Planning a theme week You are the only one in my world (Mother's Day) junior group 3-4 years

Weekly work plan

If the theme of the week is “Women’s Day,” in the preparatory group it should take place both in the mode of interaction between children and adults, and in conditions of children’s independence.

Sample plan for the week dedicated to Women's Day


  • Morning work-out.
  • Conducting a conversation on the topic of the upcoming holiday. The purpose of this conversation should be to inform children about the history and traditions of celebrating this day, and to generate interest in the upcoming event.
  • Vocabulary lesson (pure sayings, sayings related to family values).
  • Conducting a role-playing game “Family”, the purpose of which is to improve children’s abilities to interact and distribute roles in a team.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Creative time - introducing children to folk art (looking at Easter eggs) and the opportunity to practice on their own.
  • Literacy training.
  • Musical break - you will need to choose the songs that will be performed at the final event and begin the corresponding rehearsals with the children.
  • Walk.
  • Game activities (“Sharing candy with mom” - parallel teaching children to count).
  • Reading a fairy tale out loud (for example, “Thumbelina”).
  • Walk.


  • Morning work-out.
  • Conducting a conversation with children on the topic of helping their mother. The purpose of the conversation is to be able to explain to children how important it is to help their elders, as well as to foster a sense of respect for what their mothers do for them.
  • Game exercises (the game “Look and Remember”, the subjects of which can be those things that are found in family life on an ongoing basis), the purpose of this exercise will be to develop the cognitive abilities of children.
  • Educational time - the theme can be the world around us, special attention should be paid to pets. You can discuss what animals live in families, who takes care of them, and how they should be cared for.
  • Walk.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Physical education class.
  • Rehearsal of skits for the final event.

Charging always comes first


  • Morning work-out;
  • Conversation “How to affectionately call your mother”, the purpose of which is to form a reverent attitude towards mothers and grandmothers.
  • Cultural program - presentation “The Image of Women in Art”, the purpose of such a presentation is to introduce children to beauty.
  • A game exercise - gymnastics “Mom Cuts the Cabbage”, the purpose of which is to develop articulation.
  • Walk.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Preparation for the holiday - rehearsal of reading poems by heart;
  • Reading a fairy tale.

Thematic week “Indoor plants” in the preparatory group


  • Morning work-out;
  • A conversation on the topic “Why do girls need to be protected?”, with the goal of strengthening concepts of gender roles and forming basic concepts of morality.
  • Cultural program - study of folklore associated with mother (grandmother), recitation of proverbs and sayings.
  • Cleaning the area for the upcoming holiday, the purpose of which is to develop the ability to aesthetically perceive the environment.
  • Walk.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Game program “Chain of Words” - select words related to family values, this game is aimed at developing logical thinking and enriching children’s vocabulary.
  • Rehearsing skits for an upcoming event.
  • Reading books.


  • Morning work-out.
  • Final rehearsal before the concert.
  • Conversation: “How to please your mother?”
  • Creative work is a gift to mom.
  • Walk.
  • Lunch time.
  • Quiet hour.
  • Hygienic procedures related to preparation for the concert.
  • Concert.
  • Giving gifts to mothers.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Prepared by teacher of the first qualification category Svetlana Nikolaevna Kovaleva, municipal budgetary educational institution No. 54 “Iskorka”, Naberezhnye Chelny, March 21, 2014. Entertainment “MOTHER'S DAY” Goal and objectives: To introduce children to interesting and useful activities, to develop the desire to actively participate in entertainment, to communicate, to be friendly and responsive. Improve the ability to distinguish by ear and pronounce all the sounds of the native language, practice diction: develop the ability to clearly and distinctly pronounce words and phrases with natural intonations. Encourage children and parents to actively participate. Involve children in making gifts for mom. Cultivate a caring and sensitive attitude towards those closest to you, the need to please them.

Preliminary work: Conversation with children about the history of the origin of the Mother's Day holiday. Selection of literary and musical material. Learning poems about mom. Drawing portraits of mothers. Meeting with parents to collaborate on fun activities. Connection with other areas: “Physical development”, “Social and personal development”, “Cognitive and speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Materials and equipment: Paper napkins of 2 colors, balloons and markers, exhibition “My Mommy”, table: 2 sets each: beads, bracelets, clips, headbands, wigs, artificial flowers (for playing). Small balls 20 pcs., individual blindfolds (for games). Box with hearts (made of velvet paper).

Progress of the entertainment: (music “Dear Mom” sounds) Children, accompanied by musical accompaniment, enter a decorated group room. Presenter: Hello! Today we invited you to the celebration of our beloved mothers! Mom is the first word. The main word in our destiny! Today is a special day, holy, great, and the most tender. He is so warm, affectionate, sincere, He is dedicated to the MOTHER today!

-What is the very first word? -What is the most important word? - What is the brightest word? Children in chorus - MOTHER! - And I want to say it again, - And I want to say it again, - Say it quietly, - Say it loudly. Presenter: The most important word of a child! Children in chorus - MOTHER! 1. Song “Dear Mom” 1. Who loves you, children, more, Who loves you so tenderly, Who takes care of you, Without closing your eyes at night? Chorus: Mom dear! Mom dear! Mom dear! Mother! Mom dear! Mom dear! Mom dear! 2. Who rocks the cradle for you, Who sings songs to you, Who tells you fairy tales and gives you toys? Chorus: Mother is golden! Mom is golden! Mom is golden! Mother ! Mom is golden! Mom is golden! Mom is golden! 3. If, children, you are lazy, disobedient, playful, what happens sometimes, who sheds tears then? Chorus: All of her, dear Mother, dear! Mom dear! Mom dear! ( 3 times)

Reb. 1. We wish our dear mothers happiness, Happy day to all mothers of the earth!

2. Mother's Day is a solemn day, a day of joy and beauty, all over the earth he gives his mother his smiles and flowers.

3. There are many mothers in this world, Children love them with all their souls, There is only one mother. Who is she, I will answer - This is my mom!

4. You can easily give your mother the “Hero of Labor” medal. She can’t count all her chores, she doesn’t even have time to sit down - she cooks and does the laundry, and reads a fairy tale at night.

5. Who opened this world to me, sparing no effort, and protected me everywhere? The best mom in the world!

6. Who is the sweetest in the world and warms his own with warmth, loves more than himself? This is my mom!

7. My mother brings me toys, candy, she sings funny songs, the two of us are never bored!

8. But I love my mother not only for this. I love my mother, I’ll tell you straight, Well, simply because she is my mother!

Ved. All of you guys know that for every child the most precious person in the world is (mom). Let's tell mom what she is like?

2. Game “A kind word for mom” (the reward for the named kind word is a heart from the box) Ved. Well done, you love your mothers very much, so many kind words you came up with, what portraits you drew, just beauties!

Ved. We will play, laugh, We will engage in sports. We ask you, do not be shy. Have fun, have fun. You frolic with us. Have fun with us. 3. Dance to the music “Alphabet”

4. Relay race for mothers: “Who can collect the most balls blindfolded”

5. Riddles about mom 1. Every mom has balls on a string: Red, green - for every taste, Mom puts them on and immediately becomes a lady. Guess what it is (beads). 2. This headdress has been worn by ladies for a long time: Round top, around the brim. This is a difficult riddle, Your mother carries. (hat) 3. Mom takes him in her hands, irons the dresses, irons the trousers. This is my mother's faithful friend, Electric (iron)

6. Game “Finish the sentence” 7. Game “Guess Mom” (children play)

(Mom reads a poem by the poet Kolesov) - I can’t live without you, my son, my dear, my blood, my angel. I will never leave you, Because I am your mother. - If joy, success, luck are your faithful companions, I will share your joy with you and I will be with you. - If trouble comes in life, I will cry with you, I will never leave you, Because I am your mother.

Ved. Happy Mother's Day, dear ones! May this holiday be bright, may the blue winds carry joy, may sorrows go away and dreams come true! The name of a mother is priceless, She has been given a high purpose on Earth, She brings life, love, care, tenderness and tolerance to the world. She raises children, educates them. Happy Mother's Day today. We cordially congratulate you. But that is not all. Your beloved children have prepared a surprise for you.

8.Gifts “Roses from napkins” (to music)

Child: Our holiday is already over, what else can we say? Let me wish you good health in parting. Children: - don’t get sick - don’t get old - don’t ever get angry. Stay this young forever.

Presenter: Guys, invite your mother to dance.

9.Waltz to the music for the movie “Mama”

Mother! The first word, the main word in every destiny. Mother gave Earth and Sky – Peace to Me and to you.

This is how it happens, If there is trouble in the house, Mom’s hands, Mom’s heart are always nearby. Mom's hands will gently stroke - It will become warmer. Mom's heart will flare up with love - It will become brighter You will become an adult And like a bird you will fly into the distance. Only for mom You, as before, Dear baby. On a sleepless night, Mom, perhaps, will quietly cry... Where is my son? Where is my daughter? How is life there?

Mother! The first word, the main word in every destiny. Mother Earth and Sky - The World Gave Me and You (from the movie “Mom”)

Presenter: Our holiday is over, we wish all mothers health and happiness!

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