Compiling a story based on the plot picture “Our Family” in the senior group
Course of the lesson: - Guys, look at the picture I brought you today. (place the picture on the stand)
“Home Alone” synopsis of the educational activity based on the example OOPDO “Childhood”
Lesson notes in the senior group “Home Alone” Topic: “Home Alone” Lesson notes in the senior group
Fun in the pool of the kindergarten “FUN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON THE WATER”
Summer sports festival “Visiting Vodyanoy” author: Karateeva Larisa Vladimirovna Physical education instructor
A collection of didactic games about numbers and numbers for children of early and preschool age
“Ladybugs” Material: cards with the image of ladybugs with a number on the left wing; numbered
Games and exercises used in literacy classes for children
Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group on the topic “Fairytale tree”
Summary of the drawing lesson “Fairytale Tree” in the middle group Lyudmila Dudnyak Summary of the drawing lesson
Lesson summary: drawing with appliqué elements in the middle group. Topic: The gray bunny turned white.
Bunny 1 In some kingdom, in some state, in a high white tower on the very
Methodological development “Use of ICT in working with parents”
Parent meeting on the topic “ICT in the life of a child” Parent meeting “ICT in the life of a child”
Thematic “Health Day” in the second junior group
Entertainment in the 2nd junior group on the topic: “We are growing healthy” dedicated to Health Day. Transcript
Synopsis of the NOD “I am a man”, NGO “Cognitive Development” lesson plan on the world around us (preparatory group) on the topic
I am a person in the world Morning: Conversations: “What do I know about my family” Purpose: Encourage children
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