Ecological holiday in the senior group “Young eco-children”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Physical education and environmental leisure “Tourists”

(for older children)

MBDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 29" Sergiev Posad

Prepared and conducted by Physical Education Instructor N.A. Medvedeva. March 2021


  1. To develop the ability to implement a motor plan and navigate game situations.
  2. To consolidate children's knowledge about physical exercise as a component of a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Develop skills for a culture of behavior in nature.

Equipment, gymnastic sticks, 3 pieces of red cloth.

Leisure activities

Children enter the gym.

Teacher. Guys, today we are going on a hike, we are tourists.

I am your instructor. What do you think we will need on the hike, what will be useful?

Children's answers. The teacher prepares the necessary equipment together with the children. Children pick up sticks (gymnastics) and line up.

Teacher. Any trip begins with the formation of a tourist group. We took sticks because they will be useful to us on the way, they will help us jump over ditches, streams...

The trek begins...

Children walk around the hall, imagining that they are on a hike. (music accompaniment “Merry Song” ).

Teacher. Children, on our way there is a huge swamp, and behind it a ditch. We need to get over it, and our wand will help us with this.

I show: you need to put the stick in front of you - in the middle of the “stream” , holding it with both hands. Then push off strongly and jump from foot to foot. Let's try.

Walking alternating with jumping using a stick. “crossed the stream and ditch” (remove the sticks)

Teacher: Guys, look, the spider is descending on its web, and there is a leaf in its legs. Yes, something is written here... (reads):

“Dear guys, I lived with friends in the forest. But trouble happened! People who came to pick mushrooms and berries left behind garbage, cans, plastic bottles, and bags. An ecological disaster occurred: all plants died, animals, birds, insects disappeared. How I want to see clean streams, walk through a clean, unlittered forest, see my friends. Only you can help me. If you are friendly and brave, resourceful and cheerful, go help the forest! ”

Well, are you guys friendly? - Friendly.

Are you brave? - Brave ones.

And funny? - Cheerful.

Then let's go save the forest from trouble! Put on your caps! Our ecological landing force is ready to hit the road!

We have obstacles in our way.

Overcome them and move on.

They approach the gymnastics bench (bridge over the river).

1. Walking on a gymnastic bench, arms to the sides.

Teacher: Well done guys, everyone completed the task, let's move on. We approached the swamp and had to jump over the hummocks.

2. Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop.

Teacher: “Well done, let’s move on, the last obstacle remains .

3. Crawling on a gymnastic bench (side grip).

Teacher - so we came to the spring forest, but what are these, there are no flowers, the trees are not covered with leaves, there is garbage and dirt everywhere.

The children “went out into a large forest clearing .

Teacher. Guys, look at the mess those tourists who were here before us left behind. Tree branches were broken, a fire was lit, paper, transparent crumpled bags, broken plastic cups and other debris were lying in the clearing. Kids, is this what real tourists do?

Children's answers.

Teacher. Let's put this beautiful forest clearing in order.

A team game is being held - the “Collect the trash”

Presenter (draws the children’s attention to the “Ecosigns”): Don’t leave trash in the forest! Remember: this is a house for animals, it must be clean!

Team relay race “Put out the fire”. Two teams are participating:

Presenter (draws the children’s attention to the “Ecosigns”): Don’t light a fire in the forest! Remember: grass will not be able to grow on the ground after a fire for five years!

Campaign “Help a tree”. Two participants from each team “treat” the tree - tree care (2 people from the team: who will “whiten” the trunk /imitation tree/ and white gouache faster).

Presenter (draws the children’s attention to the “Ecosigns”): Don’t break branches from the trees! Remember: the more trees, the cleaner the air!

Presenter: Well done, guys! We successfully completed the tasks, the forest became clean, and plants can grow in it again.

Team relay competition “Plant flowers”.

(whose team will plant flowers in the flowerbed faster and more original).

Presenter (draws the children’s attention to “Ecosigns”): Don’t pick flowers in the forest or meadow. Remember: picked plants quickly die and will not produce seeds; if there are no seeds, there will be no flowering plants.

Team relay race “Help the animals”. Quiz “Who lives where? ” - help animals (return animal figures to their habitats, you can add animals from hot countries, unrealistic characters - test children’s knowledge).

Presenter (draws the children’s attention to the “Ecosigns”): Don’t catch animals in the forest! Remember: these are forest dwellers, they will feel bad in an apartment next to a person. And the forest is their home!

The teacher reminds children of the rules of cultural behavior in nature.


  • Fires should not be lit unless absolutely necessary; only dry branches can be broken or fallen ones collected.
  • Glassware and packaging made from artificial materials should not be left in the forest.
  • You cannot throw any garbage into water bodies: people’s recreation and fishing depend on the cleanliness of rivers,
  • Do not burn polyethylene film, foam rubber or plastic products. (The teacher shows the children objects made from these materials.) Very harmful substances formed during combustion enter the air.
  • All this garbage must be taken to the city to be thrown into a general garbage bin, the contents of which are specially destroyed.

Well done guys, our clearing has become clean, now look what surrounds us.

Children's answers (bright sun, primroses, trees...).

Teacher. Now, guys, sit down. Sit and relax in the clearing, listen to the silence and sounds of nature.

Children are resting (a soundtrack with sounds of nature is included).

Teacher. Tell me what you heard.

Children's answers (the sound of the grass, the wind, birds singing...).

Today we did a lot of good deeds for Mother Nature? And she will repay us in kind. We will breathe clean air, pick mushrooms and berries and listen to birds singing...

The phonogram “Sounds of the Forest” plays.

It’s time for humanity to understand, collecting riches from Nature, that the Earth also needs to be protected. She is just like us - alive!

Then all the children collect their equipment and leave the hall.

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