Abstract of OOD on drawing in the senior group “My favorite toy”

Summary of a game lesson on drawing in the preparatory group

Drawing lesson in the preparatory group “My favorite toy.”
Goals: to introduce children to toys and their history, to consolidate knowledge about toys. Develop imagination, memory, attention, accuracy. Learn the ability to draw and paint over a picture, and arrange it beautifully on a sheet of paper. Cultivate interest in artistic creativity. Equipment: a simple pencil, colored pencils, an eraser, a landscape sheet. Preliminary work: Reading A. Barto “Toys”. Conversations on the topic. Didactic games: “What has changed?
", "Wonderful bag." Course of the lesson
1. Organizational moment: Watching the cartoon “Living Toy” Educator: Guys, who guessed what we will talk about today? The children answer. Educator. Yes, guys, today we will draw your favorite toy. Guys, let's remember what toys are made of: plastic, fabric, thread, porcelain, clay, rubber, wood Educator: I suggest you guess the riddles: This is a children's playground. The ball is here, the bucket, the shovel. Both boys and girls brought with them... (toys) Look deep into the pipe: like in a fairy tale, the colors formed there into a pattern. A tube is not a microscope. And the colored one... (kaleidoscope) Let's take colored bricks, We'll build any kind of houses, Even a circus for the public. After all, we have... (cubes) I jump on the asphalt, I fly through the yard into the grass. Don’t hide me from your friends, Let’s play with them in... (ball) The girlfriends are different in height, But they look alike, They all sit next to each other, And there’s only one toy. (Matryoshka dolls) What does all this mean? Daughter, but not crying; If you put him to sleep, he will sleep for a day, or two, or even five. (Doll) Educator: Well done, you guessed all the riddles correctly. Why do we need toys at all and where do we get them? Children: Play, buy in the store. Educator: Let's listen to poems about toys. I made a truck for my sister Katyushka. Katyushka raised a cry: “Is this a truck?” Three empty spools. I made her a horse, Let him take it, don’t mind! Katya looks at me, doesn’t want to take the horse: “It’s just a stick!” I folded two flaps. “Oh,” said Katya, “Oh, what a beauty: a doll in a colorful dress.” The days go, go, go, But the toys don't grow. Even the plush watchdog has not grown at all in a year. I took vitamins from Aunt Nina for toys. I gave them chocolate, cake, jam, marshmallows! The elder brother ate everything for them. Well, what about me? I'm standing in the corner! 2. Fizkul Our horse gallops, clop-clop-clop. (they gallop like horses) The clatter of fast feet can be heard. Doll, doll, dance, (squats with a spring) Wave your hand. This is how a top spins - (spinning) It buzzed and lay down on the floor. The plane flies, flies, (arms to the sides) A ​​brave pilot sits in it. And now we are all nesting dolls, (clap our hands) Clap our hands loudly. 3. Educator: Guys, let's imagine that we are artists and we will draw our favorite toys. Children draw their favorite toys 4. Educator: You made very beautiful drawings. Now everyone will describe their favorite toy and tell why they love it. At the end of the lesson, an exhibition is set up for parents.

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Summary of the drawing lesson “Painting Christmas tree decorations”

Program content 1. Learn to decorate a Christmas tree decoration using painting elements: lines, strokes, dots, using the non-traditional drawing technique “tamponing”, drawing with cotton swabs. Develop the ability to analyze and compare, draw conclusions. 2. Develop artistic and creative abilities, aesthetic taste, cognitive interest in the traditions and customs of one’s people. 3. Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, comrades, and give reasons for your answer. Preliminary work : making Christmas tree decorations from salt dough, conversation about Christmas tree decorations. Equipment. For the teacher: projector, multimedia board, Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations, illustrations of vintage Christmas tree decorations, table with painting elements, toy painting schemes, video “Glassblowers”, music by Jan AP Kaczmarek – Goodbye. For children: a fake Christmas tree decoration, watercolor paints, a stamp pad, tampons with clothespins, brushes, cotton swabs, wet and dry wipes, aprons.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. - Hello, dear guests! We welcome guests as if they were good news. There is a place for everyone and a kind word. — I want to invite you to a mini-museum, guess which one. At least not pine cones, not needles, but hanging on the branches of a Christmas tree. (Christmas decorations) 2. Main part. - That's right, these are Christmas tree decorations! How did you guess? - Not a single New Year's holiday is complete without Christmas tree decorations. — Who makes Christmas tree decorations? (craftsmen, artists, glassblowers) - There are a variety of toys. Let's look at them in our mini-museum. Comparison of ancient and modern Christmas tree decorations. - How do ancient Christmas tree decorations differ from modern ones? (Not so bright, most often ancient toys were depicted in the form of animals, people) - What materials can Christmas tree toys be made from? (Glass, foam plastic, plastic, fabric, wood) - And when these materials were not available, how could they decorate the Christmas tree? (ribbons, rags, candies, nuts, gingerbread cookies, candles, cookies, etc.) (Showing photographs on a projector) - A few years later, craftsmen learned to blow colorful toys from glass. —What are these masters called? (Glassblowers) - Let's see how glassblowers make glass toys? (Display video on a multimedia board) - What should a Christmas tree toy be? (Ornate, bright, beautifully decorated) - Decorating a Christmas tree decoration is an art! I invite you to an art workshop, where we will become real artists in decorating (painting) toys. We made the Christmas tree decorations in advance. (Children put on aprons) - Schemes will help us in decorating New Year's toys. 1. First: cover the toy with paint. Choose a color from those offered. On your table are boxes with a sponge soaked in gouache and using tampons, apply paint. The technique is called tamponing, from the word tampon. Let's say it in unison! (Plugging)2. Second: using a brush, a cotton swab and watercolor paints, we draw patterns and elements. - Let us repeat, once again in order, how you will decorate the gingerbread. (Children say) - What rules should we remember when working with a brush? (Each time after applying paint, the brush is washed. We do not leave the brushes in a glass of water) - There are wet and dry napkins on the tables, what might you need them for? (Wipe your hands, or remove any imperfections while drawing) - Before we start working, let's stretch our fingers: We are not masters yet, We are still learning. (unclenching fists) If we try, (joining fingers starting with the thumb) We will learn a lot. (we clasp our hands, raise our fingers up) - Now move the chairs closer, straighten the backs, watch your posture, let's start painting the Christmas tree decoration, I will help you a little. And for a good mood, we will draw to the music. (Music played by Jan AP Kaczmarek - Goodbye) Children decorate a toy. 3. Final part. - Guys, look how beautiful, bright and elegant your New Year's toys turned out to be. Now take them, put them on napkins and come to me. — Well done, you are wonderful artists, you showed all your creative skills! Now let's decorate our Christmas tree! You like? The Christmas tree turned out to be an elegant beauty! I think that you can make such miracles with your own hands for any holiday at home and in kindergarten.


MKOU secondary school No. 11, Ivdel, Ous village

organizing direct educational activities with children

"My favorite toy"

Muravyova Natalya Petrovna

organizing joint direct educational activities with children

Theme: My favorite toy

Age group: senior mixed age 5-7 years

Joint GCD form

Group form of organization

Educational and methodological set: Sample educational program “Childhood” _ T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva and others.

Unconventional drawing techniques in kindergarten. A.V.Nikitina

visuals: Parsley doll, sample drawings,

literary story by V. Dragunsky “Childhood Friend”

musical V. Kosma “Toy”

Equipment and materials: A4 sheets, brushes, gouache, wax crayons, pencils, cups of water, napkins.

Tasks taking into account the individual characteristics of group students

Goal: To create conditions for the development of children’s creative activity in the process of visual arts.

Tasks: Continue to teach children to draw toys based on ideas; develop the ability to work on a plan, present the content of your drawing; improve the skill of drawing a contour with a simple pencil without pressure. To instill in children a sense of empathy and respect for toys.

Actions, activities of the teacher

Actions, activities of children,

the implementation of which will lead to the achievement of planned results

Guys, today we have a lot of guests in our group. They came to us to see how we work with you. Let's say hello to the guests.

Involves participation in joint activities.

He sat in front of me, so chocolate-colored, but very shabby, and he had different eyes: one of his own - yellow glass, and the other large white - from a button from a pillowcase; I didn't even remember when he appeared. But it didn’t matter, because Mishka looked at me quite cheerfully with his different eyes, and he spread his legs and stuck out his stomach towards me, and raised both hands up, as if he was joking that he was already giving up in advance...

And I looked at him like that and suddenly remembered how a long time ago I never parted with this Mishka for a minute, dragged him everywhere with me, and nursed him, and sat him at the table next to me for dinner, and fed him with a spoon semolina porridge, and he got such a funny little face when I smeared him with something, even the same porridge or jam, then he got such a funny, cute little face, just like he was alive, and I put him to bed with me, and rocked him to sleep , like a little brother, and whispered different tales to him right into his velvety hard ears, and I loved him then, loved him with all my soul, I would give my life for him then. And here he is now sitting on the sofa, my former best friend, a true childhood friend.

Creates a positive emotional mood


How to draw a toy with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, let's create a blank form that looks like a small bottle. And let's put a cute bear there. Step two. Using round shapes we create all parts of the bear’s body and add a bow. Step three. We outline everything a little tighter, removing unnecessary lines. For decoration, add a butterfly to the neck of the toy. Shade out the nose and eyes. Step four. Let's delete the auxiliary lines drawn earlier. Step five. Let's add shading throughout the body to make it more realistic. Don't forget to show your drawings of toys later. You can attach them below in the comments, and also write to me what other lessons I can prepare for you. You can do this on the orders page. It will also be useful for you to read.

I propose a summary of direct educational activities for children of the older group of 5-6 years old on the topic: “My favorite toy.” This material will be useful to teachers of the senior group. This is a summary of a comprehensive lesson in visual arts, aimed at developing emotional responsiveness and conveying your mood with paints.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This development of an educational educational activity for visual activities (drawing) “My beloved home” is intended for children of senior preschool age.

Summary of educational activities for visual activities “I will give my beloved mother a gift” (middle group).

Children raised to work from an early age are distinguished by independence, organization, activity, neatness, and the ability to take care of themselves. To successfully solve problems in labor education of preschools.

GCD for the preparatory group.

SYNOPSIS Lessons on visual arts in the middle group topic: “My favorite fish” (using non-traditional drawing techniques) Non-traditional techniques: wax.


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