyle is not just the sum of acquired knowledge, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various situations. Everything we teach children must be applied in real life. Particular attention should be paid to the following components of a healthy lifestyle:

  • exercise, walks
  • rational nutrition, compliance with personal hygiene rules: hardening, creating conditions for good sleep;
  • friendly attitude towards each other, development of listening and speaking skills,
  • medical education, timely visits to the doctor, implementation of various recommendations, passing a medical examination annually;
  • formation of the concept “don’t harm yourself.”

An exercise is conducted on the topic “What is health?” Answers from teachers.

Host: So, health is beauty, it is strength and intelligence, a good mood. Health is the greatest wealth. Health is happiness. What should you do to be healthy?

Answers from teachers: -Health is not everything that brings joy, but without health nothing brings joy. — Health is not only good physical shape, but also mental balance. — Health is the ability to satisfy one’s needs within reasonable limits. — Health is needed not only for you, but also for the people you are obliged to help. — Health is a culture of human relations. — Health is a social culture of relationships. — Health is a way of life.

Host: So, there are 10 golden rules for preserving health. • Follow your daily routine! • Pay more attention to nutrition! • Move more! • Sleep in a cool room! • Don't extinguish your anger, let it break out! • Constantly engage in intellectual activity! • Drive away despondency and blues! • React adequately to all manifestations of your body! • Try to get as many positive emotions as possible! • Wish only good things for yourself and those around you!

Host: If you want to be healthy, make friends with physical education, clean air and healthy food. Learn to breathe correctly: calmly, shallowly, measuredly.

The presenter suggests listening to your breathing and determining what it is: superficial, deep, chest or with the participation of the abdominal muscles.

Breathing control is an effective means of influencing muscle tone and emotional centers of the brain. Slow and deep breathing (with the participation of the abdominal muscles) reduces the excitability of the nerve centers and promotes muscle relaxation. Frequent (chest) breathing, on the contrary, ensures a high level of body activity and maintains neuropsychic tension.

Method 1. Imagine that there is a piece of fluff hanging in front of your nose at a distance of 10-15 cm. Breathe only through your nose and so smoothly that the fluff does not flutter.

Method 2. Since in a situation of irritation or anger we forget to exhale normally, try: exhale deeply; hold your breath for as long as you can; take a few deep breaths; hold your breath again.

Teachers use breathing techniques (Teaching methods of breathing control).

1. Mask of surprise. IP: sitting, standing, lying down. With a slow inhalation, gradually raise your eyebrows as high as possible. At the height of inhalation, hold your breath for a second and lower your eyebrows as you exhale.

2. Mask of anger. IP: sitting, standing, lying down. With a slow inhalation, gradually frown your eyebrows, trying to bring them as close as possible. Hold your breath for a second and lower your eyebrows as you exhale.

3. Kiss mask. IP: standing, sitting, lying down. Simultaneously with inhalation, gradually compress your lips (“chicken tail” or embouchure with a tube). Take this effort to its limit. Record the effort, hold your breath for a second, and exhale freely, relax the orbicularis oris muscle.

4. Mask of laughter. IP: standing, sitting or lying down. Squint your eyes slightly, inhale slightly, purse your lips and raise the corners of your mouth - a mask of laughter, and exhale - relax tense muscles. – Exercise “Calming Breathing”. I.P.: While sitting, take a breath - stick your stomach forward (“inflate” your big belly) at the count of 1-2-3-4; holding your breath for a count of 1-2; exhale - pull in the stomach at the count of 1-2-3-4. (duration 3-5 minutes).

Host: Our profession obliges us to talk a lot. Overstrain of the vocal cords can cause throat diseases: laryngitis, pharyngitis. Performing simple exercises will help strengthen the muscles of the larynx.

I suggest you perform a set of breathing and vocal exercises to strengthen the muscles of the larynx. -Click your tongue loudly and quickly, quietly and slowly. −Try to reach your chin with your tongue several times. −Try to yawn with your mouth closed, as if hiding the yawn from others. −Open your mouth as wide as possible, relax your muscles a little and gently lower your head down. Return to the starting position. −Make movements with your lips, mentally saying “a-o-e.”

Teachers perform a set of exercises.

Presenter: Exercises that will not take much time and do not require special equipment will help relieve muscle and psychological tension. When you get home, turn on calm music and do exercises to relieve muscle and psychological tension, which we will now show you.

Teachers perform a set of exercises. to relieve muscle and psychological tension.

Leading. Perform all movements very slowly, smoothly, avoiding pain. Breathe evenly and calmly. Try to maintain each pose for 30 seconds. •Straighten your shoulders. Stand on tiptoes, raise your arms and stretch your whole body up. •Do a half squat with your knees slightly bent. Extend your arms in front of you and lean forward, keeping your back completely straight. •From the same position, move your arms straight back. Pull your neck and chin forward. •Lean forward, move your arms to the sides, straighten your knees. Stretch. •Place your feet together, lean forward, clasp your knees with your hands and try to touch them with your nose. •Perform two turns of your head left and right (chin almost touches chest).

Host: To be healthy, you need to learn to alternate work with active recreation. For example, when you offer children a warm-up or physical education session, do it together with the children. During your walk, don’t just organize outdoor games, but play them with your children.

Presenter: A finger massage can help the body resist illness, feel cheerful and full of energy, relax and relieve symptoms of fatigue. Each finger is responsible for the functioning of a specific organ in our body. Thumb – stimulates brain activity; Index finger – improves stomach function; Middle – intestines and spine; Unnamed – improves liver function; Mezenets - helps the heart function.

Each finger is massaged separately towards its base along the dorsal, palmar and lateral surfaces. We start the massage with stroking, then rubbing, the next step is kneading and end with stroking again.

Teachers perform finger massage.

Presenter: Teachers go to the basket, take tokens, according to which they are divided into two teams: “Dexterous” and “Fast”. Motto of the event: There is noise and bustle in the kindergarten today. The teachers decided everything: Health is beauty!

  • Competition “Swallow” (Who can stand on one leg longer in the swallow position.)
  • Competition “Proverbs and Sayings” (Team members take turns naming proverbs and sayings about health. The team whose answer was the last wins)
  • Relay race “Pairs with a hoop” (Teachers in pairs run to a landmark. One holds the hoop, the second crawls up, then the second holds it, the first crawls up. They return running.)

Host: Everyone knows that a good mood is associated with health. Laughter prolongs life. When we laugh, our body produces endorphins - pleasure hormones. Think positively! Learn to control your thoughts and when negative ones appear, immediately replace them with positive ones.

Now I offer you several negative beliefs from our daily life, which you will have to turn into AFFIRMATIONS in the process of group work.

“Negative Beliefs” 1. No one values ​​me at work 2. My colleagues annoy me 3. I’m afraid that I won’t succeed... 4. I can’t look at myself in the mirror 5. I’m disappointed in life...

Group responses.

  • People love me at work
  • I am surrounded only by positive and cheerful people
  • Everything works out just great for me.
  • I like the way I look
  • I love life!

View the presentation “I can be healthy - I will help myself.”

1. Start a new day with a smile and morning exercises. 2. Maintain a daily routine yourself and demand this from your children. 3. Remember: a smart book is better than aimless watching TV. 4. Love your child - he is yours. Respect your family members, they are your traveling companions. 5. A positive attitude towards yourself is the basis of psychological survival. 6. There are no bad children, only bad actions. 7. Personal example for a healthy lifestyle is better than any morality. 8. Use natural hardening factors to stay healthy. 9. Remember: simple food is healthier than elaborate dishes. 10. The best type of recreation is a walk with the family in the fresh air, the best entertainment for a child is playing together with parents.

Host: Now we will perform a psychotechnical exercise with you, with which you can relieve fatigue, gain internal stability and feel self-confidence.

The exercise is called “Inner Ray”.

Find a comfortable position, sit comfortably. (Calm music is turned on).

Imagine that inside your head, in the upper part, a light ray appears, which slowly and consistently moves from top to bottom and slowly, gradually illuminates your face, neck, shoulders, hands with a warm, even and relaxing light. As the beam moves, wrinkles are smoothed out, tension in the back of the head disappears, the fold on the forehead is weakened, the clamps in the corners of the lips are loosened, the shoulders are lowered, the neck and chest are freed. The inner ray, as it were, forms a new appearance - a calm, liberated person, satisfied with himself, his life and his profession.

And now together, without opening our eyes, we say “I have become a new person!” I became young and strong, calm and stable! I will do everything well!”

Exercise (Plot fairy tale “Multi-colored stars”). (Calm music is turned on, stars are hung against the background of the “sky.”)

High in the dark sky, in one huge starry meadow, there lived - there were stars. There were a lot of them, and all the stars were very beautiful. They glowed and sparkled, and people on earth admired them every night. But all these stars were of different colors. There were red stars here, and they gave courage to those born under their light. There were blue stars here - they gave people beauty. There were also yellow stars in the clearing - they gave people intelligence, and there were also green stars in the clearing. Whoever was born under the light of their green rays became very kind. And then one day something flashed in the starry sky! All the stars gathered to see what happened. And another little star appeared in the sky. But she was absolutely... white! The star looked around and even closed her eyes: how many beautiful stars there are around - the star whispered. “What do you give to people?” other stars asked her. I know that among all those present there are no stars that are colorless. I wish you to shine always and everywhere, dear colleagues!

A little about serious things as a joke.

Fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood!" - Grandma, grandma, why is your face so wrinkled? “That’s because I didn’t like to wash my face in the mornings and evenings, my granddaughter.” - Grandma, why are your teeth so yellow? - Because I didn’t clean them and smoked, like your grandfather. - Grandma, grandma, why are your eyes so dull? - Because I didn’t like to eat carrots, my granddaughter. - Grandma, grandma, why are you trembling and walking slowly? “That’s because, my baby, I never did exercises in the morning.” If you don't want to look like this grandma, lead a healthy lifestyle! V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “Caring for human health, for the health of a child, is not just a set of sanitary and hygienic standards, not a set of requirements for regime, nutrition, work and study. This is, first of all, concern for the harmonious completeness of all physical and spiritual forces.” Exercise “Friendly palm”.

I really want our meeting today to remain a memory. Let it be a friendly palm. To do this, let's do an exercise that is called that way.

Participants are given pieces of paper.

Host: Trace the outline of your palm with the color that matches your mood now and write your name on it. Then pass the piece of paper with the outline of your palm to your teammates, and let everyone leave their wishes or compliments on one of the fingers of the palm. The message should have a positive content, a personal appeal, and in any way mention the strengths of a particular person.

Completion of the task by the participants.

“Let these palms bring the warmth and joy of our meetings, remind us of these meetings, and perhaps help at some difficult moment.” Goodbye!

List of references: 1. Health work in preschool educational institutions: regulatory documents, aspects / author's compilation. Gorbatova M.S. Volgograd: Teacher. 2011 2. Health-saving system of a preschool educational institution: program models, recommendations, lesson development\ author-compiled by M.A. Pavlova, M.V. Lysogorskaya.-Volgograd: Teacher.2009 3. Gavryuchina L.V. Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions: methodological manual. - M.: TC Sfera, 2008. - 160 p. 4. Gavryuchina L.V. “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”, Moscow “Sfera”, 2007. 5. Doskin V.A. “How to preserve and strengthen a child’s health”, Moscow “Enlightenment”, 2006 6. Nikishina I.V. Master class for teachers of preschool educational institutions. Health-saving pedagogical system: models, approaches, technologies. M.: “Planet”, 2013

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