Intellectual game “Nature Experts”; 5 - 6 grades

Neshataeva Elena Vasilievna

Geography teacher

MSKOU VIII type Krasnovishersk

Intellectual game “Nature Experts”.

Goals of the game:

  • Development of students’ cognitive activity, intelligence, broadening their horizons.
  • Fostering love and respect for living nature.

There is just a temple, There is a temple of science, And there is also a temple of nature - With forests stretching out their hands Toward the sun and winds Open to us in the heat and cold, Come here, be sensitive with your heart, Do not desecrate its shrines.

Good afternoon, dear guests, children! We are at the game “Nature Experts”. It was the game that brought us all together today to think again and reflect on such an important issue as nature conservation. To protect nature, you need to know it.

You know many animals and plants well, you have heard or read about others, you have seen others on television, and you will meet some today. And so let's start our game.

The main characters will be two teams.

Team presentation. "TRANSFORMERS" "KNOW-ALLS"


1. “Warm-up” competition

There are 15 questions, you need to answer them as quickly as possible. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

Questions for team #1

  1. What is the name of the herb for 99 diseases. (St. John's wort)
  2. How many legs does a spider have? (eight)
  3. Will hares be born blind or sighted? (sighted)
  4. What birds hatch chicks three times a year? (sparrows, buntings)
  5. Who picks apples with their backs? (hedgehog)
  6. Is a penguin a bird or not? (Yes)
  7. What does elk lose every winter? (horns)
  8. Which berry is red, white and black? (currant)
  9. Who's teeth grow every day? (beaver, hare)
  10. Which tree has a white trunk? (birch)
  11. Which bird flies the highest? (eagle)
  12. Who sleeps upside down? (bat)
  13. When is the first thunderstorm most likely to occur? (in May)
  14. What happens to a bee after it stings? (she is dying)
  15. What animal loves raspberries? (bear)

Questions for team #2

  1. What bird throws eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)
  2. The name of which plant tells where it grows? (plantain)
  3. Who runs with their hind legs forward? (hare)
  4. Bloodthirsty predator of our forests. (wolf)
  5. What flower starts summer? (bell)
  6. Before what weather do birds stop singing? (rain)
  7. What is the largest bird in the world? (ostrich)
  8. An animal that is very similar to a cat. (lynx)
  9. What bird can talk? (parrot)
  10. Do birds winter in birdhouses? (no it's very cold there)
  11. Is a tree a symbol of Russia? (birch)
  12. Who has the worst eyesight? (mole)
  13. It looks like a lined notebook. (zebra)
  14. Which animal runs well, jumps and boxes well? (kangaroo)
  15. Which tree gives water to woodpeckers in spring? /birch/

Well done guys, you know a lot, you were able to answer so many questions. Tell me, where can I learn about interesting plants and animals? Yes, you can find this out in encyclopedias.

2.competition “Troubles from a little party”

You can score 3 points for a correct answer.

Guess from the 1st clue.

1. Bonfire

  1. This serves as protection from predators.
  2. Saves from hunger.
  3. It is bred by tourists and reindeer herders.
  4. You can boil water and cook food on it.

2. Tent

  1. Essential for tourists going on a hike for several days.
  2. Helps hide from animals and insects.
  3. Protects from cold, wind and rain.
  4. You can hide from the hot sun.

3. Globe

1. The item is round in shape, but is not used in the gym.

2. Motley, spinning.

3. With this item you can travel without having money. This is what its owner does.

4. Lives in the geography room.

4 Blue whale.

  1. A mammal that gives birth to live young and feeds them with milk.
  2. Listed in the Red Book.
  3. These animals include: beluga whale, humpback whale, lied whale, sperm whale, killer whale.
  4. This is the largest animal that has ever existed on earth.

5. Tourism

  1. Kind of sport.
  2. There are mountain, water, ski.
  3. Group hike.
  4. A type of travel undertaken for leisure.

6. River

  1. Water flow of considerable size.
  2. You can admire her.
  3. Has a source, mouth.
  4. It can be mountainous or flat.

Since 1600, 150 species of animals and birds have become extinct on our planet, more than half in just the last 50 years. The Red Book maintained by the International Union for Conservation of Nature now lists about 100 species of animals and birds that are in distress.

37 species of birds are listed in our Red Book of the Perm Territory. Today we will get acquainted with some species.

3. competition “Birds of the Red Book of the Perm Territory”.

I'm asking a question. You pick up the card with the desired number. For each correct answer you get a point. So, let's start the game. Listen carefully.

Gray owl -

Large head, smoky gray color. The eyes are yellow with dark stripes around them. A black spot under the beak, similar to a beard, is how this species got its name. Hunts in the evening and at night mainly on small rodents, sometimes on squirrels and small birds.

Great Sparrow Owl

- a very small bird of prey, weight - 55-80 g. Females are larger than males. The head is small, round, slightly flattened, there are no “ears”, and there are short white “eyebrows” above the eyes. It hunts during the day, at dawn, and at dusk. Its food mainly consists of rodents: lemmings, voles, wood mice, as well as small passerine birds. In winter, they like to visit bird feeders, where tits, bullfinches, and sparrows lie in wait.

Great curlew -

The bird is easily recognized by its long, slightly downward-curved beak. The beak is long, sharp, and curved, helping to find prey in the damp, soft bottom. Legs are elongated.


- a large bird with a long orange-red beak and black and white plumage. The legs are short pink-red. Runs and swims well. A fussy and noisy bird. The main cry, emitted both on the ground and in the air, is the far-audible trill “quirrrrrrr”. It feeds on mollusks, worms, and insects. In search of food, it moves along the shore in shallow water, sticking its beak into the water or sand.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Vortonyan Nadezhda Gavrilovna Additional education teacher at the MBOU additional education for children at the Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education "Raduga" in Taishet Topic: intellectual game “Nature Experts”. Objectives: 1. Develop thinking (teaching to analyze, compare), imagination and creative abilities of students; 2. To form a cognitive interest in the world around us; 3. Develop an interest in various representatives of the animal world, a desire to learn more about their life, habits, adaptation to living conditions; 4. Foster a caring attitude towards nature. (To love means to know. To know means to watch animals, help them, read books); 5. To promote a sense of kindness, empathy, and involvement in all living and beautiful things that surround us.

Progress of the game 1. State the goal of the game. TASK 1. Which word is encrypted? Look at the shapes. The theme of our game is encrypted in them. You need to decrypt it.

S C T I V E M E I C 1 10 8 4 6 2 3 7 9 5

5 6 2 8 9 10 — 1 7 3 4 5 6 2 8 4 10

C V E T I K - S E M I C V E T I K

1. What magical power did this flower have? (Fulfilled wishes) 2. What are the magic words in this fairy tale? 3. Learning words: Fly, fly, petal, Through west to east, Through north, through south, Come back after making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, it will be in my opinion. 4. What fairy tale is this unusual flower from? Remember? “Seven-flowered flower”, V. Kataeva. The little girl Zhenya made wishes that the flower fulfilled, and we will try to solve problems in the nature around us with the help of petals. Unusual questions. After all, nature helps people in life, makes a person kind. Today we will talk about nature. A wonderful writer and great lover of nature, Mikhail Prishvin, wrote: “We are the masters of our nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with the great treasures of life. Fish needs water, birds need air, animals need forests, steppes, mountains, but man needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.” Now we will play and find out which of you is the best nature connoisseur. After all, knowledge helps a person in a difficult situation, and also helps nature. You and I will split into two teams. Come up with team names. For each correct answer you receive a token.


PLANTS. 1st round. 1. Which plant flowers did the Queen of France decorate her hair with? (Potatoes). 2. Why do trees have sticky leaves in spring? (Resinous substances protect them from frost). 3. What word does the name “cabbage” come from, what does it mean? (From the word “kaput” - head). 4. Why is lungwort called a “bouquet flower”? (On the branch there are flowers of pink, blue and purple). 5. What did the knights wear on their chests as a talisman? (Onion) 6. What plant is used in India to catch monkeys? (Pumpkin). 7. Can this plant grow a meter in a day? (Bamboo). 8. Why are the leaves at the top of the tree the last to fall? (They are younger than the others). 9. Where do potatoes come from? (From South America). 10. In which country do cucumbers grow in the forest, twining around trees like vines? (In India).

2nd round. Do you believe? 1. Do you believe that firewood prepared in winter is dry and burns better than firewood prepared in summer? (Yes, the tree “sleeps” in winter and does not absorb moisture). 2. Do you believe that there are predator plants? (Yes). 3. Do you believe that the aspen tree is called the match queen? (Yes, it makes the best matches). 4. Do you believe that the woodpecker drinks birch sap? (Yes).

FOREST PHARMACY. Now we will talk about medicinal plants. 1st round. 1. Why is it useful to eat currants, strawberries, and rose hips? (They are rich in vitamins). 2. Does everyone know that the leaves of this plant should be applied to wounds? (Plantain). 3. Is a cough decoction prepared from the leaves of this plant, warm on one side and cold on the other? (Coltsfoot). 4. Which plant will help with insomnia? (Valerian). 5. These flowers not only “predict fate”, but are also very useful for washing hair. (Chamomile). 6. From the petals of this plant, aromatic oil is obtained, perfume and jam are made. (Roses). 7. If your heart hurts, what medicinal herb should you use to treat it? (Lily of the valley). Lily of the valley drops help with heart disease. Its flowers are used to make drops, which are used as a remedy to calm a strong heartbeat. Lily of the valley flowers are also used to make perfume, cologne, and soap. 8. What to do if you have poor appetite? (Dandelion root will help you whet your appetite. Animals readily eat it.) 9. What medicinal plant helps cure sore throat? (Medicinal chamomile). 10. What medicinal plant is used for vitamin deficiencies? (This is a rowan - a piggy bank of natural multivitamins. The fruits, both ripe and frozen, are suitable for medicinal purposes. They are used fresh and dried.)

2nd round. Do you believe? 1. Do you believe that medicinal plants should be collected in dry, cool weather? (Yes). 2. Do you believe that cranberries and gooseberries are called northern lemons? (Yes). WATER. Water is everywhere - on earth, it occupies 1/3 of the land; and underground. 1st round. 1. Put it in water - it doesn’t sink, put it in fire - it doesn’t burn. (Ice). 2. A silver coin hangs above the window. (Icicle). 3. Why is there a hole in the lid of the kettle? (To release steam). 4. What are the names of sea waves that occur during earthquakes? (Tsunami). 5. Zarya-lightning, a red maiden, was walking across the field and lost her keys. I saw the moon, the sun rose. (Dew). 6. In a new wall, in a round window, the glass was broken during the day, but replaced during the night (Ice hole). 7. They often ask me, they wait for me, but as soon as I show myself, they immediately start hiding. (Rain). 8. It grew, grew taller, came out of its beard, the sun rose, nothing happened. (Fog). 9. Clean and clear, like a diamond, there are no roads. I was born from my mother, I give birth to her myself. (Ice). 10. There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea).

2nd round. Do you believe? 1. Do you believe that waterfowl are warmer in the water than on land in the cold fall? (Yes, since the water is warmer than the air that has cooled down). 2. Do you believe that clouds and fog are not the same thing? (No, fog and clouds are tiny droplets of water). 3.

BIRDS. 1st round. 1. The nose is both a bag and a pantry. (Pelican). 2. Who builds nests in winter? (Klest) 3. Which bird has a winter name? (Bullfinch). 4. What bird walks on snow on “skis”? (By winter, a partridge grows thick feathers on its paws, on which it runs through the snow, like on skis, without falling through). 5. This bird seems to resemble a clerk of old times, who put a goose feather behind his ear. What kind of bird is this? (Secretary). 6. What birds cannot fly? (Ostrich, penguin). 7. Whose egg is bigger: duck or chicken? (Duck). 8. Which bird lays its eggs in other people's nests? (Cuckoo). 9. What birds are called “forest orderlies”? (Woodpecker, tit). 10. What bird likes to dive into an ice hole? (Dipper bird).

2nd round. Do you believe? 1. Do you believe that birds have teeth? (Yes, chicks have a bump on their beak, an “egg tooth”; the chick breaks the shell with it). 2. Do you believe that you can tell what they eat by looking at a bird’s nose? (Yes, in insectivores - narrow, thin; in birds that feed on grains and seeds - thick, hard; in predators - hooked). BEASTS. If you know the forest and animals, name them quickly. 1st round 1. Why do animals and birds huddle close to human habitation in winter? (Easier to obtain food). 2. Why do they say: The legs feed the wolf? (Unlike other animals, it does not guard its prey, but catches up). 3. White runs on white. Wherever he runs, he will write. (Hare in the forest). 4. The taiga owner comes more often - breaks dead wood, disperses the bees. What a beast. Who can guess? (Bear). 5. Gray little animal, long ears. And the tail is a ball. Sleeping under a bush. His house is there. Winter is coming - he changes his fur coat. Who knows? (Hare). 6. The fastest predator on earth? (Cheetah. It is also called “The Dog with a Cat’s Head.” No animal in the world can run faster than it. Sometimes it rushes 110 km and even 140 km – at the speed of a hurricane! – in pursuit of prey.) 7. Hump-nosed, long-legged, branch-horned giant, Eats grass, shoots of bushes, it is difficult to compete with him in running. If you happen to encounter something like this. Know that this is... (Moose). 8. What is the name of an animal that is close in origin to moles and, like a mole to the underground, is very adapted to the water element. (Muskrat). 9. What kind of predatory animal is its skin of great value: fluffy, warm, light and beautiful. (Sable). 10. Name an animal that is one of the largest bulls in the world: its height is up to two meters, its weight is up to a ton. His powerful physique does not prevent him from being very fast and agile in his movements. These animals stay in groups: cows, young bulls and heifers, six to eight heads each. (Bison).

2nd round. Do you believe? 1. Do you believe that a bear can eat up to 200,000 berries in a day? (Yes). 2. Do you believe that some animals clean their skins by rolling around in the mud? (Yes, these are elephants, rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses). 3. Do you believe that a camel can drink up to 136 liters of water per day? (Yes).

PROTECTION OF NATURE. 1st round. 1. Why can’t you hunt fur-bearing animals in the spring? (Cubs appear.) 2. Why can’t you make noise in the forest in spring and early summer? (The noise scares animals and birds; they abandon their nests and babies). 3. Why can’t you destroy poisonous mushrooms in the forest? (They treat animals). 4. Why can’t you leave a fire unextinguished in the forest? (A fire may occur) 5. What harm does a fire cause? 6. Why can’t you pick armfuls of flowers in the forest? (They may disappear; there are many medicinal plants among them). 7. Why shouldn’t you destroy anthills? (They are full of life; one anthill can contain up to 3 thousand ants). 8. Why do you need to feed birds in winter? (They protect the forest, save the harvest, delight us with their songs). 9. Why can’t the forest be cut down? (Gives us clean air, beauty, retains moisture, delays gusts of wind, etc.). 10. Why should we protect birds? (They save trees from harmful insects and delight us with their singing).

2nd round. 1. Do you believe that the forest is a source of health? (Yes). 2. Do you believe that forest fires can be caused by a lightning strike or human negligence? (Yes).

TASKS 3. Creative work. 1. What shape can a petal be? (Oval, triangular, round). 2. Draw a flower-petal with one petal and write your most cherished desire in this petal. 3. Test (The student says the magic words and reads his deepest wish).

Summary of the lesson. Today we talked about nature. You have shown that you love nature and know a lot about it. - Why are we friends with the forest, why do people need it? (The forest is clean air, the forest is a home for animals and birds, the forest is a storehouse that generously gives away its gifts: nuts, berries, mushrooms, the forest is medicinal plants, the forest is beauty, etc.). - Now let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest. (Do not break green branches and trees, do not destroy anthills and bird nests, do not pick armfuls of flowers, protect the forest from fire). — When lighting a fire, what should you remember? (Dig a fire and be sure to put it out when leaving the forest. Also, don’t forget to pick up trash after you; you can burn it or bury it in the ground, or even better, take it away and throw it in a container).

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