Consultation “Proper and healthy nutrition in preschool educational institutions” consultation (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group)

Rational nutrition is the basis of a healthy and fulfilling human life. A balanced, varied menu and food intake are important at any age, but are of particular importance during the growth and development of the child’s body. His well-being, mood and health will depend on how well a child’s diet is prepared.

Young children spend most of the day outside the home. In this regard, the most important task of the management is the competent organization of nutrition for children in kindergarten.

Our company believes that a child needs a large amount of nutrients for growth and development. Outdoor games, learning new things, active metabolic processes are accompanied by voluminous energy consumption. To restore these, the body needs regular balanced nutrition containing a sufficient amount of nutrients and water.

Organization of meals for children in kindergarten

Dishes acceptable for preparation in kindergarten are selected taking into account the age and daily needs of the child’s body. The menu is approved by the head of the institution for a period of at least 15 days. The products used for cooking are determined by the area of ​​residence and nationality of the preschool children, as well as the presence or absence of health problems.

The meal plan includes breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. In this case, breakfast should consist of a hot dish, a hot drink and bread. Lunch - first and second hot courses, drinks, snacks. The afternoon snack consists of a bakery product and a drink. Dinner includes hot food, salad and tea. If there is no product installed by the manual, an equivalent replacement is possible.

List of products recommended for use:

  • Meat and fish products
  • Boiled chicken eggs
  • Milk products
  • Vegetable and animal fats
  • Confectionery
  • Vegetable dishes
  • Fruits
  • Juice, tea, cocoa, compote
  • Bread
  • Salt

Prohibited for use:

  • Products without preliminary heat treatment
  • Canned food
  • Shellfish
  • Confectionery with cream filling
  • Drinks containing caffeine
  • Drinks containing dyes and carbon dioxide

Before approving the main menu, a tentative list of dishes is drawn up. They are prepared based on culinary technologies and recipe books developed specifically for preschool institutions.

Parents are informed every day about the list of products served to children during the day. This obligation is fulfilled by the head of the institution by posting the daily menu in groups, indicating the names of dishes, the weight of portions and a list of replaced products (if some children have allergic reactions or other pathologies).


Catering in preschool institutions


Among the activities aimed at improving the health of children attending preschool institutions, one of the first places is occupied by rational nutrition. The physical development of children, their performance, the state of immunological reactivity, and the level of morbidity largely depend on how clearly and correctly the nutrition is structured in a preschool institution.

rational nutrition preschool immunological

1. Building nutrition in preschool educational institutions

Meals in preschool institutions should be based on the age, length of stay of children in the institution, and their state of health. Most children are in the institution from 9 to 12 hours, but some children attend groups with round-the-clock stays, and their meals during the week are fully provided by the preschool institution. There are sanatorium preschool institutions for children with tuberculosis intoxication, minor and subsiding forms of tuberculosis, where nutrition plays a leading role in the organization of medical and health work. In recent years, preschool institutions have widely organized groups for frequently ill children, for whom proper nutrition is also of no small importance.

Due to the different needs of children under 3 years of age and older for basic nutrients and energy, food sets recommended for preschool institutions are built taking into account this age division. Special sets of products have been developed for sanatorium preschool institutions to provide weakened children with the necessary nutrients. According to the existing regulations, nurseries and nursery groups of nursery-kindergartens must accept children starting from the age of two months. When organizing nutrition for children in the first year of life, it is necessary to strive to maintain breastfeeding as much as possible, to promptly introduce juices, vitamins, and various types of complementary foods into the child’s diet; if there is a lack of breast milk, provide the child with the most rational mixed or artificial feeding, take into account the individual characteristics of the child, his state of health, and systematically monitor the compliance of the diet with his physiological needs for basic nutrients.

Each child in the first year of life should be prescribed individual nutrition, determining the required number of feedings, the volume of food, and its composition. At least once a month, and if necessary, more often, the chemical composition of food should be calculated, the amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates actually received by the child per 1 kg of body weight should be determined, and appropriate adjustments should be made. For this purpose, in infant groups, nutrition record sheets should be kept for each child under the age of 9 months, in which the doctor writes down the prescribed food, and the teacher notes the amount of food actually received by the child for each feeding.

Children aged 1-3 years receive nutrition in accordance with the age-related capabilities of the digestive system. Single and daily amounts of food should correspond to the recommended values ​​for children of this age. Culinary processing of food should be gentle, without the use of spicy and fried foods.

For children from 1 to 1.5 years old, it is advisable to have a separate menu that provides for appropriate chemical and mechanical processing, which uses pureed, pureed, steamed dishes.

When drawing up menu layouts, you should take into account the daily set of products required for children of different age groups with different lengths of stay in the institution, the number of children, the volume of each dish, as well as the cost of the daily diet. It is recommended to create a 10-day menu, which allows you to achieve a sufficient variety of dishes. When composing a promising menu, you should multiply the daily amount of products by 10 days, and then distribute them into separate days, taking into account nutritional value and calorie content. To create equivalent menus, it is convenient to use a card index of dishes, which indicates the set and quantity of products, portion yield, chemical composition, and the cost of each individual dish. In the absence of any products, you can easily replace one dish with another of equal nutritional value.

Children staying in a preschool institution for 9-10.5 hours receive three meals a day, providing 75-80% of the daily ration. In this case, breakfast should be 25% of the daily calorie content, lunch - 35-40%, afternoon snack - 15-20%. Children staying in preschool for 12 hours should receive four meals a day. In this case, the calorie content of the afternoon snack does not exceed 10-12%, and the calorie content of dinner is 20-25%. In some preschool institutions, when children stay for 12 hours, three meals a day are practiced, since parents take many children home a little earlier, and they do not have time to have dinner at the institution. In this case, the afternoon snack is made more calorie-rich (up to 25-30% of the daily calorie content). When staying in a preschool around the clock, children receive four meals a day and, in addition to the afternoon snack, fruit.

Children's menus should include a wide range of salads from raw vegetables (for children under 2 years of age, pureed), fresh herbs, fruits (daily), as third courses, give fresh or canned juices and fruit purees for baby food. It is advisable that children receive two vegetable dishes and only one cereal dish during the day. For the second course, it is recommended to prepare combined side dishes from a selection of various vegetables.

2. Meal times in preschool educational institutions

In a preschool institution, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the diet, not to allow deviations from the established meal times by more than 10 - 15 minutes, which largely depends on the smooth functioning of the catering department.

It is very important to correctly build a diet for children in the younger group, where children who have one or two naps during the day can be raised. In this case, life in the group should be structured so that the feeding hours of these subgroups do not coincide.

In the proper organization of nutrition for children, especially young children, the environment in the group is of great importance. Children must be provided with appropriate utensils; comfortable to sit at the table. Dishes should be served beautifully presented, not too hot, but not too cold. Children should be taught to be clean and tidy at the table. Teachers should be calm and not rush children. When feeding children, you should follow the sequence of processes, and do not force children to sit at the table for a long time waiting for the next dish. Children who have finished eating can leave the table and engage in quiet games. Those who cannot feed themselves well must be fed additionally. However, children with poor appetite should not be force-fed. They can be offered a small amount of water, berry or fruit juice during meals to wash down solid food. In some cases, these children can be given a second course first so that they eat the more nutritious, protein-rich food first, and then given some soup. Under no circumstances should children be distracted while eating with toys, reading fairy tales, etc.

3. Continuity of nutrition in preschool educational institutions and at home

To properly organize the nutrition of children in a preschool institution, it is necessary to ensure continuity between food in the institution and at home, to ensure that the child’s home diet becomes an addition to the nursery. For this purpose, children's groups should post recommendations for parents on how to feed children in the evening, on weekends and holidays. At the same time, specific advice is given on the composition of home dinners, taking into account what foods the children received during the day. It is rational to structure meals on weekends and holidays for young children in such a way that they do not differ too much from meals in a preschool institution, since children of this age are quite conservative in their habits.

In the summer, especially when going to the country, children's lives are associated with increased energy expenditure due to increased physical activity, long walks, hard work, etc. In this regard, caloric intake in the summer should be increased by approximately 10 - 15%. This is achieved by increasing the amount of milk and dairy products, mainly through fermented milk drinks, as well as vegetables and fruits. In the summer, children should widely include fresh herbs in their diet - dill, parsley, lettuce, green onions, garlic, sorrel. Fresh vegetables and herbs not only make dishes richer in vitamins, but also give them an attractive appearance and pleasant taste, which is especially important in hot weather, when children’s appetite may decrease. Taking into account the latter circumstance, in the summer it is recommended to change the diet, replacing lunch with a second breakfast (at the expense of an afternoon snack). Lunch is moved to a later time, after naps. This diet in the summer is especially rational in the republics of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, where the air temperature is especially high at midday.

In summer, children's need for fluid increases significantly. Therefore, the group should always have a supply of fresh boiled water or rosehip infusion. Drinks should be offered to children after returning from a walk, before water procedures; on especially hot days, you can give a drink before meals. During walks, especially long excursions, children should also be provided with some kind of drink. For this purpose, teachers, when going on an excursion, must take with them a supply of boiled water and cups according to the number of children.

4. Catering in sanatoriums

The organization of nutrition for children in sanatorium preschool institutions (groups) has some features. The additional amount of food products included in the set for preschool institutions of this type allows you to significantly diversify the menu, introduce additional dishes into it, expand the range of vegetable dishes, and widely include seasonal vegetables, including fresh herbs, in children's diets. It is better to use vegetables raw to prepare salads, which can be served not only for lunch, but also for breakfast and dinner. Fruits and berries, the quantity of which is also increased, can be given fresh or in the form of juices, mousses, jellies, added to lunch as a dessert, as well as for an afternoon snack or dinner.

Due to the increase in the number of dairy products in sanatorium institutions (groups), it is recommended to increase the number of meals by prescribing a glass of milk, kefir or any other fermented milk drink before bed. Cottage cheese for these institutions can be obtained from dairy kitchens, which will allow it to be given to children without heat treatment for breakfast or afternoon snack. At the same time, it should be emphasized that cottage cheese obtained from food bases must necessarily be subjected to heat treatment. It can be used to prepare casseroles, puddings, cheesecakes, etc.

5. Drawing up a menu for children with health problems

In preschool institutions, a certain proportion of children have some deviations in health (allergic mood, chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract, excess or lack of body weight, etc.). The nutrition of such children is tailored individually, taking into account the existing pathology.

The organization of nutrition for children newly admitted to the institution, as well as children returning after an illness, also requires great attention. In some cases, these children, as well as children with health problems, require individual nutrition, taking into account their level of development, health status and existing skills.

To sufficiently provide children with vitamins, preschool institutions provide for year-round C-vitaminization of food. The first or third courses are usually fortified (at the rate of 35 mg for each child under 3 years of age), the vitamins are dissolved in a small amount of the liquid part of the dish and poured into a cauldron removed from the heat. A special journal on C-vitaminization of food is kept in the catering department of a preschool institution. A nurse or other employee of the institution, in whose presence C-fortification of food is carried out, daily notes in it the name of the fortified dish, the number of servings, the total amount of ascorbic acid administered, and the time of fortification. C-fortification of food in children's institutions should be carried out regularly, without allowing breaks even during the summer-autumn period, when food products are richer in vitamins.

As scientific research conducted in recent years has shown [Spirichev V.B., 1984; Ladodo K.S., Spirichev V.B., 1986; By Thi Duc Tho et al., 1987], even with properly organized nutrition of children, their need for vitamins is not sufficiently satisfied, including in the summer-autumn period. This gave grounds to propose additional multivitaminization of children in preschool institutions using multivitamin preparations (“Hexavit”). Additional multivitaminization is primarily recommended for children with unsatisfactory somatic status (lagging behind in physical development, often ill, with decreased appetite), as well as children raised in round-the-clock groups who have a significant deficiency of vitamins C, group B, PP, A. B During the period of spread of acute respiratory diseases, additional multivitaminization is recommended for all children. Multivitaminization should be carried out for a long time - at least 4 months (mainly in the winter-spring period).

It is recommended to begin multivitaminization of children in a favorable epidemiological situation from the end of November - beginning of December, in case of an influenza epidemic, an outbreak of acute respiratory viral infections - from the moment the threat of the spread of diseases arises (from September-October). Multivitamin preparations (“Hexavit”) are given to children during breakfast or lunch every other day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) 1 tablet. The duration of taking the drugs is at least 4 months. If indicated (seasonal rise in respiratory diseases), multivitaminization can be extended for 1-2 months. When carrying out additional multivitaminization of children, C-vitaminization of nutrition does not stop.


Organizing children's nutrition is a difficult, but at the same time important moment in the development of a child. Because it can both prevent and treat many nutritional diseases and other types of diseases.

When organizing meals, you should take into account a complex of various factors, such as:


·Geographical position

·Individual tolerance

The relationship between nutrition in preschool educational institutions and nutrition at home

And also a number of other, no less important factors, since proper nutrition must fully meet the individual requirements of the child’s body.


1. Tamova M.Yu., Zaiko G.M., Shamkova N.T., Zlobina N.V. Approximate Shamkova N.T., Zaiko G.M., Podloznaya V.I., Tamova M.Yu.

2. Scientific and practical principles of organizing meals for students in educational institutions / Textbook. Krasnodar: KubSTU Publishing House, Publishing House-Yug LLC, 2007. 208 shifts for organizing children’s meals in preschool educational institutions / Monograph. Krasnodar, 2009. 136 p.

3. Magazine “Medical care and catering in preschool educational institutions” Article: Technological maps of recipes for first courses

4. Journal “Medical care and catering in preschool educational institutions” Article Guidelines for heads of educational institutions implementing a preschool education program for monitoring the provision of comprehensive nutrition services
Tags: Catering in preschool institutions Abstract Pedagogy


The number of meals depends on the length of time the child is in kindergarten and his age. For children staying in a preschool institution for more than 8 hours, four meals a day are provided.

  • First breakfast – from 8:00 to 9:00
  • Second breakfast – from 10:30 to 11:00
  • Lunch – from 12:45 to 13:45
  • Afternoon tea - from 15:00 to 15:30

If children stay in kindergarten for more than 12 hours, the number of meals increases. Added to the standard mode:

  • Dinner – from 17:30 to 18:30
  • Second dinner – from 20:00 to 21:00

During the second dinner, fermented milk products are mainly used.

Menu for children prone to allergic reactions

Due to hereditary factors, environmental conditions and the quality of food products, some children have a tendency to allergies. A child’s fragile immune system is not always able to cope with the aggressive influence of the external environment. Such children need a separately developed menu using hypoallergenic products.

Before admission to kindergarten, the child undergoes an examination at a medical organization, as a result of which the parents are issued a certificate reflecting the child’s health status and the possibility of his developing hypersensitivity to certain foods. This document is provided to the kindergarten, on the basis of which a separate menu is developed for a child with allergies. Preschool institutions can also organize special groups for children with a tendency to allergies. Developing individual nutrition for such children is the responsibility of the kindergarten, regardless of the availability of specialized groups for children with hypersensitivity.


The process of nutrient absorption is influenced by a number of factors: appetite, the appearance of the dish, the mood of the children, the room used for eating.

The routine in kindergarten is organized in such a way that active games, physical and intellectual exercise are completed 20-30 minutes before meals.

The teacher teaches children to calmly take their places at the tables. Any comments and recommendations during meals are pronounced in a friendly, calm voice.

Meals are taken in clean, well-ventilated areas. Tables and chairs are arranged in a way that is comfortable for children, so as not to impede their movements.

Table setting is important. It is recommended to use dishes that are pleasing to the eye and the same for each child. Tableware should be comfortable and appropriate for the age of the children. The table surface is covered with a clean tablecloth or children are given individual dinner napkins.

During their stay in a preschool, children are taught the rules of using cutlery and behavior at the table. Teachers teach children to keep tables clean and tidy. Depending on the age of the children, the number of cutlery and the serving of dishes vary. In younger groups, fruits, vegetables and eggs are distributed chopped and peeled; children use only a fork and spoon. In preparatory groups, children themselves peel boiled eggs, cut vegetables, and learn to hold a knife in their right hand and a fork in their left hand.

With proper organization of children's nutrition in kindergarten, children eat food with appetite , learn table manners, which is necessary in later adult life.

What standards does our plant adhere to when preparing food?

The first and most important rule is to use only fresh products. We receive them from regular suppliers who have earned our trust from the very beginning of cooperation. But feeding children is very important and responsible, so there are certain requirements and standards:

  1. Correct distribution of calories. Breakfast makes up 25% of a child's daily calorie intake, lunch - 35%, and dinner - 20%. The remaining 20% ​​is divided into additional meals.
  2. The menu for the day is compiled in accordance with the certified diet table.
  3. Products should be combined and not repeated, so as not to become boring and oversaturate with only one product. For example, if the first course was soup with cereal, then the side dish should consist of vegetables, and vice versa.
  4. Dairy products must be present in the diet of babies, but it is important to heat them. Therefore, they are served in the form of casseroles, cheesecakes, milk porridges, etc.
  5. Under no circumstances should children be offered deep-fried food with cream, as well as salads with meat or jellied meat.
  6. If the menu includes sausages or sausages, they must be heat treated before serving.

Each of these rules and many others are taken into account by our employees when developing the menu.

Meals are prepared in our workshops and meet all sanitary and hygienic requirements. Special attention is paid to the cleanliness of equipment - after each cooking, used equipment is thoroughly washed using special safe and approved products. All cooks work in special sanitary clothing and everyone is prohibited from entering the culinary workshop without special clothing.

Work surfaces are made of material that is suitable for cooking food on it. All food that we supply to kindergartens is prepared the day before and placed in a special sealed container. We have our own transport, which delivers delicious and healthy food to its destination.

Liquid dishes are transported in special thermoses, so they do not cool down and remain hot when served to children. Every parent who wants to personally verify that this is how our work is structured can do this with our leadership. Then you will be sure that the food your children eat in kindergarten is healthy, tasty, fresh and safe.

Child's refusal to eat

While in kindergarten, a child may refuse to eat for several reasons:

  • Adaptation. The first days in preschool are the most difficult for a child. Stress caused by an unusual environment is a natural reason for refusing to eat. The eating regime will improve after some time, when the child gets used to the new conditions.
  • Disease. Loss of appetite may be caused by the development of the disease. A doctor's consultation may be required to determine the cause.
  • Some children have an insufficient level of self-care. In this case, you need the help of a teacher who can teach the child how to use cutlery.

Organizing child nutrition at home

Homemade meals for a preschooler must be organized in accordance with the meals in kindergarten. Uncontrolled consumption of food by a child is unacceptable, since excess intake of calories into the body can provoke excess weight gain and the development of pathologies of the endocrine, cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. In order to properly organize your child’s home nutrition, it is important to study the kindergarten menu every day and prepare homemade food based on the type and quantity of products already used.

On holidays and weekends, it is also recommended to adhere to the kindergarten regime, this way it will be easier for the child to adapt and form the habit of eating regularly.

The more developed a child’s nutritional skills are, the more successful his future life will be. The ability to eat according to the regime and needs of the body is the key to good health.

Legal basis.

The issue under consideration is regulated by Section XV of SanPiN, approved by post. GGSV Russia dated 05.15.13 No. 26.

So, in accordance with paragraph 15.1 of the Requirements for the formation of a menu for preschoolers, food fully provides children with the needs of the body.

For this purpose, nutritional standards for dishes offered in groups have been adopted.

The range of dishes offered depends on the composition of the premises used for cooking and the presence of special refrigeration devices (refrigerators) in them.

Some preschool educational institutions practice delivery of food from factories and other catering organizations.

However, overpacking food is not allowed in accordance with established rules.

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