Regional component in the preschool education system

MBDOU No. 10 “Firefly”

Favorite steppe region...

Favorite region of Donskoy

And the meadow blooms here in the spring...

And the Donskaya steppe is always with me

And all this beauty...

My Cossack Motherland!

Preschool age is a favorable period for the potential development of higher moral and patriotic feelings. The Federal State Educational Standard considers taking into account the regional component as a necessary condition for the variability of preschool education. The basis for instilling civic feelings in preschoolers is the children’s accumulation of social experience of life in their Fatherland. And, first of all, it is necessary to give children an understanding that a great country begins with a small Motherland - from the place where you were born and live. Modern requirements for the organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, taking into account regional characteristics, necessitate the creation by teachers of preschool educational institutions of additional educational programs that help teachers and parents carry out the moral and patriotic development of preschoolers. Among the targeted educational program of a preschool institution, the regional component occupies an important place. Regional component is a part that includes materials about the region.

For the implementation of the regional component in preschool educational institutions, sufficient conditions have been created that are brought into compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard, namely, the following have been developed:

— “Program for introducing the Cossack component into the educational process of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 10 “Firefly” for 2015-2018”;

— “Work program for introducing preschool children to the culture of their native land “On the free, on the blue, on the quiet Don...” club “Cossack” of the Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 10 “Firefly””;

— Calendar and thematic planning of the work of the “Kazachok” circle to familiarize preschool children with the history of the Don region (senior subgroup of the mixed-age group) of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 10 “Firefly.”

Work on the implementation of the regional component began with the enrichment of the developmental environment (stage 1). For work with children, the necessary fiction was selected (fairy tales, riddles, collections of poems, magazines, books and paintings telling about the life of ancestors, scientific and journalistic literature, there are illustrations depicting plants and animals, landscapes, collections of musical works. Work with the family (stage 2) An important condition for the effective implementation of the Cossack component of preschoolers is, in our opinion, a close relationship with the families of the pupils. It is necessary that the process of nurturing love for the small homeland be two-way, therefore in preschool institution works with parents. We are deeply convinced that the family is a source of strength for the spiritual development of the child, helping him to adapt in society, to find himself in life. For the child to successfully enter the world of social relations, it is necessary to integrate the efforts of the kindergarten and the family in this direction and significantly increase the role of the family as a conductor of socialization. Our kindergarten implements various forms of cooperation with families: surveys, parent meetings, consultations, design of poster information, joint holidays, production of booklets, leaflets, exhibitions of folk and applied arts, joint events, etc. Parents, in turn, help collect exhibits for a mini museum, provide photographic materials, participate in folk festivals, design a learning environment, and are active participants in competitions and exhibitions held in kindergarten.

On the territory of the preschool institution there is a corner of the garden, where preschoolers get acquainted with the trees and shrubs of the area in which they live, there is a flower garden, which the pupils look after. In the mixed-age group, a patriotic corner has been created, which contains illustrative material, photo albums to familiarize preschoolers with the family, kindergarten, farm, symbols, animals and plants of the Rostov region, where children, with free access, can replenish and consolidate their knowledge about their small homeland. In addition, the preschool educational institution is equipped with a mini-museum "Cossack Upper Room" , which is designed in the form of a Russian hut, where Cossack household items are presented (spinning wheel, grip, cast iron, irons, rocker, Cossack costumes, pottery (pots). Educators use the exhibits for conducting direct educational activities and thematic events.Any item from a mini-museum can become the subject of an interesting conversation, or even a series of conversations.

A mini-museum is the result of communication and joint work of educators, children and parents (legal representatives). The creation of a mini-museum helps to develop in preschool children an interest in the history of the Don region, the culture of their people, teaches them to respect their traditions, and raises a patriot.

Such feelings cannot arise after several, even successful sessions. This is the result of long-term, systematic and targeted influence on the child.

When organizing work on patriotic education, kindergarten teachers use various forms and methods of work:

  • targeted walks and excursions around the territory of the farm;
  • observing the working life of people, changes in the appearance of the village;
  • conversations about the native farm;
  • the use of folklore (learning songs, poems about the homeland and region, proverbs, sayings);
  • listening to songs about their native land;
  • involving children in feasible socially useful work;
  • encouraging the initiative and desire of children to independently maintain order in their immediate environment, treat public property with care, and behave correctly in public places;
  • nurturing respect for war and labor veterans by talking about the exploits of soldiers, organizing themed holidays, inviting military veterans and labor heroes.

An important place in introducing preschoolers to the culture of their native land is occupied by folk holidays and traditions, which are studied during preparation for calendar and ritual holidays: “Intercession”, “Christmas Bells”, “Maslenitsa”, “Cossack Mother’s Day”.

In the short period of implementation of the regional component, educators have done a lot of work in accumulating and collecting material on this topic.

And as a result of such joint, fruitful work in 2021, on the basis of the order of the Department for Cossack Affairs and Cadet Educational Institutions of the Rostov Region dated May 30, 2016 No. 81 “On assigning the status of “Cossack” educational institutions”, the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution was assigned


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