Lesson summary for the senior group “Trees are not only decorations of the Earth”

Final event on the lexical topic “Trees” for children of senior preschool age with special needs development

Summary of the final educational activity on the lexical topic “Trees” for children of senior preschool age with ODD on the topic: “How children helped the Forest Fairy”
Author : Bonitskaya Natalya Vladimirovna, teacher of the compensatory group for children with ODD. Place of work : MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 16”, Gorodets. Job description : This lesson is conducted as a final event. Children consolidate knowledge on the lexical topic “Trees”. The integration of the topic takes place in different educational areas. Health-saving technologies are included, such as self-massage, finger, visual, breathing exercises, as well as a game for coordination of movement with speech and a kinesiological exercise. This lesson will be useful for both teachers of compensatory groups and general development groups.

Goal : generalization and systematization of children’s knowledge on the lexical topic “Trees”. Objectives : Educational : • strengthen children’s ability to distinguish and recognize trees by external signs, fruits and leaves; • strengthen children's understanding of the structure of trees; • clarify children's knowledge about the importance of trees in the life of humans, animals and birds; • strengthen children's ability to form adjectives from nouns; • establish rules of behavior in nature. Correctional and developmental : • activate children's vocabulary; • develop intonation expressiveness of speech; • develop gross and fine motor skills; • develop the ability to coordinate speech with movements; • develop visual-motor coordination, orientation in space and your body; • promote the activation of mental activity (attention, memory, imagination); • promote the development of interest in non-traditional drawing. Educators : • cultivate a caring attitude towards trees and nature in general; • cultivate children's responsiveness, activity, and ability to work in a team; • evoke positive emotions and cognitive interest in children. Preliminary work : Observing trees on a walk; OOD on the lexical topic “Trees”, learning proverbs and sayings, poems, guessing riddles about trees; viewing the albums: “Trees of our forests”, “Trees, leaves and fruits”; looking at and talking about artists’ paintings; conversations: “Trees of our forests”, “Coniferous and deciduous trees”, “How we can help trees”; didactic manual “All Year Round”, did. games: “Which branch are kids from?”, “Guess the plants”, “Which tree is the leaf from?”, “Collect a picture”, “We are friends of nature” lotto “Trees and shrubs”; reading fiction. Materials and equipment : Projector, laptop, stereo system; tree models, hemp, 2 easels, 2 containers, 2 buckets, “magic cape”; did. game "Collect a tree"; a wreath and cape for the Forest Fairy, painting material (film mounted on a stand, green and blue gouache, brushes); treat: mushroom cake and nuts in a basket. Methodological techniques : Visual : use of technical means. Verbal : artistic expression, questions for children, encouragement, emotional coloring of information, directing attention to an object. Gaming : surprise moment, introduction of a fairy-tale character, game situation, game technique. Practical : solving a problem situation, didactic games, children's creativity, physical education, visual, finger gymnastics, self-massage, kinesiological exercise. Preparation for carrying out : Preparation of material, ventilation of the room.
Progress of the event
Slide No. 1
Children enter the hall.
Educator : Say hello to everyone, smile to everyone around, Give everyone a hand to a friend and quickly stand in a circle. Breathing exercises . Educator : Look what a wonderful day it is today! How nice it is to breathe the fresh spring air. Take a deep breath through your nose and inhale the kindness and freshness of this day, and exhale through your mouth all the grievances and sorrows (children do)
Educator : The sun is shining brighter, a warm wind is blowing. Winter is over, spring has come to us again. Let's feel her touch! Self-massage of the face . The bright spring sun is shining and warms our face (stroking the face)
The rain in the spring is still cold
In the mornings sometimes the frost tingles
And the spring sun is getting brighter and warmer
And this makes us feel good and happy.
Educator : Guys, we received a package from the Forest Fairy in kindergarten. Let's see what's in it (they open it and take out the envelope). Educator : This is a letter. Let’s read what the Forest Fairy writes to us: “Dear guys, the evil witch has bewitched my magical forest. And the life in it froze, the trees were dying, there was chaos all around! Please, help! Educator : What to do? Guys, do you think we should help the Forest Fairy save the forest? (children's answer) Educator : Do we need trees? What benefits does a tree bring to humans? Children : Trees provide the oxygen we need to breathe. We eat the fruits of many trees. Trees are used to build houses. Various objects, furniture, and paper are made from tree wood. You can relax under the canopy of trees in hot weather. Medicine is made from parts of many trees. Educator : So, trees are very important for you and me! Who else do you think needs trees? Children : Birds, they build nests in trees, feed on seeds and fruits of trees. Wild animals and insects, they feed on fruits, leaves, branches and tree bark. A squirrel lives in a tree, in a hollow. The bear makes a den under the trees. Educator : So, trees are needed by animals, birds, insects and humans! Well, then you guys just need to go help! In order to quickly move to the forest, the Fairy put a magic blanket in the parcel (she takes out a piece of shiny transparent fabric from the parcel)
Here it is. With the help of this blanket and magic words, you will very quickly find yourself in a magical forest. You are ready? Then come to me, stand closer to each other. (stand in front of the projector screen)
Let's say the magic words.
Children : Let's stomp our feet: stomp, stomp, stomp. Let's clap our hands: clap, clap, clap. Turn around yourself. Find yourself in a magical forest. Children say magic words, perform movements according to the text, squat and close their eyes. The teacher covers the children with a magic blanket. Slide number 2. “Magic” music sounds. At this time, the teacher transforms into the Forest Fairy: puts on a wreath and a Fairy cape. The Forest Fairy removes the magic blanket from the children. Children stand up and look at the screen. Then the next slide comes on. Slide No. 3 Forest Fairy: Hello, guys. I am the Forest Fairy, and you are in a magical forest. It’s so good that you responded to my request to help save the magical forest; I can’t do it alone. Sit down on the logs. Listen, it’s so quiet around: you can’t hear the singing of birds or the rustling of leaves. The forest is frozen, it is dying. But there were many different trees growing here. Guys, do you know what trees can grow in forests? Children read a poem: Many of them grow in the forest, many of them live in the forest. Fir trees, birches, aspens, maples, ash trees, rowan trees. Pines, lindens and weeping willows, hazel trees, mighty oaks. This is what a dense, majestic and mighty forest it is. We will take care of the forest with you, wonderful, kind, living forest. Forest Fairy : That's right, the same trees grew in my forest. Slide No. 4
Now look what happened.
The witch unleashed bad weather. A strong wind tore leaves from the trees, broke branches, and knocked down trees. How can we now figure out what it is and from which tree? Guys, can you help me? Look... Slide No. 5 Didactic game “Whose - whose?” Forest Fairy : Please tell me what is in the circle? Children : Trees. Forest Fairy : What's in the middle? Children : There is a leaf in the middle. Forest Fairy : Whose leaf is this? (children name relative adjectives, forming them from nouns) Children : Birch leaf - birch. The Forest Fairy checks the correct answer by clicking on the tree. If a mistake is made, you are encouraged to think again. If the answer is correct, they hear the word “Well done” and the sheet disappears. Next, click the cursor on the right arrow of the screen to move to the next slide. Slide No. 6 Forest Fairy : Whose leaf is this? Children : Rowan leaf - rowan. Next, slides No. 7 - No. 11 (continue the game according to the same principle) Slide No. 12 Forest Fairy : Guys, please tell me what has now appeared in the middle? Children : This is a branch. Forest Fairy : Whose branch is this? Children : chestnut branch - chestnut. Next, slides No. 13 - No. 18 (continue the game according to the same principle) Slide No. 19 Forest Fairy : Guys, thank you for helping me figure this out. Now let's go, we must hurry. In order not to get lost and get lost in the forest, let’s follow each other. Children follow the Forest Fairy in a chain. Forest Fairy and children : We follow each other along the path, along the forest, so as not to go astray, not to get lost in the forest. They stop near easels, on which models of tree parts are laid out in a chaotic manner.

Forest Fairy : And then the witch visited and broke all the trees. But a slender spruce and a beautiful rowan grew here. Guys, what can be done? Can this be fixed somehow? Children : You can assemble whole trees from parts. Forest Fairy : Will you help me? game "Collect a tree." Children go to easels and collect trees. Forest Fairy : Oh, guys, how pleased I am to see these trees safe and sound! I'm so glad that they will grow again in my magical forest! Do you know what kind of trees these are, deciduous or coniferous, can you name their parts?

Children : This is a rowan, a deciduous tree. Rowan has a root, trunk, branches, leaves and fruits - berries.

This is a spruce, a coniferous tree. Spruce has a root, trunk, branches, needles and fruits - cones. Forest Fairy : That's right, guys. Now let's think about where to go next. I will name the direction, and you will show it with your eyes. And my magic leaves will help you with this.

Children take one piece of paper at a time and use it as a visual guide. Visual gymnastics Maybe we’ll go to the left - the sheet is in the left hand in front of them, they extend their hand to the left in response to the words.
Or let’s turn to the right -
the sheet is passed to the right hand and the hand is extended to the right in response to the words.
Maybe we’ll go down the hill
with a leaf in our hand in front of us and smoothly lower our hand down.
Or let's climb on it -
raise our hand up.
Let's go around the large clearing -
make a large semicircle with our hand on one side at the bottom, pass the sheet to the other hand and make a semicircle on the other side.
And we’ll turn back,
also in the other direction.
Lower the leaf in front of you, look at it, now lower your hand down.
Close your eyes and blink a little. They give the leaves to the Forest Fairy and sit down. A magpie is flying (a child in a magpie costume, carrying two buckets) Magpie : I am a curious magpie, I flew from afar. I’m spreading news through the forest, I can’t sit still. Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble! Everyone get together here! Oh, oh, oh, what a nightmare, a fire starts! The fire was not put out, all the rules were forgotten! Slide number 20 Forest Fairy : Guys, our forest really is burning. What to do? Children : we need to put out the fire. Forest Fairy : Of course, we urgently need to put out the fire, otherwise the entire forest will die! How can you put out a fire? Children : use a fire extinguisher, fill it with water, cover it with sand, you can call the fire department. Forest Fairy : That's right, guys, and now you and I can put out the fire with water, there is a lake somewhere here. But the magic forest is big, the fire is far away, we won’t have time to reach it! Magpie : You help me fill the buckets with water, and I’ll get to the plane in an instant and fill the fire with water. Forest Fairy : I see a lake in the forest, I’ll get water from it.

You guys don’t yawn, everyone quickly get up behind me, pass the bucket quickly! With an empty bucket, we squat down and rest a little. And with both hands, turn around and carefully serve a full bucket of water. Physical school Children stand in a line behind the Forest Fairy. The magpie gets up last and passes one bucket to the last child. The child takes an empty bucket and squats, stretching both arms with the bucket forward, stands up and passes the bucket to another child, etc. The Forest Fairy “collects” water and passes the “full” bucket back along the chain. Children should take the bucket with both hands, turn their body towards the next child and pass the bucket to him. Soroka takes the “full” bucket, and gives the second empty one to the children. The second bucket is passed in the same way. Soroka : Thanks guys. Forest Fairy : Fly magpie, hurry up! Magpie flies away with buckets. Slide No. 21 Children watch on the slide how the fire dies out. Forest Fairy: It’s good that the fire went out. Guys, the forest is a home for birds, animals, and insects. And you need to know well and follow the rules of behavior in the forest. Do you know how to behave in the forest? Children : 1. The order in the forest is this: if you sit, clean up after yourself! 2. Don’t touch the anthills, go on your way! 3. Don’t break trees, and don’t pick flowers in vain! 4. You can’t make noise in the forest, shout, or take animals out of the forest! 5. You’ve decided to start a fire, don’t forget to put it all out. Trouble is not far from here, putting out fires is not easy! Forest Fairy : Yes, and we are now convinced of this. Well done guys, you know the rules, just don’t forget to follow them! Slide No. 22 The sound of the wind is heard. Forest Fairy : Guys, the witch doesn’t want to let us go any further, what a strong wind she let out. But we are not afraid of the wind and will turn into leaves. A game for coordination of movements with the speech “Wind and Leaves” The wind flew through the forest, - the children walk in a circle on their tiptoes
The wind counted the leaves -
and waved their hands
Here is an oak one, here is a maple one -
they stop, bend over
Here is a carved rowan -
one finger on both hands
Here's a golden birch tree -
for every line.
And the last leaf from the aspen tree
is swayed with the little fingers.
The wind blew it onto the path.
- arms up, down, squat. Slide No. 23 Forest Fairy : Now the wind has died down, look where it has taken us. Let's sit down. Guys, listen, do you hear something? The crunching of branches is heard. Old man Lesovichok comes out. Forest Fairy : Yes, this is Lesovichok - my assistant, he guards the magical forest. Hello, Lesovichok. Lesovichok : Hello, guys. I live in the thicket of the forest. I rarely go out to people. I keep the silence. I walk through the forest all day, And I can talk with all the forest people. Forest Fairy : Why are you so sad? Lesovichok : A sorceress and her assistants visited here, they scattered garbage everywhere and didn’t clean up after themselves. Forest Fairy : Don’t be upset, Lesovichok, the guys will definitely help us. Guys, what should I do? Children : collect trash. Forest Fairy : Of course, we need to collect the garbage. There are also containers for this. (children approach the trash)

Forest Fairy : Look how much garbage there is! We will have to work hard, and to make it more fun, I suggest playing the game “Cross Movements” at the same time. Let's agree that we take plastic waste in our left hand and put it in the right container. We take the paper waste in our right hand and put it in the left container. Kinesiological exercise “Pick up trash using cross movements” (children take turns taking the trash in the right hand and putting it in containers with cross movements) Lesovichok : Thank you guys. You have collected all the trash. I'll go and see if there's any more chaos in the forest. Goodbye! Forest Fairy : Guys, you know, in order not to litter our nature, you can not throw things away, but remake them into something needed, give them a second life. What do you think can be made from unnecessary things? Children : From unnecessary things you can make crafts for your home or garden. You can make a bird feeder from plastic bottles. Unneeded items can be given to those in need. Forest Fairy : What can you do with paper? Children : Paper can be recycled. Forest Fairy : Yes, thereby saving the trees from cutting down. Look what I found when we were collecting trash (shows a piece of film).
And now I propose to give this unnecessary, discarded film a second life - to draw on it.
And what would I like to draw? Guess after listening to the riddle: It blooms from under the snow, it welcomes spring before anyone else. Children : snowdrop. Forest Fairy : Correct. It's always summer in our magical forest. And that's why snowdrops don't grow. And I really want to admire this spring flower. Can you draw it? Children : Yes. Forest Fairy : Then go to the table, look, I have already prepared the film, secured it so that it is convenient to draw, there are brushes and paints. Everything is ready to draw, but first we will prepare the fingers. Finger gymnastics Everyone in the forest is surprised - they rub their palms.
Different trees grow.
- spread out the fingers of both hands
; spread out the branches - braids -
“lanterns” for every word.
White-trunked birch.
- show the shape of the crown
Like a blade of grass in a pole -
show the thumb, the rest
stands as a thin aspen.
- in a fist, with each hand in turn,
the linden blossomed in color, -
fingers connected with a pinch
of Bees invited to visit.
- fists, index pointing upwards, making circular movements.
Spruce needles fluffed up -
fingers spread out downwards
and covered all the mushrooms.
- fist, index finger up, palm of the other hand on top
And under a tall pine tree -
elbow down, palm up with fingers spread.
The little snowdrop has blossomed.
- connect the elbows of both hands, connect the hands into a bud. Forest Fairy : We have warmed up our fingers, you can draw Children draw on their own

After finishing drawing, the Forest Fairy invites the children to walk around the tables and look at the drawings. Forest Fairy : The snowdrops have bloomed, oh, how beautiful they are! Delicate lanterns, harbingers of spring! Look how this snowdrop reaches for the sun, proudly spreading its leaves. And these very little ones have just blossomed. And here the snowdrops modestly bowed their heads. What a great job you guys are, how many snowdrops you drew, a whole clearing! Now our forest will be even more beautiful. Thank you! Slide number 24 They hear the noise of the forest, the singing of birds Forest Fairy : Guys, hear the birds chirping, look, the bright sun is shining, the trees are turning green. Our magical forest has come to life, the witchcraft spells have been destroyed. Look how beautiful it has become in the forest! I'm so pleased that I want to sing. Guys, do you want to sing a song with me? (children's response) Children sing two verses from the song “I want the birds to sing.” Words by E. Karganova Slide No. 25 (on the slide is the backing track of the song)
1k We want the birds to sing, So that the streams ring in the spring, So that the skies are blue.
So that the river turns silver, So that the butterfly frolics, So that there is dew on the berries in the forest. Chorus: Forest, forest, forest, The forest is a fairy tale, a miracle of miracles! Forest, forest, forest, Forest is a fairy tale, a miracle of miracles! 2k. We want the sun to warm, for the birch tree to turn green, for a funny prickly hedgehog to live under the tree. So that the squirrel jumps, So that the rainbow sparkles, So that a cheerful ringing rain pours in the summer! Chorus: Forest, forest, forest, The forest is a fairy tale, a miracle of miracles! Forest, forest, forest, Forest is a fairy tale, a miracle of miracles! Forest Fairy : Thank you very much for your help, you are so kind, sympathetic, you know and are able to do a lot. In gratitude to you, I collected mushrooms and nuts from our magical forest, help yourself. (The Forest Fairy gives the children a basket of cakes in the shape of mushrooms and nuts) Children : Thank you. Forest Fairy : Now it’s time for you to go back to kindergarten. (stand in front of the projector screen) Children : Stomp their feet: stomp, stomp, stomp. They clapped their hands: clap, clap, clap. Turn around yourself. Find yourself in kindergarten. Slide number 26. “Magic” music sounds. They say magic words and perform movements according to the text, squat, close their eyes. The Fairy covers the children with a magic blanket, transforms into a teacher (removes the Fairy's wreath and cape) and removes the blanket from the children. The children stand up and look at the screen. Then the next slide comes on. Slide number 27 Educator : Guys, you have finally returned to kindergarten. Tell me, did you manage to save the magical forest? (children's answers)
How did you help the Forest Fairy?
Children : We assembled whole trees from parts. We called whose leaf, whose branch. We collected garbage and put it in containers. We helped put out the fire. We drew snowdrops on film. Educator : You know, guys, because you helped the Forest Fairy save the forest from destruction, I am overwhelmed with feelings, emotions of joy and admiration; a feeling of calm that everything will be fine in the forest. And you guys, what feelings and emotions are you experiencing now? Children : Joy, admiration, calmness. Teacher : (points to the basket)
What do you have?
Children : a treat from the Forest Fairy. Educator : Then let's go to the group to share your impressions and treat yourself to the delicious gifts of the magical forest. And we will say all the best to our guests, goodbye! Appendix
How the film was attached

horizontal throwing stand

blue and green fabric for decorating the stand and stretch film.

The mesh is removed, tightly wrapped with film several times for strength and decorated with fabric. As if it were a green meadow and a cloud.

This stand is best used on a square or round table. It is also better to seat one child on each side so that they can draw comfortably.

Presentation on the topic: “Trees” for children of senior preschool age

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Complex lesson “World of Trees”

Larisa Vyacheslavovna Grigorieva Teacher, MBDOU No. 36, Titan village, Murmansk region, Kirov district


  • contribute to the expansion and deepening of children's ideas about nature
  • expand children's vocabulary
  • nurturing love for nature, respect for nature
  • give an idea of ​​trees that do not grow in our area (oak, maple)
  • consolidate knowledge about the trees of our area
  • cultivate accuracy when working with scissors and glue.


Illustrations of the forest, demonstration material “Trees” , herbarium, cards about the rules of behavior in the forest, paper tree leaves for planting. games, whatman paper, cards with images of trees, recording of the song “We are going, going, going, going” by S. V. Mikhalkov

Preliminary work:

  • Looking at illustrations and paintings about the forest.
  • Reading educational literature: S. Yesenin, Prishvin, etc.
  • Observation while walking
  • Looking at the herbarium

Progress of the lesson:

- Guys, today I invite you to go for a walk in the forest, where we will learn a lot about trees.

— Since our forest is far away, you and I will go by bus. Do you agree?

But first, we will repeat with you the rules of conduct in the forest:

- don’t make too much noise, otherwise we’ll scare all the forest inhabitants, and they love kind children

— don’t break tree branches, don’t just pick up grass, as this will cause them to dry out and die.

- do not taste the berries of plants, especially mushrooms

- do not leave garbage in the forest (we post cards about the rules of conduct in the forest)

- Now let's go.

The song "We're going, we're going, we're going"

Hello forest! A dense forest, full of fairy tales and miracles! What are you making noise about?

On a dark, stormy night, What do you whisper to us at dawn, Covered in dew, as if in silver? Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird? Open everything, don’t hide it: You see, we are our own.

— Guys, the forest is a wonderland where many trees, plants, many birds and various animals grow. But the most important inhabitants of the forest are trees, there are many of them and they are different.

- Guys, what parts of a tree do you know? (trunk, branches, leaves).

- Every tree has roots, some go deep into the ground, while others are not deep and spread out in all directions.

— Trees feed through them, taking water and other nutrients.

— The tree trunk is covered with bark, which protects the tree from cold and heat.

— And the branches and leaves form the crown of the trees.

—What are branches and leaves needed for? (children's answers)

- Guys, what trees do you know? (children's answers)

- That's right, there are a great many trees - birch and rowan, aspen, spruce, pine, oak, maple.

- How can we recognize a birch? (children's answers)

— What kind of leaves does a birch tree have? (rounded leaves)

- Who knows the difference between rowan and birch? (trunk, foliage, bunches of berries, etc.)

— There is even such a sign: “If there are a lot of rowan trees in the forest, it means a rainy autumn.”

The rowan gave me a red berry. I thought it was sweet, but she was like cinchona.

Was this berry simply unripe, or was this cunning rowan trying to play a joke?

- Which tree do you think is more common - birch or rowan? (children's answers)

A problematic situation is created.

Children are given a herbarium with leaves unfamiliar to children (maple, oak)

Children ask:

- What tree is the leaf from?

-What size?

- What shape?

Children come to the conclusion that we do not have such leaves, which means that such trees do not grow here.

Children are shown pictures of these trees. The teacher tells where they grow and what size they are. Images are being examined and compared.

Phys. just a minute:

The wind flew through the forest, The wind counted the leaves: Here is an oak one, Here is a maple one,

Here is a carved rowan tree, Here is a golden one from a birch tree, Here is the last leaf from an aspen tree The wind threw it onto the path.

- Now guys, look carefully and find trees that are not like the others? (Pictures depicting pine, spruce, birch, maple, oak are given). (Children find a pine tree)

- Guys, what do you know about pine? (children's answers)

— Pine is considered the most resistant tree; it is not afraid of either frost or heat. Its needles stay on the tree for three years, and then turn yellow and fall off.

- Do you know the difference between pine and spruce?

- And now, you and I, let’s look at the needles of pine and spruce.

— Pine trees have long needles, while Christmas trees have short ones.

- Let's take rulers and measure the length of the needles.

— Pine loves light, but spruce, on the contrary, grows well in the shade, especially young ones. Pine grows quickly, and spruce grows slowly.

- Why do you think we need trees? In order for us to breathe fresh air, because the leaves of the trees release the oxygen that we breathe. Some trees produce berries that birds feed on and also make our surroundings beautiful.

Trees grow slowly, so they need to be protected. We need to protect the trees, take care of them, and in the spring, together with their parents, plant new young trees.

Base game with leaves:

One, two, three, four, five Let's collect leaves. Birch leaves, Rowan leaves,

We will collect maple leaves, oak leaves, and we will take our bouquet to mom.

The teacher throws tree leaves up, and the children catch them, collect them and name which tree the leaf comes from. (Make a bouquet).

Forest collage.

Children, if desired, cut out deciduous and coniferous trees and glue them onto a sheet of Whatman paper.

(A forest landscape is created, which is used in the next lesson).

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