Traveling through fairy tales lesson plan (senior group)

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Summary of the open screening on the topic: “Journey through fairy tales”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 27 “Spikelet”

Prepared by: Malysheva S.I. p. Satis, 2015

Goals: to ensure that children recognize the fairy tale from the illustration, to consolidate the children’s ability to arrange illustrations for the fairy tale as the plot develops, to create a desire to come to the rescue;

Means: Illustrations for fairy tales “Turnip” , “Teremok” , “Zayushkina’s Hut” , “Three Bears” , “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” , “Masha and the Bear” , toy bear, basket-box, toy doll, painted hut, scenery forests (fir trees, stumps), a magic ball, a picture of a kolobok, cut-out pictures of a bunny, a cockerel, geometric shapes, markers, colored crayons, a “dry pool” , characters from the fairy tale “Teremok” , a toy kolobok, a magnetic board.

Integration of educational areas: speech, artistic - aesthetic, social - personal, physical development.


Children stand in a circle.


All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at the guests.

Educator: Guys, look, we have a lot of guests today. They all came to see you. Let's say hello to the guests! (Children say hello)

Educator: Guys, are you happy to see your friends again? I'm glad to see you all too. What's your mood? Yes, we feel good and have fun with our friends. Guys, do you like fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know? (children's answers).

Educator: What great fellows you are, you know so many fairy tales. Where do the heroes of fairy tales live: the wolf, the fox, the bear, the hare? (only those fairy tale characters named by the children are listed)

Children: In the forest.

Educator: That's right guys, these fairy tale heroes live in a magical forest. Do you want to visit a forest where fairy tales live?

Children: Yes.

Educator: A magic ball will help us.

The teacher throws the ball on the floor and says the words:

Roll, roll, little ball, Past the fir trees, past the hummocks, Lead us along the path, Lead us into the magical forest!

Educator: The little ball brought us to a magical clearing.

Look, different fairy tales live around us and there.

I’ll show you the picture, but I won’t tell you what kind of fairy tale it is!

Don’t hesitate to answer, name this fairy tale!

(The teacher draws the children’s attention to the stand where illustrations for fairy tales are located).

Educator: Oh, guys, look, someone is hiding under a bush, let's take a look (toy bear). The bear greets the children.


I’m sitting in a clearing, looking in all directions. I got lost on the way, how can I find my fairy tale?

Where am I now? How will I get home?

Educator: Guys, what happened to the bear?

Children: Mishka got lost, doesn’t know where he is or how to find his way home.

Educator: How can this be? Do you want to help the bear?

Children: We need to help the bear, find his fairy tale in which he lives.

Educator: Well done for wanting to help the bear! The bear is a hero in many fairy tales. What fairy tales does a bear live in?

Children: Teremok, Kolobok, Three Bears, Masha and the Bear.

Educator: What is the name of the house in fairy tales?

Children: Teremok, hut.

Educator: Let's go on a journey through fairy tales and help the bear find his home, and a magic ball will show us the way to the bear's fairy tale.

The teacher throws the ball on the floor and says the words:

Roll, roll, little ball, past the fir trees, past the hummocks, lead us along the path, bring us to visit a fairy tale!

Educator: The ball led us to a fairy tale, which one, guess the riddle:

The animals lived in that house, But the bear broke their house, He couldn’t get into it... It’s a fairy tale... (TEREMOK).

Educator: How does the fairy tale “Teremok” ? How did the fairy tale end? (Children's answers)

Educator: The bear destroyed the mansion and the heroes of the fairy tale fled in different directions. They probably got scared and hid. Let's look for them.

Game "Dry Pool"

The teacher invites the children to take turns finding the heroes of the fairy tale.

Educator: So we found all the heroes of the fairy tale. Do you remember who was the first to run to the tower? And then? Who came running after the frog - the frog?

Didactic game “Place in order”

Educator: What great fellows you are! Look, our bear has fallen asleep, we need to wake him up.

Outdoor game “Bear”

“Once we were walking in the forest and met a bear. He lies under the tree, (round dance step) Stretched out and snoring.

We walked around him, waking up Clubfoot: “Come on, little darling, get up (they stop, shake their finger). And quickly catch up with us!”

They run away throughout the hall in different directions. The music stops, the children stand in a circle.

Educator: Did you like playing with the bear? Guys, Mishutka says that he also really enjoyed playing with you.

Educator: Let's ask the bear, maybe his house is in this fairy tale?

Bear: No, I don’t live in this fairy tale!

Educator: Let's go further to look for the bear's house.

The teacher throws the ball and says the words:

Roll, roll, little ball, past the fir trees, past the hummocks, lead us along the path, bring us to visit a fairy tale!

Educator: A magic ball led us to a fairy tale. Can you guess what fairy tale this hero is from?

He left his grandmother, He left his grandfather, Guess without a hint, Which fairy tale did he leave from?

Children: From the fairy tale “Kolobok” .

Educator: Guys, let's play with the bun, remember who the bun met, maybe the bear lives in this fairy tale?

Outdoor game "Kolobok"

It was baked from flour, (we make a pie with our hands) It was mixed with sour cream. (knead the dough) He was chilling in the window, (we blow on his palms) He rolled along the path. (we run in a circle)

He was cheerful, he was brave. (we smile, we walk) And on the way he sang a song. (we’ll sing a song, Lala) The little bunny wanted to eat him, (we jump like a bunny) Gray wolf and brown bear (we show the wolf, we waddle like a bear)

And when the baby in the forest (walking) met a red fox, (we show the habits of the fox) I couldn’t get away from her. This is the fairy tale Kolobok.

Educator: Maybe this fairy tale is your home, little bear? Bear: I remembered! There was a girl in my fairy tale! The teacher throws the ball and says the words: Roll, roll, ball

Past the fir trees, past the hummocks, lead us along the path, bring us to visit a fairy tale! Educator: Let's sit down and see where the ball has led us.

Children sit on chairs.

Mashenka (recording): Don’t sit on the stump, Don’t eat the pie, Bring it to grandma, Bring it to grandpa!

Educator: Did you hear? Come closer. Who do you think is in the box?

Children: Mashenka from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear” .

Educator: Guys, tell me why Mashenka climbed into the box? (Children's answers)

Bear: Here is my fairy tale! This is my home! Thank you guys for helping me find my home!

Educator: How did the fairy tale end? Why didn’t the bear want to let Mashenka go to her grandparents? Maybe he was very bored alone?

Bear: I got bored alone! Mashenka ran away from me, so I went looking for friends, but got lost.

Educator: Guys, are you bored if you don’t have friends nearby? Why? (Children's answers)

Educator: How to help the bear?

Children: Find friends for the bear.

Educator: Bear lives in a fairy tale, which means that friends should also be fairy-tale characters. Tell me, can a wolf be a friend? Why? What kind of wolf is in the fairy tale? Can a fox be a friend?

Didactic game “Tell me which one?”

Educator: the wolf is toothy, angry, hungry, the fox is cunning.

Educator: So, what kind of friends should there be?

Children: Cheerful, brave, kind, simple-minded.

Educator: Let’s help the bear find friends, and now we’ll find out who will become a friend for the bear.

The teacher offers children didactic games “Assemble a picture” , “Add geometric shapes” , “Draw a friend for the bear” (on an easel).

Children perform tasks near the tables.

Educator: Irina, tell me who will become a friend for the bear. Who else will the bear make friends with?

Educator: The bear has so many friends now, they will have fun together!

Bear: Thank you guys for helping me find my home and thanks to you, I now have so many friends! I want to give you a book of fairy tales, you will read it and remember me!

Educator: Thank you, bear, for the gift! We will definitely read the book and remember you! Well, it's time for us to return to the group. Goodbye, bear!

Educator: These are the adventures that awaited us today. Did you like them? Who did we help today? How? What is the name of the bear's fairy tale? Which fairy tales did we visit?

Children: Visiting the fairy tales “Teremok” , “Kolobok” , “Masha and the Bear” .

Educator: What did you like most? (Children talk). Let's say how great we are. (The children say in unison “We are great!” ).

Educator: Let's hold hands tightly, And smile at each other, And goodbye to each other, We'll say goodbye to everyone!

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