Leisure “Holiday of Soap Bubbles” methodological development (senior group)

Bubble show for a child's birthday

For a children's party, a soap bubble show looks much more exciting if it is not just a spectacle, but involves involvement in the dynamic plot of an adventure story.
As befits a fairy tale, this scenario contains not only a lie, but also a hint. We tell children how important it is to have friends, to be brave and kind.

Reminds us that good always triumphs over evil. And he wins not only by fighting. It is enough to approach the villain in a humane way and he will understand that being kind is much more fun !

Fairy tale script

Props for soap bubbles

In addition to the props for soap bubbles, you will need:

  • ShDM (ball for modeling)
  • pump

To demonstrate a fairy tale:

  • rubberized carpet (or with polyethylene lining)
  • table (preferably with slots for cups
  • bowl for solution
  • foam tube
  • rackets
  • sun rackets
  • lighter
  • gas
  • 2 napkins (performer and assistant)
  • several large napkins for cleaning the area

This is the main set. If you have a light table, lots of rackets, a smoke pipe and other luxuries - that's great! This means the fairy tale will be even more interesting.

So, we greet the children and introduce ourselves.


Today I will tell you a fairy tale. Once upon a time there was a balloon in the world (we show an uninflated ShDM), he was very lonely. unhappy. Because he had no friends. But one day the ball was lucky - he met a friend. The friend's name was Pump (we show). The pump was funny and literally breathed life into our balloon (we inflate it). Our ball became invigorating and wanted to tell everyone how great it is to have friends. But he couldn’t do it - he doesn’t have a mouth.

Making a balloon dog is not at all as difficult as it might seem. The process is described on our website, here you will also find a video with step-by-step instructions and tips

We make the ball a dog's face. I started telling everyone. But what should we do with him like this? No play, no running. (We make legs. It turns out to be a dog) And on such cheerful legs he ran to meet people and make new friends. (we go into the hall) He runs up and asks: “What’s your name?” (the person replies) “Very nice. And me...and me...” Oh, kids, he doesn’t have a name. Let's urgently come up with a name for him. The children give their own ideas. We choose. For example, his name will be Sharik.

The plot of the tale

And he ran to look for friends. And I found myself in an amazing country. (using small rackets we release several bubbles). Everything here was made of soap bubbles. Trees, houses... and even the residents themselves were bubbly. Sharik wanted to find friends. I came up to meet him (we touch the bubbles with a ball - they break), but they all disappeared somewhere. And he decided that the residents were very modest. I decided to wait on the sidelines.

And the locals became bolder and came out to see. (here we release a lot of bubbles - both children and adults.)

And the residents decided to show Sharik their country.

Now is the time to demonstrate your skills. Various tricks with soap bubbles. You will find a detailed description on our website by clicking on the link.

  • Residents play catch-up - a small ball flies and is caught inside with a large racket.
  • They play hide and seek - a big bubble flies and we blow small balls into it as it flies
  • Smoky pipe - they are cooking food or traveling to the mountains
  • A column of foam on the palm - pies are being baked
  • In the palm of your hand there are bubbles filled with helium (caterpillar up) - these are the houses of the inhabitants
  • Bubbles with steam on the table - also at home, but more spectacular
  • Many spectacular and simple tricks are described on our website. Click on the link and learn more about how to make the show more interesting

The music stops.

And suddenly he appeared - a huge scary dragon . (take a large racket, make a train. The bigger the better.. We circle, make waves.

The dragon was the only evil creature in this country. The poor little inhabitants of Bubbleland hid in all directions.

And the dragon flew and growled. He liked it so much that everyone was afraid of him.

(to the music “Flight of the Bumblebee” we show the flight of a dragon)

Everyone in the world was afraid of the Dragon. Only our little friend Sharik was not afraid. He approached the Dragon and asked:

- Listen, why are you so impudent? Why are you making noise and growling? Let's be better friends.

The dragon was stunned by this proposal. And he stared at Sharik with all his eyes.

(Here we catch one bubble on the racket and blow small bubbles into it - these are the eyes of the dragon)

What does it mean to be friends? (here we ask the children to tell us what friendship is)

And then the dragon realized that being kind is much more interesting! He began to spin with joy and called his friends. All the local residents were happy and also ran out into the street. Everyone was spinning around merrily together. (Two rackets “sun” - we spin.)

And the Dragon showed Shariki his country.

  • the fire on his hand - the dragon carried him to the tops of the volcanoes
  • big plumes are the dragon's friends
  • and other things that you know how to do

Well, while they're flying, let's get to know you

And we move on to the interactive: we make foam ears for children, cakes, mohawks, crowns, etc...


Sharik was also introduced to the most important resident of the country - Gigantus. He was the biggest, the wisest and the kindest.

(We show a large bubble from a container for a person in a bubble. And we invite the children to go flying.)

But wait! What about our Sharik? Night will come and everyone will go home. But he doesn’t have a home...how poor is he? (the children give us options and we come to the decision to leave Sharik in the kindergarten or with the birthday boy’s family) Well, now everything is in order and you can go flying!

(It’s good if you have a large capacity. This allows you to put 2 or even 4 children inside, which speeds up the process.)

Soap bubble show in kindergarten

Performance in kindergarten has a number of features.

  1. Ensure maximum safety of the kindergarten property: not a single drop leaks through the carpet and gets on the curtains or, worse, on the equipment
  2. Enlist the support of educators. Because when they see soap bubbles, children simply lose their heads.
  3. At the end of the show, everyone is usually put in a bubble. My opinion: no one should be deprived of this exciting journey inside the bubble. First we start younger groups, then older children, etc. Ask them (the elders) to be patient in advance. For this, you can give them a bonus: let them play with bubbles when the kids leave. The kids are released into the bubble and taken to the group.
  4. Show attention and respect to teachers! Give them attention in a playful way. This is useful for you and pleasant for teachers. After all, they help you make the show beautiful and calm.

Game Bubble Art

Bursts of bubbles on the paper provide a base that you can then draw on. It's a combination of cooperative play and art project that kids will love. You just need to prepare colored solutions for soap bubbles in advance. To do this, read the article on how to make a solution for soap bubbles with your own hands, or just buy a ready-made solution and several jars of liquid food coloring (dyes for soap making are also suitable).

Take a set of several bowls, pour a solution of soap bubbles into each and add a drop of dye of a certain color. Bowls of even just three colors are quite enough, but you can make more.

We divide the children into pairs. One team member will dip the wand into the colors of their choice and blow a bubble. His teammate must hold a piece of paper and catch the bubble so that it bursts and a colored mark appears on the paper. We continue until the player with the bubbles says that his design on paper is ready. Then the players change places so that everyone can create their own art project on paper from bursting colored soap bubbles.

Then you can leave the sheets to dry and then get creative by completing the drawings.

Video of soap bubbles show

Music for a soap bubble show

For this fairy tale I used several soundtracks. Each of which helps in demonstrating the plot, making it more lively and dynamic.

The phonograms are “glued together” into a single track lasting 20 minutes.

If you liked the musical accompaniment, you can write to me:

  • get it for free (for a friendly favor)
  • purchase for 200 rubles (I will send it by email)
  • Choose any of the 2 options that you like best

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Dance of frozen bubbles

Every child loves to play the freeze-freeze game and loves to pop bubbles. This game combines the love for both of these games. It is perfect for children's parties: outdoors in summer, indoors in winter.

First, we gather all the children in the central space. Now you need to turn on some music and dance the way you like. At this time, several adults should blow soap bubbles in a given dance space, and ask the children to burst as many bubbles as they can.

When the music stops, children should stop dancing and popping balloons - “freeze” in place. This is especially difficult for young children who prefer to keep popping the flying bubbles rather than "freeze."

  • Soap bubbles catalog

Everyone who did not have time to freeze leaves the game, and the next round begins.

But players who are “outside” the dancing area don't have to worry because they get to blow bubbles into the dancing crowd.

Continue playing until there is only one player left in the dance space. He is declared the winner.

The purpose of drawing with soap bubbles

Any activity with children is not just entertainment, but a way to get to know the world around them, broaden their horizons, and develop useful skills.

The main goal of drawing with bubbles is to introduce children to their properties, simultaneously learning such concepts as shape, composition, size.

Along the way, the following goals are achieved:

  • Breathing training,
  • Encouragement for creative activities,
  • Development of fantasy.

As a result, after the lesson, the child understands that some items can be used not only for their intended purpose. He learns to see similarities between objects that at first glance are completely different. But the most important thing is positive emotions and a sea of ​​delight from such an unconventional way of drawing.

A soap bubble show is quite an interesting entertainment for a children's party. With it you can cheer up your child and his guests. And also to cheer up all the children present at the event. And charge them with positivity for the whole next week.

In order to organize a soap bubble show, it is not necessary to hire expensive animators. You can do it yourself. We'll tell you how to do this.

What do you need to know before holding a bubble show?

Before you organize a bubble show for your child, you need to learn the basic directions of his numbers. There are several tricks that are shown at such events. They are the following:

  1. Creating a giant bubble that guests can climb into. As part of this trick, you have to blow a giant soap bubble. It must be as durable as possible so that a child can climb into it. And also all his guests. The soap bubble, however, should not burst.
  2. Soap trails. They are a huge line drawn in the air using bubbles. A very beautiful trick that brings joy to show viewers of any age. Especially for kids.
  3. Dancing bubbles. As part of this issue, you will have to create several large-scale bubbles. They will move to the beat of the music. “Dance” under your strict control.

And also other tricks.

There are a huge number of video tutorials on the topic of air bubbles on YouTube. From there you can learn a lot of new things. Learn the most interesting tricks with soap bubbles. Learn the technique of doing them.

In just a few weeks you will be able to create big, beautiful soap bubbles. With the same professionalism as the animators who have been doing this business all their lives.

What children's events would a bubble show be suitable for?

The soap bubble show is suitable for several types of events:

  1. Children's matinees. Holding a soap bubble show yourself is an ideal option if parents do not have the opportunity to order a professional animator. And you have to ask one of the adults for help in organizing the event.
  2. Children's birthdays. The soap bubble show will be especially interesting for little children. Under 8 years of age. Kids are extremely delighted with the soap bubble show.
  3. For adult birthdays. You can also organize a soap bubble show for teenagers' birthdays. They will also delight children. However, we do not recommend that you conduct a soap bubble show yourself. Because the teenager will most likely evaluate such a proposal critically. And he won’t want his father to hold a soap bubble show on his own. During the holidays, it is better for teenagers to order a professional animator who will independently conduct a soap bubble show.

The soap bubble show is also suitable for other types of holidays. For example, such events are ordered for weddings.

They are so interesting and popular among adults.

Rules for holding a soap bubble show

When you organize a soap bubble show yourself, we recommend that you strictly adhere to a number of the following rules.

The speech should be concise

Never hold a bubble show for too long. It should be as short as possible. Otherwise, it will tire your child and his guests.

If the bubble show lasts too long, children will quickly lose interest in it. They will get tired of watching the shows. And, as a result, they will begin to be capricious and cry.

As a result, the holiday will be ruined. And you will have to try again to cheer up the kids. And this will no longer be so easy.

Hold a bubble show either in the middle or at the end of the holiday

It is important to choose the right moment to hold a soap bubble show.

If you start organizing skits too early (at the beginning of a children's party), then at first the kids will be very delighted. However, when you finish showing the show, they will be upset. Because there will be a huge amount of time left until the end of the holiday itself. And the most interesting part, according to the children, (the soap bubble show) will already be over. As a result, the children will be very sad until the end of the event.

The optimal time for a bubble show is the middle or end of a children's party. If you organize skits at this time, your program will enhance the positive emotions of the holiday. Will end the speech. Will evoke positive emotions in children. And they will remember the holiday for the rest of their lives.

Soap bubble shows should be held on a large stage

The most important aspect to consider when holding a bubble show is the size of the venue. The one where you will hold the event.

The site should be as large as possible. So that you have enough space to show scenes. So that your movements are not constrained. And so that you do not touch anyone with your hands during the performance.

To organize a soap bubble show, we recommend choosing large restaurants. It is desirable that they have a summer area. Or a huge indoor hall. In large restaurants you will be comfortable performing in front of children.

In large premises there is guaranteed to be enough space for holding a soap bubble show. The child will feel comfortable and spacious. His guests will not be embarrassed either. This means the holiday will be fun.

Take a closer look at establishments that have a stage. You can hold a soap bubble show there.

You won't bother anyone. Because such scenes are quite large in area.

How to learn to make bubbles?

Learning how to make beautiful, big soap bubbles is not difficult. To do this you need:

  1. Learn a range of trick techniques.
  2. Learn how to create a bubble solution.
  3. Purchase special products (sticks) with which you will create soap bubbles.
  4. Hone your trick skills.

How to create a solution for soap bubbles?

You have two options with which you can obtain a solution to create soap bubbles. You need to either purchase it from a specialty store. Or make it yourself.

To create a solution for soap bubbles, follow these steps:

  1. Add one liter of still water to the pan. Warm it up. The water should not be too hot. It should be warm.
  2. Add two hundred milliliters of liquid soap. If you don’t have it, you can replace this “ingredient” with shampoo or shower gel.
  3. Add twenty-five milligrams of glycerin. It is sold in all pharmacies in Russia. Moreover, it is quite cheap.
  4. Add twenty-five milligrams of lubricant. It can also be purchased at almost any pharmacy in Russia. For a small price.

Once you place all the ingredients in the pan, start stirring them gently. Do not make sudden movements under any circumstances. Don't jerk the pan. And try not to shake it. Otherwise, you won't get soap bubbles. The entire solution will turn into foam. And it will be impossible to use it for soap performances.

If you prepare the solution correctly, you can create beautiful bubbles of amazing size.

What tools should you use to perform a soap bubble show?

The only thing you will need to hold a soap bubble show is a product with which you will blow them. Special sticks on mounts.

You will lower them into the solution. And then take it out. And create bubbles.

Making such a tool is very simple. To do this, you just need to purchase 2 sticks. And then fasten them to each other. You can use a rope for this.

The length of the sticks should not be too long. Their maximum length should not be more than 30 centimeters. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient for you to operate such sticks.

Sticks on a string are the simplest device for holding a soap bubble show. It's very convenient. And easy to make.

Apart from sticks on a rope, you will not need any additional tools in the first stages. If you decide to study the art of creating soap bubbles further, you can purchase more professional equipment in the future. However, we warn you right away. It's quite expensive.


To conduct a soap bubble show you will need:

  1. Large room.
  2. Soap solution.
  3. Tools for holding a soap bubble show.
  4. Spectators.

Everything else is a matter of technique. You just need to learn how to perform a number of simple tricks. And create beautiful bubbles.

You can learn how to perform numbers using video tutorials on YouTube. There you will learn new tricks. And hone your skills in doing them.

If you don’t want to waste time preparing a bubble show and holding the event yourself, hire professional animators. They will do their job perfectly. And they will come to the event with their own equipment.

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Order a soap bubble show.


Fun for children with soap bubbles material

Summer holiday at the preschool educational institution. Scenario "Feast of Soap Bubbles".

Goal: create a magical atmosphere and give children pleasure in playing with soap bubbles. Objectives: introduce methods of blowing bubbles; bring pleasure and positive emotions from joint communication, enrich the experience of cooperation, friendly relationships with peers, develop children’s motor activity, spatial orientation skills, cultivate a sense of self-confidence. Equipment: bottles of soap bubbles, cups of water, cocktail tubes for blowing foam, soap, hoops, musical accompaniment.

Progress of entertainment:

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Educator: Today we will find ourselves in a wonderful fairy tale. And I’ll tell you what fairy tale we’ll end up in after you guess my riddle. He was born in soapy water, turned into a ball, flew towards the sun, but didn’t make it: he burst! (soap bubble) Educator: Well done, guys. Right! In a distant fairy-tale country, in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, in one fairy-tale kingdom, there live wonderful inhabitants - soap bubbles. They love to come to our land and play with the guys. Bubbles are very delicate and fragile, but they give their magic to the whole world. Educator: Shall we have a soap bubble festival? Do you agree? Today is a wonderful holiday. We will put on a show! Let us make bubbles from soap foam! Educator: What are soap bubbles made from? Here are some tips for you.

Riddles: I am everywhere! In the sea, in the ocean, in a puddle and in a water tap. Have you heard about me, Because I'm everywhere! (Water) Children love to play with me, whip up fluffy foam. Me and the clean water are friends. (Soap) Transparent lungs float through the air. But just touch them with your hand and they no longer live. (Soap bubbles) Educator: The riddles have been solved. Well done! What do you guys think a soap bubble looks like? Now I will ask you, and if you agree, shout loudly “Yes” and clap your hands, and if you don’t agree, shout loudly “No” and stomp your feet. Let's try.

Yes-no game - Does a soap bubble look like an orange? (Yes) - Does he look like a tangerine? (Yes) - And what about the apples in the orchard? (Yes) - And for the fish, there in the pond? (No) - Is a soap bubble like a globe? (Yes) - What about an inflatable ball? (Yes) - Does it look like a telephone? (No) - And on a large tape recorder? (No) - Is it round, like the sun in the sky? (Yes) - And like a wheel on a bicycle? (Yes)

- Also, does it look like a house? (No) - What about the white snowball? (Yes)

Educator: Well done! Now let’s inflate a big, big soap bubble ourselves.

P/n “Bubble.” The children and the teacher join hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other, saying together: Inflate, bubble, Inflate, big, Stay like that, Don’t burst. At the same time, everyone gradually expands the circle and holds hands until the teacher says: “The bubble has burst!” Children lower their hands and squat down, saying: “Clap.” After the words: “The bubble burst,” you can invite the children, still holding hands, to move to the center of the circle, saying: “Sh-sh-sh-sh.” The guys, moving back, expand the circle again. Educator: And now games with soap bubbles. We open the caps, blow out the bubbles, they are all airy! And very naughty. How can we catch them? Hold them in the palm of our hand!

Game “Who can catch it on the palm of your hand” The teacher blows bubbles, the children try to catch it on their palm.

Educator: Bubbles scattered, Like droplets of dawn, Bright, shiny, Almost like real ones.

Game “Naughty Bubbles” While the music is playing, the children run around the hall, the music fades away - the children squat down and puff out their cheeks.

Educator: Guys, now let's have a competition for the most fluffy soap foam. You need to blow quietly, without puffing out your cheeks.

Breathing game “Soap foam” We collect a small amount of solution into plastic glasses and blow air into them with tubes. The solution will begin to bubble and produce abundant foam.

Educator: There will be soapy fun, there will be a lot, a lot of laughter. One bubble is for you, Two is a bigger one for me, Three is the bubbles are gone...

Game “Tight Jar” At the words: “Bubbles, gather in a jar,” children run up to the soap, stand tightly in a circle, and hug. When you say: “1, 2, 3, I’m blowing bubbles!” children scatter in different directions. Educator: To keep our legs from hurting, we have strength in our body - We need to move actively: run, jump and gallop. Smile at everyone in the world, exercise, toughen up, and for this, guys, we will play with you!

Game “Funny Bubbles”. Two traps are selected, the rest are bubbles. Children, children, look at us - funny bubbles (put your feet on the heel one at a time) Take a straw, put it in a jar of foam and blow. (blow) One, two, three - bubbles grow. (they spread their hands) They grow, shimmer - they inflate more and more. (turn around themselves) Suddenly, palms appeared and began to catch bubbles. Clap, pop, one, two, three, watch out for the bubbles. (children clap their hands) “Bubbles” run away, the traps catch up with them. The one who is caught up and touched with his hand crouches down. Those “bubbles” that were not touched by the traps won. Educator: Let’s blow bubbles. You and I are now using soap to blow bubbles. It will be rosy and sweet. Multicolored! Look! All the bubbles are full of bright patterns. And if we blow, they will fly in four directions!

“Who has the biggest bubble?” Children take bottles of soap bubbles and try to blow the biggest bubble.

Educator: Blowing bubbles Like these - look! They are all airy and very disobedient! Guys, do you want to turn into soap bubbles? To do this, you need to say the magic words: “One-two-three, we are all soap bubbles.”

Outdoor game “Soap Bubbles”. Bubbles love to fly. At the signal: “Let’s fly,” you will run. The bubbles have houses - hoops. At the signal: “It’s time to go home!” you will try to take a place in the house. Whoever does not have time to take a place in the house drops out of our game and turns back into a child. (As the game progresses, the teacher removes one hoop at a time; at the end of the game, one hoop remains; the bubble winners are praised).

Educator: We had a fun holiday. Did you guys enjoy playing? (yes) I’m very glad, and as a farewell I suggest you all blow a lot of soap bubbles together to the music. Bubbles fly up easily, sparkling with the colors of the rainbow. - Look, look, how the bubbles shine!

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