Lesson notes for preschool children. Sound [sh], letter Sha.

Funny poems about the letter Sh for children

What do we have in the forest that starts with the letter Sh? This cone flopped, rustling. A bumblebee and a hornet are noisily rummaging through the porridge. Insects rustle in the rose hips. What else in the forest begins with the letter Sh? Noise and rustling near the hut. (M. Yasnov)

The mongrel barks very loudly. The mongrel knows very firmly: The one who says “woof” louder will always be right! (B. Zakhoder)

The balloon, playful, naughty, ran away with the wind, and where? And he didn't say it. (F. Bobylev)

The ball lay rolled up so that it wouldn’t run out the window. And now I’ll fool him, I’ll go out into the street with him. (G. Satir)

Scarf I was walking through the forest and was afraid... I came across someone’s scarf. Immediately the forest became less scary. - Hey, who lost the scarf? (G. Vieru)

I sewed a fur coat - I sewed a skirt, I sewed a hat - I sewed a slipper! Natasha is a good seamstress! (E. Blaginina)

Bumblebee sells balloons. The balls are so naughty! The balls rustle and burst into the sky, and the silken threads break. (G. Satir)

The bumblebee darted and rustled in the sage, the bumblebee made a terrible noise. He did so many things - he even woke up a hornet. (A. Pudval)

The sword swallower was not joking, he fearlessly swallowed five swords. Hey, naughty people! Increase your pace! Bring me the sixth sword. (V. Berestov)

Autumn bushes rustle. The leaves rustle on the tree. The reeds rustle. And the rain rustles. And the mouse, rustling, hurries into the hole. And there, six nimble little mice rustle quietly. But everyone around is outraged: - How naughty people rustled! (A. Usachev)

Developed by a teacher-speech therapist

Koneva Olga Alexandrovna

Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction “Dialogue”, Shimanovsk, Amur Region

Stage : Automation of sound in words.


1.) Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound “Ш” in words;

2.) Practice forming verbs using prefixes; develop fine motor skills;

3.) Develop auditory perception through the game “True - False”, “Agree a Word”, “Catch the Sound”; Develop memory through the game “Day and Night”.

Equipment : mirrors, pictures for articulation gymnastics, cotton balls, miracle tree; candies; subject pictures: jug, car, grandmother, barbell, cat, curtains; soft toys: frog, bear; sheets of paper with a schematic image of a pit, bridge, river, mountain, house (according to the number of children); 2 mugs of red and black (for each child); sound lines; box with pictures: mouse, accordion, pencil, horse, hat, galoshes.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

2. Setting goals. Clarification of sound articulation, its isolated pronunciation with subsequent characterization

— Today in class we will continue to work on the correct pronunciation of the sound “Ш”.

— In what position are the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound “Ш”? (The tongue in the shape of a “cup” is raised up, the lips are in the shape of a “horn”, there is a small gap between the teeth.)

- What kind of air comes out of your mouth when we say the sound “SH”? (Warm.)

— Is the voice motor working? (It doesn’t work, which means the “SH” sound is dull.)

3. Articulation gymnastics

A bear appears under the miracle tree.

- Today I will tell you a story about a little bear.

On a cold autumn evening, the little bear sat down on a tree stump and began to remember the warm summer. How he and his friends - a frog and an elephant - went into the forest (exercise “Smile” - “Proboscis”, alternation). In the forest they picked strawberries, and then they all cooked strawberry jam together (exercise “Tasty Jam”) and drank tea (exercise “Cup”) with pancakes (exercise “Pancake”).

It was good in the summer, but it was already late autumn, the bear did not have time to build a den for himself and there was little snow in the forest, but he really wanted to relax, hiding under the snow.

- Let's help the little bear collect snow. (Cotton balls on strings are distributed, children blow the balls from their palms, and then put them under the tree for a bear.)

- Thank you guys for helping the little bear, let's take him home.

4. Finger gymnastics.

The teacher gives the children sheets of paper on which a river, a bridge, a hole, a mountain, a house are schematically drawn.

— The bear stood up on its hind legs and went home. But he encountered obstacles along the way. (Children use the index and middle fingers of their leading hand to depict a walking bear.)

Tale about the letter Sh

How Mouse was naughty

Mouse Mouse was a terrible naughty boy. For example, his dad is going to hunt somewhere. He fumbles and fumbles through all the closets: looking for his slippers, pants, scarf and hat, but they are nowhere to be found.

- Mouse! Where is my stuff?! - Dad asks menacingly. - I ate them... Accidentally... - How did I eat them? Oh, you naughty man! - Why are you making noise? - Mom intercedes. - He was joking. — And last year you also ate your hat as a joke?!

Or the Mouse will climb behind the screen and rustle there: shur-shur-shur...

- Cat!!! - Mom squeals, and she and Dad scurry under the closet.

Or he will tie a twine to a hose and pull it across the room.

“Snake...” Dad whispers and, together with Mom, faints. “This is not life, but a nightmare!” Dad is indignant. “We didn’t play around like that in our time.”

(G. Yudin)

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