Development of memory in children of senior preschool age

It is very important to develop a child’s memory always, from birth and so on through the stages of his development, first a preschooler, then an older preschooler, then a schoolchild, and so on.

A large number of children are born on the planet, but they are born with completely different memories and each child’s development occurs differently, so the approach, development and training of each child must be step-by-step, gradual and even individual.

Thinking, attention and memory in a child’s life, especially for a preschooler, are the most important. Without a good memory, a child will not be able to remember, understand, retell, or analyze anything.

A lot of skills are developed in preschool age; the child’s brain is a large encyclopedia of knowledge for school and for future adult life, which only the child himself can use.

It is very important to pay attention to the child’s memory and attention; it must be developed from birth, putting additional efforts into it throughout life.

If your child has memory problems, then don’t put it off for later, start studying right now, develop the child’s memory, attention and thinking.

Good relationships, care and attention improve a child's memory

If your family has good, friendly relationships, then your child will always remember new information with ease. Try to create a friendly environment in your family, peace, good relationships between parents and children, always have a positive effect on the development of the child’s memory and attention.

When a child sees good relationships in the family, with parents and other family members, then it is easier for him to study, he studies with joy. A child wants to study in a good environment at home and wants to please his parents and other relatives with his successes.

Create a good atmosphere in the family, love your child, spend a lot of time with him, surround him with care and affection, so that the child feels that he is not alone, that he is loved and will always help him.

When there are good relationships in the family, then everything turns out well for the child, his memory becomes better, and his head is not filled with quarrels between his parents.

Memory impairments and their causes

If you notice that your child has problems with remembering, try working with him. But if this does not work, then do not ignore the problem and go to the doctor. You definitely need to get examined and determine what caused the problem. Memory impairment can have two manifestations. Hypomnesia, when the baby has difficulty remembering and reproducing, or amnesia, when certain moments fall out of his memory.

Memory problems in children are diagnosed by a child psychologist or neuropsychologist. They have special tests for this. If a problem is identified, the case goes to a neurologist. Treatment is carried out using a correctional program that improves cognitive function. After this, a re-inspection is carried out. If necessary, treatment can be repeated.

Do not express your concern, do not remind your child again about his problem. It’s better to work with him using special methods, play educational games, and enroll your preschooler in preparatory classes.

Favorite hobbies and physical activity help develop memory

Each child has his own hobbies, and even a calling, watch your child, pay attention to what your child is drawn to, what he wants to do, maybe it’s music, dancing, sports or drawing.

All children are different and their hobbies are also different. There is no need to compare yourself with your child; your hobbies may not coincide at all.

Very often, parents themselves decide who their child should be, they do not give the right to choose to their child, and make all decisions themselves.

The main mistake of most parents is to impose their decisions.

If your child likes to draw, there is no need to send him to a music school, because you yourself have dreamed of becoming a great pianist all your life and you were not allowed to do so.

Do not discourage your child from doing what he loves, you can ruin his whole life.

A child's hobby, it can be the basis of a child's entire life; by doing what he loves, the child will have a desire to learn and study more because he likes it.

There will be no need to force him, he himself will be happy to read additional literature, and his memory will develop on its own.

If your child’s hobbies are not related to sports, then on weekends try to walk more with your child in the fresh air; the child’s brain and your brain need oxygen. Play active games with the whole family, skiing, skating, roller skating, playing ball.

What to do if your child has poor memory

First of all, you should know that poor memory in children as a disease is rare. Most often it just needs to be better developed. This leads to the fact that the child finds it difficult to fulfill the requests of his parents, he cannot directly answer the question, he gets lost and refuses to perform complex tasks, and seems inattentive.

It is important to notice in time that it is difficult for a preschooler to remember information. After all, this can become a serious problem while studying at school. Improving your memory is not difficult. But remember that memory development in preschoolers needs to be done every day. In addition to daily activities, you should adjust your child’s diet and daily routine. Make sure that his diet contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements. If exercises do not give the desired result, do not be afraid to seek help from a doctor, because this can be a serious problem.

Ask what happened that day

Every evening, ask your child how his day was. At the same time, ask him to mention all the details: what and when he did, who he saw, what he talked about, etc. This exercise is useful not only for memory, but also for developing the skill of sequencing events and analyzing them.

At first, the child will be confused and will not be able to accurately retell all the events of the day. But with each training session he will speak better. And later he will be able to remember almost all the details of the past day. During the story, the baby will need adult help. Ask him leading questions. For example, “What color was your friend’s toy?” or “Where was I when you were drawing?”

Read books to your baby

Reading books has a very good effect on the memorization process. Especially before bed. Also try to memorize some lines of rhymes together. This will have a great effect on brain function. And as soon as the baby learns to read on his own, instill in him a love of books. For example, agree to commit to reading several pages a day. And let the child retell what he read. And then reward him for it. Active reading will help your child constantly expand their vocabulary.

Play words

Educational games and exercises will help your child remember better. For example, play with words with your child. Tell your baby 10 words and have him repeat them.

It is better that the words are from the same topic. For example, name 10 vegetables, fruits, toys, flowers, etc. to your baby.

Everything that the child forgot and did not name must be reminded. A child who repeats 5 out of 10 words is considered to have good short-term memory. Long-term - for someone who can repeat 7-8 words.

Train your mindfulness skills

Offer your child two pictures with some differences. The kid must find them. Such pictures can be easily found on the Internet or books on development. These tasks are one of the best ways not only to train attention and memory, but also to develop imagination.

Learn any foreign language

Memorizing foreign words is a wonderful workout for the brain. Even if there are only 10 of them per day. And don’t forget to repeat what you learned the day before.

Start learning the language with those words that your baby likes. For example, if he loves cats, then teach him everything related to them.

In addition, in the future, knowledge of a foreign language will certainly be useful to the child. In the process of learning a foreign language, the formation of motivation is very important.


Any physical activity stimulates blood flow and improves blood supply to the brain. And this has a remarkable effect on memory. So send your preschooler to a sports section or take him for walks more in the fresh air. Also, do not forget to ventilate your baby’s room, especially before bed.

Memory activation training

Train your child's brain activity. Teach your child to use his own memory. That is, if he forgot something, let him remember it himself. And only after that let him turn to his parents or the Internet for help.

Proper diet

Just a proper diet is unlikely to help improve your baby’s memory. But if you supplement regular exercise with basic foods containing substances necessary for good brain function, the process will go faster. Let your child eat more fatty fish, bananas, walnuts, carrots, spinach and broccoli.

Proper and nutritious nutrition improves memory performance

Pay attention to what your child eats, balance proper and nutritious nutrition for a growing body.

You can improve brain nutrition with the following foods: greens, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, nuts, berries, cereals.

Proper nutrition is the key to your child’s good health and improved memory. Food greatly influences the development and improvement of memory. They contain a large amount of useful substances for a growing organism.


Memory is divided into many types, depending on a number of conventions. Each of them requires separate development and a special approach, because There are no universal methods suitable for all species. Memory is classified according to the conditions of memorization, the duration of storage of information and the method of perception.

Memorization conditions mean whether a person specifically remembered the information. There are 2 types:

  1. Free The brain remembers information that a person wanted to store in his head.
  2. Involuntary. Mechanical memorization of everything that was perceived by the brain.

Based on the duration of information storage, there are 2 types:

  1. Short-term. The brain easily retains information, but soon forgets it completely.
  2. Long-term. It may take more effort to remember, but the information will be stored in your head for a long time.

Methods of perceiving information force us to distinguish 4 more types of memory:

  1. Figurative. Remembering everything a person saw.
  2. Verbal-logical. Save sentences you hear or read.
  3. Motor. Ability to quickly memorize physical movements.
  4. Emotional. Memories of all events that caused strong emotions and feelings.

Special methods aimed at developing memory in children can improve any of the listed types of memorization of information. Some methods can affect several types of memory at once, as well as the quality of concentration and logic.

Figurative memory is basic for most children. It is divided into visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, and gustatory.

Games for older preschoolers to develop memory

First exercise “Memorize and color”

In this exercise, two pictures of beads are drawn. The top picture is colored, but the bottom picture is not colored. The child must look carefully at the top picture and remember how the top beads are colored, then close the picture and the child must color the bottom beads from memory.

Open the picture and compare the top beads and those that the child colored, whether he colored the beads correctly or not.

Second exercise “Memorize and draw”

In this exercise, skirts are drawn in the picture. You need to find exactly the same skirt as the one drawn in the frame. Ten seconds are given to complete the task. Now close the picture, and the child must draw from memory the same skirt as in the frame.

If the child did not succeed in drawing the first time, let him look carefully one more time and try to draw again.

Third exercise “Give a quick answer”

This exercise is performed by two people. Play this game with your child. You should ask your child questions on any topic and of varying complexity. The child must answer clearly and quickly.

For example:

  1. The most prickly flower? ( Cactus )
  2. How many oceans are there in the world? ( Arctic, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian
  3. How many ears does a hare have? ( Two)
  4. What time of year do you go skiing? (Winter)
  5. Permissive traffic light color? ( Green)
  6. Which flower has seven different petals? (Flower - seven flowers)
  7. What is the name of the Snow Maiden's grandfather? ( Father Frost)
  8. What time of year does it snow? (Winter)
  9. How many paws does a dog have? (Four)
  10. What color is the sun? (Yellow)

Fourth exercise “Find and draw from memory”

Look carefully at the following picture, there are mushrooms drawn on it. You need to quickly find which pictures of mushrooms are the same, which ones are different and how they differ. Close the picture and the child must draw a picture with mushrooms from memory.

Now open the picture and compare the child’s drawn picture with the original. If your child fails to draw correctly the first time, do not scold him. Let him try to draw again.

Fifth exercise “Find all the objects and color them from memory”

Look carefully at the following pictures, here are drawn: flowers, the sun, apples, balls and a pear.

The apples must be colored with a red pencil. The balls must be painted in two colors: blue and yellow. The pear can be colored with a green pencil. Flowers can be painted in different colors. And what color should you paint the sun?

Sixth exercise “Try to remember”

You can develop observation, attention and visual memory in different ways. Let's look at one of them. For example:

Let's take five different objects for children. It could be a typewriter, a pyramid, a colored eraser, a pencil, or a jump rope. Let the children look at all these items, then put them in a dark bag. You have one minute to memorize. The guys must take turns telling what they remember.

This exercise can be used for children of preschool age, senior preschool age and junior schoolchildren. For children of senior preschool age and junior schoolchildren, you can complicate the exercise a little.

For example:

Let's take more, seven or ten items. It could be a spoon, a mug, a glass holder, a medal, a beautiful stone, and so on. All these items must be examined quickly and carefully; one minute is given for memorization. Then put it in a dark bag and try to tell what you remember.

With each subsequent lesson, the memorization time must be reduced and the number of items increased.

Seventh exercise “Focus your attention”

Place your watch in front of the TV when an interesting cartoon or fairy tale is on. Place the child in front of the TV; the child should look at the second hand for two minutes without turning his gaze to the TV screen. The child should not be distracted by the TV, he should focus on the second hand of the clock.

This exercise is useful for children of older preschool age. This exercise develops the child's attention.

Eighth exercise “Remember and tell”

Look carefully at the picture, there are numbers drawn here, a word is written under each number. Look carefully at the picture for one minute, then close this picture and try to write all the numbers on paper and write a word under each number. Children of older preschool age already know letters and numbers, so this exercise will be very useful for them.

Look what happened to the child? If there are a lot of mistakes, then you can repeat the exercise again, divide the task into two parts, let the child first remember and write the top line, and then remember and write the bottom line.

Compare what is written with the picture; if there are mistakes, repeat the exercise again.

Ninth exercise “Be attentive”

Recently, children's books often offer memory development exercises. For example:

A picture is drawn, from the fairy tale “Kolobok”, the child looks at it and remembers what is depicted on it.

After one minute, the book closes and the child must tell what he remembers. This is a simple task, but it trains your memory well.

If the child remembers little or says it incorrectly, play together. Look at the picture, close it and try to tell in great detail what you remember.

The child will listen carefully to your story and, remembering the next picture, he will try to remember as much as possible. Children always love it when adults play interesting and educational games with them.

Tenth exercise “Try to guess”

Check out the new puzzle exercise. Part of the word is written here, the second part of the word is drawn in the form of a picture. You need to look carefully and say what word was intended.

After you have guessed all the words in the puzzle, close the puzzle and write all the words in alphabetical order from memory or draw pictures in alphabetical order.

Formation of arbitrary memory

The prerequisites for the development of voluntary memory in a preschooler are personal age-related changes. Volitional functions begin to form. The child learns to subordinate his actions to accepted rules; at the suggestion of an adult, he tries to control his speech and pronounce words correctly.

In preschool age, the formation of will-controlled mechanisms that control behavior and activity occurs.

The use of volitional efforts is manifested in relation to every cognitive process, including memory.

It is interesting that remembering first becomes arbitrary. A mother will ask a 3-year-old child where he put his toy, and the child will try to remember. And, often successfully.

Voluntary memorization comes later. The exception is a simple chain of actions. Younger preschoolers remember well how to play a “melody” of three notes on the piano, and how to put together an elementary structure according to a pattern.

Patterns of formation of arbitrary memory

The development of voluntary memorization is subject to certain patterns. It is not immediately that a preschooler comes to the point of aiming to learn certain information. First, an adult formulates such a goal for him: “Let’s learn a poem,” “I’ll show you a few pictures, try to remember what is shown in them.”

Even with an immediate response, the child will show attention too superficially. The first result will be weak.

If a preschooler is somehow affected by a disappointing indicator, he will agree to try again. Reproduction will be more successful, but not sufficient.

Only when the child himself realizes that he is experiencing difficulties in reproduction will he direct efforts to remember every word, every picture.

From here follow the conditions for the development of voluntary memory. For effective memorization, a preschooler must have a motive. Motivation can be different: competitive (to remember more than others), a challenge to oneself (I will remember the first time), responsible (I must remember in order to convey it accurately).

Educational games for preschoolers

Game 1 “Find the coin”

The game “Find a Coin” develops memory and attention.

The main essence of the game is to click on the cell and find the coin.

In this game you need to find coins. Houses are drawn on the screen, in these houses you need to find a coin, you cannot click on the same house twice in a row. If you answered correctly, you score points and play further.

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Game 2 "Pathfinder"

The Pathfinder game develops memory.

The main essence of the game is to remember the tracks of animals and repeat them.

In this game, animal tracks appear on the screen, look carefully and remember in what order the tracks appear. Then you need to show which trace appeared first, and which second. If you answered correctly, you score points and play further.

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Game 3 "Diamonds"

The game "Diamonds" develops memory.

The main essence of the game is to remember the order of the figures that light up on the screen and repeat it.

The figures light up on the screen one by one, remember the order in which these figures light up and repeat it. You can do this using the mouse or the cursor on the keyboard. If you answer correctly, you score points and play further.

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Game 4 "Speed ​​Comparison"

The game "Speed ​​Comparison" develops memory and attention.

The main point of the game is to remember the previous item and compare it with the current one on the screen.

An object is displayed on the screen, you remember it and compare it with the next object, if the object is the same, then answer “yes”, if different objects answer “no”. If you answer incorrectly three times, the game ends.

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Game 5 “Complicated high-speed movement”

The game “Complicated high-speed movement” develops memory and attention.

The main point of the game is to remember the previous item and compare it with the current one on the screen.

A picture is displayed on the screen, you remember it and compare it with the next object, if the object is the same, then answer “yes”, if the objects are different, you answer “no”, if the objects are similar, you answer “partially coincides”. This game is designed to increase speed. If you answer incorrectly three times, the game ends.

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Game 6 “Memory Matrix”

The game "Memory Matrices" develops memory and attention.

The main essence of the game is to reproduce the position of the shaded figures.

In each round, a playing field consisting of cells is shown, a certain number of cells are filled in, the rest is left free. You need to remember the location of these cells and repeat their position after they have disappeared on the screen. If you check the boxes correctly, you score points and move on.

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Game 7 "BrainFood"

The BrainFood game develops memory and attention.

The main essence of the game is that in each round a set of elements is shown; you must choose from the set the one that has not yet been selected in previous rounds.

In this game, drinks and food are offered on the screen. You have to choose one thing. In each subsequent round, you must choose a different dish that differs from the previously selected ones. You must remember and always choose different dishes and drinks. If you answer correctly, you gain points and play further.

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Game 8 "Super Memory"

The game “Super Memory” develops memory and attention.

The main essence of the game is that every round a new object appears on the screen; you need to indicate it by clicking on it.

In this game, a round starts and a picture appears on the screen, in the next round another picture appears and the old picture is saved. You only need to click on a new picture. If you answer correctly, you gain points and continue playing.

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Game 9 "Submarines"

The game "Submarines" develops a child's attention.

The main essence of the game is to read the questions and watch the movement of the boat and press the arrows on the keyboard correctly.

Submarines move in the sea in the following directions: left, right, down, up. The question appears on the screen: “Where are the boats pointing?”, “Where are the boats moving?” Look carefully at the question, at the movement of the boats and their direction. Use the arrows to answer the question correctly. For the correct answer you get points and continue playing. If you have three incorrect answers, the game ends.

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Game 10 "Keen Eye"

The game "Sharp Eye" develops attention.

The main point of the game is to remember where the bird, ship and sun are and then indicate where they were.

The screen opens for a few seconds, with a bird, a ship and the sun drawn on it. We need to remember where they are. Then the question is displayed: “Click where the ship was.” You must indicate where the ship was. Then the question is displayed: “Click where the bird was.” You must indicate where the bird was. Then the question is displayed: “Click where the sun was.” You must answer where the sun was and so on. If you answered correctly, you score points and continue playing.

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Game-based development

For young children, the development of memory in a playful way shows the best results, because performing special exercises is difficult and boring for them. Educational games are also suitable for teenagers, but you should choose those that can arouse their interest.

The most effective games:

  1. Labyrinth. A classic type of puzzle in which you need to find a way to the end point among many dead ends and confusing passages. It will require special care and perseverance.
  2. Cartoons. There are a large number of specialized cartoons where you need to show your intellectual abilities. They include many interesting tasks and puzzles, which attract special attention. You can also simply let your child watch a regular cartoon, and after watching it, turn it on again, but without sound. In this case, the baby must describe what is happening and all the dialogues.
  3. Revival. You need to name any animal, and the baby’s task will be to revive it. The parent should ask what the imaginary animal does in the child’s imagination.
  4. Search for lost items. The adult lays out things or toys, gives the child time to study them, after which he asks him to close his eyes and removes one of the objects. The baby's task will be to determine what is missing. For older children, make it more difficult by mixing things up.
  5. Fairy tale. The parent tells a short fictional tale where the hero used certain things. The child will be required to list all the items used by the hero.
  6. Repeat movements. The adult shows certain movements, and the child must then repeat them in the correct sequence. The task can be complicated by agreeing on prohibited movements that cannot be repeated.
  7. Identifying the item in the bag. The child is given a bag with many small items. He must independently determine by touch what exactly he is holding in his hand. You can also set the task to search for a specific thing, but peeking will still be prohibited.
  8. Finger gymnastics. It makes it easy to develop memory through a fun game. The adult recites a short poem, and the child must bend his fingers, trying to correlate them with the named numeral in the poem, or depict with his hands what the parent is describing.

Such activities for developing memory in children show high effectiveness at any age. If the games seem too simple or complex, then they can be partially changed at your discretion, but so that the basics remain the same.

Courses for the development of intelligence

In addition to games, we have interesting courses that will perfectly pump up your brain and improve your intelligence, memory, thinking, and concentration:

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The purpose of the course: to develop the child’s memory and attention so that it is easier for him to study at school, so that he can remember better.

After completing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better to remember texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to remember for a longer period of time
  3. The speed of recalling the necessary information will increase

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Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its functioning, improve your memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you:)

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Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training in the development of super-memory and brain pumping.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your email that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to remember everything that may be needed in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

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How to improve memory and develop attention

Free practical lesson from advance.

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Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Why are there problems with money? In this course we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, and consider our relationship with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

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Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to quickly read books, articles, newsletters, etc. that interest you? If your answer is “yes,” then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

With synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more possibilities. Attention , concentration , speed of perception are enhanced many times over! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Improve attention and concentration, as they are extremely important when reading quickly
  3. Read a book a day and finish your work faster

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We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, and calculating percentages, but you will also practice them in special tasks and educational games! Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

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Formation of memory as a basic mental function

The cognitive development of a child is unthinkable without the active use of memory. This mental process allows you to accumulate, store and recall the necessary information. The memory of a preschooler expands its capabilities every year.

In the first years of life, memory is formed as a component function of perception. The most striking characteristics of those objects that are perceived by a child are involuntarily recorded by brain cells. Information is accumulated about surrounding people, about various objects, about their properties, about repeated actions. At the age of three years, memory already acts as an independent cognitive function.

The simplest form of recollection is manifested in the baby's recognition of objects that he has already seen, heard or touched before. In preschool age, the functional capabilities of receiving and retrieving information are actively developing, which ensures more complex memory work. A preschooler uses all memory functions:

  • memorization
  • preservation
  • recollection
  • recognition
  • playback

Memorization is carried out by “linking” new material to already familiar material. For a preschooler, such consolidation occurs fleetingly. Children do not yet know how to use special memorization techniques.

Retention is a mental process that ensures that information is retained for a certain time. It can be both short-term and long-term. Young children can remember for a long time what caused special emotions. Fear may linger for a long time, but the baby can also retain impressions of joyful events.

Recall is the process of retrieving previously remembered information. The request on the way home: “Mom, buy me a doll like Olya’s” is nothing more than a recollection of one’s own admiration for Olya’s treasure.

Recognition is an easier way to remember familiar information because it relies on a newly seen, heard, or felt stimulus.

Reproduction is a complex process of retrieving already stored material. The limited life experience of a preschooler also imposes restrictions on the reproduction of information. The child remembers under the influence of similar impressions.

The main feature of a preschooler's memory is the predominance of involuntary memorization. Playback works the same way.

Types of memory

To understand what exactly needs to be trained, you should briefly highlight the theoretical aspect.

Researcher Blonsky P.P. identified the following types of memory:

  • motor;
  • emotional;
  • figurative;
  • verbal.

Moreover, the process of memory development in a baby occurs in exactly this sequence.

In addition, the following types are distinguished:

  • Short term. Remembering important information for a short time. For example, we saw a phone number, remembered it, and called. And after that, we won’t be able to remember, because the information was “erased.”
  • Long-term. Storing data for a long time. Moreover, this is not necessarily just informative material - memories and impressions can be deposited, forming life experience.

Memory can be classified based on the use of a particular analyzer. There are such types of it:

  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • tactile;
  • emotional;
  • verbal-logical.

Often several types are involved in the process of memorization, but, as a rule, one dominates in a person.

Development of memory in preschool children. Research and development methods

Victoria Pryadkina

Development of memory in preschool children. Research and development methods

Memory is a cognitive process during which the individual remembers, preserves and subsequently reproduces his experience and previously acquired knowledge. Memory is an integral trace form of reflection. Memory is the basis of any mental process. Memory is one of the main forms of organization of mental life.

“Memory is the process of organizing and storing past experience, making it possible to reuse it in activity or return to the sphere of consciousness. "

Memory connects a person’s past with his present and future and is the most important cognitive function underlying development and learning.

Physiological basis of memory.

Memory is based on physiological processes that occur in the human hemispheres of the brain. Any damage to the cortex, to one degree or another, disrupts the ability to develop new skills. Amnesia (memory disorders) is usually caused by disturbances in the normal functioning of the cortex.

According to Hering's theory, every stimulus leaves a physiological trace, or imprint, which underlies subsequent reproduction.

To understand the physiological foundations of memory, I. P. Pavlov’s teaching on conditioned reflexes is essential. In the nervous mechanisms of the conditioned reflex, in the principle of nervous closure as the basis for the formation of temporary connections, Pavlov revealed the physiological mechanism of associations by contiguity, which are the essential basis of elementary forms of memory. At the same time, Pavlov's research revealed the processes that constitute the physiological basis for the formation of conditionally temporary - associative - connections in all their real complexity, due to the patterns of excitation and inhibition, concentration, irradiation and induction discovered by Pavlov in the activity of the cortex.

Basic memory processes


– this is the imprinting of received information in a person’s consciousness, which is a necessary condition for enriching a person’s experience with new knowledge and forms of behavior.


– this is the activation of previously fixed content of the psyche.


- an active process consisting in the loss of access to previously memorized material, the inability to reproduce or learn what has been learned.


– retention of acquired knowledge in memory for a relatively long period of time.

Reproduction forms


- a manifestation of memory that occurs when an object is re-perceived;


- which occurs in the absence of perception of the object;


- which is the most active form of reproduction, largely dependent on the clarity of the tasks assigned, on the degree of logical ordering of the information remembered and stored in the DP;


- delayed reproduction of previously perceived, seemingly forgotten;


— learning new material affects the recall of previously learned material.


- visual memory, which retains a vivid image for a long time with all the details of what was perceived.

Types of memory


Information is remembered by itself without special memorization, but in the course of performing an activity, in the course of working on information. Strongly developed in childhood, weakens in adults.


Information is remembered purposefully using special techniques.

Implicit memory

memory without awareness of the subject of memorization, or unconscious memory.

Explicit memory

conscious memory.

Types of memory

1. Visual-figurative memory, which helps to remember faces, sounds, color, shape of an object, etc. well.

2. Verbal-logical memory, in which information is remembered by ear.

3. Emotional memory, in which experienced feelings, emotions and events are remembered.

Memory criteria

1. The object of memorization, i.e. what is remembered, these are objects and phenomena, thoughts, movements, feelings. Accordingly, there are such types of memory as figurative, verbal-logical, motor and emotional;

2. The degree of volitional regulation of memory. From this point of view, a distinction is made between voluntary and involuntary memory;

3. Duration of storage in memory. In this case, we mean short-term, long-term and operational memory.

Memory development from 0 to 1 year

Recognition appears. At the age of four months, a child can distinguish a familiar face from an unfamiliar one. By the age of one year, a child can already remember something even if there is no similar object in front of him.

Child memory development from 1 to 2 years

A one-year-old child lives for today. He does not remember what happened yesterday, and is not able to imagine “tomorrow”. All his attention is concentrated on what surrounds him at the moment. The baby is able to distinguish familiar objects, sounds, smells, tastes, surfaces. Based on knowledge gained from the senses, he learns to quickly recognize objects around him.

Memory development of a child from 2 to 3 years old . Tenacious Researchers

During this period, the development of memory in children is very active: the child masters the connections between objects, their properties, signs and actions. For example, if the baby is interested in an object, now it is not enough to name it - you need to say what it does (swims, flies, drives, barks, chirps, etc.) From the age of 2, the baby remembers small rhymes well; knows some numbers, letters, geometric shapes, animals, fruits, vegetables, berries. On your way to the playground, you can describe everything you see.

Memory development of a child from 3 to 4 years old. Novice analysts.

At this age, the child learns to clearly distinguish between primary colors, knows basic geometric shapes, and begins to compare objects according to various criteria: size, shape, color, quantity. And learns to select a pair based on a given characteristic. Masters such concepts as “little-many”, “big-small”, “high-low”. Can match numbers up to 3 (sometimes up to 5) with the number of fingers on the hand.

Memory development of a child from 4 to 5 years old. Younger preschoolers.

At this age, it is already clear what “talents” the child has, what is easier for him. Weaknesses are also visible - things that the child does not know or cannot understand and that you need to try to explain to him. In younger preschoolers, involuntary reproduction and memorization are the only form of memory work; even by the end of preschool age, involuntary memory remains dominant.

Memory development of a child from 5 to 6 years old

At this age, the child breaks all memorization records. Nothing, absolutely nothing can pass him by without him remembering at least a small part of the event. An interesting feature of the mental development of a 5-year-old child is the involuntary process of “imprinting” in memory. This means that the memory mechanisms work “on their own”, without any effort.

The main type of memory is figurative memory. It is specific, visual, detailed images of objects, their properties, actions, i.e. representations, that constitute the main content of children's memory. They are the building material that a child uses in his games, drawings, and stories.

Memory development of a child from 6 to 7 years old

can remember a fairly large amount of information. However, like other processes of nervous activity, memory is greatly influenced by the attitude (emotional perception) to the material.

children remember a lot, they enjoy reading poems, retelling their favorite fairy tales and cartoon plots. However, retaining educational information is much more complex and depends largely on memorization.

Methods for studying memory

Methodology “Imaginative Memory”.

Purpose: Study of short-term memory.


An image (image, object, geometric figure, symbol) is taken as a unit of memory capacity. The subject is offered, in 20 seconds. Remember the maximum number of images from the presented table. Then, within one minute, he must reproduce what he remembered.

Methodology "Recognition of figures".

Goal: Study of the processes of perception and recognition.


The experimenter presents the subject with a table depicting 9 figures and asks them to carefully examine and remember these figures for 10 seconds. After which the subject is shown a second table, with a large number of figures. The subject must find among them the figures from the first table.

“Indirect memorization” technique.

(The method was proposed by L. S. Vygotsky and A. R. Luria, developed by A. N. Leontyev).

Purpose: Study of the level of indirect memorization, features of thinking.

Methodology “Learning 10 words”.

(Method proposed by A. R. Luria)

Purpose: Assessing the state of memory, fatigue, attention activity.

“Remember the numbers” technique.

Purpose: Determining the volume of short-term auditory memory of a child.

“Shapes” (visual memory training).

Children are divided into pairs. First, one in a pair lays out the matches on the table and covers them with a sheet of paper, then, lifting it for 10 seconds, shows his friend the resulting figure. After looking, the second player closes his eyes and tries to count the number of matches used. Then he opens his eyes and puts out a “photographed” figure from his matches. After this, the first player picks up the sheet and checks the number and correctness of the matches with the original. Then the players change roles. As you practice, color is added to the quantity and location for mention. You can move on to the next exercise if the child can freely hold at least 10 matches in his imagination.

"Awareness of verbal material"

(used both for training visual and auditory memory).

The purpose of this activity is to get children thinking about words. The presenter says: “Now I will read (show) (depending on the type of memory being trained) words, after hearing (seeing) each word, imagine the appearance of this object, its taste, smell, sounds that it can make, etc. etc. For example, toothpaste looks white and shiny, with a minty smell and a taste that is sharp and sweet at the same time.”

Paper Nest Cat Wheel Stick Wool Cart Hair Rose Scarf Boot Finger Lemonade Elephant Kiss Film Damn Happiness Tear Shoe Bird Bus Doctor Ice Cream

As a preliminary training, you can invite children to first describe out loud the images evoked with the help of their senses and only after that move on to working “only in their minds.”

recognition exercise

The child is asked to remember the objects depicted in 3-4 pictures and name them from memory. Then the child must find their image in 5-10 similar pictures, but randomly scattered. Gradually, the number of memorized pictures can be increased. The exercises described above will help children learn to organize memorized information. To extract information, you need an “ear” or “string” by which it could be pulled out. Associations are such a tool. Association is a mental process by which some ideas and concepts cause others to appear in the mind. Typically, associations are established more intuitively than logically, although such work itself is impossible without the ability to find similarities or differences.

"Double memory stimulation."

15-20 cards with images of individual objects are laid out in front of the child (for example, an apple, a trolleybus, a teapot, an airplane, a pen, a shirt, a car, a horse, a flag, a rooster, etc.). The child is told: “I’ll tell you a few words now. Look at these pictures, choose the one that will help you remember each word, and put it aside. Then the first word is read. After the child puts the picture down, the second word is read, etc. Next, he must reproduce the words presented. To do this, he takes the pictures put aside one by one and, with their help, recalls the words that were named to him. 37 An approximate set of words: “fire”, “factory”, “cow”, “chair”, “water”, “father”, “jelly”, “sit”, “mistake”, “kindness”, etc.

Game "Who will remember more?"

Children are shown sequentially, one after another, pictures depicting various objects that they must look at and remember, and are asked to name who will remember what. The one who names the maximum number wins.

All materials were collected on the Internet and compiled into a presentation.

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