A fairy tale about a curious dragon, a brave knight and a beautiful princess

Disney Audio Tales

Cult characters, interesting plots, true classics of the children's world of magic and miracles have been collected in a collection of Disney audio fairy tales, which you won’t be able to stop listening to.

The beauty and the Beast11:335250
Lion King14:114850
Fairy Tinker Bell08:563730
The Little Mermaid (Disney)14:123120
Aladdin (Disney)14:062790
Cinderella (Disney)14:162660
Winnie the Pooh (Disney)18:272120
Snow White (Disney)14:472000
The Three Little Pigs (Disney)08:351970
Alice in Wonderland (Disney)16:331840
History of toys15:441790
101 Dalmatians13:121770
The Incredibles15:181490
Chicken Little17:331480
Young marmots follow the trail14:231470
The Adventures of Flick, or the Life of a Bug13:261420
Chip and Dale11:011400
Mickey Mouse, Donald and Goofy18:251280
Brother Bear20:501270
Atlantis (The Lost World)21:191230
The Fox and the Dog13:361160
Mowgli (Disney)11:031110
Lady and the Tramp11:141110
Robin Hood09:401000
Hare and tortoise07:43970
Lilo and Stitch18:27910
The Hunchback of Notre Dame13:50900
Aristocratic cats13:31840
Pinocchio (Disney)13:50750
The Ugly Duckling (Disney)14:24510

Why do girls and boys like to listen to short Disney fairy tales so much before bed? There is only one answer - truly deep content is hidden behind the amazingly beautiful form. The plot of fairy tales is as old as the world, but every time you worry about the heroes and wait with curiosity to see how their next adventure will end.

  • Some of the most famous characters in Disney audio fairy tales are Beauty and the Beast, whose sincere, genuine feelings are stronger than magic and enchantment. Kids will understand that true beauty lies within and there are no barriers to true love. This is a romantic and very touching story.
  • Listening to Disney audio fairy tales, one cannot help but pay special attention to the Lion King, who has become a symbol of wisdom and courage. He and his son will show children by their example that real strength lies in kindness and justice.
  • The history of social inequality is as old as time. The name Robin Hood became a symbol of altruism. Disney's audio fairy tale with his participation will tell kids about the selflessness, phenomenal accuracy and nobility of the forest robber of medieval England.
  • Children will be immersed in a magical world where any wish will come true while listening to the story of Aladdin. The most difficult trials and machinations of insidious enemies are worth going through all of them for the love of the beautiful Jasmine.

Not all of the studio’s works were authored by the famous animator, but it was thanks to his film adaptations that they became known far beyond the borders of the United States. Disney audio fairy tales have long become synonymous with impeccable artistic taste, subtle humor and good mood.

Immerse yourself in the magical world of adventures along with the main characters, listening to Disney fairy tales online! This is a great opportunity to spend time with children, indulge in fantasies and get a lot of positive emotions.

Enchanted Princess

In one fairy-tale kingdom, a wise and kind king ruled. Residents without fear turned to him for help, knowing that he would never ignore their requests. The king even arranged special days for petitioners to listen carefully to his beloved people and solve their problems.

Your Majesty,” a young woman turned to him on one of these days, “only you can help us!” Grandma Wingreen destroyed our entire kindergarten and scares the children. I tried to make friends with her, but there is so much anger in her... Help, I ask you.

Oh, this Grandma Wingreen, this is already the tenth complaint today! I’ll have to go see her in person and figure it all out!

Grandma Wingreen was not a grumpy old lady at all, but a real witch! What dirty tricks she did: she could completely destroy a garden or vegetable garden, give harmful grass to make a pet get sick... In general, she was still very harmful!

She especially disliked her kind and meek neighbor Ani, who worked hard in the fields with her husband, and their children were kind and polite to everyone. All this irritated the old hag immensely! She has already ruined their harvest, and scares the children as much as she can. But Ani didn’t even say a rude word in response; on the contrary, she tried to make friends: she baked a pie especially for her and brought it as a sign of reconciliation:

Grandma Wingreen, forgive us if we offended you, we did not do it out of malice. Here's a mushroom pie for you as a sign of reconciliation.

With toadstools? - asked the old woman gloomily.

I'm sorry, what?

TOADSLAND PIE? - the old woman squealed loudly.

Of course not! The kids and I have collected some good ones for you!

“The kids and I have collected some good ones for you!” - the old woman mimicked. - It’s a pity that it’s not toadstools, it would be a good treat for your children!

Grandma Wingreen,” Ani spoke calmly but firmly, “what have we done to you?” If the children are rude, just tell us and we will...

I'm so tired of you all! Good people, it's really sickening!

Grandma Wingreen, I will have to ask the king for protection, you don’t want to hear me!

Oh-oh, I scared you, the king needs you with his little ragamuffins! Good riddance!

Therefore, when the king and the guards were at Wingrin’s house in the evening, she was not very frightened or surprised, because this was not their first visit to her.

It’s been a while since your Majesty visited me, I’m starting to get bored! — the old woman sarcastically greeted the guests. — Will you have fly agarics or cockroach stew?

Wingreen,” the king began calmly, “you haven’t forgotten that you already have two warnings, this is the last one.”

Oh, don't shoot me! — the old woman laughed sarcastically. - What will you, Your Majesty, do to me? I still can’t get away from this nasty Anya and her kids, maybe I’m having fun like that! Who is to blame that this hen has a bad sense of humor?

Okay, that's enough! - the king said firmly. “You must leave the kingdom by tomorrow morning, otherwise you will be escorted to the border with sticks!”

Of course, of course, Your Majesty, I’ll just prepare some gifts for the trip,” the old woman hissed angrily.

When everyone was sleeping, the witch entered the neighbor's house and bent over the cradle of the youngest of Anya's three children, baby August. She moved her hand over the child and read her terrible spells. Who knows how it would have ended if one of August’s sisters had not woken up. The girl, seeing the witch, screamed in horror, and everyone woke up. But the old woman still managed to read the spell. She waved her hand at the frightened family with a smile and disappeared with a creepy laugh. From that moment on, the baby became blind.

And in the palace they were preparing to celebrate the princess's first birthday. The servants were running back and forth, some with decorations and some with treats for the holiday. The Queen, holding her little daughter in her arms, looked out the window every now and then: she was waiting for her fairy friend Lina, whom she had not seen since the day of the royal wedding! Finally she arrived. Soon all the guests gathered in the palace. And then, in the midst of the fun, there was a clink of glass, a dark shadow rushed straight to the little princess who was sitting in her soft armchair.

Well hello, little pig! - an evil creaky voice rang out, and before the good fairy could do anything, the dark shadow disappeared with a malicious laugh.

Wingreen! - the king said either to himself or out loud, he was whiter than the whitest snow with horror.

Yes, it was her! - the fairy said with a sigh. She stood next to the queen, who was holding the princess in her arms. The girl's pretty face was now adorned with a small spot.

Lina, can you help? — the queen asked hopefully, handing the baby to her friend.

Fairy Lina carefully examined the princess's face. At that moment there was such silence in the palace that it seemed as if time had stood still. The fairy finally said:

The magic is black, ancient, it is impossible to cancel the spell now, but...

WHAT BUT WHAT? - the king and queen asked at the same time.

Every poison has an antidote. And the princess, when she is of marriageable age, will be able to get rid of the spell with the help of the power of love and friendship.

So the evil sorceress Wingreen left the kingdom, leaving behind her terrible gifts.

Sixteen years have passed. During all this time, the young princess never left the palace; she had no friends. She communicated only with her parents, teachers and a few faithful servants. With those who were not afraid of the princess’s appearance, who loved her for her inner beauty.

Dekabrina, that was the girl’s name, loved to read in the gazebo of the royal garden. This morning was no exception. The princess did not pay attention to the commotion that was now happening in the palace, she was absorbed in the book.

The servants hastily set the table, and the king and queen were terribly nervous, waiting for the prince-groom!

Dekabrina, daughter, let's go! The prince has already arrived and wants to meet you.

For what?

What do you mean why? You know about the spell: only love and friendship can lift it!

Mom, this is already the seventh one in a month! What kind of love, what kind of friendship? “They are afraid of me,” the princess objected sadly.

The pig's snout really disfigured the girl's face. And the so-called suitors, who dreamed of becoming famous, of becoming heroes who lifted the spell, ran away in shame. Moreover, after the very first meeting with the poor girl, without even talking to her. But Dekabrina was very kind and smart, everyone who knew her saw her inner beauty, and not a trace of a terrible spell.

My girl, give him at least a chance! If he just talks to you, he will immediately understand how wonderful you are! - asked the queen.

OK, Mom.

The prince stood next to the king in clothes embroidered with gold threads. He was from a distant kingdom and, as soon as he heard about the spell, he immediately came. However, he was not driven by the desire to help the unfortunate princess: he dreamed of becoming famous and becoming the king of such a rich kingdom.

The door creaked, the prince turned to the princess with a feigned smile. And suddenly he turned pale, screamed like a little girl, and, backing away, jumped out the window. It's good that the floor was the first!

The king wanted to return the prince, but his daughter stopped him:

No need, dad.

Honey, someone else will come, don’t be upset.

Yes, sure. “I’ll go to the garden,” the princess was already used to this reaction, she only sometimes felt sad because these princes didn’t even want to talk to her, to find out what she was like.

“Will I really remain like this forever?” — the princess sighed, and a couple of tears fell on the book.

And then the wind brought an unfamiliar melody to her. So magical that the girl, forgetting about sadness, decided to find out where this music was heard from. Decabrina approached the fence of the royal garden, the sound went beyond the palace. Curiosity overcame fear and the ban on leaving the garden, and for the first time Dekabrina did something unusual for her: she climbed over the fence.

The girl found herself in a small forest, in the clearing of which a shepherd boy was sitting, and sheep were grazing peacefully around her. Today he brought his herd here for the first time because of the lush grass. There was no need to be afraid of wolves, they had never been here, and the dog named Verny would not give offense.

And now, sensing the princess, the dog resolutely headed towards her. The girl, frightened, backed away, the branch under her foot crunched loudly. But Faithful wagged his tail and began to caress the princess, so that the fear quickly disappeared.

“Hello, friend,” said the boy, turning towards the branch.

Why "friend"? Don't I scare you? — the girl asked with interest. For the first time, a stranger did not squeal when he saw her.

Faithful does not approach evil people, and he didn’t even bark at you. Why should I be afraid of you?

Can't you see what I am like? — the princess wanted to cry, maybe this boy was just mocking her?

No, I don’t see: an evil witch made me blind when I was little, and the shepherd boy told everything he heard from his parents, and the princess told her story.

They quickly became friends, agreeing to meet at this place and not tell anyone about their friendship. Adults could have banned it: where have you seen a shepherd boy and a princess be friends?

So the summer flew by. The shepherd taught the princess how to make pipes, from which such magical music flowed, and Dekabrina told fairy tales or sang songs to her friend.

I don’t believe that you are ugly, because you are very kind. No that's not true! - the young shepherd often said to the princess.

No, my friend, that's true. The princes jump out of the window in horror! - the princess sighed in response.

They're just stupid! You need to see and hear with your heart, and I know: you are beautiful!

The princess’s cheeks always turned pink from these words, and she felt sincerely sorry that her cute shepherd was not a prince. Their friendship remained a secret. It happened that Dekabrina tore the bottom of her dress while climbing over the fence. But she sewed everything up so skillfully and skillfully that it was impossible to guess where it was torn.

The evil sorceress Wingrin sat, as always, in her cave, stirring some kind of brew in the cauldron. Suddenly a mosquito squeaked something in her ear. The brew flew to the side, and the witch, hissing: “Well, no!”, turned into a crow and left her home.

The sorceress found out about the secret friendship, and she really didn’t like it! The black whirlwind picked up the shepherdess and carried him away to an unknown place. The poor princess did not know what to do, she cried, and Faithful whined next to her.

“Don’t cry, honey,” the girl heard a gentle voice. It was my mother's friend fairy Lina.

How can I get it back? — the princess asked through tears.

I'll tell you everything, but do you have the courage, honey? The road is full of all sorts of dangers.

Enough is enough! - the princess hastily assured. - Help me get him back.

The fairy spoke in detail about the road to the evil witch. Lina could not go with Dekabrina - the spell did not work. And the girl had to go on the journey alone. Dekabrina did not return home: she was afraid that the king and queen would not let her go, and immediately set off along an unfamiliar path.

FEAR NOTHING AND LOOK ONLY FORWARD! - the fairy said to her goodbye.

For three whole days the girl walked through the forest, ate berries, and drank water from the spring. But the strength did not leave her. On the contrary, with every minute, with every hour, her desire to save her friend only became stronger. Finally the forest ended, and then there was a field with strange flowers. It seemed as if the rainbow itself had settled here, the birds sang so sweetly that you wanted to stop and listen, listen...

This is the magic trap Wingreen came up with: if you stay here for a few minutes, you will become a flower. Or maybe a bird - whatever happens. But Dekabrina seemed not to hear or see what was happening around, because for her now there was nothing and no one more important than her friend August.

After the magical flowers, thickets of thorny bushes appeared. The princess's dress now resembled rags, the thorns left marks on her hands, but the brave girl only walked forward.

Finally, after a couple of days, a road of stones began, the road to Wingreen’s home.

Stop! Do not go there! Death awaits you there! - an angry hissing was heard from the right, then from the left, but the princess remembered that she only needed to go forward!

When she entered the cave, the witch was already waiting for her.

“Well, hello, little pig,” Wingreen greeted the girl mockingly. - I've been waiting for you!

Release August, please!

Who needs it? Little pig, maybe we can restore his sight? But I’m just afraid the boy will run away from you! — the sorceress laughed evilly.

Return it if you can,” the girl held back her tears. She understood that the witch was partly right. “I can become your prisoner, just let him go!”

Well no, it's too simple for you! - the witch squealed. “Your shepherdess will make a beautiful golden statue that will decorate my little house!” It will be cozy!

Wingreen began to cast magic. Small lightning bolts burst from her hands, and very soon they turned into a ball of fire. In its bright light, Dekabrina finally noticed her friend in the corner of the cave: he was unconscious.

Wingreen was already pointing her ball in his direction, but at the very last second Dekabrina managed to cover August with herself. The girl saw how the tips of her fingers turned golden, the strength left the princess. She seemed to be falling asleep. But, to her surprise, she noticed how Wingreen, instead of rejoicing, turned into a black soap bubble and burst.

“Well, that’s all,” thought the princess, “but Augustine will be alive!”

Snatches of phrases were heard in her head: “Magic, black, ancient. THE POWER OF LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP!” Decabrina came to her senses when someone lightly touched her shoulder.

Hey, wake up!

Augustus was sitting next to her, and he could now see!

The princess was very happy, but, remembering the spell, she turned away:

Do not look at me!

Why? — the shepherd boy was sincerely surprised.


I think you're talking about yourself! Even when I was blind, I knew that you were beautiful!

Here, take a look if you don’t believe me! — August handed the girl a mirror. The princess could not look into large mirrors. And only this, small one, was always with her, and now it probably fell out of her pocket.

The girl looked at her reflection with fear, but did not see any pig snout. A beauty was looking at her!


Yes, that’s true,” said the fairy’s voice. Now that the spell was gone, she could lead them to the kingdom.

The happy king and queen happily met their daughter and her friend. They very quickly became friends with the boy's parents. Everyone was happy when August and Dekabrina decided to get married. And the phrase “Love and friendship will conquer everything!” became the most beloved for all the people in the kingdom.

A fairy tale about a curious dragon, a brave knight and a beautiful princess

A long time ago, there were two worlds: the world of dragons and the world of people. These two worlds did not intersect in any way. Each of them had its own rulers. Several years ago they agreed that they would not interfere in other people’s worlds, but would each live on their own territory. This agreement continued to be implemented for many years.

The world of dragons was ruled by the Dragon Queen, who possessed powerful magical powers. But she rarely used it. She had a little son, Drakosha. And like all kids, he was very disobedient.

One day he was walking through the forest and crossed the line into the world of dragons. He found himself in the human world. And Drakosha really liked watching how people live. The little snake began to often visit the human world, but he always tried to remain unnoticed.

When Drakosha's mother found out that her son was going to the other side, she was furious.

You shouldn't go into the human world.

The dragon queen said sternly.

Why, mom? It’s so interesting there, you can’t even imagine...

Drakosha began to speak.

It is forbidden. We are denied entry into the world of people, and they are denied entry into our world. That's the point.

Drakosha's mother said sternly and left.

Drakosha was upset. For several days he did not go to the world of people, but then he still disobeyed his mother and began to occasionally visit the wonderful world of people again.

The wise King Charles ruled the human world at that time. He had a daughter who was smart beyond her years and who loved to read books while sitting in the garden. Here she had a view of the central square, and from time to time she looked at what was happening there.

Knights served at the king's palace and protected the world from attacks. Knight Diddle served in this army. He dreamed of becoming famous thanks to his exploits. But he just couldn’t accomplish them. And he really wanted to stand out.

One day, as usual, while patrolling the streets, Deedle noticed an unusual creature in the dense bushes. It was Drakosha. The guard caught an unusual animal and began to make fun of it. Then he put the little snake in a cage and carried it to the square. People came to look at the dragon, many threw stones into the cage. And the little cocky boys even poked sticks at the small living creature.

The princess, seeing this, then ran to the square and took the cage with the small dragon. She released him, and Drakosha immediately rushed to run into his world. Having run home, he told his mother about what happened to him. She scolded him for disobeying her once again, and she decided to punish her son’s offender.

She used her unprecedented magical power and placed a terrible curse on the offender of her little son, Drakosha. The knight in an instant turned from a beautiful young man into a terrible freak. Only the princess who saved Drakosha could save him.

Drakosha was punished for his disobedience and never went into the human world again, having received a cruel lesson. Diddle, having become a small, ugly dwarf, became the subject of ridicule and bullying from the people around him. Everyone offended him because he was defenseless. In the end, he, just like he did with Drakosha, was locked in a cage and left in the square, where anyone could throw a stone at him or laugh at him to his heart's content.

The princess, who was once again sitting in the garden and reading a book, saw the disgrace that was happening in the square. She went to her father and told him about what she had seen. The King immediately issued a Decree that prohibited installing cages with any creatures in the square, much less mocking them.

The princess went to the square and freed the dwarf. And the moment Diddle left the cage, he again became a beautiful young man. So Diddle was punished for his offense and realized that you cannot offend those who are smaller and weaker than you.

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