Summary of the didactic game: “Dressing up the Katya doll” for children of the younger group

Didactic game “Dress the doll”

The gaming material is intended for individual and independent study. Children 2-7 years old can play.

The purpose of the didactic game “Dress the Doll” is to expand the understanding of the structure of the human body, secondary sexual characteristics, seasonal types of wardrobe, and the order of putting on clothes.


  • developing basic knowledge about the structure of the human body and the division of wardrobe by season and purpose;
  • expanding ideas about daily putting oneself in order, about the peculiarities of the seasons of the year;
  • fixing the correct order of putting on wardrobe items;
  • getting an idea of ​​the division of the wardrobe into girls’ and boys’;
  • gaining self-care skills;
  • development of attention, logic, imagination, speech skills;
  • increased curiosity, desire for knowledge;
  • improving visual perception and finger motor skills, preparing for school activities;
  • development of communication skills, formation of a positive attitude with organized actions.

For the didactic game “Dress the doll for a walk,” make two dolls of different sexes from cardboard or felt. For each doll, prepare a wardrobe:

  • boys' seasonal clothing - two jackets (for autumn and winter), two hats (winter and autumn), sweater, T-shirt, shirt, tights, pants, shorts, cap, mittens, boots, sneakers;
  • girls' seasonal clothing - two jackets (for autumn and winter), two hats (winter and autumn), pullover, dress, sundress, top, skirt, tights, shorts, pants, Panama hat, mittens, boots, boots, sandals;
  • a set of clothes by color (coat, dress, hat, bows, boots of different colors);
  • a set of work suits (doctor, fireman, gardener, builder, pilot);
  • a set of national costumes of Russia (Russian, Chukchi, Chechen, Bashkir, Mordovian, Kalmyk, Tatar).

Attach Velcro or fastening inserts to clothing to make it easy to attach to dolls.

Paper dolls with clothes. Professions

Give the cook the food: Poultry, dried fruits, Rice, potatoes... And then delicious food awaits you.

A small child does not think about what his family does. To the question: “What does your mother do?”, the child usually answers like this: “Mom works at work, earns money.” This is where his knowledge ends.

How interesting is it to tell kids about different professions? Of course, in the game. You can come up with all sorts of games:

- Let's play school, you will be the teacher, and I will be the student.

- Let's play store, you will be the seller, and I will be the buyer.

- Let's play hospital, you will be the doctor, and I will be the patient.

And so on. Children love such games, and at the same time their horizons expand.

You can print out coloring pages with pictures by profession here. Or you can arrange a fashion show of uniform clothes.

Download and print these paper dolls and the clothes to go with them. These are not just clothes - they are uniforms for different professions.

To make it even more interesting, read and learn little poems about different professions with your children.

This is what the dolls dressed in uniforms will look like.


Sergey Chertkov


Give the cook the food: Poultry, dried fruits, Rice, potatoes... And then delicious food awaits you.


Give me scissors and a comb, He will do your hair. The hairdresser will certainly give you a modern haircut.


In the morning the sun shines brightly, the milkmaid carries the milk. Warm, cow, good for children's health.


A hammer is needed for work, and a carpenter is friendly with a saw. He sawed the planks and made a birdhouse.


Animals, birds, everyone who is sick, Who is dissatisfied with their health! The veterinarian is calling you - he will bandage you and give you a decoction.


Who pulls the Hare out of the hat to everyone's surprise? This is a magician giving a performance at the circus.


Securing the border is important! The border guard's name is. With a faithful dog, they bravely serve their motherland


Rockets fly to distant planets from the earth. Their designer developed it and worked day and night.


A sailor is sailing on a ship. He does not yearn for land. He is friends with the wind and the wave. After all, the sea is his home.


The pilot knows his business, he flies the plane in the sky. He flies boldly over the earth, making a flight.


A farmer has a farm, The farmer keeps piglets. Work does not tolerate sloppiness - Each of the guys knows.


He will draw fruits, nature, and a portrait. The artist took brushes, paints and an easel to work.


If suddenly something bad happens, something catches fire somewhere, a fireman is needed there urgently. It will pay off, that's for sure.


Every day he goes to sea and catches fish with nets. It catches both in winter and in summer - this is the fisherman’s job.


The scientist looks into the microscope, apparently conducting experiments. He doesn't care about boredom - He's all about work, all about science.


How the musician plays, How beautiful the sounds of the violin are! He has great talent, golden hands.


A savior where there is trouble, He will always come to the rescue. And there is no reason to doubt: Saving is a job for men.

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Game options

When organizing the didactic game “Dress the doll according to the season,” clearly and emotionally explain the information to the children and show the actions. Once the player has mastered the skills of putting together a wardrobe, move the game from an organized event to a free process.

Name the clothes

Game for preschoolers 3-4 years old. Teaches you to recognize and correctly name wardrobe items.

Show me the thing. The child must name it, tell who (a boy or a girl) and when it should be worn.

Sort out your clothes

The game teaches you to separate wardrobe items into girls' and boys'.

In the story, the dolls were invited to a festive event, but they scattered their clothes around the room, and now they can’t figure out which is whose. The player’s task is to help the dolls sort things out: put them to the right for a girl, to the left for a boy. When the child has distributed the clothes correctly, let him dress each doll smartly.

Choose by color

The game develops the skill of selecting clothes based on the same colors and helps to reinforce the names of colors.

In the story, it’s the doll’s birthday, and she asks you to help her choose other things to match her dress, so that the whole outfit is the same color. For example, the dress is red. This means that the child must find, among the playing materials, a red coat, shoes, and a bow.

Draw an outfit

The game is suitable for preschoolers 3-5 years old, develops artistic skills and fine motor skills.

Invite the student to trace the outline of an item of clothing, then color it. For example, let him draw a beautiful pattern on a sweater.

Dress your doll according to the season

The lesson reinforces the sequence of actions when putting on clothes. The child learns to distinguish between seasonal items, bottoms and tops, and cultivates careful handling of the wardrobe.

Remind your student that there are four seasons and that you need to dress depending on the weather. The activity can be divided by season. During the didactic game “Dress the doll for a walk in winter,” the preschooler must learn that it is cold outside, so it is necessary to dress warmly. Ask what item you need to wear. The child must answer that it is warm.

The gameplay is similar to the other seasons of the year.

National outfit

The manual “Dress the doll in a national costume” develops patriotism and creates an idea of ​​the variety of outfits of different nationalities in Russia. During the game, preschoolers highlight the nuances of clothing and accessories, identify similarities and differences between costumes.

Work clothes

The manual “Dress a doll according to its profession forms an idea of ​​the variety and purpose of work suits. Children identify the features of a wardrobe, learn what function this or that item performs. For example, a builder has a helmet; it protects his head from injury.

Program content.

1. Consolidate and clarify vocabulary on the topics “Clothing”, “Colors”.

2. Develop visual attention and memory.

3. Improve your skills in drawing spots and straight lines.


“Colored” dolls: red, yellow, green, blue, Masha doll, a set of clothes for the doll: green jacket, blue trousers, yellow jacket, red shoes, handbag for the doll”, musical accompaniment for the game “Sunshine - Rain”, umbrella, lotto “Seasonal clothes”, for drawing: silhouette of an umbrella, paints, brushes.

Progress of the lesson

I. Teacher. Look who came to us (shows the children “colored” dolls). Who remembers the names of these sisters? What color is this doll? This is a red doll, her name is Karina. What color is this doll? The yellow doll's name is Zhenya. What color is this doll? This is a green doll, her name is Zina. What's their brother's name?

Children. This is a blue doll, Syoma.

Teacher. Look how the dolls dressed. What are they wearing? Why do you think they put on hats, coats, jackets?

Children. The dolls are going for a walk.

Teacher. Now it’s spring outside, and it’s no longer as cold as in winter. But you still need to dress warmly when you go out for a walk. Another doll came to us. Say hello to her. Masha also wants to go for a walk, but she doesn’t have warm clothes for walking. She asked her friends to help her. Let's see what clothes our “colored” dolls brought her. (Children look at the clothes.) Which doll do you think brought what? What is this? What color is this sweater? Which doll brought it? (Children find and talk about each item of clothing) The dolls brought clothes for Masha, and now Masha can get dressed and go for a walk. Let's help Masha get dressed. (Children dress the doll, pronouncing the actions, naming items of clothing.)

II. An outdoor game to the music “Sunshine - Rain”. (Children move freely to the music.)

III. Lotto "Seasonal Clothes".

Teacher. Let's remember what we wore for Masha in winter?

Children. Fur coat.

Teacher. What did we wear for her in the spring?

Children. A jacket.

Teacher. What do you think Masha will wear for a walk in the summer?

Children. Light dress.

Teacher. What did we put on Masha’s head in winter? And in the spring? What will Masha wear in the summer? (Children's answers.) Let's, so that Masha doesn't forget, put the pictures of clothes on large cards with the seasons.

IV. Didactic exercise “What’s missing?”

Teacher. Let's go with Masha to the store to buy her new clothes. What clothes are in the store? Look carefully. Close your eyes, open them and tell me what Masha bought?

V. Drawing “Beautiful Umbrella”.

Teacher. Masha has new beautiful clothes. But she can’t go for a walk: it’s raining outside, and she doesn’t have an umbrella. Let's draw an umbrella for Masha. (Children paint the blank.)

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