Fun games and competitions for Teacher and Preschool Worker Day

In autumn, Preschool Worker's Day is traditionally celebrated. In honor of this, tea parties, concerts, and corporate events are organized. And no matter what the plan of the event, funny scenes for Teacher’s Day are always relevant. Children, parents, and preschool employees participate, depending on the conditions of the celebration. Here you will find rooms for both adults and preschoolers.

All the details are accessible, the words are simple—learning is easy. Of course, at festive evenings, where everyone is “their own,” it is allowed to read a speech from a piece of paper. However, the number without cheat sheets looks much better. Light skits, like those in this article, turn out great even without rehearsals, because the main thing is to be in a good mood. Moreover, if possible, it is advisable to run the production before going out.

And don't be afraid of being a bad actor. Skits are meant to make people laugh, not to judge. That’s why such performances always go out with a bang!

Getting the kids together for a walk

This competition will be held in two versions. First option: with the participation of children. Each teacher receives a team with the same number of children, as well as gloves, hats and scarves in accordance with the number of children in the teams. At the “start” command, teachers must gather the children for a walk as quickly as possible - put on gloves, a hat and a scarf for each child in their team. Whoever did the job well first won. Second option: without the presence of children at the holiday. The role of the children can be played by any toys, for example, dolls or soft animals.

Funny scene for children's Teacher's Day

You will need children's toys and balloons.


  • boy;
  • girl.

A boy and a girl appear to the song “Where Does Childhood Go?” In the hands of toys, balloons.

Boy : Eh, our childhood is leaving. Before we can blink, school will be here. (crying)

Girl : Are you so upset because you have to say goodbye to kindergarten?

Boy : Yes! At school you will have to study, read and write.

Girl: Don't be upset, but you won't have to sleep after lunch!

Boy : What's good? What about without teachers? You will have to do everything yourself, no one will help.

Girl : So what? But you won’t have to eat semolina porridge! And we will be home after lunch, not in the evening.

Boy : What about the lessons? Do you think it's easy?

Girl : I didn’t even think, you can get a D there too. And my mother will scold me for this.

Boy : That's it. Now do you understand how good it is in kindergarten?

Girl : Yes. (cries) I don't want to grow up.

Then they say in chorus : How quickly youth passes!

Children's breakfast

During breakfast, all, well, almost all the children are spinning around the table, barely eating the prepared porridge. In this competition, all teachers will feel like children who have recently been woken up and forced to eat porridge. So, each participant-educator is blindfolded, a plate with the same amount of porridge is placed in front of each participant, preferably semolina (semolina porridge can be replaced with another porridge or jelly, for example). All teachers are given a teaspoon, or better yet, a smaller spoon, for example, a mustard spoon. At the “start” command, the participants begin to eat the delicious porridge. Whoever completed it first received a prize.


The Day of the Teacher and All Preschool Workers is considered to be the professional holiday of all teachers, nannies and preschool workers. It is on this day that children and parents congratulate and thank those who were their “guide along the path of knowledge,” giving flowers, cards, and kind words. In kindergartens and nurseries, matinees are often held on this occasion. Boys and girls sing songs, recite poems, show dance routines, thereby saying “thank you for teaching me.” Also on this day, exhibitions are held where you can see various works of children. There may also be plasticine crafts, drawings, paper crafts and much more. The best employees are awarded with certificates and diplomas. Their photographs can be seen on the honor board.

A beautiful dish for children's appetite

As you know, children eat with greater pleasure those dishes that have a fabulous and beautiful appearance. So, each teacher receives the same set: a plate, a knife, bread, a piece of sausage, a tomato, a cucumber, a piece of cheese. All participants are given about 5 minutes to be creative: the teachers must create a real culinary masterpiece and the dish must look so that the child immediately wants to eat it. Based on the results of a general vote, the most creative and fun dish is chosen, and its author is given a prize.


The history of this holiday begins in 2003-2004. The first proposal to introduce the “Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers” came from publications on pedagogical problems. Everyone liked this idea, from workers in this field to officials. All that remained was to choose a date.

By voting, they chose September 27th. This choice was not accidental, and was explained by the fact that back in 1837, it was on this day that the first kindergarten was built. Despite the fact that the holiday was known in many countries, it still did not have official status. Therefore, the Ministry of Education decided to grant this day federal status (in 2008). After which, the following year, all workers in this field were congratulated at the state level.

About the profession

It is necessary to have enormous patience, certain skills and talent to work with children. Kindergarten and nursery teachers are precisely such heroes. Every day, the teacher, faced with various difficulties, makes considerable efforts to find an approach, so to speak, “his own special key” to the thoughts and feelings of each child. After all, each of the guys has their own character, each of them has their own thoughts and views on the things around them. That’s why a truly good teacher shouldn’t, and whatever he shouldn’t, he simply doesn’t have the right to put all children on the same level. A “good” teacher must be able to consider each child individually, give each of them his attention, listen and help them make the right decision, and teach them to distinguish between good and evil. In addition, the teacher simply needs to be able to engage children in useful and developmental activities, thereby making each new day of the child more and more interesting.

Qualities required to work as a teacher

Raising children of preschool age is a very responsible and important job, on which the further development of the individual largely depends, and it is during this period that the foundations for the health of each child are laid.

It should be remembered that the future fate of each pupil, his character, as well as his inner world largely depends on the work of educators. That is why every teacher should be as patient, wise and attentive as possible. Based on this, we can say with confidence that the official Teacher’s Day is fully deserved by these people.

What qualities do you need to have in order to become a successful kindergarten teacher? First of all, this is, of course, love. to the children. Moreover, not only to our own people, but also to strangers too. In addition, the teacher must be very patient, friendly, calm and tolerant. After all, he has to deal not only with children, but also with their parents. And sometimes it can be difficult to figure out what is more difficult. After all, parents also have their own opinion about how exactly their child should be treated, and this opinion does not always coincide with the opinion of the teacher or pedagogical recommendations.

The teacher must be a comprehensively developed person, know the latest achievements of science and art, have a good understanding of folk art, and be able to play a musical instrument. Children usually ask a lot of questions, and the teacher must be prepared for them, not only know the correct answer, but also be able to explain it in a form that is accessible and understandable to the child. He needs to have organizational skills - just imagine how difficult it is to quickly seat children at tables, put them to bed or get them ready for an afternoon walk. The teacher must have certain artistic abilities and a good imagination - after all, he needs not only to conduct classes with the kids, but also to make them interesting, otherwise the children simply will not listen, they still have a very weak idea of ​​​​collective discipline. In general, there are no random people in this profession, and if sometimes you come across them, they leave it very quickly. To become a teacher, it is not enough to simply graduate from the appropriate secondary or higher educational institution - for this you need a true calling.

Scenario of entertainment for the day of a preschool worker “Teacher’s Day”

Presenter: Hello, dear colleagues and our dear guys! After all, today is not an ordinary autumn day. Today is the Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers - a professional holiday. This holiday is celebrated annually on September 27th.

On this day, there is a wonderful occasion to congratulate all the workers of preschool educational institutions and express gratitude to them for their daily painstaking work, for the warmth that they give to children. The children prepared poems for the teachers.

Poems for educators

1. We are happy to congratulate all the kindergarten workers today: Teachers, doctors, nannies and cooks!

2. All of them take care of us with great love, teach us, feed us and play, send us to 1st grade!

3. They caress us and reward us, They celebrate holidays with us. Instead of mother and father, these kind hearts.

4. We will never forget you, We will love you forever, We promise that we will grow up, We will come to work in kindergarten!

5. Happy holiday, dears! You are like mothers' family! All the guys say Happy Holidays, our kindergarten!

6. Early in the morning, the kindergarten welcomes the Kids. There, toys are waiting for the children. They are bored in the corner.

7. Red ball, blue ball Dolls, teddy bears. Kindergarten! Our native garden is loved by all the children.

8. For many, many years in a row, In summer and winter, We come to kindergarten, To our own kindergarten.

9. The children live in the kindergarten, they play and sing here. Here they find friends and go for walks with them.

10. They argue and dream together, growing up imperceptibly. Kindergarten is our second home, How warm and cozy it is!

Song: “Our Educators.”

The game “Who can get dressed faster for a walk?”

Two chairs are placed on which the child sits, and two sets of clothes for a walk are placed next to each other in a hoop. At a signal, the chosen participant is dressed; the one who puts them on faster wins.

Competition "Guess who it is"

Before the start of the competition, leaflets with images of animals are prepared. Then all the leaves are put into a bag and mixed. Participants take turns taking out one piece of paper and, using facial expressions, sounds, and movements, depict the specified animal, and adults try to guess who the participant is portraying.

Song "Childhood"

Riddles about preschool workers

1. So that the people in the kindergarten are well-fed, they will come to work before everyone else. He has a lot of dishes. He cooks delicious dishes in them. We feel great! Thank you for this... (To the cook)

2. Let's go out to the kindergarten for a walk, we are clean again! Not a speck, not a piece of paper, Not a leaf in sight! Why is the yard clean? Who was sweeping here? (Street cleaner)

3. What is this Miracle - House? And how many toys are there! They play and sing there, the children live happily. How many preschoolers are there in the house? This is a house after all... (Kindergarten).

4. Who takes care of our children more caringly than a mother? Does he put porridge on their plates, or pour sweet compote into their cups? (Nanny)


Game “Complete the name of the fairy-tale hero”

  • Winnie the Pooh)
  • Baba (Yaga)
  • Brownie... (Kuzya)
  • Dr. Aibolit)
  • Father Frost)
  • Ivan Tsarevich)
  • Dragon)
  • Little Red Riding Hood)
  • Koschei the Deathless)
  • Cat... (Matroskin, Leopold, in boots)
  • Ivan the Fool)
  • Tiny (Khavroshechka)
  • Fly Tsokotukha)
  • Crocodile Gena)
  • Postman Pechkin)
  • Tom Thumb)
  • Sister... (Alyonushka)

Competition “Shoe for Cinderella”

A large number of shoes are placed in front of the children and they are asked to choose a pair that belongs to the teacher. After this, the teacher tries on the proposed shoe options. The participant whose pair of shoes is the right size wins.

Competition "Draw a Portrait"

Before the competition, students are blindfolded and given drawing supplies: paper, pencils, paints, felt-tip pens. Children blindly try to draw a portrait of their teacher. The participant whose drawing is most similar to the original wins.

Competition "Beads for the teacher"

To conduct the competition you need to prepare beads and two boxes. Participants are divided into two teams and asked to take turns giving compliments to the teacher: kind, affectionate, caring, etc. The team whose box contains the most beads wins.

Competition "Guess the riddle"

  1. “The fat guy lives on the roof, but he flies higher than everyone else.” (Carlson)
  2. “Near the forest on the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds and pillows.” (Three Bears)
  3. “On the sour cream it’s mixed, on the window it’s cold, round side, ruddy side, who is it?” (Kolobok)
  4. “They ran away from the dirty pans and pots, she calls for them, and sheds tears along the way.” (Fedora)
  5. “He goes, rides on the stove, eats big rolls.” (Emelya)
  6. “He’s kinder than all the doctors, he treats birds and animals, he looks through his glasses, who is it?” (Aibolit)
  7. “I went to visit my grandmother, brought her some pies, the gray wolf followed her, deceived her and swallowed her.” (Little Red Riding Hood)
  8. “He goes to visit with Piglet, he loves honey, he asks for jam, who is this, say it out loud, a bear cub...” (Winnie the Pooh)

Host: Guys, our holiday is over, let's return to our groups. Thank you everyone for participating, you are great!

Interesting Facts

  • In 1837, the first kindergarten appeared. Friedrich Fröbel is the founder of this preschool in Germany.
  • Not every parent could afford to send their child to kindergarten. After all, until 1868, all of them were exclusively paid. That is why only wealthy and rich people could afford this. Only at the end of 1868 was it decided to create free preschool institutions. Many people liked this idea, and various charitable organizations began to support it.
  • In Russia alone there are more than 60 thousand preschool institutions.

How is Teacher's Day celebrated?

This holiday is usually celebrated within the walls of the kindergarten. Heads of preschool institutions congratulate their colleagues, and distinguished teachers are rewarded with certificates for successful work. Parents give teachers and other employees flowers, sweets and souvenirs from themselves or from the group, and children present their favorite mentors with the most valuable gifts - postcards and handmade crafts. Sometimes entire concerts are organized in honor of teachers, at which little artists sing, dance and read poetry.

History and traditions of the holiday

The German teacher Friedrich Froebel is considered the inventor of the kindergarten system. It was he who, in 1837, opened a preschool institution in the city of Blankenburg, where young children were accepted - here they could play and appropriate developmental activities were conducted with them. Therefore, F. Froebel can without any doubt be considered the very first teacher of such a kindergarten. It must be said that he received the most brilliant education, graduated from the University of Jena, then worked at the Hierdon Institute under the guidance of the brilliant German scientist and teacher Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi. With all this, Froebel was an idealist and believed that if a child is raised properly from a very early age, then the prevailing evil in society can be destroyed. The principle that Froebel based his education system is not to interfere. Do not interfere with children’s development as their nature requires, while helping to develop their best aspirations and qualities. Froebel dreamed of a whole system of kindergartens, where “gardeners” - teachers and educators would develop and improve the child’s speech, hearing, thinking and movement organs based on play, which is in fact not only entertainment, but also a way of education.

It was Froebel who developed the world's first didactic material for kindergartens - balls, balls, cylinders, cubes, blocks, which were arranged in a certain system and developed spatial thinking, fine motor skills, and combinatorial abilities in children. By the way, you can also thank this great man for the well-known letter cubes from childhood. In addition, in Froebel's system, much attention was paid to such activities as drawing, dancing, singing, modeling, modeling, working with paper - in general, all possible types of creativity.

Froebel's kindergarten was a public institution, the payment was so low that it did not burden the townspeople even of the poorest strata. At the same time, Froebel made sure that all children were fed hot food three times a day on time, and also put to bed. “Labor, patience, love” - this was Froebel’s motto, and it was with this that he raised the kids in his nursery, trying to develop in each one his own individuality and uniqueness.

Soon the fame of Froebel's kindergarten spread throughout Germany, the idea acquired not only its supporters, but also sponsors and followers. Kindergartens began to open one after another around the world.

The emergence of kindergartens in Russia

In our country, the first kindergartens began to open in the 60s of the 19th century. And the first of them was discovered by the Russified Germans I. Paulson and K. Rauchfus. Unfortunately, Russian teachers initially reacted with hostility to this initiative; they argued that Froebel’s German system was dull and could not take root on Russian soil that required a special scope. Perhaps this is why kindergartens began to spread here, but this process was extremely slow; the institutions were mostly private, paid, and only wealthy people could afford to send their children there. But they also closed very quickly.

The first free kindergarten in Russia opened only in 1872. It was led by the Smidovich spouses, doctors by training, who have 8 children of their own. They were also the first educators. They gave away the best rooms in their own house for the kindergarten, and in the summer, when the weather was good, the pupils could frolic to their heart's content in the garden. At the same time, all the necessary developmental activities were carried out with them, the children learned reading, writing, counting, they were engaged in creativity and staged performances and, of course, played outdoor games. Gradually, other private and then state kindergartens began to open in Russia.

After the October Revolution of 1917, the preschool education system was named one of the priorities of the new state. By 1920, about 5,000 state kindergartens were already operating in Russia, not only in big cities, but also in rural areas. The importance attached to preschool education at that time is evidenced by the fact that All-Russian congresses of educators and teachers working in kindergartens were regularly held, where special documents were developed, in particular, “Basic provisions of pedagogical work in a preschool institution.” The pedagogical process and education in preschool institutions are becoming complex and systematic. A significant contribution to the development of the scientific theory of Soviet preschool education was made by prominent psychologists S.L. Rubinstein, B.G. Ananyev, A.R. Luria, K.N. Kornilov and teachers P.N. Gruzdev, E.N. Medynsky, I.F. Svadkovsky, I.A. Kairov et al.

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