Social and communicative development in the senior group, Federal State Educational Standards

Basic individual properties, including the basic principles of relationships in the environment, are laid down in the preschool period of childhood, therefore, special attention is paid to the problems of socialization of children in kindergarten. One of the priority trends in the educational process in a preschool institution is the formation of social and communicative skills in children who are just learning to establish connections with others. And the preschool teacher acts as a kind of guide, ensuring the requirement for the complete formation of social and communicative skills in the child. This activity will require the deepest theoretical and factual knowledge and skills. It is worth learning in more detail about projects on the social and communicative development of the older group of preschoolers.


The goals of social and communicative formation in preschool educational institutions are determined by the Federal State Educational Standard and consist of:

  • providing assistance to the growing generation in the assimilation of generally accepted moral and moral values;
  • creating circumstances for the purpose of interaction between the child and other people, regardless of age;
  • providing a basis for increasing the degree of self-sufficiency related to self-regulation, as well as purposefulness of actions;
  • accumulation of mental and emotional content of the individual (formation of the ability to empathize, be sociable, sensitive);
  • formation of skills for safe action in society, at home, in nature;
  • fostering a respectful, respectful attitude towards family, comrades and the Fatherland.

Social and communicative development of children of senior preschool age in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Social and communicative development of preschool children in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard”
preparatory group
Childhood is a unique, valuable period of personality development, which has a clearly expressed specificity of age-related development, requiring special psychological and pedagogical support and conditions.
Childhood is the basis that determines the development of a person throughout his life. Modern preschoolers are interested not only in the world of objects and toys, children want to learn a lot about people, the world around them, nature, they live in a world in which many aspects of human life are computerized, the use of a computer expands the possibilities of a child’s intellectual development, creates conditions for enriching his horizons. Modern preschoolers have become more relaxed, liberated, open, independent, proactive, they have a sense of freedom and independence. The Federal State Educational Standard provides for the development of preschool children in mastering the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions; development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy; formation of readiness for joint activities with peers; developing a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and community of children and adults. Analyzing the problems of modern preschoolers, we can highlight the following typical features: - despite changes in the world, society and family, preschoolers remain children, they love to play (the content of games has changed, along with role-playing games, children choose computer games, games with modern puzzles, designers); – significant changes have occurred in the intellectual sphere of children, they have become more informed and inquisitive, they can freely navigate modern technology in adult life, which is facilitated by a rich environment in kindergarten and at home; – changes are noted in the moral, social and personal development of children, in their behavior and communication. The problems of preschool childhood are caused and aggravated, among other things, by the inability and unpreparedness of some families to create conditions for the harmonious socialization of the child, and the weakening of the continuity of ties between family and preschool education. The main task of the state and society in relation to children is to provide optimal conditions for the development of their individual abilities, the possibility of self-regulation, the formation in the child of the foundations of a respectful attitude towards others, the ability to communicate and interact, and familiarization with universal human values. Currently, there is an intensive development of preschool education in different directions: increasing interest in the personality of a preschool child, his uniqueness, and the development of his potential capabilities and abilities. The task of a modern preschool educational institution is to ensure that pupils emerge from its walls not only with a certain stock of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also independent people, possessing a certain set of moral qualities necessary for later life, the assimilation of social, ethical standards of behavior, non-violent interactions with adults and peers. Work experience shows that it is important to develop in preschoolers the ability to build relationships with others on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding, to ensure general mental development, to form the prerequisites for educational activities and qualities necessary for adaptation to school and successful learning in primary school. The socialization of a preschool child is a multifaceted phenomenon that occurs under the influence of various factors: heredity, the atmosphere in which the child is raised, the environment around him, his own activities, play, self-knowledge and self-development. The main goal of socialization is to establish the foundations of a value-based attitude towards elements of social culture: tolerant – towards people of different nationalities, age and gender values, careful and respectful attitude towards one’s own ethnic values ​​and the heritage of history, humane – towards people, nature, and the surrounding world. In the process of a child’s social life, the meaning of social development is realized - from self-esteem, self-perception, self-affirmation to self-awareness, social responsibility, the need for self-realization of one’s capabilities, awareness of oneself as an independent member of society, understanding one’s place and purpose in it A. V. Mudrik identifies three groups of tasks , which are decided at the stage of socialization: natural-cultural, socio-cultural, socio-psychological. 1. Natural and cultural tasks are associated with achieving a certain level of physical and gender development. A preschooler learns elements of etiquette behavior, forms of communication, has an idea of ​​his gender, shows feelings and emotions, and social and moral qualities of the individual are formed. In this regard, social development ensures the formation of general cultural, physical, gender foundations of the child’s personality, on the basis of which social and moral qualities are formed: self-esteem, empathy, tolerance, self-esteem, respect for others, caring, justice, responsiveness, patriotism, citizenship. 2. Socio-cultural tasks determine the cognitive, moral, value-semantic aspects of a preschooler’s entry into society. D.I. Feldstein wrote: “By the age of three, a child completes the first cycle of acquaintance with the human world, fixing his new social position, highlighting his “I”, and begins to more and more actively enter into relationships with other people - adults and peers.” Preschool teachers pay special attention to developing the skills to manage their emotions, control and evaluate their activities and behavior, fostering goodwill, and attentive attitude towards other children and adults. Cognitive aspects of a preschooler are aimed at expanding knowledge about the surrounding objective world, natural and social environment. With age, the cognitive sphere of a preschooler expands - the world around me, family, relatives and friends, the history of his native land, fatherland, Motherland, the whole world. The next form of organizing a child’s experience is “living” various situations. It includes not only the experience of analyzing reality, but also the experience of one’s relationship to this reality. Gaming activities become more complex, role-playing games, games with rules, didactic games and dramatization games appear. If role-playing games and games with rules are basic for the development of cognitive actions, then games with rules and didactic games can be considered as a new stage for the development of artistic activity and the activation of cognitive interests. In preschool age, play acts as a priority method of teaching; we are talking about the special importance of play activity for the intellectual development of a preschooler and the formation of personality traits that will ensure the development of the prerequisites for educational activity. The preschooler masters different types of didactic games (verbal, board-printed, games with objects), during the game he performs the assigned game task without violating the rules and actions of the game, the ability to independently and with the help of an adult to participate in games with rules, role-playing, directing, theatrical, musical, didactic [2]. 3. Social and psychological tasks are associated with the formation of consciousness of the child’s personality. In preschool age, self-awareness can be considered as the achievement of a certain measure of self-knowledge and level of self-esteem. The basis of self-esteem is the ability to compare yourself with other people. Preschoolers develop the ability to build relationships with others on the basis of cooperation and mutual understanding, a willingness to accept their habits, customs, and views as they are, learn to think about their actions, and plan activities. In older preschool age, the formation of voluntary behavior occurs. This main psychological new formation of this age consists of the desire and ability to control oneself and one’s actions. The formation of voluntariness is one of the basic lines of child development in preschool childhood and comes to the forefront of personality formation. The specificity of preschool age is that the social development of a child is carried out under the influence of an adult who introduces the child into society. The child cooperates with competent adults; as a member of society, he is included in the system of human relations, where a dialogue of personalities and value systems takes place. The development of patterns and norms of behavior and the search for correct life attitudes occurs in preschoolers in interaction with peers, teachers, and parents. Adults open up the future for children, act as mediators and accomplices in relation to children’s activities in order to help children gain their own experience.

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Achieving established goals is permissible when carrying out regular work to implement a number of tasks of social and communicative development in the older group of children:

  1. Speech development. In junior groups 1 and 2, the main tasks of the teacher are the formation of motor skills, the development of speech culture, that is, the rapid learning of sounds by children (a, o, e, p, m, b - at 1.5–2 years; i, s, y, f, v, t, d, n, k, g, x - at 2–4 years old), and in addition, enriching the passive and filling the active vocabulary of a younger preschooler.
  2. In the middle group, the emphasis shifts to the formation of situations for the development of complex speech, that is, the assimilation of generally accepted norms for constructing sentences through retelling situations (according to illustrations, for example). In the senior and preparatory groups, the main emphasis is on developing the ability to create a conversation with a friend or adult, and intelligently compose monologue statements.
  3. Encouragement for various types of activity: fun, work. In the first junior group, for example, children play with themselves or tete-a-tete with toys (dolls, puzzles, pyramids), but in the second junior and middle group, preschoolers enjoy playing in pairs, mini-groups (role-playing, mobile fun). In the preparatory group, children have specific preferences regarding one or another type of work and, having found like-minded people, consciously team up with them for one or another work. For example, several people play mother-daughter games, water flowers as a team, fill out the nature calendar, etc. Some children who can read organize readings aloud, and sports enthusiasts play ball. The teacher, involving the children in different types of activities, participates in all activities.
  4. Development of self-care skills. In the younger group, this is work aimed at maintaining the sequence of dressing for the street, before napping. With students in the middle group, the teacher minimizes his assistance in these matters of self-care. And in the senior and preparatory classes, the emphasis is on encouraging initiative, that is, the desire or need to wash your hands before an adult reminds you to do so.
  5. Develop skills of tolerant attitude towards circumstances. So, if a dispute arose in the older group while discussing a particular literary work, it must be resolved peacefully and calmly.
  6. Instill a positive attitude towards the world around, cultivate the habit of sharing with friends.
  7. Instill the skills of assessing others and self-esteem in a particular activity.
  8. Teach polite communication.
  9. Cultivate respect for elders.

Long-term plan for the development of communication skills in children of the senior preparatory group

Long-term work plan for developing the communication skills of older preschool children
September (2019) Work with children Work with parents Work with educators 1 week Game exercise “Let’s get to know each other” Parent meeting “Features of communication among older preschoolers” Discussion “The main difficulties of communication among older preschoolers” Week 2 Game “Greeting” Round table “Problems of communication in the family” Questioning of teachers Week 3 Game “Name yourself” Testing “Communication styles in the family” Seminar “Use of art therapy in correcting children’s communication” Week 4 Game exercise “Complete the sentence” Consultations parents Pedagogical lounge October (2019) Work with children Work with parents Work with educators 1 week Game exercises “Compliments”, “Polite words” Information stand “Rules of communication in the family” Seminar “Creating a speech-related subject-development environment in a group” 2 week Game exercise “Soup” Round table “Culture of communication in the family” Round table on the topic “Rules of Etiquette” Week 3 Game exercise “Good Wizards”, “Secrets of Politeness” Viewing and discussion of KVN films “In the World of Words” Week 4 Game “Magic” chair”, exercise “Magic Algae” Consultations with parents Pedagogical lounge November (2019) Work with children Work with parents Work with teachers 1 week Game exercise “Compote” Drawing competition “My Family” School of a young teacher - analysis of problem situations 2 week Games “Confusion”, “Glue Stream” Pedagogical library for parents Mutual attendance at open classes, events of colleagues Week 3 Games “Breaking Chains”, “Blind Man and the Guide” Round table “Development of children’s communication skills” Communication training “We are together” Week 4 Game “Reel” » Consultations with parents Pedagogical lounge December (2019) Work with children Work with parents Work with teachers 1 week Game “If “yes” - clap, if “no” - stomp” Project “Learning to communicate” Seminar “Problematic situations in communication” 2 week Game exercise “Magic glasses” Watching and discussion of films Business game “Positions in communication” Week 3 Game exercise “Greetings in a circle” Open screening of educational activities for parents Teachers’ council “Formation of a culture of communication in children” Week 4 Game exercise “Magic candies” Consultations with parents Pedagogical living room January (2020) Working with children Working with parents Working with teachers Week 1 Week 2 Game “Drawing in a circle” Watching and discussing films Relaxation exercises Week 3 Game exercise “Show attention to another”, game “Nose to nose” Parent meeting “Preventing conflicts in the family” Round table “Developing empathy in children” Week 4 Game exercise “Guess who it is?” Parent consultations Pedagogical lounge February (2020) Work with children Work with parents Work with teachers 1 week Game exercises “Find out who called”, “Understand me” Game “Field of Miracles” on the topic of communication Seminar “Use of project activities in the development of skills communication in children" Week 2 Game exercise "Multi-colored bouquet" Information stand "Verbal and non-verbal communication" Training "Means of non-verbal communication" Week 3 Game "Sorcerer" Project "Do-it-yourself cartoons" Workshop "Pedagogical situations" Week 4 Games "Lost and Found" , “Encrypted letter” Consultations with parents Pedagogical lounge March (2020) Work with children Work with parents Work with teachers 1 week Psychotude “Magic Flower”, exercise “The Secret of Golden Sand” Information stand “How to make a child a communication genius” Round table at topic “Use of the method of psycho-gymnastics for the development of social and communication skills in children” Week 2 Game exercise “Hot chair” Communication training “Me and my child” Relaxation exercises Week 3 Games “Name-calling”, “Praise” Watching and discussion of films Mutual attendance at open classes , colleagues’ events Week 4 Game exercise “Wonderful buttons” Consultations with parents Teacher’s lounge April (2020) Working with children Working with parents Working with teachers 1 week Game “Broken telephone”, “Say it differently” Open demonstration of educational activities for parents Training communication “Understand me” Week 2 Game exercises “Let’s write a story”, “Making a movie” Joint writing of stories with a child Round table on the topic “Possibilities of fairy tale therapy in the development of children’s communication” Week 3 Games “Control a robot”, “Bring the mask to life” View and discussion videos Mutual attendance at open classes, events of colleagues Week 4 Games “Are you there or not?”, “Grandma Malanya” Consultations with parents Teacher’s lounge with tea drinking May (2020) Working with children Working with parents Working with educators Week 1 Game “Gardeners and Flowers” Video magazine “Children Speak” Business game “The ABC of Emotions” Week 2 Game “Associations” Information stand “Speaking Correctly” Master class on organizing work to develop communication in children Week 3 Game “Gift for Everyone”, sand therapy “Grains of Sand Interaction” Training communication with parents Holiday “The Magical World of Communication” Week 4 Dramatization of open-ended fairy tales Parents’ participation in staging fairy tales, making costumes and decorations Speech at the teachers’ council “Joint forms of cooperation between families and preschool educational institutions”
Download Work plan for developing communication skills in children

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Conditions for personality formation

The concept of “social-communicative formation” establishes conditions that have a great influence on the development of the growing personality:

  • family (personal characteristics of an individual, such as character, habits, are formed by heredity and the actions of elders in the family);
  • environment (the formation of character, the selection of interaction methods are also determined by the fact that the child observes the boundaries of the house);
  • education (a combination of methods of influencing the individual from the family and preschool education).

Areas of work

Based on the goals and objectives, as well as the conditions and circumstances of the formation of the individual, social and communicative development is directly related to the activity side of the child’s development. For this reason, in practice, child development is carried out through the following areas of SCD (socio-communicative development in the older group):

  1. Game work. Play work is considered fundamental for preschoolers, that is, the tasks and problems of educational activities are realized mainly through it.
  2. Labor dynamism. Self-service. In early preschool age, these types of work have a sign-symbolic form; in this case, the imitation method is used, when the children repeat the actions and movements of the elder. For example, a teacher takes a pencil, draws a line on a sheet of paper - the child repeats, then the adult draws 3 more lines to make a rectangle - the child repeats again.

In the middle and senior groups, there is a shift in values ​​towards partnership, that is, not repetition of actions, but common execution (or addition). For example, a child takes a watering can from a shelf, an adult pours water, a child waters a flower.

Diagnostics of social and communicative development in the senior group

Diagnostics is considered one of the forecasting tools, a method of studying and establishing the effectiveness of work in a specific time period. The social and communicative formation of older preschoolers is being determined at the beginning of the school year (October) and at the end (April).

Monitoring is a long-term and targeted observation of the progress of educational work in order to establish its dynamics and select ways and methods of activity in order to obtain the optimal result.

Stages of diagnosing social and communicative development in the senior group:

  1. Preparatory. Stages and diagnostic methods are formed, diagnostic cards are printed for each baby.
  2. Practical (diagnosis itself). The child’s knowledge, skills and abilities are studied over the course of one to two weeks, using play, conversation, monitoring of the child’s plot-role-playing and director’s amusements, work activity, performance of routine factors, looking at and examining plot illustrations. The information obtained is recorded in diagnostic cards.
  3. Analytical. The diagnostic results are discussed by a team of teachers together with a psychology specialist and compared with previous information.
  4. Interpretive. The results are processed taking into account the conditions that could influence their change (the baby was upset, in a bad mood, on the eve of the disease, for this reason he was unable to show personal qualities).
  5. Determination of goals and directions for further activities. Diagnostics can be carried out in natural conditions for preschool children.

Social and communicative development in the senior group of preschool educational institutions


Ramazanova Khadizhat Gazibekovna,


MBDOU "DSKV "Golden Key" of the city of Tarko-Sale

master class for teachers

The modern world is structured in such a way that one of the conditions for success is the ability to work fruitfully in a team, to find ways to interact and understand each other with the people with whom you work. And, of course, the mental comfort and emotional satisfaction of the child will directly depend on how his relationships with other people will develop, what role he will play in the team in which he will be and who he feels like.

Therefore, special attention is currently paid to socialization. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, at the stage of completing preschool education, kindergarten students must learn to actively interact with peers and adults.

Social and communicative development poses the following tasks for us as teachers:

- development in the child of a conscious, emotionally-positive attitude towards himself, other people, and the world around him

- ability to deal with the emotional states, opinions and desires of oneself and others

— development of socially significant behavioral skills, skills of regulating one’s behavior

- develop the ability to understand and evaluate the feelings and actions of others

- to form a positive relationship between preschoolers, mutual assistance

- strengthen the ability to participate in joint play.

- develop in children the ability to empathize, the desire to come to each other’s aid in a difficult situation, and develop social feelings.

And today I would like to show you a few techniques. which help me solve the listed problems.

I would like to start my master class with the fable “Swan, Crayfish and Pike”.

- Why do you think they couldn’t pull out the cart?

Choose the correct answer:

- because - everyone wanted to look stronger in the eyes of the other;

- because - we didn’t have breakfast;

- because - they could not agree with each other.

(That's right, we couldn't agree).

Likewise, in everyday work you often come across the problem of children’s relationships: they are unable to come to an agreement, hear their partner, or give in to each other.

Let's play with you. I invite 4 people to come to me.

- You need to break up in pairs, turn to face each other.

Let's play the game "How much?"

I will ask you a question, and you in your pair must show the answer on your fingers, and without verbally agreeing on it, but only by looking at each other.

- How many ears do rabbits have?

— How many legs does the table have?

- What is Wednesday like?

— what is 15 -12?


This gaming technique develops the ability to coordinate actions with a partner and helps relieve emotional stress.

Let's continue playing. Please come 2 people. And now, I offer you the following gaming technique. One of you calls the other on the phone and says that his cup broke. He asks to buy the same one and describes it. And you must sketch the cup according to the description. Agree who will call and who will draw. The one who calls also draws a given pattern. After which we will compare the results.

And the result will depend on your ability to negotiate.


This gaming technique is aimed at developing the ability to distribute actions, take into account the capabilities of a partner, take on a role and act within its framework.

"Good Animal"

Rules and course of the game:

The presenter says in a quiet, mysterious voice: “Please stand in a circle and hold hands. We are one big, kind animal. Let's listen to how it breathes! Now let's breathe together! When you inhale, take a step forward; when you exhale, you take a step back. Now, when you inhale, take 2 steps forward, and when you exhale, take 2 steps back. Inhale - 2 steps forward. Exhale - 2 steps back. This is how the animal not only breathes, its big, kind heart beats just as clearly and evenly. Knock - step forward, knock - step back, etc. We all take the breath and heartbeat of this animal for ourselves.”

Summary: This technique helps unite the children's team, teaches children to understand the feelings of others, provide support and empathy.

Reflection: I address the audience.

— If you are sure that the quality of educational work in a modern kindergarten cannot be improved without the use of innovative technologies, raise your right hand!

— If you think that mastering innovative technologies is impossible without improving the professional competence of teachers, nod your head.

- If you agree that it is simply necessary to use active learning methods along with traditional ones, say a loud “Yes!”

— If you were interested in playing, clap your hands!

And in conclusion, I want to say that we are all different, but there are always people next to us with whom we can find common interests.

“Certificate of publication in the media” Series A No. 0005847

We invite teachers of preschool education in the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching materials: - Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games; — Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

1. “Kindergartens of the Tyumen Region” is an officially registered specialized media outlet at the federal level. 2. The activities of the editorial office are supported by the Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region 3. We issue a “Certificate of Publication” in the media. 4. The document has a unique number, is entered in the register, has the original seal of the editorial office of the online publication and signature. 5. “Certificate of publication” in the media is sent to the author in both paper and electronic versions.

Details >>>

Sample “Certificate of publication of author’s methodological material in the media.”pdf


Gaming techniques

This type of work for preschoolers is given special attention, since directly during the game it is possible to explain the problem in more detail, work out and record its solution. In addition, games can be used both in exercises (didactic) and when spending leisure time on the street or in a team (active). Finger activities that help develop fine motor skills can be done at any time.

Children very quickly become involved in the game, but often have difficulty leaving it; for this reason, game methods are rarely used for learning.


In the younger group, the game “Let’s teach the bunny to speak competently” is used to develop intonation expressiveness. Its essence is that a visitor comes to class - a little bunny, who distorts phrases, for example, the names of animals (“donkey” instead of “bear”, “ot” instead of “cat”). The guys correct the bunny by speaking phrases correctly.

To teach how to compare geometric objects, use the game “Find an Object”: the children stand in a circle, the teacher throws a ball to the baby, shows an illustration of a geometric figure, the baby names it and looks for a similar object.

The team often uses the game “Who Says What,” the goal of which is to identify domestic and wild animals. Its essence lies in the fact that an adult, throwing a ball to one of the children standing in a circle, names the animal. The kid gives the ball and says how this animal “talks” (the predator growls, the dog barks, etc.).

Outdoor games

In the younger group, the emphasis is on developing the skill of jumping correctly, performing actions to the sound of the text. For example, the game “Run to Me”: the guys sit on chairs, the teacher is located at the other end of the room. To the phrase “Run everyone to me!” The children run up to the teacher, who greets them affectionately. To the phrase “Run to your place!” the guys will return to the chair.

In the middle group, the goals of outdoor games are considered to be the formation of endurance in running, climbing, and jumping. The game “Fox in the Chicken Coop” can be played both indoors and outdoors. On the benches (“in the chicken coop”) there are children (“chickens”), on the opposite edge of the room there is a fox hole, the role of which is played by a child or an adult. Chickens walk around the yard, when they hear the signal “Fox” they are obliged to run away, at this time the fox tries to detain the unwary chicken and take it into its own hole. If she succeeds, the child leaves the game.

In the senior and preparatory groups, the goal of outdoor games is considered to be the formation of endurance and skill in coherently carrying out actions as a whole team. Here is an example of an outdoor game for older preschool age - the game “Quickly Take It”: pine cones, chestnuts or other small objects are scattered on the floor around the children, but there is one less piece than the number of players. According to the signal "Quickly take it!" the guys bend down and take the object. The one who does not have enough suffers defeat. Outdoor activities can be done both in a group and on the street.

Finger games

Social and communicative development classes in the senior group of preschool educational institutions include finger games. They contribute to the formation of fine motor skills, which is important in the junior and middle groups for the development of speech, and in the senior and preparatory groups - for preparing the hand for writing. In addition, such games perfectly develop reaction, flexibility and memory:

  • Junior group. “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, let’s go for a walk! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, they hid in the house again.” (All fingers, without exception, are extended one by one, starting with the little finger, and then bent in the same order).
  • Middle group. “Like our cat has boots on her feet. Like our pig has boots on his feet. And the dog has blue slippers on his paws. And the little goat puts on felt boots. And son Vovka - new sneakers. That's it, that's it, new sneakers." (“Walk” with index and middle fingers on the table).
  • Senior group. “Finger-boy, where have you been? “I went to the forest with this brother, I cooked soup with this brother, I ate porridge with this brother, I sang songs with this brother.” (Bend fingers one by one.)
  • Preparatory group. “We met 2 cats: “Meow-meow!”, 2 puppies: “Aw-aw!”, 2 foals: “Igo-go!”, 2 tiger cubs: “Rrr!”, 2 bulls: “Moo!”. Look at the horns." (Demonstrate horns with index fingers and little fingers extended).

Summary of a conversation with children of the senior group on social and communicative development

Summary of a conversation with children of senior preschool age on social and communicative development using the author's fairy tale “The Most Beautiful Bird”
Natalya Vladimirovna Belyaeva, senior teacher
Place of work:
MDOU “Kindergarten No. 204”, Saratov
Description of the material : I bring to your attention a conversation on social and communicative development for children of senior preschool age using the author's fairy tale. This material can be useful for both teachers and parents. The conversation can be carried out as an independent element of the educational process, and can be used for inclusion in the abstract of educational activities on social and communicative development. Goal : fostering a tolerant attitude towards each other. Objectives : expand ideas about friendship, relationships in a team and between people; give an idea about people with special needs, about great disabled people; develop children’s speech, the ability to listen carefully to a literary work; cultivate a tolerant attitude towards each other, mutual assistance, and respectful attitude towards people. Equipment: Photograph of the “Most Beautiful” bird, portraits of great people - disabled people.
Summary of the conversation:

Today I want to talk to you about our achievements, our talents, and how we should treat other people. But first, listen to my fairy tale: “... Once upon a time there lived in a forest an amazingly beautiful bird, so it was called “The Most Beautiful.” When she was still a chick, even then everyone admired her beauty. Every day she heard about what beautiful feathers she had, what beautiful eyes she had, what a wonderful beak she had. And the bird began to think that it was the best in the forest. One day a sparrow sat on a branch near her house and wanted to talk to her, but the bird answered him: “Fly away, fly away from here, you are so small and inconspicuous, I don’t want to talk to you.” And the sparrow flew away. A squirrel went down to the bird's house. The bird saw it and started chasing the squirrel away: “Get away from me, get away. You jump from branch to branch all day long, there are flying leaves on your tail, they will fall on my wings and they will no longer be the most beautiful.” The squirrel said nothing and jumped onto another tree.

Our bird could also sing very beautifully. She had a wonderful voice and it sounded like many overflowing bells. One morning the bird began to sing, the titmouse heard its singing and so wanted to sing along with the songbird. But the most beautiful one got angry: “How can you spoil my perfect singing. Get out of here quickly." This is how the most beautiful lived. She didn't like anyone, she didn't love anyone. But one day, trouble happened in the peaceful forest; a fox ran in from the neighboring forest. And who did she see first, yes, of course, the brightest bird in the forest, which never hid and showed off in front of everyone all day long. The fox waited for the bird to go lower and grabbed it. The fox carried our bird into its hole, no matter how the bird called for someone to help, no one responded. So the most beautiful bird in the forest disappeared.” This is such a fairy tale. Why do you think no one helped the bird? (children's answers, assumption that everyone was offended by her) Yes, that's right. The bird did not want to be friends with anyone, she considered herself better than everyone else and therefore she had no friends at the time when she needed help. How should you behave in order to have a friend? (children's answers: help each other, respect each other) We are all different, some can sing well, some can dance, and some can draw. Everyone has their own talents and beauty. But you should never humiliate or offend those who do not have some of your virtues or talents. After all, this person may be able to do something better than you. We need to respect each other, support each other. One day, one girl laughed at the drawing of a boy from her group; he tried very hard, but the drawing did not turn out as beautiful as hers. Do you think the girl did the right thing by laughing at the drawing? (children's answers) And I think that it was necessary to support the boy, maybe even help him. That would be right. And there are special people. Those who see poorly, hear poorly, or are missing one leg or arm. There are also such. Such people are called disabled people or people with special needs. When you meet such people, don't act like the most beautiful bird. Every person deserves to have a friend to appreciate his strengths. A person cannot hear, but he can draw beautiful pictures. He can't see, but he can sing beautifully. A person may not have legs, but he can write wonderful fairy tales or make scientific discoveries. Each person is unique and inimitable. (the teacher shows portraits of great people - disabled people with short stories about them). And at the end of our conversation, I want to ask you to name your best friend and name the qualities that you value in them. (if a child is not named, the teacher himself speaks about such children and calls them as his friends and their best qualities). At the end of the conversation, you can play the “Tender Word” game.

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Motivational Techniques

In order for the children to quickly become more active and join the work, it is necessary to select the optimal motivating methods that are included in the planning of the Federal State Educational Standard for social and communicative development in the senior group:

  1. Demonstration in the form of illustrations is a mandatory feature of any training. Whatever topic is discussed, pictures should be presented in sufficient quantity. Thus, when exploring the “Specialty” problem, children should see illustrations from a person’s workplace.
  2. Poems, riddles. This technique can be used both at the beginning of training and in the middle, if the children are a little distracted and need to be “brought back” to the topic. As a rule, riddles and poems are included before the stage of consolidating the material used.
  3. Games. In addition to finger games, all games without exception can serve as motivational tools.
  4. Verbal methods. They are especially productive if the teacher speaks or asks questions on behalf of a fantasy character.

Calendar and thematic planning for the Public Association “Communication” in the senior group (September-December)

Elena Plakhova

Calendar and thematic planning for the Public Association “Communication” in the senior group (September-December)

1 04.09.13 “We are senior

Give children the opportunity to feel proud that they are now
senior preschoolers .
Remind them of what they do in speech development classes. Improve dialogic speech. V. V. Gerbova “Classes on speech development in the senior group

p. 26 Didactic game “Greet a friend”


2 09/05/13 Examination of illustrations on the topic “School”

Remind children about what school is and what they do there. Learn to make sentences based on illustrations. Activate and clarify vocabulary on this topic.

Abstract Didactic game



3 09/11/13 Telling a Russian folk tale

"The hare is a braggart"


Recall with your children the names of Russian folk tales and introduce them to a new fairy tale. Clarify the genre difference between the fairy tales. Improve dialogic speech. V. V. Gerbova

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

page 27 Dramatizing an excerpt from a fairy tale.

4 09.12.13 Retelling of the fairy tale “The Hare is a Braggart”


Learn to make a plan for retelling a fairy tale . Learn to retell a fairy tale, sticking to the plan .

V. V. Gerbova

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

page 27 Didactic game

"Find out the fairy tale"


5 09/18/13 Teaching storytelling: composing stories on the theme “Autumn has come”


Teach children to tell stories (personal experience, focusing on the plan . Introduce them to the perception of poetic works about nature. V. V. Gerbova

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

page 30 Didactic game

"Say the word"

6 09.19.13 Memorizing the poem by I. Belousov “Autumn”

Help children remember and expressively read I. Belousov’s poem “Autumn”


Develop memory and speech.

V. V. Gerbova

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

p. 32 Didactic game “What happens, happens”


7 09/25/13 Sound culture of speech: differentiation of sounds z-s Exercise children in clear, distinct pronunciation of sounds z-s and their differentiation; introduce the tongue twister. V. V. Gerbova

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

page 29 Didactic game

"Call me kindly"

8 09.26.13 Consideration of the plot painting “Autumn Day”

and writing a story based on it

Improve children's ability to compose narrative stories based on a picture, adhering to a plan . V. V. Gerbova

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

Page 33 Game

"Tic Tac Toe"


9 O2.10.13 Compiling a story from experience based on the plot picture “My Family”

Expand knowledge on the topic “Family”
consolidate the concept of family relationships; cultivate respect for elders ; Improve children's ability to compose narrative stories based on a picture, adhering to a plan . Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school”
edited by N. E. Veraksa

page 86 Game exercise “Who lives where?”


10 03.10.13 Memorizing the poem by E. Blaginina “Let’s sit in silence”

Learn to express positive emotions when listening to a poem;
Memorize a poem, learn to recite poems expressively. Cultivate love and respect for loved ones. Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school”
edited by N. E. Veraksa

p. 93 Examination of the illustration for the poem

E. Blaginina “Let’s sit in silence”

11 09.10.13 Compiling the story “Gifts of Nature”

Come up with a short story on the theme “Gifts of Nature”

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary. Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school”
edited by N. E. Veraksa

p. 95 Didactic game “Vegetable Garden”


12 10.10.13 Narration on the topic:

"Garden Plants"

Teach the ability to maintain a conversation4 express your point of view;
use generalizing words in speech, activate and enrich children’s vocabulary. Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school”
edited by N. E. Veraksa

p. 130 Role-playing game “Cooking Soup”

13 10/16/13 Learning to be polite Tell children about some important rules of behavior; about the need to comply with them; activate the corresponding words and figures of speech in the speech of preschoolers. V. V. Gerbova

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

p. 36 Game exercise “Call it kindly”

14 10.17.13 Teaching storytelling: description of dolls

Help children make a plan for describing the doll ; teach preschoolers, when writing a description on their own, to be guided by a plan . V. V. Gerbova

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

p. 38 Game exercise “Who will dress the doll faster?”

15 10/23/13 Story on the topic “Grandma’s worries”

Develop children's oral speech; Develop the ability to verbally describe a person; develop respect for adults Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa

p. 111 Reading L. Kvitko “I am my grandmother”


16 10.24.13 Sound culture of speech: differentiation of s-ts sounds Reinforce the correct pronunciation of s-ts sounds; learn to differentiate sounds: distinguish in words; identify words with a given sound from phrasal speech, name words with the sounds s and tz; practice pronouncing words at different volumes and at different tempos. V. V. Gerbova

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

page 39 Listening to the poem I. Shchegolev "Early in the morning"

17 10.30.13 Examination and description of I. Shishkin’s painting “Rye”

. Teach verbal description; instill a love of art and native nature; enrich and activate the vocabulary.

Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa

p. 112 Reading the poem by I. Vekshegonova “My Land”

18 10/31/13 Memorizing I. Surikov’s poem “Here is my village”

Introduce the work of I. Surikov;
learn to express positive emotions when listening to I. Surikov’s poem “Here is my village”
memorize a short excerpt from it Comprehensive lessons according to the program “From birth to school”
edited by N. E. Veraksa

p. 129 Exhibition of creative works jointly with parents on the theme “My native home”

19 11/20/13 Lexical and grammar exercises. Telling the fairy tale “Winged, furry and oily”

Exercise children in selecting nouns for adjectives, introduce them to the Russian folk tale
“Winged, Hairy and Oily
. V. V. Gerbova

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

p. 42 Dramatization of an excerpt from the fairy tale “Winged, hairy and oily”

20 21.11.13 Reading poems about late autumn. Compiling complex sentences. Introduce children to poetry, develop a poetic ear. Practice composing complex sentences. V. V. Gerbova

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

p. 44 Didactic exercise “Complete the sentence”

21 11/27/13 Compiling a story - description “Fox”


Develop oral speech. Independently come up with and tell a short story or tale about a sly fox. Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa

p. 131 Didactic exercise “Complete the sentence”

22 11/28/13 Retelling the story

V. Chaplina “Squirrel”

Learn to express positive emotions when listening to a story; learn to reason and give adequate explanations to the questions posed; retell the text in a coherent and consistent manner. Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa

page 95 Riddles about the squirrel.


23 04.12.13 Compiling the story “Games in Winter”

Learn to maintain a conversation and express your point of view.
Learn to write your own story on a given topic. Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school”
edited by N. E. Veraksa

p. 149 Examination of illustrations on the theme “Winter fun”

24 05.12.13 Sound culture of speech. Working with sounds zh-sh. Practice clearly pronouncing words with the sounds w and w; develop phonemic hearing; exercise in distinguishing familiar sounds by ear, in the ability to differentiate the sounds w and w; practice speech breathing. V. V. Gerbova

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

page 48 Learning tongue twisters.

25 12/11/13 Memorizing S. Yesenin’s poem “Birch”

Introduce S. Yesenin’s poem
activate the sensory perception of the artistic word, reveal the author’s attitude to nature; cultivate a sense of beauty and interest in words. Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school”
edited by N. E. Veraksa

p. 162 Conversation about birch, looking at illustrations.

26 12.12.13 Story on the topic “Trees in winter”

Learn to reason, express your point of view;
improve the ability to compose a story from a presentation; cultivate a love for nature. Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school”
edited by N. E. Veraksa

p. 164 Dynamic pause

"Trees in Winter"

27 12/18/13 Retelling of the Eskimo fairy tale “How the fox offended the bull”

Help you understand and remember the content of the Eskimo fairy tale
“How the fox offended the bull”
Learn to retell it. V. V. Gerbova

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

p. 57 Didactic game “Say a word”

28 12/19/13 Story on the theme “Foxes”

Develop oral speech; enrich vocabulary; learn to write stories about animals. Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school”
edited by N. E. Veraksa

page 180 Riddles about the fox.

29 12/25/13 New Year's kaleidoscope of poems

K. Fofanova “Dressed up the Christmas tree”

Learn a short poem and recite it expressively; help construct statements logically and meaningfully; create a festive mood; develop the memory of V.V. Gerbov

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

p. 62 Memorizing poems about the New Year.

30 12/26/13 Conversation based on the story by S. Georgiev “I saved Santa Claus”

. Develop the creative imagination of children, help logically and meaningfully V. V. Gerbova

“Classes on speech development in the senior group

p. 65 Didactic games with words.

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