Mathematics in fairy tales: learning the basics of the subject using children's works

Card index of mathematical fairy tales

Verzakova Tatyana Valerievna

Card index of mathematical fairy tales

Card index of mathematical fairy tales

For the mental development of preschool children, the development of mathematical concepts, which are so necessary for understanding the world around them, is essential. A fairy tale with mathematical content is an adventure in which numbers become the heroes.

Mathematics in the Forest

One day, Number One saw a bunny in the forest and told him:

- Of all the forest animals, only you have long ears. So you're the only one with long ears!

“I’m not alone,” the little bunny objected, “I have many brothers.”

Number One went further, saw the squirrel and praised her:

“In the whole forest, you’re the only one with such a fluffy tail, which means you’re the only one so beautiful!”

“I’m not alone,” the squirrel disagreed, “I have many squirrel friends.”

Then a bear cub came out into the clearing and sang: “The bear is the strongest in the forest.”

“You are the only such strong animal in the forest,” number 1 admired.

“Yes, I’m my mother’s only son, and I’m stronger than everyone else,” the bear cub answered importantly. Tomorrow is my birthday and I turn one year old.

- Congratulations! - exclaimed number 1, - I hope you will celebrate your birthday alone and eat all the treats yourself?

“One is bad,” the bear cub roared. - With whom I will play hide and seek and sing songs. It's a bad holiday if you're alone.

- Why doesn't anyone want to be alone? — Number One asked herself sadly.

- Why do you guys think?

Who does the number 2 resemble?

Number 2 was walking along the path and heard someone crying under a bush.

- I-I-I, I got lost.

Deuce looked under the bush and saw a large gray chick there.

- Who is your mom? – number 2 asked the chick.

– My mother is a beautiful and big bird. “She looks like you,” the chick squeaked.

Don’t cry, we will find her,” said number 2.

She put the chick on her tail, and they went to look for their mother.

Soon Deuce saw a beautiful flat bird with a long tail above the meadow.

– Isn’t this your chick, beautiful bird? – asked Deuce.

“I’m not a bird, but a kite.” I don't even have wings.

“Pee-pee, this is not my mother, my mother looks like you,” said the chick.

Deuce ran further and saw a huge swan landing on a large field.

Who is number 3 friends with?

Once upon a time there was a cheerful Traffic Light. He stood at the intersection and flashed three lights: green, yellow and red. But one day all three lights went out.

What started here! The cars couldn't get through because they were all driving at once. Pedestrians could not cross the street because they were afraid of getting hit by cars.

Luckily, there was a little girl in the crowd of pedestrians. She knew that the traffic light was friendly with the number 3, and rather called her:

– Hello, your friend the traffic light is sick and he urgently needs help!

Number 3 immediately came running and brought him three delicious triangular cookies. She gave the traffic light cookies and it immediately lit up.

It turns out that the traffic light was very hungry, and therefore could not work anymore.

Since then, the number 3 comes to visit the traffic light every day. When the traffic light shows cars with its red eye and traffic stops, number 3 feeds it three triangular cookies.

Four wishes number 4

“If this is a beast with four eyes, four wings and four tails, then I will make friends with it,” thought number 4.

She entered the forest thicket and heard a terrible roar:

-Who came to me?

“It’s me, number 4,” said the number.

-What did you bring? – the beast growled again.

“Four sweet cookies,” answered number 4.

“Hurry up, give them here,” screamed the terrible beast.

Number 4 threw four cookies to the beast, and he instantly swallowed them.

“I was dying of hunger, and you fed me,” the beast suddenly purred. - For this I will fulfill four of your wishes.

I want there to be more in the world.

Five senses

Early in the morning, the cheerful singing of birds woke up the girl. She opened her eyes and closed her eyes against the sun. The kitchen smelled deliciously of pancakes.

The girl remembered that she had a lollipop under her pillow and took it out. The candy filled my mouth with a sweet raspberry taste. The soft blanket hugged the girl and she dozed off again.

Suddenly the girl’s ears spoke angrily:

“We heard the birds singing and woke up the girl, but you, your eyes, closed your eyes from the sun and didn’t want to wake up.”

“I invited the girl to have breakfast with the delicious smell of pancakes, and you, tongue, decided to eat raspberry candy instead of breakfast,” the tongue reproached the nose.

- And you little hands, why did you hide under a soft blanket? - the nose and ears asked in unison.

The little eyes were offended that they were being scolded and got angry:

“If that’s the case, we won’t watch anymore.”

“I also refuse to taste,” added the tongue.

“But we don’t want to feel soft and hard, cold and hot,” said the hands.

Number 5 heard this conversation and got angry:

- What a disgrace! You five senses should always work together.

“Good morning, daughter,” the ears suddenly heard.

The eyes immediately opened and saw mother. Hands hugged mom tightly. My nose inhaled the delicate scent of my mother's perfume. Rotik got hungry and said: “The pancakes smell so delicious!”

“It’s good that all my five senses are reconciled,” the girl was happy.

Fairytale mathematics - Girl and Number 6

One girl could not remember how to write the number 6. Sometimes she wrote an oval at the bottom and a tail at the top, and sometimes, vice versa.

– Why did you write number 9 instead of number 6 again? - Mom was angry.

– Number 9 has a big, smart head. Digit 6

“I decided to become just as smart and turned over,” the girl laughed.

“So your number 6 is a circus acrobat,” my mother was surprised.

That night the girl dreamed of a circus. Instead of animals there were numbers. They tumbled, performed tricks and juggled.

Suddenly the circus director announced: “Acrobats are performing: a girl and the number 6!”

The girl entered the arena, and the number 6 deftly placed her on her head.

“Now you must count all the spectators in the hall,” said number 6.

How can I count while standing on my head? – the girl asked angrily.

- How can I count to six if you turn me into the number 9? – number 6 cried.

- Sorry, I won't turn you over anymore. I will tie six beautiful bows on your ponytail.

Number 7 and Seven Colors of the Rainbow

After the rain, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. Two boys saw a rainbow and argued:

– The most beautiful color of the rainbow is red, because I have a new red bicycle. “It would be nice if the whole rainbow were red,” said one boy.

- No, let the whole rainbow be green. “I have a favorite green car,” said the second boy.

They argued for a long time, and each considered his own color to be the best. Rainbow was upset when she heard this argument. She always thought that people liked all seven of her colors. Out of frustration, the rainbow melted forever, and people forgot how to rejoice.

- What to do? “It was I who offended the rainbow,” one boy said sadly.

- Do not be sad. Let’s ask number 7 to return all seven colors of the rainbow,” suggested the second boy.

Number 7, after listening to the boys, went to the artist and told him that the rainbow had disappeared.

“I’ll draw a rainbow if the boys make up.”

The artist painted the picture for seven whole days of the week. When the picture was ready, a rainbow appeared in the sky again.

Who helped Number 8?

- Oh-oh-oh! - Number 8 cried, - I fell, hurt my side and am late for class. Today children must learn the number 8. If I don’t come, they won’t learn me.

- Let us swim to class instead of you. Children can make the number 8 from two oval clouds, said the two clouds.

“No, you’re too big and won’t fit in the classroom,” sad

Number 8 objected.

“Maybe I’ll fly on the web to school instead of you?” “I look like a little Eight, and I have eight legs,” squeaked the spider.

“No, you’re too small, and the wind could take your web in a completely different direction,” number 8 answered sadly.

A boy was riding a bicycle along the road. He took the number 8 and took him to school.

Lucky number 9

“Five has five fingers, Seven has seven notes, but I have nothing,” number 9 said sadly.

“You can count nine objects at once,” other numbers began to console the number 9.

“But I have nothing to count,” Nine almost cried.

The sun took pity on the number 9 and gave it nine rays of sunshine.

The number 9 was delighted and spent the whole day counting its nine rays. When evening came, the number 9 hid the rays in amber stones so that they would not melt in the darkness.

The next day, number 9 saw a crying girl on the street. The girl was nine years old, but her mother and father quarreled, and so she cried. “You can’t go without a gift on your birthday,” number 9 decided and gave the girl amber stones with rays of sunshine.

The appearance of Zero

“I’m so good-looking, I look like the sun, and like a bagel, and like a ball,” Nolik sang loudly, walking along the road.

All the numbers immediately surrounded him.

- Oh, you're oval like a pancake! What is your name? – asked number 2.

– My name is Zero, and I am a famous person. Wherever you look, you’ll find me everywhere, in any wheel,” Nolik said proudly.

– What can you count? – asked number 9.

“I can count anything,” Nolik answered importantly and began to count. But no matter how much he counted, the result was always zero.

“Why are you needed if you can’t count even one object with your help,” the numbers laughed.

- Am I really no one at all?

How did the number 10 come about?

Number 1 brought Nolik to her home, seated the guest at the table and said:

- Sorry, Nolik, I won’t be able to treat you well. I have one of everything in my house: one cup of tea and one pie.

“And I myself came to visit empty-handed,” Nolik was upset.

Number 1 put a plate with one pie and one cup of tea in front of Nolik and sat down next to him.

Ten pies and ten cups of tea suddenly appeared on the table.

– Zero is a miracle! Together with you we form the number 10! – Number 1 shouted joyfully.

She rather ran to the other figures and invited them to her place for tea.

“Thank you for the invitation, but you only have one pie and one cup of tea in your house, and there are many of us,” the numbers refused.

“It used to be like this, but Nolik changed everything and miraculously increased everything tenfold.”

Goals and objectives of texts for preschoolers of the junior, middle and senior groups

In the younger group, the teacher, with the help of mathematical fairy tales, introduces children to the simplest quantitative concepts, such as “many”, “one”, “none”. In ordinary fairy tales, he points to the shapes of objects associated with geometric figures. In the middle group, mathematical fairy tales are synthesized with folk tales that children already know well. Let's take Kolobok, for example. The teacher, while reading, will highlight the serial number of each “step” of Kolobok, thereby demonstrating how the main character moves step by step. And the fairy tale “Teremok” will help you count the number of heroes in the house. Between fairy tales, the teacher uses finger exercises, with the help of which numbers are studied.

Using fairy tales, we teach the meanings of geometric shapes and their names

The middle group has the following tasks:

  1. Learn to count to five.
  2. Master knowledge of quantitative and ordinal numbers, fractions and whole parts.
  3. Strengthen the ability to navigate in time.
  4. Strengthen the skill of recognizing geometric shapes.
  5. Train spatial orientation (the child’s awareness of directions: between, under, behind, in front, etc.).

In the older group (children 5–6 years old), mathematical concepts, be it zero or square, become the heroes of fairy tales. When introducing preschoolers to a fairy tale, the teacher should not forget to ensure that the children understand the plot and meaning of the story. Fascinating games related to logic, such as:

  • selection of identical pairs;
  • making a rectangle equal to the provided sample;
  • determining which items are more numerous.

Games will help the child establish the idea of ​​equality and integrity of numbers and things. The operations performed by children contribute to mental development, the development of skills to synthesize, analyze and compare data.

In the senior group, mathematical fairy tales are used to achieve the following goals:

  1. Learn to count to twenty, recognize the missing number and count backwards.
  2. Relate the number of things to a number.
  3. Understand the meaning of the following quantities: width, length, height, volume (capacity) and mass (weight).
  4. Be able to distinguish and understand complex geometric shapes: line segment, angle, polygon, three-dimensional shapes.
  5. Develop the ability to navigate by the clock, quickly determine the hour and pronounce it out loud.
  6. Be able to perform simple arithmetic operations.
  7. Develop the ability to replace the hero of a fairy tale with a certain object (“Rubik’s Cube” - pick up a cube).
  8. Remember the names of the days of the week and months and their order.

The kindergarten approves the curriculum for the year. It must comply with the documents:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation, art. 43, 72;
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989);
  • Preschool education concept;
  • SanPin–10;
  • Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (as amended by Federal Law of January 13, 1996 No. 12 - Federal Law);
  • Model regulations on a preschool educational institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2008. No. 666.

There is no clear indication of the skills that a child should have, but the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education states:

The child... ... ...has basic understanding of living nature, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; the child is capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Order 1155

At the request of parents, they can be provided with a kindergarten curriculum, which outlines all the skills that children are taught. Teachers will tell you how and in what form the training will take place and provide additional information.

In the preparatory group, fairy tales include tasks on simple mathematical operations (in two steps), logical operations and methods for solving them. It is important to introduce children to the standards of length measures: meters and centimeters, and to tell them in a fairytale form about money and its proper use. Before school, classes will begin that cover the basics of mathematics and a fairy tale will help you understand and master more complex information.

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