Do-it-yourself little book on traffic rules for kindergarten

Crafts on the topic of traffic rules - we teach children road safety while playing

You are here: » » » Road safety for children is the most important social problem and often the protection of children is not so much the concern of parents, but the attentive attitude of the children themselves on the streets. For this reason, original, interesting and bright DIY crafts based on traffic rules are the best visual aids for kids.

Entertaining classes, held in a playful way, perform 2 functions - children are exposed to an interesting type of creativity, which allows them to competently teach traffic rules in a relaxed manner.

Most kids love cars and are interested, if not in cars, then in KAMAZ vehicles, trucks and excavators.

Despite the fact that children daily participate in traffic together with adults (crossing the road or riding in vehicles), the topic of traffic rules is unfamiliar to them and they are the most vulnerable part of the population to road accidents.

What is a traffic rules lapbook for preschoolers

The concept of lapbook is made up of two English words: lap (lap) + book (book). Such an interactive educational book is needed to collect and organize information on any topic. Each lapbook is individual. Its structure can be arbitrary, depending on the wishes of the child and his level of knowledge on the topic.

The main advantages of such a book for a child:

  • Attractive appearance that arouses interest and is an incentive to study the content.
  • A large amount of information presented in a concise form that is easy to learn and remember.

Typewriter folder created by preschool students

The traffic rules lapbook for kindergarten is designed to familiarize pupils of different age groups with traffic rules, signs and symbols on the road, illustrate examples of dangerous and safe behavior near the roadway, help the child learn these rules and not get confused on the spot. In a kindergarten, a lapbook can be made in the form of a common stand or folder for each child.

Homemade book “Road Rules” for kindergarten

Lyudmila Gortseva A book corner competition was held in the kindergarten. I wanted to come up with something unusual.

I decided to make a homemade book for boys “Road Rules”.

I took thick cardboard, covered it with battles, decorated it with braid, secured the sheets on rings, and work began on creating a book. I made a colorful picture on the cover and wrote the title of the book “P D D”.

The first page is dedicated to the traffic light and I called it “Children are supposed to know.” Children learn poems about traffic lights and look at a traffic inspector with a baton.

On the second page I pasted photographs of the boys; they became participants in this book. With what pride they look at their photographs, talk about road signs, traffic lights, and how to cross the roadway correctly.

On the third and fourth pages I made an alphabet of car names.

Educational book about traffic rules

The book was made for the World of Traffic Rules competition, which was held in kindergarten.

There are only 4 sheets in the book (8 pages, of which only 7 are working) Size 21 x 21 cm (measured along the short side of A4) Cover (I don’t like to embroider): This time I attached the pages in a simple way - folded 2 spreads together and stitched them in the middle in sw. typewriter. Introduction: Children are supposed to know the rules of the road, you, my friend, trust them, you will be safe and sound!

Pages 2 and 3: Task No. 1 on page No. 2 • Guess the riddle: The red eye will shine - He won’t allow us to go, But the green eye will light up - Walk boldly, pedestrian!

(traffic light) • Look carefully at the traffic lights. Find the right ones. • Tell me where you saw traffic lights?

• What is a traffic light for? Task No. 2 on page No. 3 • Build a traffic light. Tell us what its signals mean (red, yellow, green).

• Do you know the poem about the traffic light? Tell me, please. Book spread

DIY crafts on the topic of traffic rules for kindergarten

With the onset of autumn, the first classes begin in kindergartens.

First of all, kids are introduced to the rules of behavior on the road and fire safety. Of course, such lessons are held in a fun and interesting way so that kids remember new information better.

Well, all that remains for parents is to pick up scissors, papers and other attributes of creativity again and make crafts on the topics “Traffic rules” and “Life safety”.

It’s quite easy to come up with fire safety-themed crafts for kindergarten.

Any natural materials are suitable for them - dry leaves, twigs, small cones, etc. They make cute main figures.

Lapbook on traffic rules in preschool educational institutions: production

The basis of the reference lapbook is created by the teacher, and the structure and individual elements are created by the child together with parents, teachers from the kindergarten and other children. With the help of a colorful lapbook, a child can easily understand, structure and remember important definitions and rules, and learn previously learned material. The basis of a lapbook can be a cardboard folder for storing documents or a folded sheet of cardboard.

Elements of the internal content of the manual can be printed in the form of templates or made independently. The inside of the folder in the form of 2-3 sheets of A3 or A4 format is covered with colored paper or scrapbooking paper. Pockets, mini-books, notebooks, etc. are glued in any form. It is advisable to place important traffic rules in a separate envelope, and fill other elements of the folder with riddles, puzzles, poems and games.

Additional Information! The cover and title page of the laptop can be decorated with a thematic picture or drawing, or 3D applique. Inside the folder you can stick decorative elements in the form of figures made of felt or paper.


During the creation and filling of a lapbook, the child demonstrates his creative abilities, aesthetic taste, applies theoretical skills acquired in class, groups materials according to certain characteristics, and better understands and remembers information.

Didactic manual with various elements

A lapbook on traffic rules in a preschool educational institution may contain the following:

  • cards;
  • envelopes (standard, curly) and pockets;
  • houses with opening shutters;
  • photographs and drawings;
  • diagrams and tables;
  • small books (with pages and accordions);
  • moving elements (rotating circles).

Examples of lapbooks on traffic rules

Before starting to work on a lapbook, you need to outline what the child should learn and master in the process of studying with the book, which elements to place, in what sequence.

For example:

  • Rules of conduct for a preschooler on the road and near the roadway;
  • road signs and indicators;
  • types of vehicles;
  • familiarization with the traffic controller's uniform and his tools;
  • poems dedicated to traffic rules;
  • traffic rules quiz;
  • thematic riddles.

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - what is it?

Note! Rules of behavior on the road can be presented in poetic form, easy and exciting for a child.

Draw vehicles on the cards. The child must distribute them into pockets, each containing a specific type of transport (special equipment, land, railway, air, water). The goal is to develop classification skills and introduce new concepts.

To get acquainted with road signs and pointers, the child can be asked to color their images, solve riddles and puzzles. Print the text of the riddle on each card. Also prepare cards with images - answers. Distribute all materials into envelopes. The teacher reads the text of the riddle, and if the child answers correctly, shows a picture.

This activity contributes to the following:

  • memory training;
  • development of intelligence;
  • mastering traffic rules in a playful way.

On one of the sheets you can place a colorful image of a traffic controller with a description of the elements of his uniform and tools (rod and whistle), and give a poem about a representative of this profession. The quiz can be about traffic rules, traffic signals, road signs or markings.

Example of a colorful leaflet


To make a training knee book you will need the most accessible materials:

  • A3 or A4 folder;
  • cardboard;
  • scrapbooking paper;
  • white and colored paper;
  • felt;
  • paper glue;
  • scotch;
  • markers;
  • watercolor paints and felt-tip pens;
  • stapler;
  • safety scissors.

Important! During the work, the child must use materials and tools under the supervision of an adult.

Creative materials

Educational book about traffic rules

The book was made for the World of Traffic Rules competition, which was held in kindergarten.

You can also link or sew a character. As a rule, a traffic light or traffic policeman is selected for this role. If you happen to go to the sea in the summer, don’t be lazy and pick up some pebbles and shells.

The book contains only 4 sheets (8 pages, of which only 7 are working) Size 21 x 21 cm (measured along the short side of A4) Cover (I don’t like to embroider):

  1. Share

This time I attached the pages in a simple way - I folded 2 spreads together and stitched them in the middle at the seam.


  1. Share

Introduction: Children are supposed to know the rules of the road, you, my friend, trust them, you will be safe and sound!

2 and 3 pages:

  1. Share

Task No. 1 on page No. 2 • Guess the riddle: The red eye will shine - He won’t allow us to go, But the green eye will light up - Walk boldly, pedestrian!

Tell me, please.

Do-it-yourself baby book on traffic rules

Page content: Alena Mokstadt Little book on traffic rules In November, in our kindergarten, a competition was held among group teachers for the best little book on “Road Rules”.

(traffic light) • Look carefully at the traffic lights. Find the right ones. • Tell me where you saw traffic lights? • What is a traffic light for? Task No. 2 on page No. 3 • Build a traffic light. Tell us what its signals mean (red, yellow, green). • Do you know the poem about the traffic light?

The purpose of our baby book is to teach children the rules of the road, the development of fine motor skills, and cognitive processes. Our little book consists of: • a poem and a song The traffic light told us sternly: - Be careful, there is a road here! Don't play, don't be naughty, just stand and watch! The red light came on at the top: Red light is always dangerous!

A tractor and a tram are coming, Hey, driver, don’t yawn!

White zebra crossings: Pedestrians wait calmly.

The traffic light told us clearly - Red light - it’s dangerous to go! The traffic light winked at us, He blinked his yellow eye.

Yellow light and red light: Still no road! The traffic light is on guard, At night it doesn’t even sleep. Our group was awarded a 1st degree winner diploma and a memorable gift.

Exhibition on traffic rules “Baby Book”

On the basis of MBDOU d/s No. 26, from 03/06/2021 to 03/17/2021, the 1st stage is taking place - organizational: from 03/06/2021 to 03/10/2021 - organization of the exhibition, preparation of exhibition works. Topics: - educational stories, funny stories from personal experience; — thematic fairy tales, poems, comics; — crosswords, scanwords, charades; — photographs, drawings, pictures; - riddles, proverbs, sayings; - games, etc. Stage 2 - exhibition of works 03/13/2021 - 03/17/2021 - presentation of exhibition works by participants.

Subject of the exhibition: I. The baby book (format no larger than A4) is a means of developing a sustainable interest in the independent cognitive activity of pupils according to the rules of the road. Little book “Road ABC”, family of Timofey Kopylov, pupil of secondary group No. 3 Little book “Road Rules”, family of Yaroslav Abramkin, pupil of junior group No. 6

Description of lapbooks

The content of the knee books depends on the age and level of training of the student.

For middle groups 4-5 years old

The purpose of the traffic rules lapbook for middle groups of preschool educational institutions is to introduce preschoolers to the rules of the road for pedestrians and drivers, the components of the road, road signs and indicators for all road users.

Important! The manual is designed to arouse the child’s interest in the topic and introduce important rules in a familiar playful way.

In the process of working with a lapbook, the child will train and develop speech, memory, and communication with other team members.

The folder may contain the following sections:

  • cards with traffic rules;
  • types of transport in pictures;
  • poems about traffic rules;
  • simple riddles (texts + pictures);
  • labyrinths (to build a safe path from home to preschool educational institution);
  • coloring cards (road sign, vehicle);
  • thematic puzzles from several parts;
  • games with elements of physical activity.

It is better to place cards with traffic rules in a pocket, in the central part of the book. The purpose of this section is to consolidate a young child’s knowledge of traffic rules, convey information about the need to be vigilant and careful near a highway, not to get lost and clearly know how and where to cross the roadway. The purpose of riddles on the topic is to develop intelligence, the ability to correlate a text description and an image of an object, and enrich speech.

The essence of the game “labyrinths” is to create a safe route from point A to point B using chips or fingers with the child’s comments. The goal is to develop intelligence, logic, attention, fine motor skills, and speech.

Teaching children 6-7 years old how to draw step by step

Note! To make the lesson more effective, you should change the type of activity.

For example, you can arrange a game between two teams: drivers and pedestrians. The teacher or student takes a blank from the envelope - traffic signals and shows one of the images. Depending on the color, the participants in the game walk or stand still. The goal is to develop memory, reaction speed, and coordination of movements.

For older groups 5-6 years old

Note! The goals of creating a kneeling book for children 5-6 years old are to systematize knowledge on the topic, convey the importance of traffic signals, teach how to classify road signs, develop attention, independence, and caution.

Envelopes with tasks and games in accordance with the age of preschool children:

  • meaning of traffic lights;
  • road signs and their meaning;
  • types of transport (classify, find the odd one out);
  • puzzles;
  • coloring books (consolidating knowledge on the topic, developing fine motor skills, accuracy);
  • poems on the topic of traffic rules;
  • puzzles and crosswords;
  • questions (to determine the correctness/incorrectness of actions on the road);
  • puzzles;
  • game “situations on the road” (the teacher voices the situation, and the children act it out on a model of the road using toy men or animals);
  • left-right (arrange vehicle printouts according to the direction of travel);
  • find differences (up to 10 positions);
  • outdoor game (children perform certain actions at the traffic light signal);
  • visual information (selection of educational videos and cartoons on the topic of traffic rules).

For preparatory groups 6-7 years old

Pupils of preparatory groups can not only improve their knowledge in the field of traffic rules, but also actively participate in the collection and systematization of information.

The purpose of creating a thematic folder is to consolidate acquired knowledge, awareness of the importance of safe behavior on and near the road, readiness to cross the roadway at both regulated and unregulated crossings, teach how to prevent dangerous situations and clearly act when necessary. You can include all of the above elements in the manual, complicating them and diversifying the content.

Important! Thanks to the attractive appearance and thoughtful structure of the lapbook, children can easily and in a relaxed manner expand their knowledge base.

Folder for older children

Baby do-it-yourself traffic rules book for kindergarten

“Federal Register on Pledge of Movable Property Law on Alimony Payers” Author: admin | 07/02/2021 - 18:18 |07/02/2021 Articles Baby book on traffic rules Alena Mokstadt Baby book on traffic rules In November, in our kindergarten, a competition was held among group teachers for the best book - a baby book on “Road Rules”. The purpose of our baby book is to teach children the rules of the road, the development of fine motor skills, and cognitive processes.

Our little book consists of: • a poem and a song The traffic light told us sternly: - Be careful, there is a road here! Don't play, don't be naughty, just stand and watch!

Do-it-yourself little book on traffic rules for kindergarten

Didactic manual “Baby book “Safe roads for cheerful children”
Author : Olga Nikolaevna Tipukina, kindergarten teacher MADOU “Child development center - kindergarten No. 77 “Zorenka” Veliky Novgorod Do-it-
yourself didactic manual for kindergarten “Baby book” “Safe roads for cheerful children”
Goal: to expand the knowledge of traffic rules for preschool children. Objectives : introduce children to the rules of the road, teach preschoolers to follow the rules of the road through play, educate preschool children to behave safely on the street. I offer a hand-made book for kindergarten teachers - a baby. This book will help introduce children to the rules of the road and teach them to follow them on the street. Children will learn new rules of safe behavior and reinforce already known rules of safe behavior in a playful way. The heroes of the book, two boys, will help them with this. Traveling with them through the pages of the book, preschoolers will learn proper behavior on the street. Book – baby “Safe roads for cheerful children” 1 page “Getting to know” Children get acquainted with the characters of the book.
The text is on the back of the typewriter. Heroes can be moved to other pages of the book. My name is Egorka, I go to kindergarten, I’ll tell you about an interesting walk. I have an older brother, I’m always happy to go for walks with him. He is big, and the two of us walk down the street with him.

Page 2 “Introduction to traffic lights and pedestrian crossings” The heroes move to the second page. The text is on the back of the traffic light parts. The traffic light windows gradually open from above and the text is read. After reading, the hero boys move to the other side of the road along a pedestrian crossing. You can “play” traffic lights with children (learn the purpose of traffic light colors). Traffic lights with Velcro. The top window of the traffic light: Here is the road on the way, You need to cross it. There are no cars on the road, only my brother is in no hurry. I pushed my brother a little: “Well, let’s go, the road is empty.” Only the brother answered: “No!” The traffic light is red! The traffic light turns red, even if there are no cars, This means that the path will become dangerous, Don’t rush onto the road! Middle window of the traffic light: - Look at the car, at the road and wait a little longer, There will be yellow ahead. The yellow light will wink at us, But it won’t call us on the road. He will warn us that green is ahead! The lower window of the traffic light: - Look at the road on the left, Look next to the right And walk boldly along the zebra crossing, Thank the traffic light. We switched to green, and my brother and I went further.

Page 3 “Bicycle” The heroes move to the third page. Children learn the signs that allow and prohibit cycling. With joy, I shouted to my brother: “Look, look, a bicycle!” My grandfather gave me the same one! My brother looked at the red circle and suddenly said to me sternly: - Adults and children love to ride a bicycle. With this sign it will become clear where it is dangerous for us to ride! Neither on a scooter nor on a bicycle. Children do not ride on the roadway! There is a bike path, everyone can ride here! Page 4 “Bus” The heroes move to the fourth page. The text is on the reverse side of the zebra. The bus moves along the roadway. Children become familiar with the “Bus Stop” sign and learn how to properly get off the bus and cross the road. With joy, I shouted to my brother: We see a sign ahead, We decided to approach it: It’s blue, rectangular, And there’s a black bus on it. And then my brother told me about this sign: - In this place, a pedestrian is patiently waiting for transport, If you are tired of walking, You can become a passenger. Get off at the stop and carefully walk around the back of the bus.

Page 5 “Ball” Heroes move to the fifth page. The text begins on the sign with a ball, continues on the sign with a traffic light. Children learn the rule that playing ball near the roadway is dangerous. The car is moving on the roadway. We went into a huge store and bought a soccer ball. I wanted to take that ball and play a little. I say: “We can play as a couple on the sidewalk.” How free, look! We'll play great! But my brother didn’t give me the ball. He sat down and said sternly: “On the pedestrian road, even if it’s wide and free, we can’t play with the ball, Otherwise you might get hurt!” What if this new ball gallops off onto the road? Or you can just play too hard and end up under a car. And so that we don’t get hurt, Let’s go with you to the yard to play! Page 6 “Games in the yard” The heroes move to the sixth page. Text on the back of a large bubble. Children, remembering the rule that they can play ball on the playground, can play ball. The ball on the page is moving. Only in the yard and on the playground can you play with your ball without looking back.

Page 7 “In the car” The heroes move to the seventh page. The older brother is below, and the younger brother is in the car seat. The text is on the back of the typewriter. Children can unfasten the seat belts, place their little brother in the seat and fasten the belts. We were going to take the groceries to grandma and decided to take them in our brother’s car. When I sat down in the chair, my brother said to me: - It is known, Before you set off, don’t forget to fasten your seat belt! In case of trouble, the Belt will save you from danger! Page 8 “Flicker” The heroes move to the eighth page. Text on the back of the typewriter. The child can attach the flicker on the machine to his clothes. The page is made with reflective elements. In the dark, children can shine a light on the page. My brother and I walked for a long time, the lights came on. We became poorly visible to drivers from a distance. - Mom attached a badge with a reflector, and now you glow like a firefly! So that we can be seen in the headlights, And so that a car doesn’t hit us, And so that the driver notices us, All children should wear flickers!

Pages 9 and 10 “Meeting with the Traffic Light” The heroes move to the ninth page. There is a pop-up book in which children learn the rules of the road. The game "Signs" helps to strengthen the ability to distinguish road signs. The game consists of cards with signs and cards with poems and riddles about signs. Children find the required sign from a poem or riddle. Near the house by the road We met a traffic light: “I know you’ve been walking for a long time, you’ve studied a lot of rules.” Here's a book from me, Egorka, It's very interesting and important! Practice and play, remember the rules! Try not to forget them, so that you become a reasonable pedestrian! The board game “City Travel” helps children reinforce the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads, distinguish and understand the meaning of road signs, develop mental operations, attention, memory, and speech.

Page 11 “Returning Home” My brother and I reached the house. I learned a lot of rules. I’m very glad that I took a walk with my older brother today.

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