Summary of an open drawing lesson for junior group 1

Summary of GCD for drawing in the nursery group

Lesson summary for the nursery group “Drawing grains for the birds”

GCD drawing lesson in a nursery group on the topic: “Drawing grains for the birds.”

Author: Yaldaeva Rina Rifovna, teacher of kindergarten No. 16 “Rodnichok”, Yanaul, rep. Bashkortostan Description of the material: the material is intended for children in the nursery group. The notes can be used in drawing classes, as well as in your free time from classes. Goal: to instill a desire to engage. Objectives: teach children to draw grains all over the sheet, grouped in yellow; learn to draw with a poke, pick up paint with a poke and make an impression; cultivate a kind attitude towards birds, talk about your drawing. Preparation for the lesson: natural grains, tinted sheet, colored gouache paints, stand for poking. Lesson progress: Game motivation. I say: “Guys, today I approach the kindergarten and hear chivik-chivik! I raise my head and see a beautiful bird. And then she flies off the branch, sits on my finger, right here, and complains about her misfortune: “The bad guys were playing with fire and the bushes on which our nests were burned.” And we lived in these nests. And there were also delicious berries growing on the bushes. Now we have nowhere to live and nothing to eat. We all sat and cried, and then decided to fly to the kindergarten and ask the children for help.” I ask the bird: “What needs to be done for you?” And she answers: “We need grains so that I can feed my chicks now.” I show the grains and say: “Look, guys, they are small and yellow in color. These are the grains we will draw for our bird. Only today we will not draw with a pencil or a brush, but with a poke. Let’s try to draw grains on our palm with our fingers.” I’ll show you how to draw with a poke: I’ll take the poke in my right hand, dip it in paint and press it to the paper again, again... And now, guys, let’s draw grains for the birds together.” I distribute pokes, papers, and gouache paints to everyone. I say: “Draw grains around the bird, pressing the poke harder.” Then I ask the children about what they drew, what color, for whom. I invite children to play the game “Owl”. The game “Owl” is active. The teacher says: “The day comes - everything comes to life.”
All players move freely around the site, performing various movements, imitating the flight of butterflies, dragonflies, etc. with their hands. Suddenly he says: “Night comes, everything freezes, the owl flies out.” Everyone must immediately stop in the position in which these words found them and not move. The “Owl” slowly passes by the players and vigilantly examines them. Whoever moves or laughs is sent to his “hollow” by the “owl”. After some time, the game stops, and they count how many people the “owl” took to itself. After this, a new “owl” is chosen from those who did not get to it. The “owl” who has taken the largest number of players wins. Practical part of the lesson

Showing the children grains

Pokes and yellow gouache paint diluted in water

Showing drawing using the poke method

Drawing of a child

We recommend watching:

Integrated lesson with children of the first group of early age Synopsis of educational activities in the 1st junior group on familiarization with the outside world. Visiting a fairy tale Technological map for organizing joint activities with children of the 2nd early group Synopsis of educational activities in the early age group with presentation

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Summary of a lesson on artistic creativity - drawing in the 1st junior group "Let's decorate our houses"


  • Continue to arouse children's interest in drawing.
  • Introduce children to the technique of decorating previously created images of houses with strokes, dots, and circles.
  • Reinforce the rules for washing your brush after painting with paint.
  • Encourage children to use 2 different colors of paint.
  • Fix the names in yellow and green.
  • Instill in children a feeling of joy from the work done.

Preliminary work: drawing snow on sheets of paper with images of houses drawn with colored chalk; building houses for small toys; making the application “Beautiful Houses” from ready-made geometric shapes; examination of illustrations by Yu. Vasnetsov, which depict houses with decorative decorations. Integration of areas: cognition, artistic creativity, labor, health, safety, socialization, communication. Benefits: book “Russian folk tales”, subject pictures - frog, mouse, fox, wolf, bear; easel; glued houses made of colored paper; yellow and green gouache, brushes, cotton swabs, glasses of water, rags for each child. Progress of the lesson. The teacher calls the children over and begins to talk with them about fairy tales. In the hands of "Russian folk tales". — Guys, what kind of fairy tale do you think is hidden in this book? (Teremok). - How did you guess? (According to the cover). - And who lives in this fairy tale? (children's answers). - Yes! These are the little mouse, the frog, the runaway bunny, the sister fox, the wolf-gray tail and the clubfoot bear. - Look, here they are - the inhabitants of the tower (The teacher draws the children’s attention to the easel with animals). - Guys, what did the bear do in this fairy tale? (Children's answers).

- Yes, the bear broke their house. - why did he break it? (Because the bear was big and heavy!) Poor animals. -Where should they live now? After all, they need a house! - Guys, remember, you and I have already made houses for our animals. - Remember how you made them? (Glued). - What do you think needs to be done to make these houses even more beautiful and appeal to our forest animals? (Color with paints.) - Do you want to color them? (Yes). - Katyusha, who would you like to decorate the house for? (For…). Here, take yourself a fox. And you, Masha, who would you like to decorate the house for? Here's a runaway bunny for you. And Kira got a clumsy bear. (Each child gets one animal). Then sit down at the tables. Place your animals nearby. They will watch you decorate the house for them! - Let’s start by flexing our fingers so that they can make the houses very beautiful. Finger gymnastics.

Saw, drank, drank faster. We are building a house for animals.

Knock, knock, I knock.

I'll put together a new house.

We'll paint this house.

The animals will live in it.

The right hand is placed on the rib and done.

movements back and forth.

They made fists and put them on one by one.

on top of each other.

Swing both hands up and down,

It's like they're painting it.

- Well, our fingers have warmed up, warmed up and now we can start decorating the houses. — There are houses in front of you. Look, what else do you have on your tables? (Paint, brushes, cotton swabs, water, ...) - Sit up straight, legs straight, sleeves raised so as not to stain them. — Take the brushes correctly in your hands, by the piece of iron, with two fingers, or with cotton fingers. Dip it in water, then in the paint of your choice. We already know how to use both cotton swabs and brushes. - You already know how to draw circles and dots! Now we will paint with strokes and spots. (Show to children). (Familiarity with the rules of washing the brush after painting with paint of one color in order to use another.) Fixing the names of paint colors. Individual assistance. Watch the planting.) - What beautiful houses you make! “And the fox and the wolf, and the bunny and the mouse, and the bear and the frog will really like the houses!” Analysis of children's works using game characters.

Card file for drawing, early age group

Natalia Vasilievna Volokitkina

Card file for drawing, early age group

Card No. 1.

Educational field: artistic creativity ( drawing )


Topic: “Rays for the sun”


Program content (goals and objectives)

: learn to distinguish pencil marks on paper, hold a pencil in your right hand, distinguish the color yellow,
draw strokes and short lines.
Preliminary work: children with a teacher stand at the window. Educator. Look how light it is in our group . Do you know, why? (Children's answers.)

The sun looked into our window, and its rays illuminated everything around.

Equipment: box with pencils, easel, sheet of whatman paper with a yellow circle drawn a yellow circle drawn , yellow pencils.

Content of educational activities: educator. Look, the sun is also shining in my window. (Draws the children's attention to the easel, on which is attached a sheet of paper with a drawn yellow circle .) Only, it seems to me that my sun is missing something. What do you think? (Children's answers)

The sun forgot to extend its rays to us. I'll have to remind him of this. Now I’ll draw rays of the sun. How can this be done? (Children's answers)
I have wonderful helpers. Here they are. (Shows the children a box of pencils.)
What do you think is here?
(Children's answers)
These are multi-colored pencils. Enjoy them. (shows pencils)
Each pencil has a sharp tip. This sharp nose can leave a mark on the paper (demonstrates by drawing lines, so I can draw a sun with rays . Who knows what kind of pencil I should take for this? (Yellow pencil.)
That's right, our sun is yellow, that's why we use a pencil choose yellow color.

The teacher explains and shows working techniques.

“But the pencil itself won’t draw anything.” He needs our help too. Let's take a pencil in our right hand, squeeze its crown with our fingers and draw rays of the sun. You need to draw carefully , without pressing hard on the pencil. Otherwise, his nose will break and the pencil will not be able to draw . The rays of my sun will be directed in all directions. Let it shine for all people. This is what a beautiful bright sun I got. There are no sun rays in your windows either. Help the suns acquire rays and warm us all with them.

Children draw rays on individual blanks (leaflets with drawn sun without rays)

During the drawing , the teacher places a pencil in each child’s hand and draws lines with it, commenting on what was done: “What a long ray it turned out to be!”
And this ray is short!” Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities ( drawing rays for the sun, at the request of an adult, can talk about what is shown in the picture .

Methodological support: Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
First junior group / author . – comp. O. P. Vlasenko (and others)
. –Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

Card No. 2

Educational field: Artistic creativity ( drawing )


Topic: “I’ll feed the cockerel, I’ll give him grains”


Program content (goals and objectives)

: use visual material (paints, use
finger painting , rhythmically make an imprint on paper.
Preliminary work: teacher. Guess who came to our lesson? Our guest has a comb, a beard, a beak and a beautiful tail. And he is also in the morning wakes everyone up, shouts loudly: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Did you guess it? This is a cockerel. (Shows the toy.)
Equipment: toy cockerel, paints in a box, easel, sheets of white paper, napkins, grain, yellow paints, jars of water.

Content of educational activities: educator. What do they feed the cockerels? Of course, grain. Where can we get it? Maybe we can draw? Well then, let's get to work.

Look, I have wonderful helpers. They are in a box waiting for me to open them. (Shows a box of paints.)

There are both blue and green colors here.
With such helpers we can draw whatever we want. What kind of paint should we take to paint the grains ?
I have some millet. It is yellow in color. Do we have this paint in the box? Show. (Children complete the task; if they find it difficult to choose, you can offer only two colors, for example yellow and red.) Educator. I have a white sheet of paper. Now I will scatter the grain on it. Look, I dip my finger in yellow paint and make prints on paper. They turn out to be as round as millet. Here's one grain, here's another. (Shows drawing techniques and says .)

I will feed the cockerel, I will give him grains. Look how much grain I scattered for the cockerel. Do you want to feed him?

Children begin to draw , the teacher helps to make neat prints.

— Why are there napkins on the tables? (Helps dry fingers.)

Expected results: takes part in productive activities ( drawing grains for the cockerel, copes with the task.

Methodological support: Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
First junior group /auth .
-composition O. P. Vlasenko [etc.]. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. Card No. 3

Educational field: artistic creativity ( drawing )


Topic: “Let's color the turnip”


Program content (goals and objectives)

: learn to hold a brush correctly, dip it in paint, paint inside the outline, recognize and correctly name the color yellow;
form the correct posture when drawing .
Preliminary work: teacher. Autumn has come. The time has come to harvest. So the heroes of the fairy tale that I will tell you also gathered in the garden.

Equipment: Illustrations for the fairy tale “Turnip”

, toy mouse, brush, paints, easel, glass of water, sheets of paper with
a painted turnip , napkins.
Content of educational activities: educator. Well, you know the color yellow well. Can you find yellow paint among the paints? (Children complete the task.)

Yes, we will paint our turnip with this paint.
Only we will probably need an assistant. We will not paint the turnip with our fingers. Look what the Mouse brought us. (Shows a toy mouse with a brush in its paws.)
This brush is our assistant. She has a soft tail and a long handle. But you need to be able to hold the brush correctly. Otherwise, she will be offended, and our drawing will turn out ugly and sloppy. Let's learn how to pick up a brush correctly.

Shows the children how to hold the brush correctly: just above the iron tip. Children take a brush, the teacher directs their actions.

Educator. Now we have everything prepared, we can color the drawing. How to do this? Let's take our assistant - a brush - in our hand and dip it in a glass of water. Now let's pick up paint on a wet brush, dipping it with all the bristles into a jar of paint. Look, if I immediately start drawing , I will definitely ruin my drawing, since there is a droplet hanging on the tip of the pile. How to fix it? I will remove excess paint by touching the lint to the edge of the jar. If I now touch the paper with the bristles, a brush mark will remain on the paper. This way, by drawing lines inside the drawing, you can color the turnip yellow. (The teacher on the easel shows the children the techniques for coloring a picture, drawing their attention to the fact that when coloring they should not go beyond the outline.) So my turnip is ripe. She became yellow and beautiful. Isn't it time for your turnips to turn yellow?

Children start coloring. The teacher puts a brush in each child’s hand and shows them how to paint a picture.

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities (coloring turnips, copes with the task.

Methodological support: Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
First junior group /auth .
-composition O. P. Vlasenko [etc.]. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. Card No. 4

Educational field: artistic creativity ( drawing )


Topic: “Grass in the meadow”


Program content (goals and objectives)

: learn to distinguish green from other colors,
draw short abrupt strokes, work with a pencil.
Preliminary work: teacher. Autumn has come. Yellow leaves appeared on the trees, grass and flowers began to dry. But just recently everything around was green.

Equipment: sheets of paper, green pencils, story pictures .

Content of educational activities: educator. picture shows a green meadow , but our meadow is completely white, not a single blade of grass. We need to grow beautiful grass in our lawn. For this we need a pencil. What color should it be? (Invites children to choose a pencil from 3 - 4 colors.)

We need a green pencil. What else is green?

Educator. A green pencil will help me grow grass in my lawn. One blade of grass, two blades of grass - and my meadow turned green. (Draws strokes of different lengths on a sheet of paper.)

Who wants to plant grass in my meadow? (Calls 2 - 3 of the most prepared children to the easel, and they draw strokes on the drawing.) Thank you for your help. My meadow has become so beautiful, I will be happy to walk along it. Do you want to have such meadows too? Then get to work.

Children begin to draw grass ; during the drawing the teacher teaches how to hold a pencil correctly and draw strokes of different lengths .

Expected results: shows interest in the natural world around him, takes an active part in productive activities ( drawing grass in a meadow )


Methodological support: Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
First junior group /auth .
-composition O. P. Vlasenko [etc.]. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. Card No. 5

Educational field: artistic creativity ( drawing )


Topic: “Grains for ducks”


Program content (goals and objectives)

: improve the ability
to draw with fingers , distinguish the color yellow;
cultivate interest in visual arts. Preliminary work: there is a toy duck on the table under a handkerchief.

Educator. Today a stranger came to our lesson... She decided to hide, probably wants to be guessed. (Points to the scarf.)

Who is this?
Do not know? I'll give you a hint now. She loves to swim in the river and pond, and dive. She has a big nose. And our guest also loves to quack. How do ducks quack? (Children pronounce onomatopoeia.)
Equipment: millet, toy duck, yellow paints, easel, napkins, scarf, sheets of paper, water jars.

Content of educational activities: educator. Isn't it time we feed our ducks? What are the ducks having for lunch today? (Children's answers.)

We recently fed a duckling bread crumbs.
Today let's treat them to grain. I have some millet, but this probably won’t be enough for them. We need to prepare more grains. Let's draw some grains. Tell me, what color paint should we use for this? (Children either name the color of the paint, or choose the desired color from the three colors offered.) That’s right, our grains are yellow, so we’ll take yellow paint. What shape will our grains have? Look at the millet grains. They are round, so we will draw circles .
The teacher shows and explains working methods.

- draw with our fingers. To do this, dip your finger in the paint and then make an imprint on a sheet of paper. (Shows techniques for drawing.)

This is the yellow round grain I got. Here's another one. Will you help me? Otherwise I won’t be able to cope; I won’t feed all the ducks.

Children begin to draw helps children during the drawing process , drawing their attention to the fact that the grains need to be scattered all over the piece of paper.

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities ( drawing grains for a duck , copes with the task.

Methodological support: Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
First junior group /auth .
-composition O. P. Vlasenko [and others]. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. Card No. 6

Educational field: artistic creativity ( drawing )


Topic: “Yellow lumps”


Program content (goals and objectives)

: learn to distinguish and name the color yellow, practice
drawing rounded shapes , improve the ability to draw with your fingers , work carefully.
Preliminary work: toys are hidden on the table under a scarf: a hen and chicks.

Educator. Today a large and friendly family came to our lesson. Look at her. (Takes the scarf off the toys.)

Who is this?
(This is a mother chicken and her babies.)
Equipment: toys, scarf, napkin, easel, sheets of paper, yellow paint.

Content of educational activities: educator. Our chickens are beautiful! Let's draw them. But do you know what color they are? (Children's answers.)

Our chickens are yellow.
(He offers to choose from paints of different colors - yellow.)
Well done, you answered correctly.
We chose the paint. Now we need to think about how we will draw chickens . If you look at them carefully, you can see that they look like small round lumps. (He offers to trace the outline of the figure with his finger. Then he asks to draw a round shape in the air with his finger. The children complete the task.) Now we are ready to draw the chicken . Look, we have paint on the table, but no brushes. What do you think we will use to draw our drawing ? (Children's answers.)
We will draw chickens with our fingers.

The teacher shows techniques for drawing chickens on a sheet . Children begin to draw , during the drawing the teacher monitors the correct execution of drawing techniques with each child , helping the least prepared children draw a picture , encouraging children who drew additional details (eyes, nose)


Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities ( drawing chickens , copes with the task.

Methodological support: Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
First junior group /auth .
-composition O. P. Vlasenko [and others]. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. Card No. 7

Educational field: artistic creativity ( drawing )


Topic: “Beautiful cup (polka dots)


Program content (goals and objectives)

: develop hand motor skills, improve the ability
to draw with a finger , trying to evenly position the pattern (peas)
inside the contour.

Preliminary work: reading the nursery rhyme “Ladushki”


Equipment: a tea cup with polka dots, circles of colored paper in primary colors, a sample of a pedagogical drawing, paints of two or three colors, a napkin, sheets of paper in the form of a cup according to the number of children.

Content of educational activities: educator. For the pattern, choose your favorite paint. (Draws the children’s attention to the flannelgraph, on which circles of colored paper of different colors are attached, and asks them to show and name their favorite color. Children complete the task.) My favorite color is red. This is the paint I will use to paint . Small circles - peas - are very convenient to draw with your finger . See how it's done. (Makes fingerprints on the paper, drawing the children’s attention to the fact that “peas”

should be located evenly over the entire surface of the cup. Invites the children to help decorate the cup.) What a wonderful cup I made! Your cups will certainly be even more beautiful.

Children begin to draw , during the drawing the teacher controls the correct execution of drawing and the uniform distribution of “peas”

over the entire surface of the picture.

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities ( drawing a cup with a pattern )


Methodological support: Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
First junior group /auth .
-composition O. P. Vlasenko [etc.]. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. Card No. 8

Educational field: artistic creativity ( drawing )


Topic: “Car wheels”


Program content (goals and objectives)

: learn to
draw a round object, hold a pencil correctly, examine the work.
Preliminary work: teacher. I have a wonderful bag in my hands. There was a toy hidden in it that boys really love to play with. Who will try to recognize the toy without opening the bag? (Children feel the bag, the teacher helps them, highlighting the wheels and the cab of the car.) This is a truck. How is this toy played? (Children roll cars around the group .)

Oh oh!
Now the cars will collide! How should you signal to avoid an accident? (Children repeat after the teacher: “Beep - beep!”

Equipment: bag, truck, sheets of paper, pencils according to the number of children, easel.

Content of educational activities: educator. Oh, how far we have traveled! My wheel even broke. It would be necessary to replace it. Where can I get a wheel? Maybe draw ? How to do this? Let's get a look. (Shows the children cars.)

The wheel of the car is round.
Circle it with your finger. Now try to draw a wheel with your finger in the air. (Children draw a circle in the air with their finger, the teacher helps them.)
Now let’s draw a wheel for the car on paper.
I have a big car, so I draw a big wheel. (Shows the children techniques
for drawing a wheel .) Now I can replace the broken wheel with a new one. Do you have spare wheels? No? Then get to work immediately!

Children begin to draw . During the drawing , the teacher helps the children and controls the correct techniques for working with a pencil.

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities ( drawing wheels for a car , copes with the task.

E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. First junior group /auth . -composition O. P. Vlasenko [etc.]. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. Methodological support: Comprehensive classes in the program “From birth to school”

edited by N.

Card No. 9

Educational field: artistic creativity ( drawing )


Topic: “Apples for a doll”


Program content (goals and objectives)

: learn
to draw a round object, improve the ability to work with a pencil.
Preliminary work: teacher. Look, our doll is not happy today. What happened to her? Maybe she got sick? And in order not to get sick, you need to eat apples. They are very helpful. Let's draw a lot of apples for the doll. Let her eat them and not get sick.

Equipment: apple or dummy apple, doll, pencils, sheets of paper, easel.

Contents of educational activities: the teacher shows the children an apple. Look at the apple. It is round and looks like a small ball. Let's trace its outline with our finger. (The children complete the task. Then the teacher invites the children to draw a circle in the air with their fingers.) What color is our apple? What color pencil will we use to draw an apple ? (Children's answers.)

Today our assistants will be green, yellow, and red pencils.

The teacher shows the techniques of drawing a circle , then invites the most prepared children to draw apples on the easel and asks the children to help the doll and draw apples on their leaves for the sick doll.

Children begin to draw , the teacher, while working, shows the children techniques for drawing a circle , and controls whether they are holding the pencil correctly.

Expected results: takes an active part in productive activities (modeling apples for a doll, copes with the task.

Methodological support: Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
First junior group /auth .
-composition O. P. Vlasenko [etc.]. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. Card No. 10

Educational field: artistic creativity ( drawing )


Topic: “Small and big traces”


Program content (goals and objectives)

: continue to learn
how to draw with your finger , rhythmically put an imprint on paper, convey traces with the rhythm of strokes, place them on paper in a certain sequence, form the correct posture when drawing .
Preliminary work: the teacher takes the children to the window. Everyone admires the bright sunny day. Educator. Look what a good day it is today! The sun is shining brightly. There is no wind. You see, the branches on the trees do not sway. The last leaves quietly fall to the ground. It's very good to walk in this weather. Where can we go? (Children's answers.)

You can go for a walk on the playground or around the kindergarten.

Reading the Russian folk song “Big feet walked along the road...”

Equipment: long sheets of paper, brown or black paint, napkins, easel.

Content of educational activities: educator. When we walk, footprints are left on the ground. It's easy to find out where we were going from the tracks. For example, now I will draw the marks of my feet. (The teacher makes fingerprints on the easel, saying: “Top, top”

".) Here are my tracks.
See, they are big. Who will leave little marks on my drawing? (The most prepared children draw their footprints with their fingers. The teacher says: “This is the path along which I ran...”
Then the teacher reads the song again, showing in the drawing the traces of large and small feet.) And on your paths there are no traces at all. Draw them.

Children begin to draw , the teacher controls their actions during the drawing , helps children experiencing difficulties, and activates their activity with the phrases: “How far ours has gone!”

and so on.

Expected Results: Takes an active part in productive activities ( footprint drawing )

. Copes with the task.

Methodological support: Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
First junior group /auth .
-composition O. P. Vlasenko [etc.]. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. Card No. 11

Educational field: artistic creativity ( drawing )


Topic: “A twig for a bird”


Program content (goals and objectives)

: teach how to hold a brush correctly, dip the entire bristle of the brush into the paint, practice the ability to wash the brush, encourage you to think about what the children
have drawn , draw straight lines , select paint based on a sample.
Preliminary work: game “Cat and Birds”

The teacher plays the role of a cat, the children are birds. The cat is sleeping, the children are waving their arms, running around the group , imitating the movements of birds. The cat wakes up and starts catching birds. The birds run away and sit “on a branch

Equipment: circles of colored paper (brown, yellow, red, blue, brown paints, brushes, sheets of paper, flannelgraph, tree branch, toy bird, glass of water.

Content of educational activities: educator. Today we will paint with a brush . Now she is already waiting for us to pick her up. She really wants to draw something beautiful. What kind of paint should we take to paint a twig ? (The teacher attaches circles of 3-4 colors to the flannelgraph and asks the children to choose the one that will have the same color as the twig in the vase.) Our tree twig is brown, so we will take brown paint. Now are we ready to draw ? We have a brush, we have paint. Anything else we need? (Children's answers.)

We need a sheet of paper on which we will
draw . (The teacher hands out sheets of paper.)
Now everything is ready for
drawing .
The teacher shows the techniques of painting with a brush , drawing the children's attention to how to hold the brush correctly, dip the brush in paint, and draw lines.

Children begin to draw . While drawing, the teacher helps children pick up a brush correctly and monitors drawing .

Expected results: takes part in productive activities ( drawing branches for the birds )

. Copes with the task.

Methodological support: Comprehensive classes according to the program “From birth to school”

edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
First junior group /auth . -composition O. P. Vlasenko [and others]. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

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