Applique furniture for kids in a step-by-step master class and templates

Ready-made samples of blanks

Creating a paper set is not a very popular process today compared to flowers, butterflies, and landscapes. It is still very rare to find professional blanks for creating furniture appliqué on sale, but if you have a vivid imagination, you can create beautiful pictures.

As we noticed, there are quite a few blanks, but they still exist. They are quite easy to use. We cut the blank and glue it in the desired order. If desired, we complete the missing elements (wallpaper, carpets, etc.). It is important not to confuse them with regular colored stickers.

Creating an applique from ready-made material is quite simple (cut and paste), but if you want to make it yourself, you will have to get confused.

Lesson summary on application on the topic “Furniture”

Olesya Biryukova
Lesson summary on application on the topic “Furniture”

Lesson summary on application on the topic Furniture

Topic: Furniture for the Bear .

Goal: Learn to cut strips of paper (about 3-5 cm, hold scissors correctly, use them correctly. Develop creativity, imagination. Foster independence and activity.

Reinforce techniques for careful use of paper and glue

Material: Strips of paper, A4 size white paper for gluing images (3-4 sheets for each child, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin, oilcloth.


Let's try to create a chair together. To do this we need colored paper (blue, yellow and red), a button without a needle, glue and scissors. We start from the back of the chair. Draw a shape resembling a crown on a blue sheet. We do the same on yellow, but smaller in size. Draw two orange slices on a red piece of paper. Let's move on to the legs and seat. Cut out 4 red pieces measuring 2 x 4 cm (3 pieces) and 2 x 5 cm (1 piece). We twist them into tubes and secure them with glue. We assemble a chair from the resulting material. We decorate the back with a button.

As you can see, such products look much brighter and neater. Let's look at a few sketches, having learned to draw which, you will be able to create creations with smooth, clear contours.

Let's create a TV and a sofa. We redraw them or translate them using carbon paper.

After you have drawn a sketch, color and cut out. We paste it onto the sheet in the required shape and complete the interior elements.

If you want to create a large room, then you need to draw a lot of furniture. We take a large sheet of paper or several small ones, draw a lot of different home furnishings, paint them with the necessary colors (for example, orange, blue and green). Carefully cut out with curly scissors and paste in the order we need.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

OOD summary on appliqué using the decoupage technique in the middle group “Chair for a Teddy Bear”

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 6" of the urban district of the closed administrative-territorial formation of the village. Mountain

Completed by: teacher of the first qualification category Anastasia Aleksandrovna Smorygina


OOD abstract on appliqué using the decoupage

in the middle group “Chair for a bear cub”

Goal: To create favorable conditions for the development of creative abilities by decorating a rocking chair using the decoupage .


  1. Continue to form children's ideas about furniture. Strengthen the ability to place objects in accordance with the characteristics of their shape, work with glue and a brush.
  2. Develop imagination, creativity, aesthetic perception, activate vocabulary: nouns (names of furniture), relative adjectives (materials for making furniture).
  3. To cultivate love and friendliness, the desire to help one’s neighbor, and the ability to negotiate; careful attitude towards household items, respect for the work of adults; accuracy; maintain interest in joint creativity.

Material and tools:

  1. Paper napkins for display;
  2. PVA glue;
  3. Brushes;
  4. Blanks (wooden rocking chair parts)

Integration of educational areas: artistic - aesthetic, cognitive, social - communicative, speech, physical development.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations of furniture, an excursion to the workshop of a full-service worker “Help fix the bed for Katya’s doll ,” didactic games “Which one, which one, which one?” , “The Fourth Wheel” , etc., introduction to the “decoupage” - “Plates”

Progress of OOD

1) Organizational moment (Surprise moment)

There's a knock on the door. The postman comes and brings a letter.

— Hello, is this the group “Beryozki” ? (Yes) You have a letter from a fairy forest.

B: Thank you very much (the postman leaves). Guys, let's see what's in our letter (I take out the letter and read it).

“Hello, dear guys.

Mishutka is writing to you. I had a problem, my high chair broke. Help me please"

2) Main part

Q: Poor Mishutka, what a pity for him. But what kind of Mishutka is this? Guys, do you remember in which fairy tale Mishutka’s chair broke? ( “Three Bears” ) – slide 3

What happened to Mishutka's chair? (Children's answers) - slide 4

Is it possible to swing on chairs? How should you treat furniture? (carefully, keep it clean, don’t jump, don’t drop, don’t scratch, don’t draw on it)

Q: Guys, what should we do? Who can help us? (children's answers) That's right, guys, well done. Let's call Vladimir Nikolaevich and ask him to help us. (Call V.N.)

— What materials are furniture most often made from? (Wood, metal, plastic, glass)

D/i “Which one, which one, which one?” - activate children's vocabulary. — slides 5-8

Q: Guys, what is this? (on the slide is a table), what is it made of? (made of wood), so what is it? (Wooden), etc.

Vladimir Nikolaevich arrives and brings parts of the chair.

V.N.: Guys, I’ve had parts from a chair for a long time, but I don’t know from which chair. Guys, I have to go, I still have a lot of furniture to repair.

Q: Let's see (assembling the chair). Guys, what did we do? (Rocking chair), how cool, but you can rock on such a chair and not be afraid of breaking it. But don’t you think the chair is a little dull, what are our chairs like? (beautiful and this chair needs to be decorated)

But as? (children's answers) Guys, remember we decorated the plates with pictures cut out of napkins, did you like it? Did the plates turn out beautiful? What was the name of this interesting case? (decoupage) Let's decorate this chair with napkins too. Do you agree? (Yes)

Q: — Guys, you and I have already been on an excursion to Vladimir Nikolaevich’s workshop, and he showed how he repairs furniture. I suggest you also become furniture repair experts and make a rocking chair for Mishutka.

And in order for us to get into the workshop, we need to say the magic words

Physical training “Furniture”

In the morning we will go to the workshop (walking in place)

We will invent furniture there:

Tall cabinet (stand on toes, stretch arms up)

And a stool, (squat)

Bed - we will sleep on it softly (put folded palms under the left cheek)

Let's make a chair (a bent left palm is attached to the straight right palm to make a “chair” )

And the table is big (they spread their arms to the sides)

And we’ll take everything home (turn the steering wheel)

Q: - Well, here we are in our workshop. But how will we decorate our chair, because there are many of us, but there is only one? (Take it apart, divide it) Today we will work in pairs. And we need to divide into pairs (divide into pairs).

We have 4 pieces for our rocking chair. What material are they made of? (Tree). So what are they? (Wooden) Correct. Choose one piece per pair and go to the tables.

Look, you have different pictures from napkins on your table. To begin, select those with which you will decorate your part of the chair and lay them out on the blank. Happened?

Q: Before we start, we need to review the rules for safe handling of glue and brushes (Repeat)

Now comes the fun part.

Place the picture cut from the napkin onto the surface, face up. Then carefully apply PVA glue to the napkin using a soft squirrel brush.

Spread the glue over the napkin from the middle to the edges. Smooth out all the wrinkles, being careful not to tear the napkin. Guys, we work carefully, because the napkins tear easily, and we can ruin our chair. (Work completion, individual assistance)

B: - Well, guys, we have all the details ready. Can we send them to Mishutka? (No, you need to assemble the chair) Let's assemble it. (We collect) and send it to Mishutka.

There is a knock on the door, the postman comes in: “You have a telegram from Mishutka.”

(I open the telegram, read: “Guys, how are you doing? Can you help me?” )

Q: — And we just finished assembling a rocking chair for Mishutka. please give him our parcel (We put the rocking chair in the box, hand it over to the postman. He leaves)

3) Reflection

Q: Guys, do you think Mishutka liked our chair? (It’s comfortable, beautiful, you can swing on it without breaking it).

While we are summing up, an email arrives, in it Mishutka sits on a chair and says: thank you very much for such a wonderful rocking chair!!!!!

Next >

Paper 3-D

Using curly scissors you can also cut out elements for 3D applique. Cut out a cross with sides 3 x 3 cm. Glue a cube from it (the base of the chair). Glue the back to the shape we need. Wait for it to dry completely and paint. Let's make the table: cut out a strip measuring 2 x 5 cm, roll it into a tube and secure it with glue. Cut out a circle and attach a tube to one side (this will be a table). We paint the table.

We attach these elements to a sheet of paper, finish drawing the background - the craft is ready.

Thus, we considered several creation options. Of course, the blank material at work looks much brighter, but if you know how to draw beautifully and select colors, then homemade elements will look no worse. Select shapes, tones, complement with invented elements, diversify your applications. With their help, children will be able to learn new words, develop imagination and imagination. Good luck!

Application "Furniture" in the middle group

Elena Timoshenko
Application “Furniture” in the middle group
Application on the theme Furniture Middle group
Striped chair (Colored paper. Decorative applique )

Program content: continue to teach children how to hold scissors correctly, squeeze and unclench rings, and cut in a straight line.

Strengthen the ability to decorate an object with colored stripes, alternating them by color. Reinforce techniques for careful gluing.

Learn to negotiate with each other about the progress of work.

Cultivate kindness and care for animals.

Preliminary work. Reading works about furniture . Puzzles. Looking at illustrations on the topic Furniture


Handout. Cardboard rectangles 12x6 cm, squares of colored paper of different colors 6x6 cm, scissors, glue, rags, oilcloth linings, chair templates.

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