Fun in the pool of the kindergarten “FUN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON THE WATER”

Summer sports festival “Visiting Vodyanoy”

author: Karateeva Larisa Vladimirovna

Physical education instructor MBDOU Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 22 “Kleverok”

Summer sports festival “Visiting Vodyanoy”

Summer sports festival

"Visiting Vodyanoy."


Create a joyful mood in children.


  • Show the enormous importance of water for living organisms;
  • Encourage children to respect nature;
  • Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other;
  • Teach mutual assistance and mutual assistance.


racks -2, buckets of water -2, empty buckets -2, sponges -2, tables -2, plastic cups with water -2, basins with water -2, small toys according to the number of children, trays -2, transparent jars -2 , audio recordings of music for competitions.

Progress of the holiday.


Hello guys! It's no secret that every child loves summer. Because in summer you can spend a lot of time outside, go to the beach and swim! Do you guys like summer? (Yes...) Do you like to swim? (Yes...) Today we will hold a gaming competition program for you. And what our game will be dedicated to, you will find out from the riddle.


If our hands are stained with polish, If there are blots on our nose, Who then is our first friend, Who will remove the dirt from our face and hands? Without which mother cannot cook or wash, Without which, we will say frankly, Should a person die? For rain to fall from the sky , So that ears of bread grow, So that ships sail - We cannot live without ... water!!!


That’s right, water is life.

Today you and I will play and be naughty. All our competitions will be dedicated to “Water Fun”. And here’s the agreement - no one is offended by anyone! Agreed?! To warm up, let's start with riddles:

Guess the “water” riddles:

  1. He is without arms, he is without legs, he was able to break through the earth, He gives us ice-cold water in the summer, in the very heat. (Spring.)
  2. The width is wide, the depth is deep, Day and night it beats on the shore. The water from it is not drunk, Because it is not tasty - It is both bitter and salty. (Sea.)
  3. I run to my mother river and cannot remain silent. I am her own son, And I was born in the spring. (Creek.)
  4. Not water, not land - You can’t sail away on a boat and you can’t walk with your feet. (Swamp.)
  5. In the middle of the field lies a mirror: The glass is blue, the frame is green. (Pond or lake.)
  6. The ribbon on the branch trembles a little in the open space, The narrow tip is in the spring, And the wide one is in the sea. (River.)
  7. Falling from a great height, he roars menacingly and, breaking against the stones, rises up foaming. (Waterfall)

Guys, our holiday will be dedicated to water and everything connected with it. The “Song of the Vodyanoy” sounds.


Hello little people!
Girls and boys, dear adults! I'm very glad to see you. You probably all recognize me, I live in a swamp, I eat fish and water. So who am I guys? (Children: Vodyanoy) (walks around the hall, gets acquainted - splashes from the sprayer). Presenter:
Hello Mr. Vodyanoy, thank you for deigning to come to the holiday this year.
Yes, last year I was sick, I ate too much midges.
He lay in the moss, groaned and stroked his belly. And I see you’re having a holiday here? And what kind of beauties are these, little mermaids?! Come on, I'll take a look. Host:
So help us, determine who has longer hair.
Okay, where are my scissors?!
What are you, what are you, the girls tried, raised, and you grab the scissors.
It would be better if you gave me some kind of prize. Vodyanoy:
So I’ll immediately run to the swamp and bring a frog or a leech. Host:
We don’t need frogs, we’ll get a present for the one with the longest hair!
I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
Here's a supply in case. Okay, I’ll share (takes out the prize). Vodyanoy:
Do you know what holiday it is today?
Then why don't you play? Host:
Now let’s play. Attention, we are holding “Water Relay Races”

1 Relay race “Water Carriers”.

Props: each team needs a bucket of water, a sponge and a glass. Task: Each participant puts the sponge in a bucket of water, runs to the finishing point, squeezes the water from the sponge into the glass, runs back to the team and passes the sponge to the next player. The team that gets the most water into the glass wins.

2 Relay race
Props: a glass of water filled to the brim for each team. Task: The first player raises a glass of water above his head. He walks quickly to the finish point, goes around it and returns back, trying to spill as little water as possible. Passes the glass to the next player. The team with the most water left in the glass wins.


To start the next competition, guess me this riddle:
His work is in the depths, at the very bottom. His work is in darkness and silence. But who is he, answer the question, Not an astronaut, but walking among the stars? (Diver. )
That's right, it's a diver. What does a diver do? (children's answers). Our next competition is called “Treasures from the Bottom of the Sea”

3 Relay race “Treasures from the bottom of the sea”

Props: A large basin with water, at the bottom of which there are various shiny small objects (beautiful buttons, beads, growing toys, shells, slimes, etc.); for each team, a spoon and a container for collecting “treasures”. Task: Using a spoon, collect as many objects as possible “from the bottom of the sea”. At the leader’s signal, the first players run up to a basin of water, take out one object with a spoon, put it in their cup, run back, pass the spoon to the next player, etc. The competition continues until the “treasures” run out. The team that collects the most items wins.

4 “Water Drawer” Relay

Players from each team take turns scooping water from a plate standing at the turning mark, running to the team and pouring the water into the jar. The team whose players transfer the most water into the jar within the allotted time wins.


: What great guys you are


: And now, guys, let’s all play the game
“Catching Fish”
. Participants dance in a circle, holding hands and raising their hands up. Several other children will be fish. The “fish” run randomly, sometimes running inside the circle - the net, sometimes running out of it while some kind of music or the leader’s tambourine is playing. As soon as the music stops, the round dance must together lower their clasped hands down and catch the “fish”. The caught “fish” are placed in a common circle, the game continues until all the “fish” are caught. Then you can change places.


I really like the way you play!
Can you dance? But not me! Will you teach me? Presenter:
I announce the “Water Disco”.
Summer sports festival “Visiting Vodyanoy”

Water festival in kindergarten in the senior group of kindergarten

Water festival in kindergarten in the senior group.
Scenario Scenario for a water festival in kindergarten, in the senior group Author: Abdulina Tatyana Pavlovna, teacher at MADOU "TsRR" kindergarten No. 10 in the city of Kineshma Program content: to consolidate children's knowledge about the different states of water, about the water cycle in nature, about the importance of water in life of all living things, develop cognitive activity, gaming experience, independence, initiative.
Create an emotional mood for the holiday The progress of the holiday
Music sounds. The children walk like a snake around the hall, go around the circle, and sit down. Presenter: Guys and dear guests! Today we have an unusual holiday. Festival of magical water. Why magical? Yes, probably because water can be very, very different. It can run quickly in a stream, splash in the sea, become cold pieces of ice or hot steam. That's how different she is! And for our holiday we are waiting for the sorceress - water - to visit us. And here she is, meet her! Music sounds, the Sorceress - water - enters the hall and dances. Water: Hello, my friends! I came to you for the holiday! I received your invitation and was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday. I was so afraid that I wouldn’t have time, because I have so much work every day! Host: Yes, we have heard about water, They say it is everywhere. (3 children run out) 1 child: In a puddle, in the sea. In the ocean And in the water tap, Like an icicle it freezes, It creeps into the forest like fog. 2nd child: It’s called a glacier in the mountains, It curls like a silver ribbon. Child 3: The water is boiling on the stove, the steam of the kettle is hissing, and the sugar is dissolving in the tea. Host: And sometimes we don’t notice it. We are accustomed to the fact that water is always our companion.. Water: Without me, you can’t wash yourself, You can’t eat, you can’t get drunk. Host: I dare to report to you that we cannot live without water. Water: You will find me everywhere, in a stream, a pond, a swamp. Children: Always traveling Our companion is water. Water: Guys! Can you find me in nature? Where am I? Where do I travel (children's answers) Water: You probably know that cheerful droplets always and everywhere help me. And now we will go on a journey with the droplets. A crybaby cloud floated across the sky and decided that it was time for the cheerful droplets to hit the road. I send you, droplets, to the earth. Let the merry rain fall, water the earth, trees, bushes, flowers, and then come back to me. Droplets flew to the ground. Look how many there are. (balloons)
You come out here quickly and start traveling with the droplets. (Children go out and take the balls. Game “Journey of Droplets”) Water: Droplets play, jump (children move scattered, jump)
They got bored playing alone, they began to gather together and flowed in small cheerful streams
(children hold hands, move snake)
The streams met and became one long ringing stream. (the leader takes the children by the hands and walks like a snake) Water: And the stream led the droplets into a large river, and then into a huge sea (children form a circle)
And then the sun warmed up, the droplets became light, stretched upward, evaporated under the rays of the sun and flew into the sky (the children reached out and threw the balls into the sky)
And the droplets turned into big fluffy clouds. Dance “Clouds” Water: Do you guys know how to solve riddles? White cotton wool is floating somewhere, no matter if you catch it or not, you won’t catch it. In the morning the beads sparkled, they covered all the grass with them, and we went to look for them in the afternoon. We search and search, but we won’t find them. Child: Poem about dew. There is a commotion in the yard. Peas are falling from the sky. Nina ate six peas. She now has a sore throat. He makes noise in the field and in the garden, But he won’t get into the house, But I won’t go anywhere, As long as he goes. Child: Poem about rain. Song “Rain - Watering” Presenter: (with an umbrella)
It's raining and there's no light, the sun is lost somewhere. And the wind is so cold, it’s just some kind of bad weather. apchhi, really bad weather (sneezes) Water: Be healthy Bad weather runs in. Bad weather: Don't be healthy, don't be healthy. A! What? Are you sick? Did you sneeze? Host: Oh! Who is this unknown person? Who are you? Bad weather: What? So you didn't even recognize me? I am bad weather. Bad weather. I was weak in the summer. Autumn is my season, I've been waiting for it for a long time. Water: Yes, yes, guys. This is Aunt Nepogodushka. Bad weather: Yes. I am the people's favorite, Your aunt - Bad Weather: Make me happy soon, friends, I came to you for the holiday! Host: And what is there to be happy about? The sky darkened as if it wanted to cry. And a cloud covered the sun, Everything became gray and dull. Bad weather: Please. Rejoice, children always to me. After all, walking in the rain is beautiful. Host: No, no, Auntie Bad Weather, we don’t want to walk in the rain. After all, you can get wet and catch a cold. And we weren't expecting you at all. And they didn’t invite us to the holiday. Bad weather: What was your name? Or maybe the children have forgotten. What did they say about the rain? Song “Bad weather” Bad weather: Look, smile quickly! No. No, no, don't even try to persuade me. I'm angry with you. I'm canceling your holiday. I forbid having fun! I will become the mistress everywhere. And you, the Sorceress, I will drive away the water, I will ruin everything, I will flood you, I will obscure the sun with a cloud. And you, water, go away! Make room for me! Now I’m the mistress here (both leave) Host: What should I do? What should we do? How will we continue to live without the Sorceress - water? We need to find her and bring her to the holiday. Who's ready to search? I call on the brave souls. (children stand up) Game “Stream” First we’ll walk along the bridge, then along the islands through the swamp, and here’s a stream on the way, we need to walk along it. So we passed the stream, now the river is on the way (changes of lanes with chairs)
, and now we have come to the lake, and the lake is deep, and it is full of fish - full of fish.
Where are the fish? That's the problem. Everyone hid from me. (game “Be Nimble”) The recording “The Sound of the Sea” plays. Presenter: But before us is a boundless sea, And it is full of miracles. Now we will descend to the seabed. I invite children and parents here to show and talk about their crafts. We thank you, dear participants, for your wonderful work. Presenter: So we visited the bottom of the sea, but we didn’t meet the sorceress - water, and maybe Zimushka will help us? Meet us here, Zimushka is coming here - winter (winter enters, dancing in the center of the hall) Winter: Hello guys! Hello, friends! I came to you for a holiday. Were you waiting for me? (yes) Host: Hello, Russian pullet! The beauty is the soul! Snow-white winch. Hello, winter-winter! Winter: I am a frosty, cheerful winter. I covered all the fields with white snow. All the trees, all the hills. All the bushes. I built ice bridges. I blew on the river and breathed lightly. And I immediately fell asleep, the river froze. And as a gift to you, friends, I brought snowflakes. (distribution of snowflakes) dance with snowflakes, game “Snowflakes Fly” Presenter: How fun we were spinning with fluffy snow, all the paths, trees and bushes were covered with white. Zimushka - winter, a misfortune has befallen us, bad weather came to us for the holiday, she took the sorceress with her - water and we cannot find her. Winter: Oh, this bad weather! It always leaves only dampness and slush, nothing but trouble. Everything is not right for her, but not like that. It bothers everyone and is harmful. Host: Maybe you’ve seen a sorceress – you’ve seen water. Winter: No, I didn’t meet her on the snow paths. (Nepogoditsa runs in) Bad weather: Ah... there you are! All the Sorceress - look for water. If you can't find it, you're trying in vain. I swirled it around with the wind and wet it with the rain. Here. Winter: Oh, bad weather! Are you still being mischievous? Bad weather: And winter and you are here! Presenter: Winter has come to us, the yard is covered in snow, the houses are covered in snow, the roof is covered in snow, white snow is overhead. Beauty. Bad weather: Here, here it is winter. What about in winter? Cold. Cold. Freezing. Windy. Well, refrigeration. Winter: Well then. Bad weather, stop being angry, this is not suitable for a holiday. Return the sorceress - I kindly ask for water. Bad weather: No, no, no. Never. I am now the mistress of everything. Winter: Well. Bad weather, beware (starts to blow, phonogram) Bad weather: Oh, oh, oh, no need. Winter, don't freeze! Have pity! Forgive me, I won’t be harmful anymore and the sorceress will return the water to you. Winter: Well, let's forgive her, guys? Well, Bad Weather, bring the Water Sorceress here. (Water enters and clap) Water: Thank you, winter! And thank you guys! For that. That you were looking for me and waited a long time for the holiday. Winter: I brought some snowballs for you. I've been sculpting them all day, get up for a fun game (round dance "Snowballs", playing snowballs, winter makes riddles) The child verses about ice. Host: Thank you, winter-winter, because this is also all water. Water: Have you met my assistant Kapitoshka? Host: And here he is! Water: I invite everyone to a fun dance with Kapitoshka. Presenter: And now we will all say together, always and everywhere, eternal glory to water. With a samovar. And our samovar snorts and whistles. It's time to treat everyone to tea, we invite everyone to a tea party.

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Holidays in the pool. Scenarios for children's entertainment on the water

The water element irresistibly attracts children of any age into its tender embrace. How to make swimming pool activities even more enjoyable and interesting for children is described in the publications in this section. It brings together the rich and varied experience of teachers in organizing all kinds of holidays, entertainment and leisure activities on the water.

Evaluate a wide selection of ready-made scenarios and notes for holding such events, look at photo reports about their implementation. Many original developments and interesting solutions from colleagues are worth taking note of. We swim, play and develop with pleasure!

Holidays in the pool and children's water activities for every taste.

Showing publications 1-10 of 354. All sections | Holidays in the pool. Scenarios for children's entertainment on the water

"Cruise". Scenario of sports entertainment in the pool for the second junior group. Sports entertainment in the pool for the second junior group. Conducted by: Kuznetsova A.A. physical education instructor Venue: MDOU "CRR - kindergarten "Smile"

Age of children: II junior group. Duration of entertainment : 20 minutes.
Objectives: 1. Create a positive one. Scenario of leisure time on the water “April Fool’s Day. April 1st!” Scenario of the holiday on the water “April Fool’s Day”

“I don’t trust anyone on April 1!” Host: Hello friends, we are celebrating the New Year! We wish you happiness and joy! Children: no, no, no Presenter: how not? February 23? March 8? Yes, of course I’m pike, because today is a day of jokes and laughter! Presenter: The roof is dripping.

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