Summary of the open integrated lesson “Mom - Tuchka and children - Droplets”

How to play?

Rain on Your Parade features many challenging levels where you can unlock new unique abilities and other accessories for your character. You will visit a huge number of colorful locations, such as: parking, beach, park, warehouse, farm, city and much more. In each level you need to complete a small list of tasks. Goals that will be highlighted with a star must be completed to successfully complete the level. Disrupt the wedding ceremony by showering the bride and groom with cool rain until they are soaked to the skin. Put out all the flames in the parking lot or start a major fire in the warehouse to burn everything to the ground. Your cloud will have a limited amount of moisture that it can use, so be sure to replenish your water supply at the nearest well. You will be transported to the well-known map “Dust 2”, where you need to protect the planted bomb from special forces and not allow opponents to defuse it. Avoid the angry sun, which will try to drive you away from the hot beach. Drive people out of their shelters with thunder, set things on fire with lightning, destroy farmers' crops with acid rain, and invent new ways to wreak havoc and destruction across the land! Explore the area, solve exciting puzzles and enjoy fun gameplay! Experiment with your abilities and score as many points as possible in the given time! Good luck!

Here is the online game Tuchka Vrednyuchka , you can play it for free and right now.

Section: Games New

3.9159292035398 (Game ratings 226)

Game controls:

  • - movement
  • — rain / continue
  • / - lightning strike
  • — show target / set up cloud
  • - photo mode
  • - skip
  • - pause

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Didactic game “Good Cloud”

The author of the didactic manual is teacher-speech therapist Natalya Valerievna Chernysheva.


Goal: to develop the moral consciousness of preschoolers through the development of speech and play activities.


  • formation of the foundations of spiritual and moral value orientations in preschool children;
  • familiarization with basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults;
  • creating effective conditions for the formation of spirituality and morality in preschool children;
  • nurturing respect and love for your family, home, peers, and elders.
  • encouraging children to do good to other people.

Age: children 3-7 years old.

Relevance: the game is a favorite activity of children; by completing game tasks, it is easier for the child to independently achieve the goal and develop speech. Currently, the main goal of preschool education is the holistic spiritual and moral development of the child’s personality, including the education of justice, responsibility and other valuable qualities.

I propose to consider options for the game “Good Cloud” used in this direction.

Progress of the game:

A picture of a cloud with ribbons is hung up. The box contains droplets with Velcro.

Option 1. “Favorite quality” .

Goal: to develop in children an understanding of the phenomena of reality from the standpoint of moral and ethical standards.

Ask children to think about their favorite quality. Then, one by one, the children name their favorite quality and this quality is invited to settle on a kind cloud. The child takes a drop and sticks it on the rain.

Option 2. “Circle of Desires” .

Goal: to promote the development of children's speech, communication skills,

thinking. Cultivate peacefulness, a strong desire to do good.

Children take one drop at a time and express their wishes. For example: “I want all evil on the planet to disappear . “I want the kids to come to kindergarten in a good mood , “I want people not to litter,” etc.

Option 3. “Polite words”

Goal: to cultivate in children a culture of behavior, politeness, respect for each other, and a desire to help each other.

Children are asked questions, after the correct answer the cloud gets its drop.

How should you address adults?

What do you say to the person who helped you?

What should you say when you meet someone?

What should you say when leaving home from kindergarten?

What should you say when you wake up in the morning, when you come to kindergarten in the morning?

What words do you say to each other before going to bed?

What is the magic word you say when you want to ask a friend to play with a toy?

What do you say if you accidentally hurt someone? etc.

Children should know and use the words in life: hello, thank you, goodbye, good night, be kind, be kind, please, excuse me, good night, etc.

Equipment: any toy (ball, doll, bear, etc.

This game can be used at the stage of sound automation.

The goal of this stage is the correct pronunciation of sounds in coherent speech. Pronounce sounds in syllables, words, sentences.

Option 4. “Song of a cloud”

Use of onomatopoeia.

Sing the “song of the wind” ssss. “Pump up the pump” ssss.

Ring like a “mosquito” z-z-z.

How the snake hisses sh-sh-sh.

How the beetle buzzes.

How the tiger roars r-r-r.

How the plane hums l-l-l.

When we glue the droplets, at this time we pronounce a certain sound.

Option 5. “Come up with words with sound”

Come up with as many words as possible with automated sound. After each clearly spoken word to a given sound, the droplet sticks to the cloud.

This game can be used at the stage of sound differentiation.

Option 6. “Sound differentiation”

There is sun and thunder on the cloud. The child is offered a set of pictures on clothespins, which contain images with the sounds “S” and “Sh” . “S” to the sun “Sh” to thunder . Similarly, you can differentiate for other pairs of sounds.

Next >

"Visiting Clouds and Droplets"

GBOU secondary school No. 1317 (preschool department)

Summary of educational and research activities in the middle group

Theme: “Visiting Clouds and Droplets.”

Prepared and conducted by: teacher of group No. 12 Stolyarova Marina Ivanovna

Moscow 2014 -2015 academic year


Systematize children's knowledge about the properties of air and water through the organization of joint activities.
• Developmental: develop observation, curiosity, thinking, memory, speech, cognitive activity. • Educational: expand children’s horizons about air and water, their properties, using experiences and experiments (educational area - cognition). Develop free communication with adults and peers in the process of conducting experiments, enrich children's vocabulary (speech area). Strengthen interaction skills in a team, in a group (social-communicative area), form initial knowledge about a healthy lifestyle (physical development). • Educational: to cultivate a positive attitude towards the world around us, interest in cognitive activity, independence.

Preliminary work:

games “Blowers”, “Balloon”, “Stream”, “Sinking or not sinking”, reading fiction, making boats and fans. Making clouds and droplets.

Materials and equipment:

plastic bags, cups, cocktail tubes, soap bubbles, flags, Kinder Surprise toys, gouache paint (different colors), brushes, lemon, sugar, salt, molds, aprons. Layouts: cloud and droplet.

Progress of educational activities:

Organizational moment “guess”.


Attention! Attention! Miracles are coming. It will be interesting here! Guess the riddle, Who will she find out about:

There was a gray blanket in the sky, a storm blanket, sank low and low and hung over the city. Thunder is already roaring, Lightning is sparkling in it. The clouds gathered in a heap, became a thundercloud... ( cloud

). (N. Shemyakina)

Showing the model of the cloud.


Hello guys!
I walked through the sky and ended up in your kindergarten. While I was floating across the sky, I had some questions in store for you. Oh, tell me, friends: will you answer them? Children:
The first question is a riddle: We need him to breathe, to inflate the balloon. He’s next to us every hour, but we don’t see him.
( Air
Children's answers. Tuchka:
Guys, you often hear this word.
Do you know what it means? Children's answers. Tuchka:
Are you interested in finding out where you can find air?
Get ready to listen carefully, I’ll tell you everything now!
: Tuchka, let’s not only tell the kids, but also show them - I invite everyone to our laboratory, where you will do experiments like real scientists.
What is a laboratory? Children's answers. Educator
: That's right, this is a room where various experiments are carried out. All employees of our laboratory must follow a number of rules: Rule No. 1. Do not touch anything on the tables without permission. Rule #2. Maintain silence and do not disturb other children. Rule #3. Do not taste the contents of the vessels without permission. Rule #4. Handle the equipment with care. Once done, put it back in its place. Rule #5. Remember - some experiments can only be carried out in the presence of adults.

Children approach the tables.


Tell me guys, do you see the air around us?
Children's answers. Tuchka:
If we don’t see him, what is he like?
Children's answers. Educator:
That's right, the air is transparent - invisible - colorless.
Almost invisible, that means he’s not there at all, right?

Children's answers.
We don’t see air, but it is around us.
Guys, let's prove that there is air, to do this you need to catch it.
Take plastic bags. Calmly draw air through your nose and slowly inhale it into the bag, then wrap it to prevent it from deflating. What was the package like? Children's answers. Educator:
Why did he become like this?
What filled the bag? Children's answers. Educator:
Of course, you filled the bag with air.
Boys, take the flags, and the girls take the fans and wave them.
What do you feel? Children's answers. Tuchka:
So we have proven that although we don’t see air, it is around us.
Air can take different forms. Try blowing soap bubbles. What did you notice? Children's answers. Educator:
That's right, some bubbles are big, others are small.
Children's answers. Cloud:
All bubbles are different, which means the air takes different shapes!
And yet, the air is very light. Educator:
There are glasses of water with straws in front of you - blow into the straws.
What's happening? Children's answers. Educator:
The bubbles formed are air.
It rises to the surface of the water because... it's light. Cloud:
Guys, does the air have a smell?
Children's answers. Educator:
You have a lemon on the table.
Smell it. What can we say? Children's answers. Tuchka:
That’s right, lemon smells
we can conclude that the smell is transmitted through the air.
I have a surprise for you.
Look how big my piece of plastic film is. What is she like? Light, airy, obedient to the air. Do you know who parachutists are? And what opens up above their heads when they jump from a plane? Children's answers. Educator:
Let's make a parachute too. And, of course, air will help us with this.

Physical exercise:
Game with air “Parachute”.
Together we all stood in a circle (stand up)

We will make a parachute
(they grab the film)
We walk one after another We carry the parachute in our hands
(they walk in a circle)
We raise our hands up
(raise our hands)
We inflate our parachute.
This is our parachute, inflated with light air (lowered to the floor). Educator:
Did we have a good time playing with the air?
Did you like it? Tuchka:
You played well with the air, but what do you remember about it?
Children's answers.
Educator: Well done guys, you correctly remembered that: - there is air everywhere around us; - you and I breathe air; - air is invisible, but it can be found in different ways; - the air is light; - smell is transmitted through the air; - you can play with air.

A droplet appears from behind a cloud.
Showing the droplet layout.

Hello boys and girls!
You learned a lot about air, but did they tell you about wire? Children's answers.
Educator: Droplet, hello!
You can tell us about the properties of water and even conduct experiments with our guys. Droplet:
Do you know how to behave when conducting experiments? Children's answers.
Droplet: Well done!
Remember all the rules, then let's get started. You have water in your glass - taste it. What is she like? Children's answers.
Educator: Add salt to one glass, sugar to another and stir.
Try, what did the water become? Children's answers.
Educator: That's right, where salt is added, the water is salty. And where sugar is added, it’s sweet. This means that water can change its taste.


And not only taste, but also color.
Now we will prove it. Put a toy in a glass, can you see it? So what kind of water is it? Children's answers.
Educator: Now, using a brush, add paint to the water.
What did you notice? Children's answers.
Educator: That’s right, your water has become multi-colored.
We conclude that the water changes color.
Let's continue our experiments.
There are molds in front of you - carefully pour water into them. Droplet:
Everyone’s molds are different, which means the water can take different shapes.
Guys, did you like the experiments with water?
What can water change? Children's answers.
Droplet: That's right, water can change taste, color and shape.
But these are not all the properties of water. Tuchka:
And not all the properties of air.
If you want, we can come to visit you another time and conduct more experiments with you? Children's answers.
Surprise moment. Drop:

And as a parting gift, we want to give you gifts.
I am these paper boats that you can decorate and launch in the spring streams. Cloud:
And I have these balloons that you can inflate and launch into the blue sky.
Let's guys thank the cloud and the droplet and say goodbye to them until we meet again.


1. Veraksa N. E., Galimov O. R. “Cognitive and research activities of preschool children” Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez, 2014

2.N. V. Nishcheva. “Cognitive and research activity as a direction for the development of a preschooler’s personality” (Experiments, experiments, games) Publisher: Detstvo-Press, 2013

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