5 types of speech therapy games to stimulate speech in younger preschoolers.

Speech therapy games made by teachers and educators are aimed at developing breathing abilities and include articulation exercises and games with air. To form a syllable structure, a variety of activities are used to reinforce the skill of dividing words into syllables. Various variations in the formation of the basic phonemes of the Russian language. Many exercises using visual material are devoted to the development of the articulatory apparatus.

The games proposed below were developed by preschool teachers and speech therapists and are used to increase work efficiency and diversify the material used in the correctional process.

Gross motor games

A child’s speech is an indicator of his overall development. A lot has already been said and written about the interdependence of speech activity and motor skills. Working on the development of motor skills allows you to correct speech disorders and stimulate the speech development of children by improving the child’s thinking.

Game "Bunny"

The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears like this, like this and wiggles his ears.
(The child uses his hands to depict bunny ears.)
It's cold for the bunny to sit. We need to warm our paws. Like this, like this. We need to warm our paws. (The child rubs his palms together.)

It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump. Like this, like this The bunny needs to jump! (The child jumps, pretending to be a bunny) .

To play, you can use a soft bunny toy.

Speech breathing games

Proper breathing is very important for speech. Speech breathing differs from voluntary breathing in that it is a conscious process. Inhalation and exhalation are not equal; exhalation is much longer. How much air you need to inhale depends on the length of the phrase to be said.

For preschoolers to speak, especially long ones, there is usually not enough breathing: the child breathes frequently, while the exhalation is shortened, and the intake of air during speech is noticeable to others. To teach a child to speak correctly and measuredly, he has to be taught to breathe correctly.

Game "Butterflies"

Take a card in the form of a flower meadow and many, many butterflies cut out of colored paper. The teacher places the butterflies in the clearing and says: “Look how many butterflies have arrived. Blow on them and they will fly away!”

The child blows on the butterflies and at the same time the teacher says, “Blow!” Letiii." Children can also repeat this “Fly!”, stretching out the last vowel.

How to conduct classes at home

For many children, studying at home is much more enjoyable than with a specialist. The child sees his mother or any other face he knows and feels safe. To achieve maximum results from classes, you can purchase special manuals, which not only explain in detail the production and automation of each sound, but also record the results. An example is the speech therapy notebook of N.V. Sokolova.

Lesson on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten

For your information! At first, speech therapy games should be accompanied by a verbal explanation from an adult. Subsequently, only the child needs to speak (or try to speak).

Speech therapy games for setting the sounds Ш and Ж

These sounds require a spread-eagle position of the tongue, with the tip pressed against the upper palate. This can be achieved using the following exercises:

  • "Spatula". Stick out your wide tongue and place it on your lower lip.
  • "Brush". Run the tip of your tongue from the teeth to the throat and back.
  • "Delicious jam." Licking your upper lip as if licking sweetness from it.

Speech therapy games for setting the sounds L and R

Both sounds require the tip of the tongue to be pressed against the roof of the mouth. However, different exercises for making sounds will be used.

Making the sound “L”:

  • “Punish the tongue.” Stick out and spread your tongue on your lower lip and lightly bite it with your upper teeth, while pronouncing the sound “five”.
  • Alternating “Spatula” and “Needle”. The tongue is either spread out on the lower lip, or tense and located in the middle of the half-open mouth.
  • "Horse". The purpose of this exercise is to teach the child to click by pressing the tongue against the alveoli located behind the upper teeth.

Setting the sound “R”:

  • "Machine". Open your mouth wide, press your tongue to the upper tubercles and quickly say “t-t-t”, imitating a machine gun burst.
  • "Brush your teeth". Run your tongue behind your upper teeth to the right and left.
  • "Children's swing." Open your mouth and place the tense tip of your tongue either on the upper lip or on the lower one.

Speech therapy games for setting the sounds Z, S and C

Normally, a child correctly pronounces whistling sounds at the age of 4 years. Exercises that help produce these sounds:

  • Alternating a smile with the “Tube” exercise. Smile widely, hold the position for a few seconds, then purse your lips into a tube.
  • "Pendulum". Open your mouth and move the tense tip of your tongue from the right corner to the left.
  • "Slide". Place the tip of your tongue on your lower teeth and lift the middle towards your upper palate, forming a tubercle.

Important! When explaining the exercise, you must have a tabletop mirror with you, so that when looking into it, the child will see his reflection.

Each exercise should be repeated six times, the total execution time should not exceed 2-3 minutes. When trying to correct the position, you do not need to reach into the child’s mouth with a dirty hand. If it is not possible to purchase special speech therapy instruments (scapulas), then in case of forced contact with the baby’s oral cavity, you can use a teaspoon, having previously sterilized it in hot water.

Mirror in speech therapy games

Fine motor games

Fine motor skills are a universal way of speech development in children. If you specifically train hand movements, speech development in preschool children is accelerated, because speech areas in the cerebral cortex are formed by receiving impulses from the fingers.

Game "Goat"

The goat needs to get to the haystack on the other side of the river. The task is to help her get to the other side by building a bridge. I would like to note that children respond very emotionally to a request for help, even from a drawn goat. To build a bridge, you can use coffee beans, buttons, cinnamon sticks, beans, and cereals.

“Go, goat, go! Here. There’s hay there,” says the teacher and the child.

A set of original speech therapy games “Chamomile Stories”

A set of original speech therapy games “Chamomile Stories” is intended for use in correctional and speech therapy work with children of senior preschool age and is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard for preschool education, as well as taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers. A set of original speech therapy games “Chamomile Stories” is intended for use in correctional and speech therapy work with children of senior preschool age and is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard for preschool education, as well as taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers.

The manual allows you to comprehensively solve problems in all educational areas: social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development. Allows you to intensify pedagogical activities aimed at timely and most effectively overcoming speech disorders in children.

Goal: Correction of speech disorders in older preschoolers through game material aimed at developing a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family, instilling in children a sense of love and respect for their parents and their native land.

Objectives of the priority educational area “Speech development”

  • enrichment of the active vocabulary;
  • development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech;
  • development of the sound culture of speech, through the automation of sounds (S, Z, Sh, Zh, R, L), their differentiation, improvement of phonemic hearing;
  • listening comprehension of texts from various genres of children's literature;
  • formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Educational objectives in the integration of educational areas:

"Social and communicative development"

  • developing a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family.
  • introducing children to the customs and traditions of celebrating the holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”

"Cognitive Development"

  • develop cognitive activity, curiosity, and creative thinking of children through familiarization with the history and traditions of the Orthodox holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”;
  • formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity;

"Physical development"

  • improve fine motor skills

The form of organizing children's activities is speech therapy subgroup correctional and developmental games.

The set includes 6 speech therapy games:

  • "Daisies for Natasha"
  • "Gather the Family"
  • "Speech therapy chamomile"
  • "Who? Where?",
  • "Pure talk"
  • Illustrations for the text “Peter and Fevronia”.

"Daisies for Natasha"

Goal: automation of the sound [Ш] in words with different positions, improvement of phonemic hearing, enrichment of the active vocabulary, development of fine motor skills.

Equipment: one A4 playing field, 24 cards with daisies.

Vocabulary material:

  • sound [Ш] at the beginning of a word: hat, shampoo, chocolate, fur coat, wardrobe, bumblebee, helmet, washer, box, jester, shorts, hat;
  • sound [Ш] at the end of a word: shower, pencil, reed, lily of the valley, baby, mouse;
  • sound [Ш] in the middle of a word: cat, frog, parsley, cone, horse, car.

Progress of the game

First option: The speech therapist invites the children to help the boy Misha collect a bouquet of daisies for Natasha. Children take daisies one by one and name the pictures drawn on them, clearly pronouncing the sound [Ш].

Second option: The speech therapist invites the children to help the boy Misha collect only those daisies for Natasha whose name contains the sound [Ш] at the beginning of the word (middle, end). Children take daisies one by one and name the pictures drawn on them, clearly pronouncing the sound [Ш], determine the place of the sound [Ш] in the word.

"Gather the Family"

Goal: automation of sounds [R, L] in words, differentiation of sounds [R - L], improvement of phonemic hearing, enrichment of active vocabulary, formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family, development of fine motor skills.

Equipment: one A4 playing field, 18 cards with boys and girls.

Vocabulary material:

  • sound [R]: rainbow, daisy, fish, rose, rocket, hand, shell, dew, lynx;
  • sound [L]: swallow, puddle, boat, spoon, horse, bow, lily of the valley, moon, bast shoes.

Progress of the game

The speech therapist offers children to help parents find their children. Preschoolers take turns taking cards with boys and girls, calling out the pictures on their costumes, clearly pronouncing the sounds [R - L]. They lay out the cards, correlating the sound in the word with the letter drawn on the tower.

"Speech therapy chamomile"

Goal: development of sound culture of speech, through the automation of sounds (S, Z, Sh, Zh, R, L), their differentiation, improvement of phonemic hearing; enrichment of active vocabulary, formation of cognitive actions, development of fine motor skills.

Equipment: 42 petals, each of which has pictures of objects whose names contain a sound. Six yellow circles with the letters: C,Z,SH,ZH,L,R

Progress of the game

Speech therapist:

Look from the window, There is a chamomile, a drop of sun. Collect petals - sound, try, name it!

A speech therapist distributes petals to playing children.

Children name the picture on their petal, determine whether the given sound is in the word and insert it into the corresponding core. After the daisies are collected, the speech therapist praises the children and asks them to repeat all the words in chorus: “Well done, but you still need to repeat the pictures together.”

Children name the pictures on each daisy, clearly pronouncing the sounds.

Vocabulary material:

  • sound [R]: rainbow, fish, rose, rocket, shell, dew;
  • sound [L]: swallow, puddle, boat, lily of the valley, moon, palms.
  • sound [Ш]: hat, chocolate, chaise longue, shorts, box, flip flops.
  • sound [Zh]: beetle, giraffe, acorns, jasmine, toad, vest.
  • sound [S]: catfish, juice, sandals, salad, airplane, gardener.
  • sound [Z]: hare, umbrella, sunset, castle, tan, tooth.

"Who? Where?"

Goal: development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical speech; developing the ability to correctly use prepositions, enriching an active vocabulary, developing a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family, and developing fine motor skills.

Equipment: one A4 playing field

Vocabulary material : grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, daughter.

Progress of the game

The speech therapist asks the children to name those who are drawn in the picture.

First option: The speech therapist asks the children questions, and preschoolers must answer with a detailed answer.

Who's sitting on the bed?

Who is behind the chair?

Who's at the table?

Who is sitting on the chair?

Who stands between the chair and the bed?

Who is standing in front of the stove?

Second option: The speech therapist asks the children to name where grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, daughter, cat are located.

"Pure talk"

Goal: teaching children to clearly pronounce the given sounds [Ш, С, З, Р, Л] in phrasal speech, at a fast pace.

Equipment: 16 cards with pure sayings and illustrations for them.

A clean talker is a funny short poem, the purpose of which is the deliberate selection of words that are difficult for correct articulation when repeated quickly and repeatedly. Pure speech is also used as a means to correct speech defects in children.

Options for using pure phrases:

  • pronouncing pure phrases in turn or in chorus, collectively;
  • pronouncing pure phrases with different emotional tones of the voice;
  • pronouncing pure sayings on behalf of fairy-tale characters (Karabas Barabas, Pinocchio, etc.);
  • pronouncing pure sayings using the ball (simultaneously hitting the floor);
  • pronouncing simple sayings using a massage ball.

Illustrations for the text “Peter and Fevronia”

Goal: enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; developing the ability to understand texts from various genres of children's literature by ear; introducing children to the customs and traditions of celebrating the holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”; develop cognitive activity, curiosity, and creative thinking of children through familiarization with the history and traditions of the Orthodox holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”; formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity.

Equipment: 5 A4 illustrations for the text “Peter and Fevronia”.

Progress of the game

The speech therapist invites the children to listen to the story and try to remember it.

In the glorious city of Murom lived and lived Prince Pavel. And he had a brother, his name was Peter. Pavel was in trouble. A snake began to fly to his wife. She complained to her husband, and Paul asked her to find out from the serpent the secret of his death. And the snake said that he was destined to die “from Peter’s shoulder and from his sword.” And Peter decided to help his brother - to destroy the damned serpent. He swung his sword and struck the adversary. But the serpent splashed Peter with its poisonous blood, and Peter’s body was covered with sores. No one could heal Peter from a serious illness. Peter humbled himself and prepared to die. But the Lord advised him: they say, there is a young girl in the Ryazan lands who can heal him.

The prince's servants found a girl named Fevronia. And she said that she could heal the prince, and did not ask for anything as a reward, but after his recovery, the prince must take her as his wife, otherwise the treatment would not work. The prince agreed. And after his healing he took Fevronia as his wife.

They lived happily ever after in love and harmony. And they died on the same day and hour. The holy spouses were buried together near the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and every believer received generous healing here.

So says the legend.

After reading, asks questions:

  • In what city did Paul reign?
  • What was his brother's name?
  • Who flew to Pavel's wife?
  • With what help did Peter deal with the serpent?
  • What happened to Peter?
  • How was Peter healed?
  • What was the name of the girl who healed Peter?

After this, he gives the task to arrange the illustrations for the text in order. And then asks to retell the text based on them.

Games to develop articulation and onomatopoeia

Their principle: from sound to word, from word to phrase.
For normal pronunciation of sounds, you need a good articulatory apparatus. Defects in pronunciation that arise in childhood are very difficult to correct later. Therefore, the articulatory apparatus also requires gymnastics. Game “Chicks”
The teacher says to the child: “Look at the chicks! How do they squeak? The child answers by imitating the chicks. “What are they asking for? Pee-pee-peeit.” It is necessary to “water” the chicks.

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