Approximate planning of educational work in the first junior group on the topic “Our group”

My kindergarten

Author: Usoltseva Galina Aleksandrovna , teacher, Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten N21 “Firefly” Tyumen region, Surgut.

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Map of the implementation of the educational program (daily plan-program) Junior preschool age group (from 3 to 4 years old) "BEREZKA"

Date : 04/07/2014 Day of the week : MONDAY Topic of the week : “INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S BOOK DAY.”

Regime moment Time allocated for: Educational area Content of the activity (didactic units implemented during the educational process)
operating moment implementation of the image programs
Reception of children, examination, conversations, games 7.00-7.45 35 min.*“Health” “Labor” “Cognition” “Safety” “Socialization”Reception of children with thermometry. Conversations with parents about the well-being of children. Teach children to undress independently, put their outerwear neatly in the closet, and put on sportswear for gymnastics. N/and “Mosaic”, “Puzzles”. Goal: to develop perseverance, the ability to compose a whole picture from small details. S/r game: “Library”. Goal: To introduce children to a new game, teach them to role-play, and be able to improvise. Reading the nursery rhyme “Oh doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo...”. Reviewing your favorite books. Goal: To develop speech, the desire to look through your favorite books.
Play activities, morning exercises 7.45 – 8.10 19 min.*“Health” “Communication” “Cognition” “Safety” “Socialization”Morning exercises without objects. Goal: to form the need for daily motor activity, to develop the ability to move in accordance with the movements of the teacher. During morning exercises, teach to be careful and not push each other. Game: "Carousel". Goal: to teach how to form a beautiful circle, pronounce the words of the round dance game clearly and correctly. Games at the request of children.
Breakfast 8.10-8.35 25 min.*“Labor” “Socialization” “Communication” “Safety”While washing your hands, add nursery rhymes about water and cleanliness. Continue to teach children to soap their hands, rinse off the soap thoroughly and dry with a towel. Reinforce the rules of behavior at the table, do not move around, sit quietly. Remind the rules for safe use of cutlery. Learn to use polite words “thank you” and “please” in your speech.
Games, independent activities. Preparation for GCD. 8.35-9.00 19 min.*“Cognition” “Communication” “Socialization” “Health”Reviewing various books. Independent play activities of children in play corners based on interests - teach children to find something to do, unite for joint games, maintain order in the group. Conversation on healthy lifestyle: “Health is more valuable than gold.”
Direct educational activities. 9.00-9.15 9.25-9.40 30 min.*"Physical Culture"Monitoring.
"Communication""My favorite book". Goal: Organize all types of children's activities around the theme of the book. Work of the parent repair and bookbinding workshop.
Games, independent activities 9.40-10.00 15 minutes.*"Communication" "Phys. culture" "Artistic creativity" S/R game: “Let’s read a book to the doll Masha.” Goal: Strengthen the ability to play roles, learn to improvise. Teach children how to move around the group correctly, remind them of safety rules during games. Coloring pages of fairy-tale characters from your favorite books.
Preparation for the walk, walk: observation, games, individual work, conversations. 10.00– 11.40 1 hour 40 min"Communication" "Phys. Culture" "Safety" "Socialization" "Labor" Observation of rooks. Learn to distinguish birds by appearance, consolidate their names, and compose a short, coherent story about birds. Guessing riddles about birds. Game situation “Let’s feed the birds grains.” Conversation on life safety: “Be attentive and careful.” P/i “Geese - geese”, “Sparrows and a car”. Learn to remove garbage from the site, help the teacher in cleaning the site.
Returning from a walk or game. 11.40-12.00 15 minutes.*“Communication” “Security” “Socialization”Repeat the rules of behavior in a group with children. Learn to help each other change clothes after a walk. Learn to hang wet clothes neatly, without crumpling them. Finger game: "Bee". Goal: development of fine motor skills of the hands.
Preparing for lunch, lunch. 12.00-12.30 25 min.*"Health" "Safety" "Communication"Learn to wash your hands with soap before eating and dry yourself with an individual towel. Conversation on life safety: “Rules of behavior at the table.” Purpose: To remind you that waving your arms, spinning around and talking at the table is prohibited. Learn to be grateful for lunch. Remind you to rinse your mouth with water and go to the toilet before going to bed.
Total in the first half of the day: 283 minutes4 hours 43 minutes
Dream 12.30-15.00Reinforce the rules of behavior in the bedroom; enter quietly, do not jump on the beds. Listening to an audio recording of the folk tale “The Three Bears.”
Gradual rise, air, hardening and water procedures, play activities. 15.00-15.25 20 minutes.*"Health" "Phys. Culture" "Safety" "Communication" "Labor" Walking the path of health. Health promotion, prevention of colds and flat feet; development of physical skills. Conversation on life safety: “Reinforcing the rules of washing after sleep.” Saying nursery rhymes about water and cleanliness while washing. Work assignment: “Lay out the napkins for the afternoon snack.”
Preparing for afternoon tea, afternoon tea. 15.25-15.40 12 min.*"Health" "Communication"Conversation: “The benefits of fermented milk products.” Remind that the afternoon snack is very good for health. Learn to say polite words “thank you” and “please”.
Games, independent activities of children, reading fiction, joint activities of the teacher and children. 15.40–16.00 17 min*“Cognition” “Communication” “Physical education” “Artistic creativity” “Music” “Safety”D/i “Guess which fairy tale.” Reading a fairy tale: “Geese are swans.” P/i “The gray bunny is sitting.” Independent drawing with pencils. Listening to calm music. I.M.P. "Mosquitoes" Goal: learn to move according to the teacher’s signal. Conducting an individual conversation on life safety: “Rules of behavior when dressing for a walk.”
Preparing for a walk. Walk: observation, games, individual work, conversations. 16.00-17.00 60 min.*“Labor” “Health” “Physical education” “Socialization” “Communication”Learn to put your clothes in the closet, help other, less active children. Healthy walking around the site. S/r game "Bus". Goal: To develop the ability to play roles, to be able to improvise. P/N: “Higher than your feet off the ground.” Goal: To learn to move through the area into loose areas, quickly run away from the catcher, and be able to navigate the area. Conversation about birds. Tell children about migratory birds in our area.
Returning from a walk. Preparing for dinner, dinner. 17.00-17.30 27 min.*“Labor” “Health” “Safety”Learn to take off your shoes and unbutton your clothes on your own. Develop the ability to eat carefully and hold cutlery correctly. Conversation on life safety: “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.” Goal: Teach not to talk while eating, as you can choke.
Games, independent activities, meetings with parents, children going home. Walk. 17.30-19.00 85 min.*“Cognition” “Communication” “Physical education” “Reading artistic literature” “Artistic creativity” “Music” “Safety”S/r game "Library". Reading poems about spring. I.M.P. “Bring it quickly.” Reading the Russian folk tale “Sivka – Burka”. Coloring drawings on the theme “Fairy tales”. Listening to fun, rhythmic music. Offer to dance. Learn to dance to music, rhythmically; Make sure that children do not bump into each other. Conversation on life safety: “How the boy Vanya got into an unpleasant situation.” Purpose: To remind children that they cannot run away from the kindergarten alone.
Working with parents:Consultation: “Reading at home.”
Total for the second half of the day:221 minutes3 hours 41 minutesTotal per day:504 minutes8 hours 24 minutes
Full name of the teacher1st shiftUsoltseva G.A.II shiftIlchibakieva R.Kh.

Daily planning in the first junior group

Elena Krivoshta

Daily planning in the first junior group

Daily planning 1st junior group.

MONDAY 05.03.2021


Conversation (educational)
“Our pets.”
Goal: to encourage children to answer questions about their pet, to convey their attitude towards him in the story. Develop connected speech, learn to listen to the stories of peers.

Practical exercise: learning to dress independently. Goal: to develop self-service skills in children, teach them how to dress independently. Cultivate neatness, develop a conscious attitude towards your appearance.

Didactic exercise “Find your house”

.Goal: to teach children to understand the essence of the task, to consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

Working in a corner of nature, we help adults water flowers. Goal: to teach children to provide all possible assistance to an adult, to develop appropriate work skills. Learn to determine the purpose of objects, name verbs denoting labor actions.

Work on the formation of the KGN “At the Table”

.Goal: to teach how to use cutlery and napkins correctly. Remind them of table manners and teach them to eat independently and carefully.

GCD_№1 Speech development (speech development)

Topic: looking at the painting “Children playing with blocks”

GOAL: to continue to teach to understand the plot of the picture, answer questions and speak out about what is depicted.

Source: V.V. Gerbova No. pp. 77 – 78.

GCD_№2 Music

Topic: according to plan .


Observing nature's shadow. Purpose: to introduce children to the concept of “shadow”

, pay attention to the fact that if you stand next to a light source (lantern), you can see a shadow, show how the shadow follows the contour of the reflected object.

P/Game “Catch-up”

.Goal: to teach children to move freely. Develop the ability to understand the essence of the task. Develop motor activity and coordination of movements.

We remove play equipment for work assignments. Goal: to form in children a conscious attitude towards order and the desire to maintain it. Develop appropriate work skills, encourage the desire to be useful, and imitate adults.

S/R game "Family"

game situation
“They brought food.”
Purpose: to teach children to perform game actions in accordance with the plot, to take on various roles. To form in children initial ideas about the work of a cook.

Ind. work on the development of basic movements “Pass the object”

.Goal: to promote the development and strengthening of the back muscles, increase the flexibility of the spine, learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

2nd half of the day

Reading fiction, telling the Russian folk tale “Turnip”

.Goal: teach children to listen to a fairy tale, teach them to answer questions.

S/R game “Doll Katya congratulates her grandmother on the holiday”

.Goal: invite children to take part in the game, activate polite words and expressions in their speech, and introduce them to new speech constructions.

Creative drawing workshop “Spring”

.Goal: to tell children about the changes that will soon occur in nature. Introduce children to the technique of wax painting. Learn how to paint a sheet of paper with watercolors, hold a brush correctly, draw in water and paint, and paint a blank according to a sample.

P/game "Train"

.Goal: to teach children to correctly perform game movements and practice running. Develop the ability to regulate the pace of movement, quickly and accurately respond to the teacher’s signal. Help strengthen the child’s body and enrich motor experience.

Individual work: according to the teacher’s plan .

TUESDAY 06.03. 2021


Examination of the paintings “Animals and their young”

.Goal: to teach the names of animals and their cubs, to enrich children’s vocabulary.

Game exercise “Stretched”

.Goal: to teach children to perform movements according to a model, to accurately perform movements after the teacher. Develop and strengthen the back muscles, help increase the flexibility of the spine and the mobility of the joints of the shoulder girdle.

Preventive measures: teach children to sit on chairs without slouching. Develop beautiful posture.

Work in the corner of the book reading the poem by V. Berestov “Feast of Mothers”

.Goal: to teach children to expressively recite stanzas of a poem. Develop memory and speech activity.

P/game “Catch a mosquito”

.Goal: to introduce children to the rules of the game, to teach them to push off energetically from the ground and jump up, to help themselves with their hands when pushing off the floor. Develop leg muscles and coordination of movements.

Work in the corner of sensory development, volumetric modeling “Clothespins”

.Goal: to teach children to place clothespins on a cardboard circle according to a pattern. Develop children's fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and imagination.

GCD_№1_Artistic creativity (modeling)

Topic: "New Year's balls"

GOAL: learn to listen to poetry, recognize round objects, roll balls, know colors, and be able to dance in a circle.

Source: O. V. Pavlova p. 126.

GCD_№2 Physical education

PURPOSE: to train children in walking on an inclined board. In long-distance throwing with the right and left hands, promote the development of dexterity, overcome timidity, and teach how to play together.

Source: S. J. Laizane No. 3 pp. 116 – 117.


Observing the weather draw children's attention to changes and weather patterns characteristic of early spring. Enrich vocabulary with concepts related to natural phenomena, intensify cognitive interest.

Game exercise “On a level path”

.Goal: to develop in children the ability to perform movements in a column one at a time, teach them to walk in an even formation, and not break it. Enrich motor experience, develop the ability to concentrate.

Work on sound pronunciation “Big and small”

.Goal: to teach children to imitate the sounds that large and small animals make.

We collect toys for work assignments.” Goal: to form in children the habit of collecting toys after a walk.

S/R game “The little bear came to the store”

.Goal: to teach children to take on a role and select the necessary attributes. Help children arrange a place to play and promote the development of the plot.

Ind. work on the development of the main movements “We March”

.Goal: to teach children to follow each other.

2nd half of the day

Learning poems about mom. Goal: to teach children to clearly pronounce sounds and recite poems expressively. Draw children's attention to what words poets use when talking about mother.

P/game “Hit the target”

.Goal: to teach children how to swing and throw. Promote the development of joint mobility and coordination of movements.

Formation of KGN we say thank you. Goal: to teach children to thank for the help provided.

Didactic exercise “Find by description”

.Goal: to teach children to understand the essence of the task, to find objects by description, to name objects. Develop observation skills and enrich children's vocabulary.

Present print. games "Hungry Caterpillar"

.Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands, to consolidate the names of vegetables.

Individual work according to the teacher's plan .

WEDNESDAY 03/07. 2021


Observation "Spring"

.Goal: to pay attention to the signs of spring, to learn to name the observed phenomena. Enrich children's sensory experience

Training situations “Helping set the table”

.Goal: to teach children to arrange spoons according to the number of plates, to place bread bins and napkin holders on the table.
To form primary ideas about the role of work, about the need to learn to be independent.
P/game “Big and Small”

.Goal: to teach children to perform different movements when running, jumping forward and up on two legs from a place, to combine walking with performing various movements. Enrich motor experience, develop endurance, coordination of movements.

Preventive measures to teach children to sit upright on chairs. Goal: to develop correct, beautiful posture.

Work in a corner of nature, looking at indoor plants. Goal: invite children to look at plants, recall their names, and activate the names of plant parts in speech. Offer to observe the teacher’s actions in caring for plants.

Didactic exercise “Who is wearing what”

.Goal: to teach children to observe who is wearing what. Develop observation skills, distinguish colors, name items of clothing.

Work on the formation of the KGN “At the Table”

.Goal: to teach children to behave properly at the table and use cutlery.

GCD_№1 Speech development (fiction)

Topic: introduction to the story “Train”

GOAL: to improve the ability to listen to a story without a visual image.

Source: V.V. Gerbova No. 7 pp. 74 – 75.

GCD_№2 Music

Topic: according to plan .


Observation of animals “What are they wearing”

animals.” Purpose: to pay attention to people’s clothing, compare with
the “clothing”
of animals in the immediate environment known to children
(cats, dogs)
Learn to name objects and elements of people’s clothing, introduce the concept of “wool”
, talk about how wool protects animals from the cold.

P/Game “Catch and Throw”

.Goal: to train children in throwing a ball up with both hands and catching it. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements, gross motor skills of the hands.

Learning poems by A. Barto “Elephant”

.Goal: to develop children's memory and connected speech. Replenish your vocabulary.

C/game "Family"

“Mom is preparing dinner.”
Goal: to teach children to select the necessary attributes and interact with adults and peers. Contribute to the development of the plot of the game, the formation of role-playing behavior.

Work on sound pronunciation “Who screams how”

.Goal: to teach children to repeat the sounds that certain animals make. Develop the articulatory apparatus.

Ind. work on the development of basic movements “Get in the circle”

.Goal: to teach children to throw a small diameter ball with their right and left hands at a horizontal target, to focus on the feeling of success.

2nd half of the day

Self-service work: children get dressed. Goal: to develop self-service skills in children, teach them to dress independently, activate the names of items of clothing in speech, teach them to coordinate words in a sentence.

Dramatization game “Repeat after me”

.Goal: to teach children to repeat after the teacher the words of a familiar nursery rhyme. Develop connected speech.

Games with large building materials to build houses for dolls. Goal: to teach children to build houses by combining parts in different ways, to develop the ability to act according to basic instructions. Learn to play with buildings and add new details to them.

Learning (art word)

singing the song
. Purpose: to teach children to sing along with the teacher, to develop a sense of harmony, the ability to feel the emotional expressiveness of sound movement.

P/game “Find where it’s hidden”

.Goal: to develop in children the ability to navigate in space, to teach them to reflect search actions in speech.

Individual work: according to the teacher’s plan .

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